Sunday, June 07, 2009

Discernment Part 5

This book described futuristic though from science fictions to metaphysics. Some of these emergent leaders read globalist documents like the controversial Club of Rome report Limits to Growth which called for “a global economic and ecological (population control) management, because their MIT computer models showed that the earth ‘probably cannot support present rates of economic and population growth much beyond the year 2100, if that long, even with advanced technology.’” Donald Hoke in his Preface to Evangelicals Face the Future believe that he wants to work toward creating a future he desires. This view is similar to the futuristic notion that mankind must envision and facilitate his own evolution. Hoke has worked with Billy Graham and Hudson Armeding in 1977. At the Chicago Emerging Church Conference there was a keynote address by Rev. Bruce Larson, then president of Faith at Work, who said there needed to be a push to bring a “relational” or “incarnational principle” into the churches. One proponent Hiley Ward promotes that everything is evolving, libertation theology, and other things. Instead of believing in a stationary theology, the Emergent Church theology deals with evolutionary tenets (i.e. things are constantly changing to appease to the world). Futuristism is antithetical to the Bible, because it's about changing constantly to suit a time. Also, it deals with breaking down traditional theology to form a new paradigm in the world. The Emergent Church Movement promotes the same New Age, new world order dogma that the U.N. and other entities agree to. The United Nations love to flaunt Goddess worship, Gaia, and a New Age spritiualism model. The Interfaith component of the Emergent Church Movement has been promoted by the Vatican. In 1962 at St. Peter's Basilica in Rome, Vatican II gives strength to a growing ecumenical movement and lays the groundwork for the acceptance of interfaith. Pope John XXIII resided over the Council's proceedings. According to M. Basil Pennington, a prominent Catholic priest, the Council urged "all Christians . . . to act positively to preserve and even promote all that is good in other religions: Hinduism, Buddhism, and other world religions"(New World Religion Gary Kah). In 1986 Pope John Paul II held an Interfaith summit in Assisi, Italy that had leaders from the world's major religions and initiated by the Pope himself, would represent a visible transition from traditional "ecumenism" to the new "interfaithism." At the Parliament of the World's Religions in Chicago in 1993, one of the main lectures was entitled 'A Proposal to Evolve the Parliament toward a United Nations of Religions'. In his keynote speech, former U.N. assistant secretary-general, Dr. Robert Muller called for the establishment of a permanent World Council of Religion by 1995, along the lines of the United Nations. By the way, Muller was a follower of the Jesuit and New Age godfather Teilhard De Chardin and wrote his book, “New Genesis-Shaping a Global Spirituality in 1984. The big picture is that we should Follow the Lord Jesus Christ and not be ashamed of it. Just because a Muslim, a Catholic, a Hindu, etc. may act nice doesn't mean they are following what is right. See, it isn't right to venerate statues. It isn't right to deny that God has a Son. It isn't right to believe in millions of false gods or participate in idolatry. It isn't right to do out and do works in order to try get saved when anything a man does can never equate salvation. Salvation is done by God alone. Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No-one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6). Fundamentally, traditional theology should be maintained.

Here's a recap of the unbiblical Prosperity Gospel. Matthew 7:15 warns against wolves in sheep's clothing being like ravening wolves. One of these wolves in sheep's clothing are some of the preachers in TBN. TBN is controlled by Ecumenicals Paul and Jan Crouch. They have millions of dollars in their financial power. Kenneth Copeland, Jesse Duplantis, Joel Osteen, Creflo Dollar, TD Jakes, John Paisley, John Hagee, Benny Hinn, and others are preachers who are promoted by that network. Ironically, every single one of them promote the prosperity gospel. TBN's headquarters is found in California. The logo of TBN looks similar to the Coat of Arms of Order of the Garter member Prince Charles. Charles is a leading member of the Ecumenical Movement, the radical environmental movement, and he is apart of the Windsor family tree. Notice on the TBN logo, there is a descending dove next to the cross. The descending dove is found in the logo of the O.T.O. or the Ordo Templi Orientis (The OTO logo has the Eye of Horus and the cross with equal sides on it). The descending dove is also on the logo of the Papal Knight of Columbus. The K of C is the Catholic version of Masonry that wants the Papacy to rule the world basically. Leading TBN preachers show the pagan il canuto handsign (which Satanists and occultists love to show publicly) as well. Those who do it include Copeland, Hinn, Duplantis, etc. Some of these false leaders say that they can't be can't because they teach from the Bible. The reality is that prosperity gospel teachings are a distortion of what the Word of God actually says about wealth. The prosperity gospel falsely teaches that how much money you have equates the amount of spiritual relationship you have with God. They want people to get rich with God. In other words, prosperity gospel proponents believe that God wants Christians to prosper and that believer have the right to ask him for financial gifts (TBN used around the clock programming sometimes to fund raising money). Of course, I don't agree with this view at all. The Scriptures are clear that riches don't equate to salvation: "Riches profit not in the day of wrath: but righteousness delivereth from death." (Proverbs 11:4). There is nothing wrong with being rich, but we should get souls saved most importantly. Jesus Christ perfectly said in the book of Matthew 19:23-24 that it's difficullt for a rich person to get into the Kingdom of Heaven. Ironically, TBN collects more than $120 million a year from viewers of its "Christian programming." That is more than any other TV ministry in America. That money is used to fund their international programming from Santa Anna, CA to around the world in numerous languages. Jan and Crouch's salaries are 6 figures, they own 30 homes nationwide (including a pair of Newport Beach mansions plus a ranch in Texas). With all of that money, they can set up a program to fight radically against poverty and crime. God is clear that we should obsess with hoarding wealth: "...So is he that layeth up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God." (Luke 12:21). One sick thing TBN televangelists did was promising donors in 2000 $2,000 for their donations and their debts being canceled (This didn't occur since the documents dealing with loan statements and debt paperwork were burned on a stone altar. These people are lucky that they didn't went to prison for scamming people in this fashion). Paul Crouch even lied and said that you will loose your reward in heaven if you don't donate to TBN (if you're saved by TBN). Sorry, God said that money has nothing to do with a person's salvation at all. Ultimately God saves people alone not a channel. Some folks have lost their faith in God, because of these con-artists promising financial blessings (and still being poor). 1 Timothy 6:9 predicted these greedy people. Even if you are not rich, God still loves you and can help you to provide for you and your family (with common sense economic policies plus other solutions without greed or a prosperity Gospel). Being rich isn't evil, but refusing to help others when you're rich is evil in my eyes. The only prosperity we should embrace isn't financial, but spiritual, things that deal with wisdom, etc. There is nothing wrong with being a Christian. There is sometime wrong with false teachers indeed. All humans who are saved (regardless if they are rich or poor) are equal in the eyes of God period.

Alfred Kinsey

Zeroing in on Alfred Kinsey will lead you to the man who contributed to the sexual revolution. In several cases, Kinsey tried to justify many forms of extremist sexual behavior as normal for almost any human being to engage in. His 2 most famous and controversial books were Sexual Behavior in the Human Male from 1948 and Sexual Behavior in the Human Female at 1953. According to Jim Keith, the Rockefellers funded Alfred C. Kinsey. Kinsey is one of the men who helped destroy traditional morality related to eugenics (selective breeding). In the 1920s, he studied at the Bussey Institution, a location of eugenics research. He went to Indiana University to study culture to pulverize sexual mores, and divide the family. This was done so we could be more brainwashed to accept sexual extremist acts and policies.

Rudin provided human brains for research for the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute. Mainstream historians refuse to outline the Aliester Crowley Connection to Kinsey as Jim Keith did. Aleister Crowley was a Satanist, many people give evidence that he was a high-level Mason, and he was a prominent occultist. His nickname was the Great Beast 666 and the press called him the wickedest man alive for his bloodthirsty rituals he had done. Kinsey visited Crowley's Themea Abbey before his death shortly in 1955. He shared many of Crowleys friends and acquaintances like occult filmmaker Kenneth Anger, American Nazi George Sylvester Viereck, and French pedophile Rene Guyan. Dr. Hermann Muller was one of the Kinseys influences at the Indiana University. Muller had Rockefeller funding by the National Research Council in 1925. A Guggenheim grant in 1932 to led Muller to work in the genetics department in Berlin. It was located in the Rockefeller-funded Kaiser Wilhelm Brain Research. Muller studied under Ernst Rudin, the head of the Nazi Racial Hygiene Society, which had a policy to exterminate hereditary undesirables in Germany. Rudin provided human brains for research for the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute. Kenneth Anger said that Kinsey used Crowleys day-to-day sex diaries for research, he had an obsession with sex 24/7, and his battle cry was "Do your best and let other people react as they will." That motto is similar to Crowley's Do what thou wilt is the whole law quote. Alfred Kinsey had a Nazi connection as well.

Kinsey corresponded with the Nazi pedophile Dr. Friedrich Karl Hugo Viktor von Balluseck who ran a small Polish town in WWII. Balluseck molested boys and girls from 1927 to 1957 exposed by court testimony. Kinsey didnt much care for his crime, but he wanted his correspondence to gather results to skew his child sexuality data. He was just indifferent to von Balluseck's abuse for the sake of his studies. His first book in 1948 was effective in using psychological warfare to con the American people. Isn't this a tactic of the elite, because if they can make the mass see sick behavior as not totally normal, but another thing to be tolerated, then the elite increases the chance of more people going onward following their agenda.

It's apart of the agenda of gradualism where Foundations (and the global elite) used to change societal mores. 200,000 copies of Sexual Behavior in the Human Male were sold in 2 months of its publication. Even proponents of the pervert Kinsey admit that he skewed his sexual results by having an inordinate number of test subjects who were prostitutes, criminals, sexual deviants, etc. to be used as normal examples of the American Population. Wardell B. Pomeroy, who co-authored Sexual Behavior in the Human Male, said, "Kinsey would have done business with the devil if it helped the research — and this is true." But, in reality, Kinsey consorted with many devils. The Kinsey Syndrome tells us that Pomeroy himself "wrote the book Boys and Sex, in which he actually promoted the idea of boys having sex with animals, such as a dog, a horse or a bull." And in a different publication he wrote, "Incest between adults and younger children can ... prove to be a satisfying and enriching experience." These sickos influence our culture to this day. Kinsey forced his assistants to give their sex histories, both male and female. They were filmed in explicit sex movies for research, shot in Kinseys attic. Kinsey believed that all children were sexual beings even at birth. Even crazier is that Alfred interviewed pedophiles about organism of children as early as 11 months, but Kinsey declined to send the pedophiles to the police. Kinsey used stopwatches to get the manual and oral stimulation of children's genitals and orgasms. He watched films of adult with child sex. According to Judith A. Reisman PhDs Kinsey: Crimes and Consequences, at least 317, pre-teens were sexually experimented by older adults with 2,035 admitted child subjects by 1980. His results were inaccurate then and now Jim Kieth's work. Even scholars today have shown that Americans arent as sexual promiscuity as Kinsey maintained. His goal was to make abhorrent behavior more tolerant by society, because Kinsey was a revolutionary who seek to liberalize sex as almost unlimited activity to almost anyone to do. Instead of a call for normal acts, he wanted little restraints by law and morality. Hugh Hefner invented Playboy in the 1950's. Hefner imployed Kinsey's research as a justification to promote his pornography-filled Playboy magazine. Pornography is the showing of naked imagery typically for arousal, lust, and other evil intensions not necessarily for artistic expression. Many people suffer form porn addiction because of pornography. See, porn isn't peaches and cream as its proponents suggest. Ex-pornographers would tell you that in the porn industry, people vomit and body parts are ripped. Also, STDs are common in porn from gential warps, HPV, to AIDS. Pornography is heartless and strips humans of their dignity all of the time. Now, Hefner dedicated Playboy to Kinsey when he utilized distorted statistics and performed obscene experiments on innocent human beings. Hefner believes in pre martial sex and almost any human sexual behavior as normal. Hugh Hefner even in the 1960's exploited women to wear bunny outfits in clubs and other parties across America. Alternative Beatniks and others like Ed Sanders talked about sex openly. He wrote literature and was an environmentalist. I don't agree with Sanders disrespecting God, etc. but I do believe in the Freedom of Speech. The pill came in 1961 and this lead into an increase of sexual activity in America. The Sexual Freedom League believed that people had the individual right of sexual freedom simply. They supported topless bars and other forms of sexual activities back in the 1960's. This bashed the female's individuality and their worth. Chris Pinto's film called "The Kisney Syndrome" documents that even Hustler has child pornography in it as early as the 1980's. We know that the elite promote pornography (which embraces fantasy not reality) in distorting what true love is between a man and a woman. True life isn't about looking as obscene images to get a kick. It's about having connections emotionally with people around you and realizing the uniqueness (along with the true value) of males and females in society. Robert Anton Wilson (who edited the Playboy Magazine plus was a leader in the hippie movement) admitted to doing Crowley's magick and reading his literature. Some good things occured after the 1960's like decreasing lynching, the rejection of intentional discrimination, and more rights for minorities and women. But, problems still reign. Movies like "The Graduate" (in 1967, which was about a film gloriflying a woman committing adultery against his husband) changed the way many view sexuality in society.

00a600px-Playboy_logo_svg.png image by revmyspace2

Playboy has been known to exploit women. Recently, they took things too far in 2009. Now, first, here's the story. Playboy's writer Guy Cimbalo issued a vile attack on conservative women. Guy wrote an article about the top ten list of conservative women that he would like to commit vulgar and violent sexual acts with. This is a disgrace since you shouldn't exploit women and play around with rape at all. Rape is evil and isn't humorous. It was so wrong and offensive that Politico removed the article from their website since it was very hate filled plus misogynistic. Both liberals and conservatives expressed condemnation of the article. Liberal writer Tommy Christopher was fired by AOL News for trying to get coverage of the Playboy attack list on AOL's Politics Daily.
NewsBusters has uncovered a marketing and distribution contract between Time Warner and Playboy's print division.The contract establishes a working relationship from January 2006 through January 2009. NewsBusters contacted OneCLE, the site that is hosting the copy of the contract, and they confirmed that the contract was taken from Playboy's SEC filings. This new fact shows that the two companies have a deeper and broader connection than first reported. FOX News' Megyn Kelly criticized Playboy also for allowing the trashy article to exist in the first place. Kelly was on the list (including Laura Ingraham, Michelle Malkin, Elizabeth Hassebeck, etc.), so she would be outraged of course. Playboy responded to this controversy by saying that they have been dedicated to promote equal rights for women since its inception 55 years ago. That's funny since distorting about how men see women in a negative way is what Playboy is doing. Playboy removed the disgraceful article from their site. Token measures from Playboy will never negate their promotion of Kinsey, love of pornography, and them not addressing the hate spewed by Guy.
Secular humanism is one foundational aspect of those who to radically change our culture in the world. Humanism is a belief basically believing that man is the complete decider of his or her destiny, some accept moral relativism, and the abhorence of Judeo-Christian religious influence in the development of society or principles. John Dewey (a writer along with 33 others of the Humanist Manifesto) is a key pioneer of humanism. Some have gone to classify Humanism as a religion because they worship the power of man to create a nearly perfect society without God. Also, they believe in evolution or that natural selection via nature has the divine power to make all organisms in the Earth. Many religious groups like Tao and Buddhism don't require you to believe in any God. A Humanist called humanism a religion without God. The Humanist Manifesto I in the 1930's quote: "...Religious Humanism considers the complete realization of human personality to be the end of man's life and seeks its development and fulfillment in the here and now. This is the explanation of the humanist's social passion...." Even the Supreme Court in 1965 called humanism a religion. Dewey and others help shift a large part of the educational system.
The Mission of ALI was “to promote the clarification and simplification of the law, to better adapt law to contemporary social needs, to achieve agreement among lawyers on the fundamental principles of the common law, and to correct legal uncertainty and complexity.” Learned Hand as the founder maintained major positions in the Institute for the duration of his life. The ALI was funded by Carnegie and Rockefeller Foundations, no friends of liberty nor of our Constitutional Republic. The ALI supported the fraudulent research of Alfred Kinsey (who was funded by the establishment and had pedophiles to perform crimes in order to break up Judeo-Christian values in America). Kinsey as exposed in Chris Pinto's new film called "The Kinsey Syndrome." The ALI created the pro-Kinsey Moral Penal Code. Kinsey’s biographer acknowledges that The Model Penal Code “is virtually a Kinsey document… At one point Kinsey is cited six times in twelve pages.” Kinsey “findings” recommended in the Model Penal Code intended that penalties should be lightened for all “sex offenders.” It recommended not only that fornication and adultery be normalized, but pornography, rape, incest, abortion, sodomy and pedophilia as well. Alfred Kinsey was so much a sexual pervert that he did things to himself that was truly abhorent. Through the ALI, much of the laws pertaiing to sex crimes were lessen. It is only recently in the 21st century where folks from across the political spectrum have enacted laws that punish sex offenders in a strong way. According to great author Kevin Abrams, Alfred Kinsey was an anti-Semite. Kevin wrote that Kinsey would exclude Jews from "work" at his Indiana based Insitute For Sex Research. The Red Queen & The Grand Scheme, reports the Rockefeller Foundation, whose mission is stated as "to promote the well-being" of humanity," funded his research.

Now, almost any sex act today is acceptable by society. Our new norms by these social engineers are easy divorce wife swapping, degenerate sex acts in the media and TV, homosexuality, and sadomasochism. The elite use these perversions to sensate society, so they wont be challenged adequately. Thats because drugs, sex, and constant TV on peoples mind will brainwash the populace and eliminate their God-given cognition and reason to fight back. Also, they hate sex for procreation, so abortion and sterilization, and hardcore birth control like RU-486 are readily available to Americans.

To destroy a society, certain absolutes or traditional values must be maligned and all of this sick tripe was definitely utilized against the nuclear family. The nuclear family is the most stable institution to raise a child and even mainstream scientists agree to that. There is nothing wrong with sex (sex is a beautiful thing and it is normal) or other types of families, but it is wrong to distort statistics to back up a point, it is wrong to allow pedophiles not to be send to jail, and it is wrong to normalize sexually deviant behavior, which Kinsey all did. I reject this eras Ellen degenerated sexual liberation nonsense. The nuclear family (despite it's rising divorce rates) is the most stable institution to raise a child and even mainstream scientists agree to that. For example, a study made by Jay Teachman, et al., (i.e. "Sibling Resemblance in Behavioral Cognitive Outcomes: The Role of Father Presence," Journal of Marriage and the Family 60 (November 1998): 835-848) found that fathers involved in children's lives will have better emotional health, do better academically, and attain higher job status as adults. A 2000 study of U.S. data found that adolescents from single-parent families were more likely to have had sexual intercourse than those living with both parents (found in John S. Santelli, et al., "The Association of Sexual Behaviors with Socioeconomic Status, Family Structure, and Race/Ethnicity Among U.S. Adolescents," American Journal of Public Health 90 (October 2000): 1582-1588). Patrick F. Fagan et al., formulated the work called "The Positive Effects of Marriage: A Book of Charts." One of their results was that on average, children from never-married homes spend 51 percent of their childhood in poverty compared to only 7 percent for children in married homes. There is nothing wrong with sex (sex is a beautiful thing and it is normal). There is nothing wrong with other types of families, but it is wrong to distort statistics to back up a point, it is wrong to allow pedophiles not to be send to jail, and it is wrong to normalize sexually deviant behavior, which Kinsey all did.

The Kinsey followers funded SIECUS (Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States) even want sex education for Kindergarten!!!! This is disgusting and SIECUS and even ex-Surgeon General Jocelyn Elders promoted children masturbation. According to CWA (Concerned Women for America, though CWA is a shill group with ties to Moon and the CNP) said that Elders wrote a book advocating lowering the sex age of consent to 12.

In November 2004, the movie Kinsey came out, which portrayed him in a mainly positive way, but he was an adulterer.The FOX Searchlight's "Kinsey" film was controversial. Some leaders protested the distrubing film. Alfred Kinsey was played by William Condon, who is a famous screenwrite, director, and homosexual. Condon is a member of the Independent Feature Projects (IFP) in Los Angeles, a non-profit organization which supports independent films, as well as the Independent Writers Steering Committee, which was initiated by the Writers Guild of America (WGA). According to Dr. Cathy Burns and Stanley Montieth's Brotherhood of Darkness, Alfred Kinsey was a sado-masochistic homosexual. Kinsey is obviously a sex pervert. This Father of the sexual revolution led to repealing abortion laws, promote pornography, high divorce rates, high STD rates among the young, and obscene sex education based in even elementary schools. The North American Man-Boy Love Association said "boy lovers" should also embrace Kinsey's studies as supportive of their cause, "and hold them dear." That is why Kinsey used pedophiles in his research. In conclusion, Alfred Kinsey and his allies were criminals that allowed pedophiles perform crimes on little children to fulfill experiment. He is one founder of the sexual revolution in American society. There is nothing wrong with sex. Yet, sex is a sacred moment that shouldn't be exploited by humanists or lied about by fradulent (and deceptive) researchers like Alfred Kinsey at all. The Kinsey Institute supports Alfred Kinsey to this day in 2009.
The End for Now
People have talked about the film called the "Alien Kabbalah", which was created by Chris Everard. Everard's video that he created and his other works can be found at the link of: Now, it's time to show what I agree and disagree with this documentary indeed. Chris dedicated the film to the genius filmmaker Stanley Kubrick. Kubrick exposed in his Eye Wide Shut film how Illuminists and high level occultists conduct their sick, sexual rituals in real life. The film was an expose of rituals going around in American rich homes where a black mass was conducted (which goes on in real life). The rituals in Eyes Wide Shut have people dressed up as a Pope figure and other characters. It's a ritual of sex magic done by the super wealthy people. Their masks in the film are old Venetian masks from Europe. Sex magic proponents want to make tension in the Temple to create "energy" to a spirit. This energy in black magic is given to a demon spirit according to Chris Everard. The movie have women kissing each other and the high priest welcoming the new initiate as played by Tom Cruise. Everard believed that the Knights Templar participated in black magic, because many of them confessed to wicked ceremonies (including there are accusations that the Knights Templar did sick sexual ceremonies among the High Priest of the Knights Templar, necromancy, invoking spirits unto dead bodies. The Templars were definitely once powerful international banks). The Eye Wide Shut star is Tom Cruise. Cruise is a Scientologist. Scientologist was invented by L. Ron Hubbard (another occultist who worked with NASA occultist Jack Parsons to try to do magical ritual to herald the coming of the Antichrist. NASA names their missions after occult names). Hubbard followed the teachings of Aleister Crowley and Crowley rejected Hubbard as non-intelligent plus a radical. It's easy to see that the aristocracy and even some in the Papacy perform black magic rituals covertly through thousands of years. The elite know that man isn't alone, so they use the spirit world to help get their agendas done. One of the inner secrets of the Secret Societies is contacting the spirit world (as found in the OTO, Freemasonry, etc.). A simple example of this is how Satanist Aliester Crowley claimed to made contact with the interdimensional being called "LAM" in New York City from 1918. Space isn't a dead vacuum. Space has tons of energy. Occultists believe that the Ether is the energy in Space (New Agers believe that elemental spirits are found in Nature), which I don't believe in. It is true that our Planet has tons of living organisms residing in it. Occultists like Crowley and Alice Bailey wanted New Age principles to be promoted in order to create the new world order or the new Aquarian Age:
"...Marilyn Ferguson compiled and espoused a synthesis involving the theories of transformation and the secret plan of the Aquarian Age. In her studies of the scientific advancements of this age involving entropy and syntropy, holism, holographs, paradigm shifts, the uncertainty principle and evolution, she discovered that, "for the first time an American renaissance is taking place in all disciplines, breaking the boundaries between them, transforming them at their farthest reaches—where they all converge." (From The Aquarian Conspiracy on p.12)
Chris Everard says that the demonic regions of Hell have a hierachy of evil spirits, which is true (UFO research was done even by President Eisenhower in his program called Project Jehovah. Albert Einstein and Robert Oppenheimer were apart of this exercise). What is strange is that Einstein and Oppenheimer wrote a 6 page Presidential memo entitled "Relationship with Inhabitants of Celestial Bodies." It's also true that when we die, we go into the Spirit World. We go either into Heaven or Hell according to the Scriptures. The Kabbalah is a group of texts that many many Jewish people are forbidden to study until the age of 40. Kabbalist texts call the spirit world as the Yenne Velt (or Yiddish for the Other word). The Kabbalah believes in parrallel universe that intersect our reality (Everard believes that the Manhattan Project was inspired by Kabbalic rituals). Also, there is a photos of the Boehmian Grove where men seem to enact an alchemical magical ceremony. Men there also dressed as a Pope figure praising Saint John of Nepomuk. That is why a Mass is pictured in the Bohemian Grove as well. This New Age/occult belief system extends into the belief of reincarnation. Images of death and skulls are found in the Grove. So, the Alien Kabbalah even have information that I didn't know about previously.
According to Helena Blavastsky (who was an occultist who thought that Altantis was destroyed by black magicians) these magicians used demonic ceremonies. Some believe that Altantis was destroyed by crystal, electrical technology. Blavatsky said that the ancient Egypt had technology had been powered directly from the cosmos and the spirit world. Many people are living in ignorant and the physical world is being manipulated in violence, war, and choas. IIf Atlantis did exist, it was probably the pre-Flood world. The Bible says that the world was flood with Noah and his family as the sole survivors. Many rulers of the world are in Secret Societies use rituals to gain access of the spirit world. The Kabbalah, the Mysteries, etc. influenced the Golden Dawn, the OTO and Freemasonry. The royal political elite have plenty of libraries worldwide. One is the Binecki Library of rare books at Yale University. This library is home to many alchemical and magical books. One such book is called the Voynich Manuscript. Some of these book teach them how to summon and call forth the negative forces of the Universe. The Skulls and Bones is home to Yale that have evil, occult rituals. It's been nicknamed the Brotherhood of Death. Today, America is run by people using rituals and privately summon demons in numerous cases. Even Queen Elizabeth I used magicians to chose the date of her cornoation according to the time of the Zodaic. Elizabeth I's friend was occult magician Dr. John Dee. Dee was the original 007 or British Intelligence. Today, Temples globally are created to worship these spirits. Every continents have giant Temples that are aligned with the stars of the Universe. They are calendars and relate to magical rituals as well. They were built for similar reasons of summons spirits. The Pyramids of Giza are astronomical calculators. They gauge the times of stars, constallations, etc. Using magic to contact spirits is one of the core doctrines of occult secret societies. WB Yeats even admits that: "...The Secret of all Magick Secret Societies is the summoning of Spirits...Speaking with spirits is the core of all Secret Teachings...Summoning a Spirit into a Temple is the root of all occult Knowledge..." W.B. Yeats was a member of the Golden Dawn.
William Butler Yeats is a famous occultist of the 19th century and early 20th century. He lived from June 13, 1865 to January 28, 1939. He was involved heavily in the occult and meet with people on special meetings. She married the 24 year old girl Georgie Hayde-Lees. He was in his 50s at the time. He became an Irish Senator, which his government was filled with Papists, occultists, and Freemasons. He and his wife conducted "automatic writing." Automatic writing is when demons or spirits manipulate various unconscious aspects of your mind to write information for you. He wrote a book called: “A Vision: An Explanation of Life Founded upon the Writings of Giraldus and upon Certain Doctrines Attributed to Kusta Ben Luka.” Aleister Crowley also underwent “automatic handwriting” in which he wrote several books, except he applied them to his life and lived by them. Yeats was inolved with the Protestant Ascendancy not because he agreed with Protestantism or was pro-Jesus Christ (he wasn't since he was an occultist). He used that status to dissent with Romanism, although Romanism should be rejected indeed. Yeats had a love of writing and he was apart of the Order of the Golden Dawn. The Golden Dawn is a Masonic/Rosicrucian type group that love to use Kabbalah and other occult rituals to try to contact the spirit world. Yeats wanted the sythesis of religion, science, and philosophy, which is one essecne of New Age thought. Yeats met with Madame Helena Blavatsky and became a member of the Theosophical Society. Blavatasky obliged with more questions about society, and formed an additional branch to the Society called, "The Esoteric Section." This group done magic rituals. The Golden Dawn loved astrology as well. So, William Bulter Yeats certainly influenced the world with his ideas. Of course, we don't need mysticism to achieve real fulfillment in life. See, Yeats was constantly trying to get knowledge, but he wasn't satisfied since the occult never truly fulfills the soul. Only God (Jesus Christ) can fullfill the spiritual needs of man's soul. Many of Yeats' work inspired some architecture in Washington, D.C. according to the Riddles of Stone film (which was narrated by Chris Pinto).
The highest secrets of Freemasonry, the Golden Dawn, the kabbalah, etc are perverting things to promote their agenda. These cults are summoning demons or even the Devil himself (according to researchers like Fritz Springmeier). The highest secret of the Hebrew Kabbalah according to Crowley and Hubbard, is that extraterrestial spirits live in parts of the Universe. Occultists believe in the astral world. You have to understand the spirit world in order to understand the mentality of secret societies (even witch covens). The Spirit World is just as real as the Physical. Magical rituals repeat the names of spirits just like the Computer being apart of commands. Occultists believe that rituals unlock the telepathic mind in order to make them have acess to the spirit world. Occultists teach that 7 plans are in the astral world. The lowest plane is the physical world we live in, the plane of forces (it has the forces of Nature like electricity, heat, light, gravity, atomic forces, etc.), etc. In 1943, Oppenheimer's team calculated the forces needed to break up an atom. They feared that doing this the wrong way could destroy the planet. They exploded the first Atomic Bomb and broke down some of the forces of nature. The Cold War made a pyschological war on terror on humans. There was paranoia about it. The Cold War was a contrived hoax when the international bankers (who are headed by the Vatican, Pilgrims, high level Masonry, etc.) funded both sides of it. Oppenheimer read the teachings of the Eastern world. The 4th plane is the mental plane. The other 3 planes are hard to understand. The higher planes are what Christians call Heaven. In history, magicians, Freemasons, Kabbalists, Satanists, Pope, etc. have engaged in magical rituals to contact spirits, forces of Nature, etc. (in the astral plane). The New Agers believe that the spirit world surround Planet Earth. Everard claims that Nostradamus used powered nutmeg and hallurgenic herbs to create visions of the Spirit world. Nostradamus in a film swear to not reveal secrets or he is killed (not by the Inquisition, but they an occult person). The big picture is that Nostradamus used scrying and other unbiblical practices to try to predict the Bible. The Bible is clear that:
"Let no one be found among you who sacrifices his son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the LORD, and because of these detestable practices the LORD your God will drive out those nations before you.” (Deut. 18:10-12)

nostradamus.jpg image by ralfy_tm

The person in a movie about Nostradamus shows Nostradamus occult works like the Exiler of Bliss, the Kabbalah, Solomon's Key, etc. He believes that many people have the power to see into the future. Nostradamus does rituals to make his visions clearer. The film show Leonardo's machine underwater and the nuclear explosion in Hiroshima. Some mushrooms are common in N. Europe, which Nordic shamans and Wiccans used in their ceremonies (even hashish). They use these plants to see the spirit world. The pyschic oracles of ancient Greece looked in bowls of water in claiming to see visions of the future. Beehives are symbols of the Freemasonic order. The Mormons love the bee symbolism which is apart of the state logo of Utah. According to Dr. Cathy Burns' "Masonic and Occult Symbols Illustrated" book (along with Texe Marrs' Mysterious Monument book from pgs. 145- 146), the bee is found in the Goddess Venus. Later, the bee is related to the priestesses of Elusis and Epheus along with generative power. The bees to to many occultists means the Goddess and to work toward a man-made Paradise on Earth. Freemasonry hold the bee into the role of human industry. It was embraced by Mystery Religions for thousands of years. Adam Weishaupt ate hashish in rituals just like the Alumbardos (some plants related to occultism are similar to DMT plants). The veil is about reality changing for people. Shamans and magicians use the DMT plants in order to claim to see spirits (they claim to see this with their Third Eye). The Bible forbids using plants like DMT in an attempt to seek "spiritual experiences." The Book of Revelation has the words socercies which has a Greek word meaning pharmakea or drugs. Drugs used for wicked purposes is always a sin. The Third Eye is an occult/New Age belief of a secret eye in the middle of a human forehead that can understand a high level of information plus spiritually. It's unbiblical of course. Sir Oliver lodge (a pioneer of Radio) said that the Ether is a spirit domain and interconnects with planet and star in the Universe. The Ether to mystics is a life force. Lodge is the author of the Ether of Space from 1915.

There are blood rituals in the occult as well. Some in modern science falsley teach that the heart is just a pump. Other literature believe that the heart is an emotional organ that beat faster in stress, sexual excitement, etc. Some physical exercise can train the heart to respond better in strees. These exercises are called Yoga. Aliester Crowley followed Yoga just like famous magicians. Yoga believes it can unite mind, body, and spirit. Many conservative Christians reject yoga, because it comes from Hindu ceremonies of praising false gods. The occult believes that gaining full activity of the heart can unlock many realm of conscienceness. The fact remains that even physical yoga is inextricably united in the whole of Eastern metaphysics. Yoga follows the unbiblical action of using rituals to rise up the kudalini or serpent power plus it invokes false Hindu gods. There are numerous exercise programs that incorporate stretching that in no way relates to yoga (and it worldview) that one can substitute. Blood is a medium for life. Life force itself has many names in different cultures globaly. Chiprana is in China as the life force. Fresh oxygen can improve the life force according to Chinese pagans. that is why witches perform their rituals in woods since trees show oxygen in the world. Blood according to occultists can pass emotional energy. Tree groves are chosen by Secret orders to have sacifical rituals. In the Bohemian Grove, there is a tree Grove with the spirit of Care or Compassion to be sacrificed symbolism to the false god of an owl. Some believe that our heart can absorb and remember our personality. Nexus Magazine believes in organ memory. Some doctors and patients show that the heart personality of a patient reflect their original heart giver. Some question the total mechnical aspect of the human heart. Ancient cultures have been using blood from animals, etc. Blood ritual occurs globally. Black magicians who support blood sacrifice (like Crowley, who wanted a 9 year old child of above average intelligence to be the true sacrifice). Hot blood can have chi life force according to occultists. Eliphas Levi (Alphonse Constant. Levi is an anagram of Evil) and Crowley believe that the last blood of the victim.

Levi believes that the last beat of heart and the last blood carries the soul into the spirit world. This sick blood rituals are glamorized in Hollywood of course. One film showing this is called the "The Devil Rides Out" from Hammer film. It's based on an occult novel by Dennis Wheatley. The blood ritual has a person on an altar with Zodaic signss. One person oversees the body with other folks watching. One person wearing a black suit watches the proceedings as well. The victim is a little girl. The character of Mercata is based on Aleister Crowley. Dennis Wheatley was initated into Crowley's AA Secret Society. The Mercata character in the film talks with a deep British accent. He says that souls transfers to other places. The high priest is a Satanist in the film. He praises the Rider of the Beast and Chaos. Mercata tries to draws the child's blood. This form of black magic circumvent the natural path of the victim's soul. Occultists claim that blood rituals allow the soul of the victim unto them or demons (which I don't agree with). Icon Productions funded Mel Gibson's Apocalypto Film that is consumed of blood rituals. The Native Americans back then would get the person's heart of their bodies. The shape and color of the heart was studied for divinations. Tons of temples were set up to investigate spirits called Oracles. The oracles were female or andryonmous pyhsics who were bread from birth. They were in trances and claimed to recieve info form the spirit world. There are caves with oracles. One Baia Oracle Temple in Italy have a man-made river Styx that represents the gap between the physical and spiritual world. When Freemasons like George Washington and Benjamin Franklin found Washington, D.C. they oversaw the necroplis that houses the White House, the Jefferson Memorial, etc. (D.C. is based in the architectures of Temples worldwide). Some of these buildings were built with Masonic cornerstone on them replete with Masonic rituals. D.C. has a man-made river like the Styx in Baia, Italy. Underground oracle temples were in the Meditterean Sea on the Greek Island. Even the Book of Revelation was created in the Island of Patmos by the Apostle of John in a Cave. Yet, the difference between the Apostle John and other occult oracles is that John was moved by the Holy Spirit to write down the visions God gave them:

"...I John, who also am your brother, and companion in tribulation, and in the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, was in the isle that is called Patmos, for the word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ. 1:10 I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s day, and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet, 1:11 Saying, I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last: and, What thou seest, write in a book, and send it unto the seven churches which are in Asia; unto Ephesus, and unto Smyrna, and unto Pergamos, and unto Thyatira, and unto Sardis, and unto Philadelphia, and unto Laodicea.." (Revelation 1:9-11).

These occult oracles used the occult and that inspired them to perform their duties. People listen to oracles globally to this day. Minority Report was based on a Philip K. Dick novel. The film was directed by Steven Speilberg (who is a Bilderberger). The film talks about the oracles and priests. Ancient Greek philosophers like Aristoles, Plato, and Socrates tried to contact spirits. Diviniation (which was unbiblical) was done in ancient Greece as well. Socrates talked with the Oracle of Delphi. Divination was done to study organs of sacrifice victims as well. There are books of dreams and soothsayers predicts events as well. Saxe Coburg Gotha Victoria I collected deformed animals (the occult teachings that these creatures represent good and bad omens). Some see bowls of water. This was done by Nostradamus. He drugged himself with nutmeg, belladoma, and thorn apple in order to see bowls (for years) of water to reveal the future. Nostradamus wrote the Prophecies of Nostradamus. Nostradamus had many clients like Catherine De Medicini of France (a Queen). He predicted the death of the French Royal Family. Nostradamus was rumored to be involved in black magic.

The most oracle Temples of the ancient world were in Delphi and anohter place in Greece. The ouija board have been outlawed in many countries because of claims of spirit possession among people who wants to contact spirits. The oracle of Delphi go back as far back as the Minonian civilization in the 12th century B.C. Cecrops was the Egyptian King and claimed to found a Greek city. Dodaonna was another oracle Temple that tried to see the planet Jupiter. The spirit of Jupiter was Zeus in the ancient Greek world. Zeus has been worshipped then and today. Many of the spirits are worshipped as gods in the ancient world. Also, the planet Saturn is worshipped as Lucifer or Satan. The sun god of the Romans was Sol Invictus, which was popularized by Roman Emperor Aurelian. The spirit of the Sun was called the Solar Logos. The Romans had a festival in December 25 for Sun worship. Some occultists believe that the Hebrew alphabet has special spiritual significance. The symbols of the sun are in the Iron Cross of the Nazis. Some Freemasons praise the sun. Even the Hitler and the Nazis had the order of the Black Sun, which was filled with Occultists. Hitler based the SS after the Jesuit Order and the Vatican funded Hitler and other Catholic dictators (like Ante Pavelic, Benito Mussolini, Franco, Tiso, etc. In 1939, Heinrich Himmler, (a godchild to Himmler of Bavarian) wanted to find Sambala to serve the evil agenda of the Nazis. He wanted to find Tibetan black magicians and Himmler was 2nd in command of the Nazis. The Nazis also wanted to discover artifacts of Lost Atlantis. The reversed swatika relates to choas and the sun symbol. The Maharaia of Sikkim was questioned by the Nazis. Himmler recruited Black yogis or black magicians. There were farms where the Nazis would try to concieve blond haired, blue eyed people in sex, sacrifical experiments. Madame HP Blavatsky inspired Himmler's quest. She was an expert on magic and Earth spirits. Occultists believe that the Ether is strongest on certain parts of the Earth, which are called Ley Lines (They are found in Australia, Stonehenge, etc.).

Former Prime Minister Winston Chruchill was apart of the Order of the Druids. There is a megalithic site of tara. The Nazis studied megalithic sites and studied magicians. They did rituals to try to gain power. Himmler stylized the SS on the strick discipline of the Knights Templar. The Templar built Cathedrals or Kabbalic building masquering as Christian churches (where megaltihic stones are nearby). There was the Oracle of Tibet. Tibet is a theocracy where religious teachings rule that nation. The Dalai Lama is a leader in Tibet who claimed to be reincarnated from previous Buddhists leaders. The Panchen Lama is the 2nd most important person in the Tibetan theocracy. The 3rd most important person is the Tibetan Oracle. The Oracle would use hallinguenic plants and use mantras. Tibet, Bhutan, and India use tantras or sexual magic to please the spirits. The magicians wants to communicate with the spirits at the point of orgasm. The Kama sutra are textbooks showing the positions and techniques to allow human minds to get into the spirit world. Crowley used black magic and sex magic to get the young people to join the OTO. Even the Skulls and Bones secret society in Yale have sex magic among initiates. This group has politicans as members. Undercover journalists recorded the ceremonies. The sexual rituals have sexually trained prostitutes. The Good Shepherd movie expose that the Skulls and Bones are recruited from top artistocratic families to allow people to control the White House, the CIA, FBI, etc.
The ephod is a kind of garment mentioned in the O.T., which differed according to its use by the high-priest, by other persons present at religious services, or as the object of idolatrous worship. Roman historian Josephus talked about cystals and gold ephod used in religious ceremony. Chris Everard believes that the ephod was used to contact the spiritual world. The crystal had a socket like an electrical board today. I disagree with the Chris Everard's Alien Kabbalah film that all ephod, Unim, and Thumim objects are used to contact the spiritual. Some was done in the OT for sincere, biblical rituals. Josephus said that the Levi priesthood used the ephod. The color of the ephod crystals glowed. Some onyx bottoms used yes and no answers from Spirits according to Chris. I don't believe in this. Josephus said that the elite of the religious Hebrew world contacted spirits to make serious decisions (This is similar to the oracle breastplate of ancient Greece). The jewels are found in occult ceremonies. Some use the 12 stones as the 12 zodaic signs. Each constellations is believed to have a spirit. These spirits are refered in the Zohar (or apart of the Kabbalah). Temples are found where the Ark of the Covenant existed. Some compared the Ark to an electronic device. There is the teraphim. The word teraphim means disgraceful things. They are statues that show a image of a spirit. In the statue have helix structure made of metal structures like a radio antanaee. Teraphim existed in the Bible. The book of Hosea talks about the teraphim. Urim and Thummim (meaning lights and accurate truth) were apart of the ephod. It was made of magnetized stones. The Ark of the Covenant was a biblical image that wasn't used for contact with demons or spirits at all. The Alien Kabbalah is wrong on that point.
Freemason Joseph Smith was the Founder of Mormonism. He used symbols from the Goetia Book of Magic. He claimed to own 2 Urim and thummim devices (This wasn't for biblical purposes, but for occult purposes). His mother claimed that Joseph Smith inscribed and invoked the spirit of Abrxas into a magic circle. Abraxis is Gnostic demonic spirit with feets of snakes. Abracadabra is an Arabic name of this demon of Abraxis. Smith claimed to have gold plates with Egyptian heiroglypics. He made tablets in images that usually done to contact spirits (His hand written document uses the Maltese cross with a magical sigil symbol). These images look similar to the Goetia book. Mormonism was a cult with mixed Freemasonry and spiritualism. In 1844, Joseph Smith tried to be President of America. He sent thousands of leaflets with occult symbols in it. Here's more confirmation on Joseph Smith's ties to the occult:
"...The first faction that influenced Joseph Smith, Jr. was a fascination with the occult. Mormon scholar D. Michael Quinn, has carefully documented that Smith was influenced by the culture of his day and particularly by his immediate family. His father and uncle both used divining rods.5 Luman Walters was likely the individual who introduced Joseph Smith, Jr. to using the "seer stone" for the pretense of discovering treasure.6 The Palmyra Reflector dubbed him as "Walters the Magician" who operated by the use of "familiar spirits," using instruments of witchcraft such as a "stuffed toad," "an old sword," and a "seer stone."7 Dr. Reed Durham, former president of the Mormon History Association, and Professor of Religion at the University of Utah, in a 1974 lecture revealed that at the time of his death Joseph Smith was wearing what was formerly thought to have been a "Masonic jewel" was actually a "Jupiter talisman." This proves that Joseph Smith was engaged in occult practices until the end of his life in 1844.8 A talisman is an object engraved with astrological signs believed to have possessed power to avert evil and bring good luck. Such pieces are clearly identified with occult magic. This lecture, although true, brought the wrath of then President Spencer W. Kimbell down upon Dr. Durham. The talisman is currently kept in the LDS Archives..." ("Joseph Smith and The Occult: WHO WAS JOSEPH SMITH?" by Allen Harrod. From
To this day, occult technology is the highest secret of the Elite. The Pope is pictured wearing an effigy of an ephod and a yalmuke. The royal political elite where crown with crystals and round images. There is the Grimoire of Lucifer. The Grimoire was at first at hebrew text used by black magicians. The Grimoire was created in Italy, French, and English. A Dominican Jesuit translated the Grimoire as well. Weishaupt was inspired by the Jesuits to form his Bavarian Illuminati. The Grimoire shows the heirchacy of Demons. Abraham the Jew in 1377 wrote a book of spells from a person in Egypt. This talks about vellum to write names of spirits. This book has been banned in many countries, because of dangerous occurences from instructions from the Grimoire book. In 1920, the Pyschical Research found that a person found a big spiritual power. Freemason S. L. MacGregor Mathers wrote a translation of a book called "The book of the Sacred Magic of Abraham the Mabe." This book tries to summit the spirit of Lucifer or Devil. The Golden Dawn used sceanes.
There is the subject of the pictarix. The Picatrix was recently translated into English. It claimed to contacts devils and demons. One of the most influential interpretations suggests it is to be regarded as a "handbook of talismanic magic". Another researcher summarizes it as "the most thorough exposition of celestial magic in Arabic", indicating the sources for the work as "Arabic texts on Hermeticism, Sabianism, Ismailism, astrology, alchemy and magic produced in the Near East in the ninth and tenth centuries A.D. King Alphonso studied the Picatrix. The Knights Templar excavated under the Temple of King Solomon. The Picatrix was banned for centuries since it teaches spirit summoning of a planet and put a spirit in a dead person. Dr. John Dee was employed by Queen Elizabeth and Emperor Rudolph. The Testiment of Solomon is a book of Demonology that tried to contact Beelzebub. The Knights Templar went underground and some of their components influenced the development of International Freemasonry. One of the secret passwords in Freemasonry is Abaddon. Magicians used occult texts to advise royals. There are more things in the Alien Kabbalah film. The truth is that the film is right that many elitists are occultists. The film is wrong to assume that every Jewish high priest in the OT days used the ephod and the Ark of the Covenant to contact spirits when the OT forbids that activity. It is also wrong to assume that yoga is fine or that Heaven is just a realm of spirits. Heaven is bigger than that. Heaven is the place where God Almighty resides in with believers. Lord willing, I will continue to think and write for decades to come.

By Timothy


Douglas Andrew Willinger said...

'The Bible forbids using plants like DMT in an attempt to seek "spiritual experiences"'


Timothy said...

There is not a word that we need plants for spiritual enlightenment. Using plants like DMT in a religious ceremony and claiming that you're seeing entities increases your risk of seeing demons. The Holy Spirit and the Word of God is enough for that: "...2 Corinthians 3:3
Forasmuch as ye are manifestly declared to be the epistle of Christ ministered by us, written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God; not in tables of stone, but in fleshy tables of the heart...." If God's Spirit is sufficient for our spiritual needs, why do we need DMT to help us out? The truth is that we don't.

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