Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Discussion on logical absolutes as a proof for God's existence.



Andrea Muhrrteyn said...


and your opinion on this conversation is?


Timothy said...

My view on the conversation is about how Christians can rebut arguments made by athiests.

By Timothy

Andrea Muhrrteyn said...

'By Timothy,'

Sometimes you are very, very funny! Thank You for the laugh, you enabled!

Okay, now to your point.

Frankly, in my view; such as for example this 'debate' about whether 'God' exists or not.

Well, neither entity defined what they considered 'God'; did they?

In my view most of the arguments between 'God believers' and 'atheists' about whether 'God' exists either intentionally or negligently or for whatever reason avoid going to the crux of the matter, first. Defining what 'God' means to them.

And so I imagine what most atheists object to; is not whether 'God' exists (as in a force, intentional and conscious or not, that created the universe, and planets, etc); but the type of definition that is generally constructed by 'God believers' whether 'Christian' or 'Muslim' etc; that 'God' is like their father figure, has an intentional, and very conscious concern over their wellbeing, and is 'on their side'; and that their 'interpretation or definition' of 'God' is absolutely correct.

I mean if you define 'God' as, for example, the conscious or unconscious, intentional or unintential creative force that created the universe; and all therein; then you would hardly be able to find anyone who could prove that 'God' doesn't exist; since they have to prove that they don't exist?

Anyway, those were just a few off the cuff thoughts, I had. You?? ;-)
