Monday, October 19, 2009

Human Life and the 21st Century

A British woman gives birth to a baby and dumps the child at the local recycling plant. This is making international headlines. The baby is a baby boy. Police officials are now trying to identify the baby's mother, who was wrapped her newborn son in a black bin liner on a conveyor belt at the Greenstar Recycling Plant. The worker at the plant found the body of the infant. The infant was no more than 2 or 3 days old at the time his mother discarded him. The worker was searching for glass in piles of rubbish when he discovered the boy's body. "At this stage we are investigating the death of a baby who was probably no more than two or three days old," detective Stuart Gibbon told the London Telegraph newspaper today. Gibson say that the boy's mother probably gave birth to him without any medical help. There probable wasn't medical professional presence when the bible was delievered. The umbilical cord was in the bag with his body. The bag also contained what appear to be the mother's clothing, including her pants and a pair of knickers, and the baby's body was wrapped in a cloth. They were soaked with blood and the baby's body was left in plastic packaging that once held rolls of toilet paper."The most important thing for me is for the mum to come forward. There's no question that she will be distressed and in need of urgent medical attention and this is a direct appeal for her to contact us so we can hopefully get to the bottom of what has happened," Gibson told the newspaper. Officials believe that the women didn't have a botched abortion. Yet, the baby was born and then died. This is before any post mortem examination of the baby has been completed. This action still proves that abortion is wrong and killing infants is as evil as ever.

Glen Beck recently talked about Anita Dunn (the interim White House Communications Director) talking about how Mao is one of her favorie political philosophers (along with "Mother" Theresa). Beck says that Barack Obama is consumed with progressive radicals. Yet, without going beyond the left/right paradigm, you only get half of the picture not all of it. He even showed chalkboard photos of Mao, Stalin, and the Soviet hammer & sickle. Dunn criticized Fox News on CNN, so Beck criticied her. Dunn believes that FOX is a vehicle of Republican Party propaganda and an ideological opponent of the the President. Beck and Dunn don't see the total picture. It's a fact that FOX's head Rupert Murdoch met with Democrat Hillary Clinton and supported her failed run for the Presidency. CNN loved to cover the invasion of Iraq under Republican President George W. Bush. That was murderous and didn't much allow equal time for those who oppose the war (until a year later). CNN still has a close link with the Pentagon and the military industrial complex as exposed by Alexander Cockburn. FOX and CNN in their leadership are still propaganda offits for the new world order. Beck wants to talk about Communists, but the Communists were funded by member of the CFR, Pilgrim, Trilateralists, and Bilderbergers. These group rule the Obama administration from behind the scenes. That is why Tim Geither, Susan Rice, General James L. Jones, etc. are all members of these groups. Volker and Geithner are former Federal Reserve operatives. Even Henry Kissinger spoke well of Barack Obama and he talked with the murderer Mao (especially during the Chinese Cultural Revolution that killed more than 30 million people). Kissinger is a war criminal himself. The elite loved CHina's dictatorship since China has a one child policy, censorship of the Internet, and other authoritarian policies. David Rockefeller publicly supported the Chinese Revolution that murdered over 70 million people over many decades. Gary Allen admitted that communism or socialism is an elite-funded mechanism to consolidate and control the wealth. That is why the super rich love socialism since socialism is about centralization of wealth into a few hands. The Republican vs. Democrats diversionary games are old and tired. Beck's 9/12 movement is trying to infiltrate the patriot movement in order to make people support the war on terror, etc. ACORN and Anita Dunna follow the paradigm as well.

National Sovereignity is important to protect and perserve. George H. W. Bush promoted a new world order and others have as well (in the guise of bashing national sovereignity). Many people accuse Barack Obama of trying violate national sovereignity. The Minnesota Free Market Institute had an event at Bethel University in St. Paul over an issue. The people there tried to sign a global climate treaty at the climate change conference in Copenhagen in December. The speakers there were Lord Christopher Monckton, former science adviser to British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, and others. People believe that climate change treaties may surrender U.S. sovereignity to a world government under the guise of helping the environment. Barack Obama is certainly an internationalist and Kissinger wants Obama to create the new world order. If an international climate change treaty passes, Americans can pay a global climate tax that will be paid directly to the U.N. Even people like George Soros, the IMF, and the World bank are betting against the dollar. The destruction of the U.S. dollar could ruin the U.S. economy and force people to accept a global currency. Globalism deals with a global currency, a global climate tax, a global police force with access to a worldwide database of DNA, biometric and fingerprint records, an international gun control treaty, etc.

The FBI is making changes. Nat Hentoff wrote about this issue. In the last weeks of the Bush-Cheney administration, FBI Director Robert Mueller and then Attorney General Michael Mukasey rushed into law expansions of the FBI's domestic surveillance powers.This is similar to ex-FBI head J. Edgar Hoover's plan of validating Americans' personal privacy rights, etc. The new FBI guildens take effect on December 1. They are anti-American. The Electronic Frontier Foundation (which is a watchful guardian of the Constitution) expose how these Attorney General’s Guidelines for Domestic FBI Operations authorize the FBI — without going to a court — “to open investigative ‘assessments’ of any American without any factual predicate or suspicion. Such ‘assessments’ allow the use of intrusive techniques to surreptitiously collect information on people suspected of no wrongdoing and no connection with any foreign entity. These inquiries may include the collection of information from online sources and commercial databases.” The mainstream media isn't report a lot on this point. Eric Holder is now the FBI Director. He once said that he don't authorized warrantless NSA surveillance of American citizens during the time of the Bush administration. Now, President Obama approve of the NSA warrantless wiretapping program. The FBI is doing nothing about it. The 258-page "FBI Domestic Investigations and Operations Guidelines (DIOG) had blacked out areas in it. These areas deal with how the FBI pursues people without any evidence of wrongdoing (and how it uses informants in political, civil, and religious groups). So, the FBI then and now are using illegal means to get their agenda across. The FBI's leading attorney, General Counsel Valerie Caproni , admits that she uses surveilling of college students interning at technology businesses for links to terrorists. She says that she is careful of people staying up in the lab, etc. So, we should stand up for our rights like the Electronic Fronteir Foundation is doing.

The German Chancelleor and German Ministers get a special vaccine without the soft kill ingredients. Spiegel Online reported on this story about Angela Merkel (the German Chancellor) and government ministers will recieve a special additive-free H1N1 vaccine. This is the Vakzin vaccine. Yet, the additive vaccine are used fro the remainder of the population according to the Spiegel Online newspaper. Angela Merkel allied with Gordon Brown and Nicolas Sarkozy. The adjuvants can cause headaches and fevers aunto people. The adjuvant free vaccine is called Celvapan. It was manufactured by Baxter. Ther German public will get a vaccine produced by GlaxoSmithKline with adjuvants. The employees of the Pual Ehrlich Institute will get the adjuvant free vaccine. Johannes Löwer, president of the institute, said in August that the vaccine causes worse side effects than the virus. Löwer’s comment came after German lung specialist Wolfgang Wodarg said the vaccine increases the risk of cancer. The nutrient solution for the vaccine consists of cancerous cells from animals. Spiegel reports that general medical professionals don't want to promote toxic vaccines. Dieter Ludwig accuse health authorities of collduing with pharmaceutical companies. Ludwig is the chairman of the drug commission. July 13 was when the WHO wanted the inclusion of deadly adjuvants into the H1N1 vaccine. The WHO vaccine advisory panel was filled with executives from Baxter, Novartis, GSK and Sanofi. Baxter’s own scientists have stated in the New England Journal of Medicine that adjuvants do not improve antibody response. Dr. Russell Baylock proved that the adjuvant squalene is linked to the Gulf War Syndrome. Soldiers back then took the anthrax vaccine from 1990 to 1991. They had an increased risk of 200 percent in developing the deadly amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also called Lou Gehrig’s disease. The soldiers also suffered from a number of debilitating and life-shortening diseases, such as polyarteritis nodosa, multiple sclerosis (MS), lupus, etc. according to Baylock. Squalene and the main ingredient MF-59 can cause hyperimmune response and induce autoimmunity. This actively can activate the brian's immune calles called the microglia. If this activity keeps on going, it can cause multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, ALS and possibly vaccine-related encephalitis. The activitation of the systemic immune system can occur with vaccination (by rapidly activiating the brain's microglia at the same time. This results in brain inflammation lasting for months). The German elite singing a vaccine without adjuvants is similar to Americans getting the deadly vaccine. The vaccine in America have caused a cheerleader brain damage already. That is why if not enough people get the vaccination, the government in the U.S. may desire mandatory vaccination under the guise of a public emergency. The CDC says that the H1H1N1 vaccine in the U.S. will not contain squalene, however some doses of the H1N1 vaccine will contain thimerosal, a known culprit in causing autism and neurological deficits. Thimerosal is a mercury based preservative that is found in most vials of the H1N1 vaccine. That is why 4,500 families are suing the government over vaccines causing their children autism. Mercury is a neurotoxin that can cause seizures, mental retardation, dylslexia, autism, and cardiovascular diseases among human beings. The H1N1 vaccine is definitely dangerous and facts bear this truth out.

By Timothy

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