Saturday, February 28, 2009


Bro. Eric,

I am in total agreement, but don't you think we are living in a time of history different than that of our forefathers, where the opposition is overwhelmingly capable of stopping such an attempt? Nothing short of all out revolution and civil war would ensue. Of course, anything is possible according to God's plan.

By the way, Bro. Eric, I wanted to ask you something that has been puzzling me. Explain to me the identity of the "little horn" of Daniel 7. If this is THEE antichrist as we dispensationalists have concluded, then just what significance has the word "little" with regard to the coming papal dictator. Please comment on this for me.

I've been on the road for awhile and at this time am with two Costa Rican national missionaries in West Virginia.

Bro. Carl

Dear Brother Carl,

The "little horn" of Daniel 7:8 is the same "horn" of 7:11, is the same Beast-man of Rev. 13:3-10, is the same Beast-man of Rev. 17:11. He is the coming Roman "prince" of Daniel 9:26, the Roman prince being a Caesar who for the last 1600 years had been called the "pope." It is all in my Power Point dear brother.

As far as the horn is called "little," it seems that at first he appears to be little or insignificant as compared with the ten horns who are ten kings with military and political power. But the little horn, the innocent, helpless pope of Rome, overthrows the power of three kings (plucks up three kings by the roots) and arises to be the most powerful horn of all---after his murder and rising from the dead to be the antichrist of I John 2:18 and 4:3 (the article is in the Greek in both verses).

LOrd Bless,

Brother Eric