Friday, May 22, 2009

Internet and other Issues

The Internet is a large network of information. The mainstream media is trying to exploit the teen tradegy (of a girl being murdered) in order to promote an "anti-cyberbullying bill." They are trying to link Miley Cyrus (who plays a schoolgirl rock star Hannah Montana, which is a hit Disney series plus movie) to the agenda of promoting an unconstitutional bill that is going forth in Congress. Reuters reported that Cyrus recently posted an angry message on her Twitter webpage in response to criticism about her weight. She said that: “Those remarks that you hateful people use are fighting words, the ones that scar people and cause them to do damage to themselves or others,” the teenager wrote.The First Amendment shouldn't be violated as well. If the Megan Meier Cyberbullying Prevention Act (HR 1966) was passed, it would ban speech that is meant to “coerce, intimidate, harass, or cause substantial emotional distress to a person.” According to the text of the bill, individuals who “bully” others via any electronic means could face fines, two years in prison, or both. Critics call it the Censorship Act of 2009. UCLA Law Professor Eugene Volkh noted on his blog that that the ambigious message of the bill could make simple free speech that is politically shown to be equated to a felony. He said that if someone uses strong language to criticize a politican (as a hypocrite or a fake) and change people's minds to vote a certain issue (along with transmit interstate communication electronically to support severe behavior), that person can be convicted under the bill. Volokh’s example is demonstrative. If the bill becomes law it will undoubtedly be used by government and political groups to go after opponents and critics. The Megan Meier Cyberbullying Prevention Act is less about assuaging the crushed feelings of teenagers and others easily hurt by insults and taunting than it is about shutting down the free speech of targeted individuals and groups. Of course, the ADL supports the bill. The ADL is short for the B'nai B'rith's Anti-Defamation League. The ADL claims to be a group that fighting against anti-Semitism, but they are a far left political group that is meant to demonize those which disagree with them. The ADL also tracks “extremists” and was instrumental in the production of the Department of Homeland Security’s document characterizing advocates of the Second Amendment, pro-life activists, and returning veterans as “rightwing extremists” (who are deemed a threat to the country). That was slander of course, which is why the DHS backed off that document. In March of this year, the ADL described Joe Banister, Tommy Cryer, Pat Shannan, Dave Von Kleist, Jack McLamb, Greg Dixon, Ted Gunderson, and Michael Badnarik as “extremist speakers.” The Megan Meier Cyberbullying Prevention Act can be exploited to suppress the First Amendment rights of many groups even on radio without reimposing the Fairness Doctrine. The bill could make a federally imposed suppression mechanism on the Internet (while a judge can determine whether someone is cyberbullied). Some free speech is harsh, yet even that is protected by the First Amendment. Passionate debate in Net shouldn't be criminalized at all. Free Speech is a God-given right that ought not to be ended or curtailed by the federal government at all.

Fidel Castro was a tyrant and a wicked human being who aligned with the agenda of the Jesuits. His ally Hugo Chavez called for a new world order. The Kennedy assassination caused Cuba to witness extreme poverty, tyranny, and false Revolutions. Many Cubans in America legitimately oppose Fidel Castro's failing policies. Brian Munoz of Cuba wrote to Eric Jon Phelps about many Cubans hainge hatred of JFK. The reason is that some Cubans percieve him as responsible of the failure of the Bay of Pigs invasion along with blaming him for not overthrowing Fidel Castro. Munoz admits that Castro studied at a Jesuit school and it isn't suprising that Castro supports the Jesuit agenda being almost untouchable politically in that country. America has been the global cop globally, but hasn't touch Cuba military in over 4 decades. Eric Jon Phelps responded to Munoz that Castro was trained by the Jesuits for 7 years (with his right hand man of Jesuit Armando Llorente). He worked in NYC as well. Eric said that Cuba was controlled by Castro in order to be a landing base for the future invasion of America. Also, Cuba was run by Communism when the Jesuits organized the Communists reductions in Paraguay from 1609-1759. Eric said that the Black Pope Pedro Arrupe ordered the Revolution in 1959 by allowing the CFR-controlled Press to call Batista as a tyrant (and K of C Ed Sullivan originally backing Castro as a liberator). The CIA gave Castro supplies. During the revolution, Castro’s headquarters was Havana’s Hilton Hotel, remembering that Knight of Malta Barron Hilton owned that hotel. There were sincere anti-Communist Cubans in the Bay of Pigs, but the U.S. government covertly sabotaged their efforts. This was done in order to continue the fradulent Cold War (and both sides were funded by the Vatican, high level Masons, Pilgrims, etc.), which maintained Fidel Castro's power in Cuba. According to Eric Jon Phelps, "President Eisenhower, Cardinal Spellman’s Knight of Malta and Crusader during WWII, had planned the FAILURE OF THE INVASION with his brother Knight of Malta Allen Dulles of the CIA.." The Bay of Pigs existing as a failure was not of JFK's fault. According to Colonel L. Fletcher Prouty in his book JFK, it was Skull and Bonesman McGeorge Bundy, JFK’s National Security Advisor, who canceled that air cover. Bundy even admitted it seventeen years later, as Prouty proves in his book. Kennedy was furious! He fired CIA Director Allen Dulles and CIA Deputy Director Charles Cabell as well as CIA Director for Plans Richard Bissell. According to Lamar Waldron and Thom Hartman's book entitled, "Ultimate Sacrifice," JFK wanted to plan to invade Cuba militarily by December 1, 1963. President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in November 22, 1963, so Cuba's fate was sealed in tyranny. The American government gave Cuba millions of dollars at the expense of people fleeing as refugees, people in Cuba being oppressed, and dissidents in some cases in Cuba being murdered by Castro's government. JFK actually tried to stop Castro's evil and he was murdered (the CIA, the Secret Service, the Mafia, the FBI along with Army and Naval Intelligence worked together to execute John F. Kennedy's assassination according to many researchers now). Kennedy rejected the aggression in the Vietnam War. These intelligence agencies has numerous Papal Knights in them. This information is rarely discussed in the alternative media. So, it's important to learn this history in order to not be brainwashed by Fidel Castro's propaganda.

John Hoefle from LPAC on May 19, 2009 is critical of President Barack Obama's health care policies. Back in October 1939, Hitler had an order. He made an order to exterminate those "unworthy of life." This order was called "The Destruction of Lives Unworthy of Life." It states that patients, "considered incurable according to the best available human judgment of their state of health, be accorded a mercy death.” Hilter began his murder spree against the mentally ill, the terminally ill, the invalids, and the disabled. Later, the Nazis killed millions of Jews, Gypsies, and others falsely considered "undesireable." Some of them were died in concentration camps via exhaustion. The murderous program was initially sold as an economic measure. “The economic burden represented by people suffering from hereditary diseases is a danger for the State and society,” Nazi Dr. Gerhard Wagner said at the Nazi party congress in 1934. The Nazis required all state institutions to report on patients who were chronically ill, and used those reports as the basis to decide which patients should be killed. Obama's administration is not equivalent to the Nazis at all. Now, the Obama administration wants to promise to make tough choices to cut entitlement programs such as Medicare and Social Security to save money—at precisely the time in which an increasing number of Americans are forced to depend on them as the economy slides deeper into Depression. Obama is willing to spend trillions of dollars to bail out the financial markets, and pay for it by slashing programs which keep ordinary Americans alive. Similar programs have been proposed for years. Some Republicans and Democrats wanted to promote the bad policy of cutting pensions from Americans. Take the case of a paper entitled “What Are the Potential Cost Savings from Legalizing Physician-Assisted Suicide?” It sounds like something that might have been written by Jeremy Bentham, or Aldous Huxley, or maybe Nazi doctor Karl Brandt, but it was actually co-authored in 1998 by “bio-ethicist” Ezekiel Emanuel, brother of White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel. Ezekiel is a leading member adviosr to Obama's budget director Peter Orszag and he's a member of the 15-person Federal Coordinating Council on Comparative Effectiveness Research. This 15 member panel was designated to prepare the list of which medical procedures can be permitted and which can't be. Ezekiel Emanuel's co-author is Margaret Battin. She has written other papers promoting suicide and selective refusal of medical treatment (that's sick all humans have a right to obtain medical treatment, especially in emergencies). This is eerily similar to the Nazi's Karl Brandt’s defense of euthanasia at Nuremberg who said that: “Death can mean deliverance. Death is life—just as much as birth. It was never meant to be murder.” Some compare Barack Obama's policies on health to the Nazis, which I don't agree with. Although, I don't subscribe to Barack Obama's philosophies on every single issue though. Some criticize HMOs (which came about in the Nixon administration in America) since they believe that they have been exploited to benefit pharmaceutical corporations instead of patient/doctor rights. It doesn't take a genius to figure that some in Big Pharma want to limit care to people in the world, so depopulation can occur. Under Obama, just as under Bush, the government is spending huge amounts of money to try to save the values of the fictitious assets which dominate the global financial system. So far, some $13 trillion has been given, lent, promised, or guaranteed, in what has been repeatedly shown to be an open-ended process. Despite the Federal government’s budget deficit, the money keeps on flowing, ever faster. While these is going on, elitists want to cut proposals of cutting benefits of the poor (while not cutting real items like money for war bailouts, money for wars, and money for other evil things). When the government works side by side with select corproations in controling a society, that's the precise definition of fascism. There is no way of getting around it. This doesn't mean I support socialism or communism, which I don't.

William Butler Yeats is a famous occultist of the 19th century and early 20th century. He lived from June 13, 1865 to January 28, 1939. He was involved heavily in the occult and meet with people on special meetings. She married the 24 year old girl Georgie Hayde-Lees. He was in his 50s at the time. He became an Irish Senator, which his government was filled with Papists, occultists, and Freemasons. He and his wife conducted "automatic writing." Automatic writing is when demons or spirits manipulate various unconscious aspects of your mind to write information for you. He wrote a book called: “A Vision: An Explanation of Life Founded upon the Writings of Giraldus and upon Certain Doctrines Attributed to Kusta Ben Luka.” Aleister Crowley also underwent “automatic handwriting” in which he wrote several books, except he applied them to his life and lived by them. Yeats was inolved with the Protestant Ascendancy not because he agreed with Protestantism or was pro-Jesus Christ (he wasn't since he was an occultist). He used that status to dissent with Romanism, although Romanism shouldn't be rejected indeed. Yeats had a love of writing and he was apart of the Order of the Golden Dawn. The Golden Dawn is a Masonic/Rosicrucian type group that love to use Kabbalah and other occult rituals to try to contact the spirit world. Yeats wanted the sythesis of religion, science, and philosophy, which is one essecne of New Age thought. Yeats met with Madame Helena Blavatsky and became a member of the Theosophical Society. Blavatasky obliged with more questions about society, and formed an additional branch to the Society called, "The Esoteric Section." This group done magic rituals. The Golden Dawn loved astrology as well. So, William Bulter Yeats certainly influenced the world with his ideas. Of course, we don't need mysticism to achieve real fulfillment in life. See, Yeats was constantly trying to get knowledge, but he wasn't satisfied since the occult never truly fulfills the soul. Only God (Jesus Christ) can fullfill the spiritual needs of man's soul. Many of Yeats' work inspired some architecture in Washington, D.C. according to the Riddles of Stone film (which was narrated by Chris Pinto).

Steven Ertelt from on May 19, 2009 reported on Oklahoma Governor Brad Henry trying to deal with a sex-selection abortion ban bill. Henry recieved a bill from the state legislature about wanting to tighten abortion reporting requirments and ban sex-selection abortions. Although, I disagree with any proposals that say that you can give information and then you can kill the baby. A statewide pro-life group is trying pro-life advocates to contact Governor Henry to ask him to sign the measure into law. The House passed the legislation 93-4 in February and the state Senate backed HB 1595 on a 34-10 vote last month. The bill, a priority of Oklahomans for Life, would prohibit using abortions for purposes of sex-selection and would allow better reporting information about abortions done across the state. The measure was given final approval by the state Senate on Friday and now Henry will decide whether to sign or veto it. Tony Lauinger, the head of the pro-life group, tells that Henry "is being urged by pro-abortion forces to veto the bill. He has until midnight Thursday to decide what to do." Tony Lauinger expects an intense battle in the legislature if Henry vetoes the bill. That is possible. Tony believes that the Senators should override the veto if Henry veteos the bill. As a result, he is asking pro-life advocates to not only ask Henry to sign the bill but for state senators to override a potential veto. HB 1595 deals with abortion reporting and prohibiting sex-selection abortion. It requires reporting of the complications of abortion (and it will ensure abortion-facility compliance with existing abortion statues). HB 1595 was the total focus of Rose Day, the pro-life lobbying day at the Capitol the first week of session in February. Dangerous complications from abortion are known from death, depression, and other things. I agree with banning sex-selection abortions, but not a bill that says look at info then you can kill the baby at all. Some good news is that there are more pro-life people are in America than in over 10 years ago. The Pro-Life Movement is very strong, especially among young people like me. I know plenty of people who are pro-life among many backgrounds.

Washington’s Blog from Wednesday on May 20, 2009 focused on the reality that Guantanamo Bay prisoners are still being tortured under Barack Obama. It occured during the previous Bush administration. Jeremy Scahill is the reporter who broke most of the stories on Blackwater. He said that a military police unit at Guantanamo Bay regularly brutalizes unarmed prisoners. This abuse include gang beating them, breaking their bones, gouging their eyes, and dousing them with chemicals. This is evil and sick of course. The deal is that when especially whenever there is "disobedience" by the detainees (which can include praying or having 2 styrofoam cups in their cell instead of 1. This can even be refusing medication or failing to immediately respond when spoken to), the IRF is sent in. The IRF stands for Immediate Reaction Force. Scahill wrote that when an IRF team is called, its members are dressed in riot great. Some prisoners and attornerys have compared these suits to Darth Vader suits. The officer is assigned to a body part of the prisoner to restrain. This includes the head, right arm, left arm, left leg, right leg, etc. The IRF executes punishment that's brutal from forcing their heads into toilets, gouging their eyes, and tie them in excruiciating positions for hours on end. One prisoner had a sexual rape according to Jeremy. Torture on water was done against the detainees as well. The IRF team used high water pressure on people and other suffocating techniques against them. Scahill accused the Bush adminsitration in its highest levels of approving of the IRF Teams. This force “was designed to disabuse the prisoners of any idea that they would be free from physical assault while in U.S. custody,” he says. “They were trained to brutally punish prisoners in a brief period of time, and ridiculous pretexts were taken to justify” the beatings. according to Scott Horton. Horton is one of the leading experts on U.S. Military and Constitutional law. “Up to 15 people attempted to commit suicide at Camp Delta due to the abuses of the IRF officials,” according to the Spanish investigation. In January 2003, Sgt. Sean Baker [an active-duty U.S. soldier and Gulf War veteran] was ordered to participate in an IRF training drill at Guantánamo where he would play the role of an uncooperative prisoner. According to sworn statement, Sgt. Baker was tortured by the IRF in a bloody manner despite being an U.S. soldier. Baker was soon diagnosed with traumatic brain injury. He began suffering seizures, sometimes 10 to 12 per day. If an U.S. soldier experienced this for a training exercise, image that the actual detainees are experiencing things so much worse by the IRF teams. The IRF are still here and they should be banned completely (including immediately). The Center for Constitutional Rights released a report titled “Conditions of Confinement at Guantánamo: Still In Violation of the Law,” which found that these abuses continued. In fact, one Guantanamo lawyer, Ahmed Ghappour, said that his clients were reporting “a ramping up in abuse” since Obama was elected. So, torture is evil and it ought to be banned completely.

President Barack Obama and ex-Vice President Dick Cheney yestedery expressed their strong dissent with each other on the foreign policy in dealing with detainees. Obama feels that Guantanamo Bay ought to be shut down, while some of the detainees should be treated in federal prisons. Barack Obama doesn't believe that America should compromise the Constitution or thier basic morality for the sake of experiencing political expendiency. He disagreed with waterboarding, which even military leaders have called waterboarding torture and immoral procedures. Cheney believes in perserving Guantanamo Bay (even though the IRF have tortured people and people have been tortured in many ways there) and he enjoys the status quo on how detainees should be treated. He agrees with the neo-conservative view that preemptive views are fine. This is typical since Cheney gave the speech at the neo con advocacy group of the AEI. The bigger picture is that Obama and Cheney are similar in many respects on the issue of how to handle detainees during this contrived war on terror. Barack Obama will continue the kangaroo court military tribunals, but with the confession obtained via torture. Obama has not explicitly desired to get rid of the immoral practice of rendition (or the policy of kidnapping people on the basis of disinformation supplied by their enemies in order to send them to Third World nation, which is there is high chance of them being tortured). Obama has defended the Bush/Cheney warrantless wiretapping program run by the National Security Agency and broadened the government’s legal argument that “sovereign immunity” protects government officials from prosecution and civil suits when they violate U.S. law and constitutional protections of citizens. The administration has even taken up the defense of Donald Rumsfeld against a case brought up by detainees whose rights Rumsfeld violated. In a signing statement this month, Obama abandoned his promise to protect whistleblowers who give information of executive branch illegality to Congress. Barack Obama's action expand the powers of the executive branch (which covering up the crimes of the Bush regime. He is leaving 50,000 U.S. soldiers in Iraq). Barack Obama refuse to release more torture photos as he feels it will anger insurgents. This is a facilicious argument, because illegal occupation is a lot worse than presenting photos. So, the more things change, the more they stay the change. Barack Obama is better than Dick Cheney in presenting his rhetoric in a more articulate way, but Obama's views is no less authoritarian than Cheney is (Cheney is more overt, Barack Obama is more covert).

Secret Societies are every real in the world. The New Atlantis was an Utopian vision that was modernized by Rosicrucian Sir Francis Bacon. Bacon supported the colonization of America by the British Empire. Early Virginian colonists came about in Jamestown, VA in the early 1600's. Baconian Philosophy is accepted by the esoteric crowd. The New Atlantis work was published in 1627. This book described a future Atlantis with skyscrapers, aircraft, underwater vehicles, and advanced scientists. These words describe America to a T. Christoph Nicolai began claiming that a grand, Anglo-American, cross-Atlantic conspiracy was underway between American Freemasons and prominent English Freemasonry and Rosicrucians in London to conceal secret political efforts to restore the exiled Scottish House of Stuart, as well as rebuild the Temple of Solomon in America (since there was no 'Kingdom of Israel' at that time). Ever since when Modern Freemasonry came about in 1717, there has been an increase of Secret Societies' role in trying to create the new world order under the guise of restoring Lost Atlantis. Even the occult symbolism of the York/Scottish Rite of Freemasonry is similar to the symbolism in the Bavarian Illuminati. The New Atlantis was an occult joint enterprise among the US and the UK. This is why the Vatican (in conjunction with the Anglo-American elite of the US and the UK) have been complicit in major international conspiracies plus war spanning over 3 centuries. That is why American President have been related to the Royal bloodlines of France, Scotland, and England, especially in the Merovingian bloodline. The American capital of Washington D.C. is of course filled with Masonic and occult symbolism (from Owls, a Pentagram with one side missing, The Boaz and Jachin imagery, the Triple Tau, etc.). Buildings like the White House and the Jefferson Memorial had influence from the Greco-Roman architecture of the Ancient world. Some of the builders of the structures in D.C. were Freemasons and probably had an understand of Sacred Geometry (which inspired the cathedrals to be built during the Middle Ages near Ley Lines). Ultimately these Secret Societies want to build their utopia to welcome the Perfected Man headed by the Masonic Christ (or what we call the Antichrist). The secret worship of the sun by the ancient was a veiled worship of Lucifer/Satan (since Satan is equated with the sun back in the day). Lucifer has been called Thoth and other names since he was the one who rebelled against God to brainwash people. Now, Atlantis relates to this since Atlantis was probably the pre-Flood World where Secret Societies claimed their got their knowledge from. The good news is that people have exposed the evil in the world for years. Folks in the 21st century have been dedicated in following righteousness to wake up and more folks are following God instead of the wiles of the world. Tons of people of many backgrounds are the exact, living proof of that reality.

By Timothy

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