Friday, February 13, 2009

Jesuit Information

Note by Me: I don't agree with Eric's usage of the M word, but the rest of this information is accurate.

By Timothy

dear mr. phelps.

as you point out the jesuits control, which i do believe, but there remain a few unanswered questions in my mind.

I take the liberty to ask you those, maybe if you find the time you would be willing to react on this. i would appreciate that very much.

1. how do you know that those people you mention are freemasons?

I have several reliable lists. I also know high freemasons who are now talking and naming names.

2. why is jonathan pollard (still) in prison?

Pollard is still in prison and serving as a scapegoat for the pope's international intelligence community for all the secret documents that were taken out of CIA headquarters and sent to Israel. If you remember, when this was happening, Pollard was promoted by Knight of Malta Jesuit-connected DCI William J. Casey. It was the Jesuits using Casey to enrich their Mossad with the highest intelligence Rome's revived "Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem" could be given. Pollard acted as a traitor to the US and a patriot to Israel. Little did he know that he was being used to strengthen Israel only to be used as a scapegoat. I believe he will never come out of prison alive unless he makes some binding secret deal never to talk to anyone about the details of his case.

3. why was rabin killed (i assume perez to be reponsible).

Barry Chamish is the world's foremost authority on that question. I believe that Rabin was murdered by the pope's international intelligence community including Mossad and Shin Bet, because he was refusing to agree to the partion of Jerusalem as well as the creation of a Palestinian nation within Israel.

if he was a freemason (as you state) than he did agree, than what was his mistake?

Yes, Rabin was a Freemason as nearly all of Israel's leaders are Masons including Sharon, Bee Bee Netenyahu, Peres, etc.

4. is sharon really in a coma? or is he eliminated? and if so why?

According to Barry, he is still in a coma.

5. nwo, state on the georgiaguide stones that heir aim is to have a world population of 500.000.000. is that what the jesuits want??

Sure. The coming world genocide will be in accordance with the Order's Counter Reformation Council of Trent.

6. the dalai lama is a friend of late john paul 2, does he accept that his religion will be incorporated in the coming new religion?

Yes, as both men were Freemasons.

and is he a freemason? when and how did they get to him?

The Dalai Lama was neutralized during the pope's Cold War. The Japanese emperor Hirohito, who claimed to be divine, was reduced to the level of a mere temporal prince as a result of WWII. The same was done with the Dalai Lama during the Cold War when the Order conducted its crusade against the Buddhists from 1945 to 1990. That war was waged by the US fascist Empire on the right and the Chinese communist Empire on the left; both were controlled by Rome. The Buddhists were in the middle to be mass-murdered. Their leader was a traitor, as he left Tibet back in 1959 (removed by the pope's CIA), abandoning his people to the tender mercies of both US and Communist forces.

is his has a loyalty to the illuminati

Yes, Illuminized Freemasons serving the Black Pope.

(what about deng xiau ping? also freemason?) and not to his people?

Yes, Deng Xiaoping was also a Freemason as Communist Chinese leaders have all be controlled by the Jesuit General beginning with Mao. Xiaoping, like Zhou En Lai (another Chinese communist leader under Mao), Pol Pot (the mass-murderer of Cambodian Buddhists) and Ho Chi Minh (leader of the North Vietnamese and armed by the US with weapons set aside for the anticipated US invasion of Japan in 1945) were all trained by Jesuits in Paris. The Jesuits are the authors and masters of Communism further evidenced by their Liberation Theology, also called "Black Theology" here in the US to which Black Theology Mulatto Barry Davis Obama adheres via Mulatto Freemason Jeremiah Wright.

or is he simply being fooled?

Never! He is an active participant in the world conspiracy of Rome.

there is no 7 th. question. to say that i am tired and that i take a rest would be to pressumtious.

I remain respectfully yours, philip sajet, latour de france, france.

Good to hear from France as that great nation is partly responsible for our successful American Revolution and was once the Order's greatest national enemy.

Lord Bless,

Brother Eric

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