Sunday, July 05, 2009

Summer in 2009 Part 5


Calvinism has been a controversial issue for years, especially among Bible Believing Christians. Many Calvinists influenced the development of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. We respect their contributions to those vital documents. This doesn't mean we agree with them on every doctrinal point. I've studied Calvinism for years and it was created by the reformer John Calvin. Calvinists abhor the teachings of Jacobus Arminius. Calvin wasn't perfect as we know. He established a church-state theocracy in Geneva, Switzerland. Theocracies that's man-made infringe on religious liberty. Calvin was from France. John Cavlin was a Frenchman, but he escaped into Geneva for fear of the Inquisition. Even in the 1500's, the Inquisition would kill innocent people for just disagreeing with the Papacy on religious or political matters. Since the Papacy and the Jesuits wanted to kill him (because of his religious beliefs), he escaped into Geneva to set up his religious center of influence. He written a book entitled, "Institutes." He was young when he finished the work. Calvinism is simply put into the theology or exegesis of T.U.L.I.P. TULIP stands for Total depravity, unconditional election, limited atonement, irresistible grace, and the perseverance of the saints. These dogma make up the core of Calvinism. I don't agree with everything with Calvinism and many Independent Baptists don't. The early Baptists in England were divided into the General Baptists and the Particular Baptists, referring to how they viewed Christ’s atonement, as to whether it was for all men (general) or only for the elect (particular). Adam Taylor’s History of the General Baptists of England (1818) deals with the history of the non-Calvinist Baptists in Great Britain, and there were a large number of them. The ironic thing is that some in Calvinism are divided over their views.

Admittedly, John Calvin loved the philosophies of Augustine in his own words: “If I were inclined to compile a whole volume from Augustine, I could easily show my readers, that I need no words but his” (Institutes, Book III, chap. 22). Augustine was a 5th century church scholar who some accuse of embracing Papal doctrines. Calvin's major false doctrine was his embrace of Limited Atonement or the belief that God only saves the elect. The truth is that the Bible is clear that Jesus Christ died for the sins of the whole entire world (not just for the elect). Also, God is clear from the Bible that he doesn't want anyone to go into Hell, but some will: “The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance” (2 Pet. 3:9). Man by himself is depraved of getting salvation by himself, but that doesn't mean that man is inable to help the world after salvation. Man can even accept God's offer of salvation even though he or she is unable to contribute to his or her salvation. God offers human beings to accept or reject God's gift of salvation freely. The Bible is clear that: "...For God so loved the WORLD, that he gave his only begotten Son, that WHOSOEVER believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life..." (John 3:16). God is sovereignity, yet God is also merciful and kind. God never hates people because of their essence of their being. God does hate sin and evil. We should too, but not people because of their differences or inborn characteristics (like sex, race, etc.). Too many Calvinists embrace pessessism about human beings as well. All Calvinists aren't monolithic. Some of them refuse to submit to God's commandment of preaching the Gospel to all Creation. Some try to preach the Gospel to people. Like Luther, Calvin falsely tried to merged the sacraments into the Word of God. There is the Michael Servetus controversy in dealing with Calvinism. You can't escape it when you investigate John Calvin. John Calvin shouldn't be blamed for his death since Calvin didn't authorize or kill Servetus. His allies did. Even Michael Servetus' execution was wrong for many reasons. The only biblical NT requirement for the death penalty for people is murder or extremely high crimes not religious dissent. You can't find one single verse to validate the myth that you murder human beings for religious dissent. The Bible says to respond to heretics is "scriptural reproof", silence, and rejecting them after the first and second admonition. (Titus 1:9-11, 2 Tim. 4:2, Titus 3:10,etc.). The deal is that Michael Servetus shown real heresies in Geneva. He wasn't violent neither advocate a violent overthrow of the government. Yet, Geneva's authorities captured him and murdered him, because he had differing religious views from Calvinism. The Lutheran historian Mosheim (1694-1755), Sebastian Castellio, historian Gibbon and others express remorse over Servetus' death and dissent towards Calvin's action. Servetus was an excellent physician and called infant baptism "a doctrine of the Devil, an invention of popery, and a total subversion of Christianity." He also called the Mass "a Satanic monstrosity and an invention of demons." He's 100 % correct on those 2 issues, but he had false,odd views of the Trinity, odd views on the end times,and sometimes was absentminded or made false remarks about people. Those other views that Servetus had are of course false. His works of De trinitas erroribus (1531) and DE trinitae (1532) outline his opinions.

Before Severtus died while he was burning into ashes at October 27, 1553 he screamed in a loud voice saying "Jesus Christ ,thou Son of the eternal God, have mercy upon me!" The source where this quote is found in Schaff's History of the Christian Church at Chapter 16 and tons of other sources. Farel and Calvin afterwards still conceded to Servetus' burning even though he at least back tracked on some issues and realize Christ is the Son of God. Michael Servetus was no doubt a heretic, but you don't murder heretic just because you disagree with them. That's murder and a sin.

Calvin also followed the Papal, unscriptural concept of infant baptism. John Calvin wrote that infants being baptized are immediately apart of the body of Christ:

“At whatever time we are baptized, we are washed and purified once for the whole of life” (Institutes, IV).

“By baptism we are ingrafted into the body of Christ ... infants are to be baptized ... children of Christians, as they are immediately on their birth received by God as heirs of the covenant, are also to be admitted to baptism” (Institutes, IV).

The Holy Scriptures are totally clear the the blood of Jesus Christ saves us and grafts us into the boy of Jesus Christ. John Calvin was notorious in his hatred of Anabaptists when in many cases they were more in line with Biblical Christianity than he was. Some Calvinism don't take theological disagreements very well. If you disagree with Calvin's views, some Calvinists might think that you're an Arminian. When the reality, you don't have to be a Calvinist or an Arminian to be saved.

There is a connection between Roman Catholicism and Calvinism that many people ignore. Dave Hunt proved this truth that John Calvin would take ideas from the Papacy (because of his Roman Catholic background) in his own theology. John Calvin accepted Augustine's views. Augustine believed in using the power of state to compel church attendance. This Papal doctrine is what John Calvin would advocate about 1,200 years later. Calvin believed in the "perpetual virginity" of Mary: "Because she is the ever-virgin, Calvin usually refers to the Virgin Mary and not just Mary in his writings The mother of God was Virgin, before, during and after birth. Joseph had no sexual contacts with his wife Mary." John Calvin, Calvini Opera Harm Ev ad Luc I, 34, op 45, 30

"To this day we cannot enjoy the blessing brought to us in Christ without thinking at the same time of that which God gave as adornment and honour to Mary, in willing her to be the mother of his only-begotten Son". John Calvin, Calvini Opera Harmonie Evangelique, Ser IX, op 46 309

The Roman Catholic Church accepts perpetual virginity or that Mary remained a virgin for the rest of her life. The Bible is clear that Mary had other children and these were Jesus Christ's half-relatives. Dave Hunt’s book "WHAT LOVE IS THIS?" exposes Calvinism in a peaceful and logical way. I have some disagreements with Dave Hunt. Hunt refuses to expose 9/11 and new world order agenda. It is Hunt’s attempt to discredit the King James Bible’s translation of Acts 13:48. In his attempt to refute Calvinism, Brother Hunt finds it necessary (on page 218) to claim that the King James Bible leaned on the Roman Catholic Latin Vulgate in Acts 13:48. This is false since this verse is accepted by most major translations like Geneva, Carnmer, Bishops Bible, and the King James Bible. John Calvin founded the University of Geneva. Its coat of arms has the "IHS" symbol, which is tied to the Jesuits and Freemasonry. There is a key and half of a double headed eagle as well. One of the biggest supporters of Calvinism is James White, who agrees with supporting the apostate modern Bible versions. Many radicals that are Reformed hate Premillenialism or the view that Jesus Christ will return before the arrival of the Millennium. Today, Calvinism is trying to infiltrate Baptist churches, which is a shame. The good news is that folks are waking up about what Calvinism truly stands for. I believe in the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, not the Five Points of Calvin or the T.U.L.I.P.


Reiki relates to the occult. Now, an article from the Reiki News recently said that 15 percent of American hospitals are using the occult procedure of Reiki. Reiki deals with a type of therapeutic touch and it is believed that the ki (chi) energy (or believed by occultists to be a universal energy that flows through all things) can be used to heal people. This Reiki News article was written by Reiki proponent William Lee Rand. Rand expressed a concern about US Catholic bishops releasing a statement asking Catholic hospitals to not use Reiki, because of it Buddhist roots. Rand believes that Reiki is a scientific method that corresponds with healing results. Yet, Rand's own description of Reiki proves that it isn't scientific, but relates to a spiritual approach. He even admits that: "Reiki healing energy directs itself." Author Ray Yungen, who says there are now over one million Reiki channelers in the US alone (a million in Germany also), explains this "energy" behind Reiki further as being a force. Reiki deals with metaphysical issues. Some proponents even believe that a spirit guide guides themselves in their life endeavors. The deal is that many nurses, counselors, and even massage therapists believe in this stuff. Reiki is getting very popular. Dr. Mehmet Oz is "one of the most respected cardiovascular surgeons in the US" who "uses Reiki during open-heart surgeries and heart transplants." According to Dr. Oz, "Reiki has become a sought-after healing art among patients and mainstream medical professionals." Reiki book promotes the occult. In the "The Everything Reiki Book", it admits that that pyschic communication centers and channeled communications with the spirit world relate to Reiki. We should ask a doctor not to perform Reiki on us. The Bible is clear that sorceries and contacting the spirit world is forbidden in the OT and the NT. The Universe is not held by a "life force" (which is being manipulated or sold by human beings. This is very demonic) but by God Almighty himself.

File:Reiki DSCF2008.jpg

Stewart Best and Todd Bentley agree with the concept of the "White Light." Although, Best and Bentley aren't affiliated with each other at all. In Chapter 6 of Stewart Best's Dark Light Series, he tried to say that the Shekinah Glory has the presence of a white light. The Shekinah Glory is found in the Holy of Holies of the Solomon's Temple. Masonic ritual mimic Solomon's Temple ironically. That is why Masonic Lodges are based in architecture to the Temple of Solomon. Todd Bentley also believe that when the Shekinah Glory comes the visible presence of God in a blinding "white light." What is the white light? The white light is actually found in New Age/occult teachings. I heard Sylvia Browne praising the white light all of the time in the Montel Williams show before. Witches, occultists, etc. believe in the white light concept. The New Agers believe that white light energy enters the body of the Reiki healer (and travels through his or her body and then it's channeled though his hands). The Reiki healer believes that the white light can open a person's chakra. New Agers believe that the white light can heal people, but these entities that New Agers embrace are actually devils. HP Blavatsky talked about an aura appearing as a white light. Other occultists believe that a white light can control the astral body.

"You see, in a book by the New Age occultist, Alice Bailey, entitled A Treatise on White Magic, we are told how to control the astral body. One way is by a 'direct method of relaxation, concentration, stillness and flushing the entire personality with pure WHITE LIGHT.' " (Alice A. Bailey, A Treatise on White Magic (or The Way of the Disciple) (New York: Lucis Publishing Company, 1951), p. 345 as quoted by Dr. Cathy Burns in Alcoholics Anonymous Unmasked). Lucifer is represented by a white light as well:

"The white light is an important symbol in the New Age. A former witch wrote: 'In the upper three levels of witchcraft, LUCIFER IS REPRESENTED BY A WHITE LIGHT.' "
-Dr. Cathy Burns, Masonic and Occult Symbols Illustrated, page 268

According to New Ager Elizabeth Clare Prophet, the white light is called kundalini (or the energy that rises from the base of the spine to the brain). The kundalini is accepted in Hinduism and relates to serpent powers. The serpent is an archetype or a symbol of Satan. Occultists in the Tara Center use the Great Invocation in order to make the white light a reality. See, Satan and his devils appear as a white light to deceive people. The Bible says that God is light (from 1 John 1:5), but Satan and his devils acts as a white light to deceive human beings into following their agendas. We don't need deception or falsehoods in our lives. I will follow God's agenda instead.

Now, new information from Liberty to Captives Ministries (with Lisa and Gary Ruby) proved that Best is embracing false doctrine and New Age/occult concepts. Most of what he discusses about the New World Order is true, but his secret doctrines are so diabolical that a man must investigate his words closely to see his deception. The Dark Light’s ideology is trying to find the Ultimate Reality (a New Age term). In Stewart Best’s hardcopy of Dark Light, on chapter 12, pg. 6, he said that to receive apage love or the Spirit of Christ (God) is to have unity or oneness with Christ and God the Father. Best's quote from that source is found in the following: "...The goal of the New Covenant then is the BESTOWMENT OF AGAPE LOVE, THE SPIRIT OF GOD, THE SPIRIT OF CHRIST. It is to bring us into a UNITY, A UNION, A ONENESS WITH CHRIST AND GOD THE FATHER..." (Quote source: hardcopy Dark Light chapter 12, pg 6). Union means joining two or more things into one and oneness is the quality or state of fact of being one. This is false, because no man can be like God in oneness and merge with God at all. There is no union between God and man. The New Age Movement indeed support the doctrine that man can have union with God in oneness. Stewart said that most Christians aren’t born again by not achieving “authentic union.” Best believes that salvation is done by a seven step process in “The Way” (a New Age term) to meet “Christ” in his inner man, and to come in union/oneness with God.

The apage flows with the Christian at last in his mind. Best continues to believe that union will receive the “essence of Christ.” Stewart talks of the inner radiant essence (a theosophical phrase), which is a term of the Luciferian false “Christ.” Sources proves that occultists and Luciferians call Lucifer as “essence. Note that essence is not found in the Holy Bible, but in occult writings meaning Lucifer (Satan). Jesus in John 17:26 described love among his disciples not mysticism. No “apage” love spirit saves, but the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. (Acts 4:12). According to Lisa and Gary Ruby, apage is a name of the demon spirit (or goddess). Pagans accept apage. Alice Bailey’s false “Christ” is the inner radiant reality. Best is using an occult representation of the Scriptures. The smoking gun is that Libery to Captives Ministries reported that Best wrote in his Book of Zero Options Part 2 that God doesn’t care about what you think or your opinion (he also uses the New Age term of reality of existence). The truth is that Satan cares about nothing of men period. God Almighty of the Holy Bible completely cares of our beliefs and who you are as a person. God wants us to cast all beliefs aside that are contrary to the Word of God. God is still in authority, God loves all men equally since he is no respector of persons, and God wishes that no human would perish in his or her sins but come into the knowledge of the truth. God is absolute with no human-like opinions or viewpoints. God is not relative at all. Best uses the term truth behind the universe, which is a Hindu term. The best policy toward Stewart Best is to let him be known of his errors and hopefully he can wake up.

By Timothy


dudleysharp said...

There is much misinterpretation of Calvion.

You may find this of interest.

dudleysharp said...

misspelling, as well. ugh

Timothy said...

I knew the pro-Calvinists would come out of the woodwork. I've anticipated it. Every single word that I've written about Calvin is backed up by many sources. Just for that, in the future, I'm going to list more evidence on the real John Calvin.

Thank you.

By Timothy

dudleysharp said...

I am not a pro Calvinist.

I thought you might find the referenced link of interest.

Timothy said...

Sorry for my mistake.

By Timothy

Anonymous said...

very useful post. I would love to follow you on twitter. By the way, did any one learn that some chinese hacker had busted twitter yesterday again.

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