Sunday, February 08, 2009

Another Russian Journalist has been Murdered

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ms. Alexandrovna
CC: Timothy M. McViegh

What I find really interesting, is how very, very few journalists interested in 'national security' and 'intelligence' have got any interest whatsover in publicly and succinctly addressing any of the following exponetial fx realities directly related to national security and intelligence matters:

(i) Overpopulation as the Root Cause of Terrorism (Vice President's Task Force on Terrorism, 1986);

(ii) Exponential Population Increases colliding with Finite Depleted and Scarce Resources exacerbate Terrorism;

(iii) Political Policies encouraging Population Growth, and Economic and Religious Policies encouraging Population Growth exponentially increase the factors contributing to current and future terrorism;

(iv) Peak Oil, Peak Arable Land, Peak Water, Peak Food indicate Exponential ‘French Lilly Pond Tipping Point’ of humanity overshooting resource limitations, with potentially disastrous, possibly Nuclear consequences;

(v) Political Necessity of urgently educating worlds slave and cannon fodder breeding corporations and religions 'citizens' on importance and exponential future benefits of loving zero and negative growth procreation population policies.

Frankly, in my opinion, they would much rather cater to the ignorance of their readers, building themselves an ignoramus devotee fanclub of bandaid to overpopulation braintumour blame game morons; than addressing the root causes of what they alleged are 'problems'.

They use 'problems' not as an issue that needs serious attention, with related conduct to remove the 'problem/braintumour'; but they use 'problems' as 'opportunities' for their own financial media gain.

Lara Braveheart (obo CIA/NSA)
(aka Lara Putin (obo KGB), Lynn Johnstone (obo MI6), et al)
Pro Se Plaintiff JAG 07-146

Posted by: JMCSwan | February 09, 2009 at 04:21 AM