Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The debate on George Washington

1936 short book about washington under the sway of romanism

QUOTE From: AvenueOfLight
To: Eric Phelps
Sent: Tuesday, September 01, 2009 10:44 AM

This is exactly what we have taught these many years that none stand with us but 'claim' ameriKa was founded upon "CHRISTIAN" principles? The word Christian here is none other than Roman catholic Christian; as England having just declared herself protestant; having been ROMAN kATHOLIC all along; Rome therefore needed a place to launch her counter attack from; hence you have John Carroll//ameriKa and Charles Carroll ameriKa... but you know that.....

Dear Mike

I didn't receive the original email that Eric posted & the pdf isn't attached to your forward. Please forward me a copy if you can.

I'll add that I have grave doubts about the ideological nature George Washington's role in the founding of the US. I have read all the quotes about him hardly ever setting foot in a Masonic lodge & the rest, but considering the Washington Monument (555' x 12" = 6660") "apotheosising" him & the Baphomet-style half-naked sculpture of him, he is clearly considered to have reached "godhood" by the high Masonic initiates. This of course has serious repercussive challenging questions as to what exactly is that which US Patriots are trying to save, & are the choices between an NAU & the USA ultimately a choice between one Jesuit-directed Masonic system & a successive one?

Many thanks -



That is correct Brother Troy... like sooooo MANY patriots.... want to save WHAT? This h___ infested death bed... This abortion filled continous

murdering medical Inquisition!!! Re establish what??? ameriKa ??? WHY... ??????????????? Love NOT the world....NOR the things thereof...

for if you DO the love of the Father is NOT in you. Does not that deny our

Lord Jesus Christ? His Second coming? Trying to delay HIS set timetable...denying the Sabbath ...the 6000th year start of the millenium...

He shall stand up and come thru the veil with the army(host) of angels to reap the earth the Earth can keep SAbbath for it's (1000th) 7000th year. IF not, you seek to delay AND deny Jesus Christ... and not desirous(love) to behold His appearing just as He spoke! My God is a consuming fire!

Myself I want to go home.... I am sick to death of this place! And all the evil that abounds.... Washington was a HIGH Freemason Troy....

He belonged to the Order Of Cinncinnati.

Come quick Lord Jesus.... Thy will be done!

This looks like it is going to be very interesting. I know that Phelps is favorable to Washington as a Calvinist, but have you seen his statute in the Masonic tower in Alexandria Virgina (a place that I know from experience has a totally controlled government that behaved all fearful in response to my proposal to make their I-495 gateway into something better- and started me to question just what was behind that compass and square, surely not some benevolent organization for architecture in the public interest- see the tag "Alexandria Orb" at my blog "A Trip Within the Beltway").

An intuition that I had years ago was that Washington would be revealed as a traitor, and that things now named for him would instead be named for Ben Franklin (yes I know he was also a Mason)- but I have nothing else to go on to support that, it was just an intuition.


QUOTE Dear Troy,

I shall send you the book in another email.

As per George Washington, I suggest the book The Chaplins and Clergy of the Revolution by Headley, 1864. There is a rising tide if disinformation that the original Federal Republic of these United States of America (1787-1868) was founded by the Jesuits via Freemasonry. There were 9 Freemasons who signed the Declaration of Independence (including Carroll) and thirteen who signed the Constitution, the rest were not Freemasons, and the vast majority of American Freemasons at the time were not controlled by the Jesuits via the Illuminati. Washington was made a hero of high-level Freemasonry well after his death in 1799 and the Washington Monument is another propaganda to brainwash the American peoples that the Father of their country was in fact an occultic, Bible-rejecting pagan serving the Order's llluminized Freemasonry. Note that that abomination was completed afther the nations Communist revolution (War of Northern Aggression) and that Pope Pius IX sent a special stone to the builders of the monument indicating his complete approval of the project.

Without understanding the effect of the First Great Awakening in the mid 1700s via the preaching of Calvinists Whitefield and Edwards, one can not understand the mulitiple, divine interventions during our 8-year struggle against the Jesuit-usurped British Empire led by Jesuit Coadjutor King George III.

Further, France, having expelled the Order in 1764, was our great helper in fighting the British---and France paid for that with the French Revolution including the beheading of King Louis XVI---our anti-Jesuit benefactor. The same holds true for anti-Jesuit Spain, for which reason Napoleon invaded the country and drove the anti-Jesuit Bourbon king into exile.

Please reconsider and review VAIII.

Brother Eric

Dear Eric

Your point that "France, having expelled the Order in 1764, was our great helper in fighting the British---and France paid for that with the French Revolution including the beheading of King Louis XVI---our anti-Jesuit benefactor" is indeed a solid piece of supporting evidence for your thesis.

However, my jury is out on what Washington's true nature was, as his monuments are hard for me to get around. Sure, he didn't create them, but it would be the only instance that I have ever heard of where any such Mystery monoliths & statuary where ever employed for such strategies. If you know of any others (historical players who have been setup posthumously to appear as Illuminati demigods - or less) then this would support the position that your deductions have led you to.

Any more evidence that I find compelling in either direction I shall pass on for all of our contemplation. If you can direct me to the pages in VAIII then I will of course review that. The lack of indexing as you know makes it difficult to quickly access specific references.

If VVIII (not to be confused with VAIII!) has any more info to contribute then this would be interesting to read too.

The only book that I have that I can recall touches on Washington, DC's esoteric architecture is Bauval & Hancock's "Talisman" (Bauval was recently interviewed on Red Ice, but unfortunately ran out of time over the two hours before "Talisman" (a phenomenal, if not entirely agenda-free masterwork) could be discussed. I'll have to see if that says anything "illuminating". ;D If anyone has David Ovason's book on DC then please check to see if that says anything of note on Washington's bare-breasted statue & Solar-phallic Egytian monument then please pass it on too.

God bless -





Cincinnatus: George Washington and the Enlightenment (Hardcover)
by Garry Wills (Author)

user posted image

Item A076973

Category: autographs
Type: documents - signed
Origin: America
Year: 1784

George Washington, as President of the Society of the Cincinnatus.

Engraved document signed and dated May 5, 1784, a certificate of

membership in the Society for Colonel Gamaliel Bradford, countersigned

by Henry Knox as Secretary of the Society. .

PROVENANCE: available on full record.
Reference Note:Henry Knox created the Society, serving as its first

secretary, and Washington served as its first president. It was named

after Cincinnatus, a Roman general and statesman who was admired

as a model of simplicity, ability, and republican virtue. In 458 he

was appointed dictator by the Roman Senate when the Roman army

was in danger of being destroyed by Aequi. He left his farm, gathered

troops, defeated the enemy, and resigned the dictatorship, all within

sixteen days. Washington regarded him ...[more information available via subscription]

Dear Mike & friends

I just read the Wikipedia entry for the Order of Cincinnati that Washington was the first President General of.

Interesting to note among its members who were also US Presidents that we find Roosevelt & Truman, respectively the 32nd & 33rd Presidents of the US & also respectively 32 & 33° Freemasons (see Bauval & Hancock's "Talisman" for their high Scottish Rite positions & much more). We also find as members (albeit honorary, i.e. non-hereditary members - hereditary?? The Order of Cincinnati is primogeniure-based. Even that one seems to have irked Franklin), those SMOM Order of Merit (as nominally non-Catholics cannot be outright SMOM Knights & Dames) members & US Presidents Reagan & Bush. Two of the most openly devoted US servants of Rome who alongside their antecedent were members of a hereditary society named after a Roman Consul turned Magister Populi.

Also thought-provoking is that one Larz Anderson III, hailing from Cincinnati, Ohio is considered to have bene a prototypical member, esspecially when we note that he was the First Secretary of the American Embassy & Charges d'Affaires in Rome.

That many high-ranking US admirals & generals, ambassadors, federal senators & State Dept officials have been members. How many were also Jesuit Georgetown trained I wonder? I do not know but would like to know.

There does seem to be much worth investigating into the 226 year history & connections of this American hereditary order. Indeed there does seem to be a very much unlit area worthy of investigation here.

In truth & awareness -



Just received from a fellow researcher: More food for thought & fuel for the fire on the matter of George Washington's alleged Masonic allegiances & agenda.

George Washington

Mackey's Revised Encyclopedia of Freemasonry (1966) clearly shows that Washington's membership in the order was more than token.

Washington was initiated, in 1752, in the Lodge at Fredericksburg, Virginia, and the records of that Lodge, still in existence, present the following entries on the subject. The first entry is thus: "Nov. 4th. 1752. This evening Mr. George Washington was initiated as an Entered Apprentice," receipt of the entrance fec, amounting to £23s., was acknowledged, F.C. and M.M. March 3 and August 4, 1753. On March 3 in the following year, "Mr. George Washington" is recorded as having been passed a Fellow Craft; and on August 4, same year, 1753, the record of the transactions of the evening states that

Figure 4:

White satin Masonic apron emhroidered with Masonic emblems bv Marquise Lafayette. Gift from General Lafayettc to Georgc Washingron, 1784. (Holy Bible, Red Letter Edition, Masonic Edition, 1960. )

General Lafayette and General Washington shared not only a close friendship but membership in the Craft, a commonly used name for Freemasonry. On two occasions General Lafayette presented Masonic aprons to Washington (see Figure 4). One of these aprons, embroidered in colored silks by Madame Lafayette, bore the emblems of the Holy Royal Arch degree. The fact that this apron was especially made for George Washington has led to much speculation that he was raised to that degree. This may be of considerable importance, for the "Royal Arch degree is the salient, spiritual degree of Freemasonry, not excepting the degree of Master Mason" (Steinmetz, 1946, 67).

While he was commander in chief of the American armies during the Revolutionary War, Washington frequently attended the meetings of military lodges. He presided over Masonic ceremonies initiating his officers and frequently attended the Communications of the Brethren (lodge meetings). Washington was nominated for Grand Mastership of the Independent Grand Lodge, an office he declined. In 1805, this lodge was renamed Alexandria Washington in his honor. To Masonic authorities, the evidence is clear that Washington was the master of a lodge. Testimony given by Timothy Bigelow in a eulogy before the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts two months after Washington's death indicates that Washington's Masonic experience was more than perfunctory.

The information received from our Brethren who had the happiness to be members of the Lodge over which he presided for many years, and of which he died the Master, furnishes abundant proof of his persevering zeal for the prosperity of the institution. Constant and punctual in his attendance, scrupulous in his observance of the regulations of the Lodge, and solicitous, at all times, to communicate light and instruction, he discharged the duties of the Chair with uncommon dignity and intelligence in all the mysteries of our art.

In his letters and addresses to Masonic bodies, Washington repeated his profound esteem for their principles. In 1797, he addressed the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts: "My attachment to the Society of which we are all members will dispose me always to contribute my best endeavors to promote the honor and prosperity of the Craft" (Sachse, 1915). Later in the same speech he said that the Masonic institution was one whose liberal principles are founded on the immutable laws of truth and justice and whose grand object is to promote the happiness of the human race. Only thirteen months before his death he declared to the Grand Lodge of Maryland, "So far as I am acquainted with the doctrines and principles of Freemasonry, I conceive them to be founded in benevolence, and to be exercised only for the good of mankind. I cannot, therefore, upon this ground, withdraw my approbation from it" (Mackey, 1966, 1095).

Historians have offered many reasons for the fact that a rag-tag American army, led by a general who had to go to the library to brush up on battle tactics, could defeat the strongest military power in the world. Many valid factors have been cited-the barrier of the Atlantic Ocean, the weakness of King George and his problems at home, the guerrilla tactics of the American army, etc.-but what has been overlooked is the influence of secret societies, especially Freemasonry, on America's leaders. Some esoteric historians (Hall, 1951; Case, 1935) cite that of the 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence, at least 50 were Freemasons. Whether this is a fact or not cannot be presently corroborated, but substantial information supports that many of the officers and enlisted men in the American military were Freemasons and many practiced the craft in the militry lodges. According to General Lafayette (a Freemason himself), Washington "never willingly gave independent command to officers who were not Freemasons. Nearly all the members of his official family, as well as most other officers who shared his inmost confidence, were his brethren of the mystic tie" (Morse, 1924, ix).


QUOTE Thanks for the response Mr.Phelps.

Maybe you may want to check this out?

You can read the full text and download it here

and here you can actually buy the book

I found this

Original french text

More commentary

Not sure if this is enough documentation. I'll continue searching though

Dear Sir,

A truly erudite and compelling introduction. The conclusion appears to be that Washington was influenced by an ex-Jesuit French Huguenot when a youth. This Bible-believing Huguenot employed a work of the Jesuits from their College of Clermont in Paris containing many virtuous maxims. Like quinine discovered by the Jesuits as a cure for malaria, the maxims are good despite of their first listings by the murderous Jesuits of France, as we remember St. Bartholomew's Massacre and the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes. Thus, Washington was not influenced by the Jesuits when composing his work, a work completed at 14 when his father suddenly died.

Truly bad men can say and do good things from time to time. The Lord makes the wrath of man to praise him. Such is the case with the Jesuits and their maxims of civility and decent behavior transported by Washington via his Huguenot instructor into his wonderful work. I too, have learned much from the Jesuits including their unmoveable devotion to their assignment no matter what toils befall their course.

Thus, the Jesuits employ biblical maxims in furthering their mystery of iniquity intending to make a pope under their tutelage the universal monarch of the world. The General and his Assistants surely employ the maxim: "In the multitude of counsel there is safety;" so it is equally applicable with their rules of civility and decent behavior largely perfected as a result of the Protestant Reformation. For that spiritual, political and cultural revolution introducing the Bible into the home really, in fact, birthed modern civility among men. And as we now observe the abandonment of the Bible in church, government and private life, we behold the reversion back to the savagery for which the pope's Dark Ages was known.

Thanks for your help.

Lord Bless,

Brother Eric


Please note folks that Greg Syzmanski deals with a relative of the Jesuits so you make up your mind wether to trust him. -Craig


The errors of history and the truth behind some of the "founding traitors", including Washington, will some day be known.

We can argue back and forth, using Jesuitism or "learning against learning" to hide Washington's true papal colors.

To make my point, Washington would have never signed off on the architecture and building of Washington D.C. if he was a true patriot and enemy of Rome. His hidden agenda is well covered up to this day, as Jesuits around the world laugh at how Americans worship criminals as heroes, Washington included.


Dear Greg,

You are wrong my dear friend.

If George, who was baptized by Pastor John Gano in the Hudson River was a traitor to the Protestants of America, Pastor Jedediah Morse would have been the first to expose him. Timothy Dwight, one of the several preachers at Washington's side, would have done the same.

Washington knew that the architecture in Washington was masonic, but he, like so many other low level Freemasons at the time believed that the Craft was the enemy of the papacy. He was against the Illuminati and was not a true friend of Jefferson, the Illuminatist---as Jefferson was denounced by Morse as an Illuminatist!

Further, there was the first Great Masonic Schism in around 1750, as many masons in France, Spain and Portugal were responsible for leading the charge of expelling the Jesuits from those countries. The lose of control of Freemasonry resulted in the Council of Wilhelmsbad in 1782, Illuminizing Freemasonry beginning on the continent, then England and then in America around1820---about the time of the Second Masonic Schisim here in the US, thank God.

I suggest that you read some of the classics written about George Washington (authors Headley, Bancroft especially) before you buy into the horrible slander that he was nothing more than an agent for Rome and the Jesuits. That is just not true, not to mention he was poisoned by the Order on his deathbead by a Masonic doctor with anthrax---the Jesuit Oath being fulfilled on the father of our country.

Lord Bless,

Brother Eric


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Timothy said...

Thanks for your words.

By Timothy