Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Sotomayor Hearing and other news

ROBERT DIGITALE from Santa Rosa Press-Democrat on Monday on July 13, 2009 exposed the reality that the 2009 Bohemian Grove meeting is getting underway. Protests are occuring there as well. The Grove is a redwood-spired sanctuary for powerful men for 120 years. Today, it is ofund near Monte Rio, California where it hold its annual, two week encampment. The encampment lasts until July 26. This gathering have caused protestors to come near this area as well. Usually larger protests come about when the existence of Republican Presidential administrations come about in the past 3 decades. The protests are lower than usually. Every Republican President since Herbert Hoover have belonged to the Grove. Mary Moore is the founder of the Bohemian Grove Action network in the 1980's. She is happy that new activitsts are protesting the leaders of government, bankers, business, and the military who gather there. Mary Moore's problem is that she sees things in the Left/Right paradigm (she believes it's a mostly Republican conspiracy to harm society) when both parties have members in the Bohemian Grove (like George W. Bush, Jimmy Carter, and Danny Glover are members of the Grove). This summer’s encampment comes as environmentalists continue their fight against a proposed timber plan for the 2,650-acre grove property near the Russian River. The state Department of Forestry and Fire Protection is preparing to respond to what a spokeswoman characterized as a “rather large” number of comments on the timber plan, a step before officials can deny the plan or issue a permit. Environmentalists believe that the Grove cuts too many trees in the area. Former Bohemian Grove member John Hooper wants to stop the timber plan. 9/11 Truth groups will protest there as well. They want the cover up of 9/11 exposed. They make manifest that hundereds of architects, and engineers demand a real 9/11 investigation (as they disagree with the official story on 9/11). Brian Romanoff, a spokesman who operates the Web site, said the aim of the demonstrations is to increase “awareness of these private gatherings of the elite.” He said participants also hope to speak with those attending the encampment. The truth is that the Bohemian Grove is a secret, occult group that praise a 40ft. owl statue called Minerva (Isis or the Goddess). There are masses there and a statue of Saint Nepomuk of Bohemia (which is a Patron saint in the Bohemian Grove). Sexual abuse of children and murder of people in occult rituals have been accusations against the Grove. There is of course a mock human sacrifice in the Cremation of Care ritual. The Bohemian Grove is one strangest and occult groups in the world. from Sunday on July 12, 2009 described a new study about how it proves that thimerosal induces autism-like responses on people. The study's title is named, “A Mitochondrial Dysfunction, Impaired Oxidative-Reduction Activity, Degeneration, and Death in Human Neuronal and Fetal Cells Induced by Low-Level Exposure to Thimerosal and Other Metal Compounds”, which was published in the most recent issue of the peer-reviewed journal of Toxicology & Environmental Toxicology. It proves a casual link between thimerosal and the brain pathology that exists in patients disagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder (or ASD). The research researched cellular damage in 3 in vitro human neuronal and fetal cell model systems. Researchers wanted to witness the potential damage done by thimerosal and other metal compounds. These metal compounds include aluminum sulfate, methylmercury hydroxide, lead acetate, and mercuric chloride. They were assessed using cell vitality assays and microscope-based digital image capture techniques. The study showed that thimerosal induced cellular damge in the human neuronal and fetal cell model system in a concentration and time dependent fashion (or using thimerosal at low nanomolar or parts per billion concentrations). These concentrations exist today and they have existed in fetal or early infants explosure to mercury from Thimersal containing biologics plus vaccines in the 1990's. These levels induced significant cellular toxicity in the human neuronal and fetal cells studied. The Thimerosal-induced cellular damage was consistent with that found in pathophysiological studies of patients diagnosed with an ASD. In both instances, the studies found significant mitochondrial dysfunction, reduced cellular oxidative-reduction activity, cell degeneration, and cell death. This study found that Thimerosal is much more toxic than the other metal compounds studied like aluminum sulfate, etc. Thimerosal is very toxic since it was chemically engineered in the 1920's with a very toxic alkylmercury compound (where its biological transport and intracellular delivery properties were enhanced). The lesson is clearly that we should never have any mercury placed inside of our bodies, especially into the bodies of young children or infant. Putting mercury (especially in high doses) inside of infants increases the risks of diseases, autism, and other evils that we should never do.

Religious News are still here. “Watch Out, Missionaries,” from The Jerusalem Post, on July 2, 2009 show how Messanic Christian people are being persecuted in Israel. This is nothing new as this has been going on for years. Eddie Beckford and his wife Lura are a Messanic Christian couple living in the desert town of Arad. Even in 2005, Eddie Beckford (a 61 year old black American) was called the N word and other names by extremist Israeli protesters. The police keep the crowd a short distance, but they did nothing about it. The mob of Gur Hassidim did this. The Arad congregration number 50 have their tired slashed dozens of times. They have been crused by the Gur Hassidim in markets and in their homes for 5 years (one person was arrested and immediately released). One Jewish person in the person claims not to be against Christians, but missionaries who proseltyize Jews (he said it was against the law. He wants all missionaries to be removed from Israel). That's a lie since Israeli law only forbids proselytizing minors or ‘bribing’ potential converts with money or material favors). I believe that proselytizing should be voluntary and legal without any form of restrictions at all. This proves that bigots exist in all nation and Israel should promote more religious freedom in their nation. Not all Isrealis are racists, but many are racists. Racists exist in America (in Saudi Arabia, in Egypt, etc.). Rick Warren wants interfaith religious projects with Muslims. He's an Ecumenical and a CFR member, so Warren's actions are typical of him. See, Jesus spoke with sinners, but didn't want to create an interfaith program with sinners. He wanted the sinners to repent of their sins in order for them to change their own lives. Warren isn't calling for Muslims to repent to God at all when they worship the solar diety of Allah. Rick Warren complains frequently that he is persecuted by “fundamentalists” who oppose his contemporary, ecumenical philosophy, but like compromisers everywhere, he confuses godly reproof with persecution. See, we're not persecuting Rick Warren. We're just disagreeing with him in a peaceful, legitimate fashion. Warren is the liar who compared conservative Christians with Muslim jihadists. He lies and believes that people like us don't understand how Jesus loves lost people. We do and it's true love to inspire them to wake up. That is why Warren loves the world and refuse to preach the gospel to the Islamic Society of North America. The Gospel group Mary Mary is very popular. Their new video called "The God in Me" promotes the celebrity culture with other worldly people (from Common, Kanye West, David Banner, etc.). This is similar to Carrie Prejan, who was right to have a free speech right to support traditional marriage, but Carrie loves to prance around semi nude for a pageant. Both women in the group of Mary Mary support Barack Obama when he's pro-abortion, pro-NAFTA, pro-war on terror, pro-Patriot Act, and pro-special rights giving unto homosexuals (instead of just promoting the same rights everyone deserves). Mary Mary wants to expand their audience and that is why they invited the world to listen to their music. One member of Mary Mary use their own daughter to sing in praise of Barack Obama. Barack Obama is a deception and a puppet of the establishment. The reflection of God in a person's life is about meekness, peace, and temperance (It has nothing to do with worldly possessions since a wicked person and a saved person can have a huge amount of possessions). I can't find the "God in me" in the Scriptures. Mary Mary's song protrays the distorted view that cars, clothes, money, etc. can be a reflection of the "God in me." The Bible in 1 Timothy 6:10 forbids the love of money as the root of all kinds of evil. We shouldn't worship money or material assets in our lives at all. We shouldn't love the world as found in 1 John 2:15-17. A poor saved person and a rich saved person is equal in the eyes of Almighty God. The song obviously doesn't call for the Gospel. Mary Mary have done great things, but we should pray for them to correct themselves on the Gospel plus other matters.

Sonia Sotomayor is having her Judical Senate hearing. The hearing was mostly cordial. There were the Senators giving their basic impression of Sotomayor and their views. The main theme of the hearing was the debate on whether your personal experiences should influence your judgment on deciding a legal case. Typically, most liberals agree with using personal experiences as an influence on deciding a case and most conservative disagree with this assumption. There are legitimate arguments on both sides. Ultimately, you can't escape your personal experiences. These experiences shouldn't be superior to legal predence or the Constitution itself in forming a interpretation of laws. There is the controversy on whether you vote for a person to be on the Supreme Court based on their judicial philosophy or experience. Some agree with voting for someone on their political views, some don't, and others believe in voting for someone based on their views including their legal experience. The Supreme Court in essence interprete laws and they should not create laws. The issues that we and Congress want to figure her out on are about abortion, gun rights, affirmative action, private property rights, religious liberty, civil liberties, etc. Now, some Senators grandstand and lied and said that abortion is great. They believe that Roe is settled law and it isn't, because Roe is a Court decision. Roe legalized killing of unborn human being in the womb thereby destroying the rights of our fellow human beings. Another Congressman said that the D.C. gun ban was fine, which is a lie. The Constitution says that people have a right to bear arm (irrespective of Supreme Court decisions that came up in the past). Many pro-life protesters were arrested for disrupting the hearings temporary. Norma McCorvey (or the "Roe" in the Roe v. Wade case) yelled to the crowd in the Senate. Later, she was arrested for being disruptive. I have no problem with protests, showing signs, etc. in the Senate or in the street, but I don't believe in harrasing people because you disagree with someone. It's even fine to be emotional on the issue of abortion. We should be respectful with people with whom we disagree with. I think abortion is murder, but even Sonia Sotomayor deserves the right to express her views on cases and judicial philosophy.

Steven Ertelt from Editor on July 8, 2009 wrote about how Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal signed a pro-life bill that gives pro-life doctors and other medical professionals more conscience protections on abortion under state law. This covers both public and private heath care workers. It allows them to opt out of invovlement in abortions. The measures gives withdrawal rom participating in anti-life bioethics practices like human cloning, euthanasia or embryonic stem cell research. The new laws allows the medical workers to recieve job protection and legal immunity from employer discrimination if they refuse to participate in the practices. Of course, Planned Parenthood and the ACLU oppose the conscience protection for doctors and health care workers. They believe that it would somehow reduce access to medical service, but that has not been the case in other states. Not to mention that abortion is not a real medical service at all. It's hypocritical for PP and the ACLU to oppose people's freedom to dissent, while they claim to advance the concepts of civil liberties. Abortion is murder. Rep. Bernard LeBas, a Democrat from Ville Platte, sponsored the bill, HB 517, that allows "any person . . . not to" participate in the objectionable practices or dispense "abortifacient drugs," that would include the mifepristone abortion pill and the morning after pill, which can cause an abortion in limited circumstances. The bill almost didn't make it to Jindal in its correct form. The reason is that members of the state House, which was led by pro-abortion Rep. John Bel Edwards, amended it so only healthcare providers in the public sector are entitled to conscience protection for a limited amount of procedures. However, thanks to the calls, emails and public lobbying from pro-life advocates, the state Senate approved HB 517 and added an amendment making sure all health care professionals receive the benefit of the legislation. Benjamin Clapper is the head of the Louisiana Right to Life Federation. He said that the Senate passed the amended bill on a bipartisan 31-2 vote. "While Louisiana Right to Life was relentlessly working over the past week to earn our Senators' support of HB 517, it was not till around 40 pro-lifers descended on the Senate yesterday morning that the victory was in hand," Clapper told at the time. "Also, many thanks to Senator Amedee who amended the bill to protect both the consciences of public and private health care professionals," he added. I don't agree with Gov. Boddy Jindal on every issue, but he did the right thing in passing this health care conscience law. The freedom of conscience is a great way to promote our individual right to have our own thinking and religious freedom.

National Socialism is symymous with the Nazi Empire. Back months ago, the left loved to compare Hitler with Bush. George W. Bush is not equivalent with Hitler, but some of his policies are similar to the Nazi Empire. Both men used the government as a tool to stir up the fear of foreign enemies and instigate a jingositic form of false nationalism (as an excuse to wage wars and violate our civil liberties under the guise of "security"). Even Benjamin Franklin succintly pointed out that those who relinquish their liberty for security deserve neither liberty nor security. Hitler is certainly a lesson on how we shouldn't conduct ourselves. Far too often, we repeat history. During the Bush administration, Bush used 9/11 to consolidate his and allow the neo-conservatives to go forward with the war on terror. The economy went south and this caused the political left to be in power (with its socialist-like powers). There is nothing wrong with true nationalism or the respect for nation-states, but not using nationalism as an excuse to promote oppression, militarism, or consdolidation of power into a few hands. Some believe that the Nazis were conservative in their economic policies, yet this isn't the truth. They were socialism in an unique form of fascism. According to the The Vampire Economy by Guenter Reimann (1939), it wrote about the 1933 decree that all property must be subject to the collective will (under many random audits and massive new bookkeeping regulations). Manufactures in that time had to get through many regulations to get their product online. The State controls property rights of private rights in this system. The rules begin to change slowly so that enterprise could no longer make decisions in the interest of profitability. The banks were nationalized. The heads of major companies were changed. Hiring and firing became heavily politicized. The courts ruled not on justice but on political priorities. It was no longer enough merely to obey the laws. The national will must trump economic concerns. Captialism in fascism is controlled by select corporations and the state. The Nazis used Big Bankers acting as state officials. This limited competition, independence, etc. The banks work with the government to control the economy. The fascist State does not merely grant the private entrepreneur the right to produce for the market, but insists on production as a duty which must be fulfilled even though there be no profit. The businessman cannot close down his factory or shop because he finds it unprofitable. To do this requires a special permit issued by the authorities. Businesses suffer if they refuse to submit to the Nazi state's demands. Reimann sums up: "In Nazi Germany there is no field of business activity in which the State does not interfere. In more or less detailed form it prescribes how the businessman may use capital which is still presumably his private property. And because of this, the German businessman has become a fatalist; he does not believe that the new rules will work out well, yet he knows that he cannot alter the course of events. He has been made the tool of a gigantic machine which he cannot direct." The regime also dramatically increased social and medical legislation, providing lifetime pensions to friends and conscripting doctors in the service of its dietary and medical goals. So, the Nazis did things that contradict conservative or libertarian philosophies.

Jesuit links to the new world order are exposed all of the time. Recently, President Barack Obama's senior officials kissed the Pope's ring at the Vatican. The people who did it were Deputy National Security adviser Dennis McDonough (whose brother is a priest) and White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs. This is silly since the Pope is a mere man and not God. God is God. You don't bow before some man and kiss their ring. Barack Obama meet with the Pope Benedict XVI to discuss about economic issues, social issues, and other international subjects. Even on the abortion issue, some Bishops in America oppose common sense personhood bills in certain states in the USA. President Barack Obama met with the Pope one on one before being joined by Michelle Obama, the first daughters, and the White House staff. Jesuit Georgetown trained National Security Adviser General James L. Jones (USMC, Ret., former Trilateralist, former CFR, etc.), CFR member White House Deputy Chief of Staff Mona Sutphen, White House Senior Adviser David Axelrod, and others were introduced to the Pope. "Given the influence of the Catholic Church globally, as well in the United States, and frankly, given the influence of the Catholic Church and church social teaching on the president himself, he recognizes that this is much more than your typical state visit," McDonough said. It's certainly quite evident that the Papacy still has very powerful global reach in terms of its religious influence. The reality is that Papal church teaching should have no influence in our Constitution. As John F. Kennedy said that the canon law is not a replacement of our Bill of Rights and Constitution in terms of enforcing our legal parameters. Barack Obama and the CFR are allies of the Vatican. They are allies in trying to enact the new world order agenda (with the Pope recently calling for create a new world economic order in order to find common ground). The Vatican promotes illegal immigration and the United Nations for decades now. Freemasonry like Romanism is Ecumenical and deny that Yeshua Messiah is the only way to Salvation (i.e. Roman Catholic canon law believes that Muslims and others of different faith can go to Heaven without Jesus Christ) as outlined in John 14:6. Even CFR member, Trilateralist, and Bilderberger Henry Kissinger believes that Barack Obama is primed to create the new world order. So, we should disagree with the religious-political tenets of the Papacy and the Jesuits without hating Catholic people personally.

By Timothy

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