Monday, October 12, 2009

Who is Christopher Columbus?

Columbus Day is today. Christopher Columbus is a controversial figure and people already know his real history. This history isn't presented by the mainstream media. People classify him as a hero, but he wasn't. He was a Roman Catholic, imperialist, greedy gold seeker. If he didn't act like an imperialist, things might of been much different in South America, Mexico, and Latin America. His mission to visit America was commissioned by Ferdinand and Isabella. Both people inaugurated the Spanish Inquisition at Seville 12 years before Columbus's first journey. Christopher Columbus created colonies in San Salvador and Haiti. They did inhumane treatment toward the Native Americans living there, which set a precedent for the conquistadors of the following century. Even the great biographer of Columbus named Samuel Eliot Morrision admitted that Columbus plus his allies forced people to starve and die in Hispaniola during 1492. He said that only 60,000 Native Americans lived by 1508 and in Ovideo, it's doubtful whether 500 Native Americans remained. Morrison wrote that Columbus returned to Spain as a common criminal after he was relieved of his governship. The deluded explorer wrote a friend, 'At a time when I was entitled to expect rewards and retirement, I was incontinently arrested and sent home loaded with chains.' Today, many people know about Christopher Columbus' crimes against humanity. His ships wroe the emblem of the Knights Templar since that's an old European logo. It's been said that Columbus married a women whose related to the Knights Templar (as some researchers believe that the Templar came into America long before Columbus did). Pope Alexander VI supported Columbus and wanted him to , " 'to bring the profess the Catholic Faith...' " This coercion of forced conversion against people is definitely immoral since all humans have the right to the freedom of conscience (plus the freedom of religion). Columbus committed adultery aganst his own wife by going out with a woman named Beatrice de Haran. Haran had a child by him. Columbus didn't marry Haran since she was a commoner and he wanted to be apart of the aristocratic class.

9/11 Truth is still here. The NYC Supreme Court did something. They tried to silence about 80,000 people. The Justice Edward Lehner of the State Supreme Court rubberstamped Referee Louis Crespo's recommendation that the deciion to establish a local commission to investigate the events of September 11th will not be put before voters on November 3rd. There was a showing interesting in weighting both sides' arguments in the hearing. The Judge's short decision indicates that he didn't give consideration to the arguments put forth in the Petitioners' memorandum of law, nor any acknowledgement of the need for a new investigation, which the City of New York callously dismissed as "irrelevant." This is a sad day for liberty since tons of patriotic people in America wants answers about what totally occured in 9/11. These calls exist among 9/11 families, first responders, and survivors who have been stified. The will of the people of New York City have once again been denied. Judge Lehner ruled that modifying the petition make it "legally permissible" would result in it being "inconsistent with the law sought by the signatories of the Petition” despite the fact that all 80,000 signatories agreed by signing the Petition that “If any provision of this law is held to be unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, the remaining provisions shall be in no manner affected thereby but shall remain in full force and effect.” The deadline for inclusion on the ballot is just before the election. So, it's possible to appeal Judge Lehner's decision. NYC CAN is a group weighing option and will make their announcement soon on what to do. They want to move forward on many fronts and they should. The quest for answers still goes forward full throttle. The fight is going on to this day.

The Nobel Peace Prize has been given onto Barack Obama. Some folks will hate him regardless if he will get the award of not, but I won't. I will show legitimate disagreements with his policies though. The Nobel Committee gave the award to Barack Obama while omitting his war mongering policies. He continues the war in Paksitan and is trying to continue the war in Afghanistan. He continues to threaten Iran with sanctions when Iran doesn't have active nuclear weapons at at all. IRan complied with the Safeguarrd's agreement. The Nobel committee chairman Thorbjoern Jagland said, “Only very rarely has a person to the same extent as Obama captured the world’s attention and given its people hope for a better future.” The committee believes that Barack Obama has created a new climate in international politics. Yet, there are 2 million displaced Pakistanis and many of them dying during the Barack Obama administration. On the Middle Eastern front, Barack Obama is trying to threaten the Palestinian Authority to omit Israeli war crimes in the military attack in Gaza, yet both sides in the Middle east should solve their own problems. Even Afghani civilian deaths continue to exist. The Bush major policies haven't changed much especially in terms of foreign policy. Iraq is still occupied, the Guantamano torture still exist, rendition plus assassinations are occuring, and spying Americans without warrants have been an overt government policy. Civil liberties are violated in the name of the war on terror. Real peace in the world can never be accomplished by evil wars (or the lust for oil, hegemony, revenge for 9/11, etc.).

There is information about a Waco enforcer and cover up artist promoting a global police force in the world. His name is Ronald K. Noble. He is called the Enforcer. Noble worked with Chinese authorities to police the Communist nation for major national events. As Undersecretary for Enforcement of the United States Department of the Treasury, Noble whitewashing the actions of the BATF following the federal government’s murderous siege on the Branch Davidian compound at Waco which killed 76 people including more than 20 children and two pregnant women in April 1993. Noble approved the raid. He ignored the eyewitness testimony (including photographic evidence plus video evidence) of how a BATF helicopter firebombed the Waco church during the siege. He also ignored David Koresh’s July 1992 invitation to the BATF to inspect the Waco compound, which if it had gone ahead could have prevented the siege and the murder of 76 innocent people altogether. “During the hearing, Friend-of-Bill Webster Hubbell denied repeatedly that he and Clinton had discussed the Waco situation informally, and improperly. However, an Associated Press article claimed Hubbell had revealed he was giving Clinton updates on Waco. And House staffers discovered a memorandum in which then-Treasury official Ron Noble asserted Hubbell would take the matter up with Clinton if the Treasury Department’s review did not downplay BATF errors. Clearly, Noble condones covering up government crimes against citizens,” writes Moore. The New York Times reported on how Interpol and the United Nations want to work together in a partnership to jointly create a global police force. This force will act as peacekeepers among "rogue nations" driven by war and organized crime. This force wants to have access to a worldwide database of DNA, biometric, and fingerprint records. So, a plan for a global police force is real. The centralization of law enforcement into a global body is a key element of the global government or new world order system. Waco accomplise former Attorney General Janet Reno picked Noble to be the Secretary General at Interpol. During his September 2005 secretary general re-election acceptance speech in Berlin, Noble attributed Interpol’s ‘rebirth’ to the events of 9/11, saying that the terrorist attacks allowed the organization to go from being treated as largely irrelevant to setting it on the path to becoming an international police force. Noble wants a global database. With Interpol using facial scans, etc. that can arrest every citizen with a violation of national sovereignity if they had their way totally. Global cops don't promote the Constitution necessary. It's a time now when we see the proposal of global cops in the world. It's all of the more reason to expose such things.

It's no secret that Queen Elizabeth II of England is pro-Vatican. Her own relatives are converts toRomanism. Now, the Queen said that she is appaled at the Church of England moves. Pope Benedict XVI will visist England next year and stay at Buckingham Palace as a guest of the Queen. The Queen loves the Pope and is growing more sympathetic to the Catholic Church. The Queen is the Supreme Governor of the Church of England and the Patroness of the Pilgrim Society. The Anglican Church broke away from the Pope in the 1500's under King Henry VIII. The Anglican Church still has many aspects of Romanism in its group. The Anglicans are one of the leading church promoting theological liberalism and compromise. In 1982, Robert Runcie, Archbishop of Canterbury, said he was an agnostic as to why Jesus suffered on the cross (Sunday Times Weekly Review, London, April 11, 1982). Billy Graham praised Runcie's ordination in 1980 and spoke greatly of the Archbishop Runcie during Graham's evangelistic cruasdes in England in 1984 and 1989. SMOM Grand Prior of England: Fredrik Crichton-Stuart is also a Knight of the Commander of Justice of the Franco-Neapolitan branch of the Constantinian Order. The Papacy have infiltrated the UK for a long time. The Queen is subordinate under the Pope and the Jesuits in their authority. The Queen works with the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem and the Order of Garter in promoting globalization, etc. That is why the Queen owns tons of land globally. One of these Knights is John Mayor who sold a port to Frank Carlucci.

Other News are existing. There is the resistance against government H1N1 vacciantion. Now, people arem more knowledgeable about the con H1N1 game. Swine flu is only a flu with short-term effects. Some places want nurses to mandatory get the vaccination or get fired. This vaccination can be deadly or cause serious health problems and its problems will be long term. The planners in the government still want mass inoculation when it has problems. Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius urged people to line in and take it. The Big Pharma agents are lining up for the drugs. People don't liek the financial meltdown, the corporate takeover, the totalitarian decress, and other central planning propaganda as well. There has been new about the shill leftgatekeeing magnet of Media Matters. They are linked with globalists George Soros. They are apart of distractions, because they obsess with Alex Jones and Glen Beck without talking about the bigger picture. The big picture is that the elite have control over many areas of our world and we have a right to expose these criminals completely. Media Matters compare dissenters to Obama's policies as racists. They mock people exposing the CFR, the Trilaterial Comission, and the new world order. These liars and cowards omit that all 3 concepts have been mentioned by mainstream literature and its proponents themselves. Al Gore is apart of the CFR. Some in the GOP movement are trying to infiltrate the Tea Party movement and that should be stopped. The Tea party people want to be independent politically. Beck is trying to infiltrate the patriot movement when he stands for the war on terror, the Patriot Act, and Knights of St. Gregory FOX leader Rupert Murdoch. Murdoch even controls Myspace and had a secret meeting with Hillary Clinton plus Barack Obama. We don't need a left/right paradigm or establishment stirring in our world.

By Timothy


highchurchman said...

By your favour!
Just when did the Anglican Church break away from Rome pray? As I was taught the, [Anglican] Church in England was entirely independent from the Church of Rome. Indeed, it was active when the Bishop of Rome was no more than that, the Bishop of Suburbicarian Italy, a Dep't of State of the Roman Empire. The Faith came to Britain according to
Albanicus, the 5th Cent, historian wrote,"Christ, the true Sun afforded His Light,the knowledge of His precepts, to our Island as we know , in the last year of Tiberius Caesar!" Lingard, a Roman Historian of some credibility,claimed that Paul's disciple,'Aristobulous,' was the First Bishop in Britain! He probably drew on the writings of Dorotheus, The Bishop Tyre [AD303] for this info.Tertullian was [222AD] the earliest to claim that Christianity had received,'the religion of Christ'.

It is doubtful that the Queen's family,has ever contributed much to the Church in England. Certainly her ancestors were Lutherans and their descendants have not shown any interest or desire in expanding the work of the Church in Britain! Did she or her present family apostasise, without wishing to be cruel,they would scarcely be missed.

Timothy said...

I was in reference to the Church of England (that was created in the 1500's), not Christianity in Britain in general.