Tuesday, February 17, 2009



1 comment:

Andrea Muhrrteyn said...


At: WHY THE END HAS NOT YET COME (giving the Pacific Institute the benefit of the doubt, that the 'end times prophecy' ain't their Madoff Ponzi scheme spiritual investment plan)

they say:

Satan knows why Christ has not yet returned. He realizes that if he can prevent the one thing for which Christ is waiting from happening, he will be able to continue to live. He knows that if he can keep people from realizing exactly why Christ has delayed His return to earth, if he can keep them from understanding the Bible, and if he can keep them from realizing exactly what God expects of them, the event for which Christ is waiting will not happen. Everything that Satan does on the earth, therefore, is designed for only one thing: to keep him alive. By his concentrated barrage of lies and propaganda, through which he deceives the whole world, he attempts to prevent this one event from occurring.

Assuming God and Satan actually exist, or did exist, in line with the general 'Christian' interpretations of their existence, in terms of God/Satan's intentions, prior roles, conscious interest and activities directed towards humanity on earth.

Not to be rude, but for argument's sake, let's imagine that 'Satan' did die, that his PR Office forgot to let the Christians know, but Satan is dead; and that he really did die. Since we effectively would not have a body to prove his death, I imagine there would be more than a few who would insist that his 'death' was a faked; and that Satan is still alive.

But now imagine he really did die:

So, in terms of the previous paragraph; if Satan really did die; whom would be keeping 'Satan' (or the story of Satan being alive) alive?

And if Satan was really dead; but he was being blamed for being alive; when he is really dead; then whom would be 'keeping Satan alive'; while blaming Satan, of:

Everything that Satan does on the earth, therefore, is designed for only one thing: to keep him alive.

Sometimes I wonder what kind of world humanity could create, what kind of creativity we could encourage in our relations with each other, in our dialogue, in our query as to what it means to be 'human'; if we could just consider substituting our moralistic superioristic self righteous paradigms of justice and religion's with 'evil' this, and 'Satan' that; with 'these are behaviours we would prefer, want' and these are behaviours we would prefer, don't want to encourage'.... and we factored in reality that we live on a finite planet, with finite resources...

Instead we rob ourselves of the reality that it is our alleged decisionmaking, by projecting the 'decisionmaking' onto higher 'evil' and 'righteous' deities, whose 'decision making' is beyond our mortal understanding, and can only be deciphered and interpreted correctly by certain 'priest' or 'pastor' or 'mullah' individuals, all of whom disagree, and project their interpretation to be 'certifiably correct', in order to convince their group of devotees or fanclub of it's righteousness, certainty and correctness.

I imagine, if God does exist, he would actually not be too insulted by the idea (I mean I don't think God's ego is nearly as sensitive or fragile, as most of his alleged 'fire and brimstone' 'jealous God' pastors project on to him).

I imagine if 'humanity' actually said something to the effect of: 'God, we respect you and all that, and you created this earth, and we hope you don't mind if we just kind of do a few conscious making decision making experiments, to kinda grow up to take personal responsibility for what we want to create on our planet, based on our preferences; and to stop blaming you and the devil for all our mistakes'.

I imagine he'd probably think something like: 'Hmmmm, not a bad idea. Finally, some co-creative decisionmaking ideas....'

Anyway, those were a few of my thoughts....
