Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Journalists and Climate Change

Journalists have been silenced by UN people who question Gore on Climategate. An attempt made by a journalist to ask Al Gore to correct the record on Climategate email scandal was met again with an armed response from UN security thugs at the Copenhagen climate change summit. For the 2nd time in 3 days, journalist and film maker Phelim McAleer experienced physical resistance from UN guards as he tried to ask question about the biggest scientific scandal in our generation. Of course, that scandal is Climate gate. In recent interviews the world’s first carbon billionaire Al Gore said that the Climategate emails were “sound and fury signifying nothing”, adding that the most recent one is more than 10 years old.” Gore didn't even bother to read the emails or spend a couple of minutes to see that the emails span over 10 years. The most recent one was just one month ago in November 12th, 2009. When McAleer confronted Gore and asked him to correct his statements the former vice-president’s Press Secretary grabbed McAleer’s microphone to stop questions being put to him. UN Security guards immediately surrounded Gore and one of them disconnected McAleer's microphone. The confrontation was caught on tape. This incident comes days after McAleer was order by UN security to stop filming at a press coneference. This conference was when he asked prominent climate alarmist Stephen Schneider questions about Climategate. As soon as McAleer began his question, UN officials jumped in and attempted to wrestle the microphone away from him. When this failed, an armed thug was sent in to threaten McAleer and his cameraman, before eventually making them leave the press conference. Some in the United Nations don't like free speech. McAleer had an earlier run with Al Gore when he exposed the numerous errors in his "Inconvenient Truth" movie. This occured in a question and answer session where the thought police cut his microphone off. This proves that many in the radical left don't like freedom of speech and show just as much (if not more) hatred of free speech than even the Neo-Cons. These hypocrites are exposed for what they are, hypocrites and enemies of true freedom.

Climate Change information is coming out. Al Gore claims that the North Pole will melt completely in a few years, but the facts don't add up. Al Gore's inconvenient truth has been non-existent. Gore is a former Vice President. He's been a figurehead of the establishment green movement. Gore claimed these lies in the Copenhagen climate change summit. He stated that the latest research showed that the Arctic will be completely ice free in 5 years. In his speech, Mr Gore told the conference: “These figures are fresh. Some of the models suggest to Dr [Wieslav] Maslowski that there is a 75 per cent chance that the entire north polar ice cap, during the summer months, could be completely ice-free within five to seven years.” Yet, the climatologist whom Gore quotes from doesn't totally agree with Al Gore's assumption. “It’s unclear to me how this figure was arrived at,” Dr Maslowski said. “I would never try to estimate likelihood at anything as exact as this.” Gore's office admitted that the 75 percent figure was one used by Dr. Maslowski is a ballpark figure made several years ago in a conversation with Gore. This error is overshadowed in the conference with the controversy over the hacked meial from the University of East Anglia's Climate Research Unit (that proves that scientists manipulated data and excluded data that doesn't fit into the anthropogenic global warming view). Gore isn't the only one wanting Copenhagen to be a success. Gordon Brown and others want to sign on the the Copenhagen agreemtn. 5 developing nations walked out of the meeting, because they believe there is a lack of progress on their demand of legally binding emissions targets from rich natiosn. The rich and poor countries disagree on the framework of the Copenhagen deal (in other words, the poorer countries feel that the carbon goals are too oppressive to their economies, etc.). Some parts of the deal were unravelling. British officials said that they no longer are confident that it would have specific commitments from individual nations on payments to a global fund to help poor nations (in order to adapt to climate change, while the draft text on protecting rainforests have been weakened). The ending of net deforestation by 2030 have been placed in square brackets. The date could be deferred. They made global tracking of illegal loggin optional not complusory. There are global peak in greenhouse emissions have been weakened. Professor Jim Overland criticized Al Gore as exaggerating of the Arctic circle being melted completely soohn He's a leading oceanographer at the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. “Maslowski’s work is very well respected, but he’s a bit out on a limb,” said Professor Peter Wadhams, a specialist in ocean physics at the University of Cambridge. Even eco-extremists believe that a 20-30 year timescale is likely for the near disappearance of sea ice (when there is no conclusive evidence for this). Richard Lindzen, a climate scientist at the Massachusets Institute of Technology who does not believe that global warming is largely caused by man, said: “He’s just extrapolated from 2007, when there was a big retreat, and got zero.” So, the Arctic ice being gone is a few years is a lie. According to the scientists who study Arctic ice for a living at, the Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center in Bergen, Norway (NERSC), the minimum in 2008 was 700,000 sqaure kilometers more than in 2007 and the minimum this year, which was reached earlier than normal on September 12, 2009. That means that it got cold earlier and arctic ice began increasing sooner. So, that was 1 million Square kilometers more than in 2007 and 300,000 square kilometers more than in 2008. The Arctic Ice is increasing.

Walt Disney has a long secretive history. Walt Disney had a love affair with children in a weird type of way. Now, Disney's overt image was about fun, peace, and joy. Yet, their real, covert image has always been about deception, the promotion of the occult, and scandals plaguing that entity since its inception. There is an author of a new book called, "The Gospel According to Disney." The book tries to prove that Walt Disney preached a religious message through his cartoon characters. This message according to Mark Pinksy's “Finding faith in the house of the mouse,” The Washington Post, Aug. 14, p. B7 is that: " is an essential element--faith in yourself and, even more, faith in something greater than yourself, even if it is some vague, nonsectarian higher power..." This is wrong since faith in yourself can lead into disaster because of the imperfections of man. Faith in God is great leading into personal and spiritual development. Also, God is more than a higher power. He's the Creator of the Universe and the sustainer of existence. It's easy to witness that Disney's animated classics are filled with pagan images and things. These things include witches, demons, socrerers, spells, genies, and globlins. All of these things are strongly denounced by the Scriptures, yet Disney present many of these characters in a positive light. Disney for example believe in good and bad magic (including they depict withces and sorcerers as likeable heroes like in Harry Potter and the Lord of the Rings). Pinocchio was a Disney 1940 animated moive. It depicts a man who brings a puppet to life by wishing on a star. The puppet is visited by a blue fairy who said that: "...Let your conscience be your guide.” The Disney fairy also preaches the false works gospel that “the gift of life” is attained by “choosing right from wrong.” The fairy is depicted as cute and likeable, but a false gospel is cursed of God (Galatians 1:6-9). The Bible warns that the Devil appears as an angel of light in order to deceive people (2 Cor. 12). Walt Disney didn't attend church. There are no churches on Main Street in Disneyland or Disney World. Disney has influenced many kids back then and now. Even back in 1954, Time Magazine called Walt Disney as the poet of the new American humanism. Indeed, he is. Even the Southern Baptist Convention boycott of Disney ignored Disney's occult earlier films.

Planned Parenthood is being exposed more and more. The pro-life group behind the new video exposing Planned Parenthood staff is misleading women about abortion and fetal developoment is pressing for an investigation. Live Actions' latest video has an abortion pracitioner and staff saying that abortion doesn't kill a human being, which is false. The video also shows how the staff mislead 2 women posing as potential abortion customers by telling them that the heart of the unborn child doesn't begin to beat until late in pregnancy (instead of at about 22 days as is the case). Today, Lila Rose is the President of the group. She told that it has sent the full unedited footage to Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen and Outagamie County District Attorney Carrie Schneider for review. "Planned Parenthood poses as a mainstream health provider but their actions reflect just the opposite: they hide the scientific facts of fetal development so they can sell more abortions to more women," she told "An abortion is not a mere surgery. Instead, abortion determines whether a woman's unborn son or daughter will live or die," Rose added. Rose said that Planned Parenthood's pattern of medical malpractice and refusal to accept correction from scientific authorities further separates them from the rest of the medical community. The real medical community base their treatment on sound scientific guidance not decieving patients. Rose told that the problems are such that state or local officials should conduct an investigation looking into the Planned Parenthood abortion business. Even on Monday, Republican state Senator Glenn Grothman said that he's pushing for an investigation. "I think the legislature should certainly look at this to see what we can do to make sure Planned Parenthood doesn't mislead young girls like this in the future," he said. Bill Cosh is a spokesman for the state Department of Justice. Cosh confirmed to the Appleton Post-Crescent newspaper that it recieved the complaint on Friday that Planned Parenthood violated the state's informed consent laws. He said that he referred Live Action to the Outagamine County District Attorney's office. This office would prosecute any such crimes locally. Senator Grothman said that he is asking the county district attorney to open an investigation. Grothman also said the state "medical society should begin an immediate investigation into what was said, as to whether this doctor should continue to have a medical license." According to the American Medical Association's Code of Ethics, "the physician's obligation is to present the medical facts accurately to the patient." Wisconsin law requires women undergoing abortions to receive medically accurate information, Rose points out.The video shows that the abortion doctor and a counselor insisted on many tiems that a 10 week pregnant woman that the unborn child isn't baby (and they offered contradicting definitions of embryo and fetus). The counselor claims that the baby's heart doesn't beat until about 17 or 18 weeks. In the video later, Dr. Prohaska (an abortion pracititioner) tells the woman "you don't want to wait" to get an abortion and warns her, "women die having babies." Last Thursday, 2 leading embryologists (Drs. Dianne Irving and Ward Kischer) called the information presented by the counseling session as "scientifically erroneous and absurd." On Friday, Teri Huyck, President and CEO of Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin, released a statement asserting that the abortion doctor provided "honest, medically accurate information." Huyck called the videos "edited." Recently, Kay Herrling, fiscal manager for the county's Health and Human Services Department, confirmed to the newspaper a report showing the county has sent tens of thousands of dollars in taxpayer funds to the abortion center.

The Arrivals and The Wake Up Project have errors. The Arrivals is a series trying to expose the new world order agenda, but they were created by Muslims. They are right that a new world order agenda does exist in which some are trying to create an one world order. Many of these elitists follow Satanism and the occult, which the Arrival series is right about, the alien/UFO deception is denomic, that the Babylonian mysteries that exist thousands of years ago are influencing Secret orders today. The Arrivals and the Wake UP Project endorse some parts of the Zeigstiest story. They believe that it's accurate for the Chirstian Jesus Christ, which is false. They are Muslims, so they support their version of Jesus. In Islam, Jesus is considered just a prophet, he didn't die on the cross, etc. The truth is that the many of the ancient mythological figures of Buddha, Mithras, and others weren't born of a virgin like Jesus Christ was. The lie of Jesus Christ being similar to Horus, etc. was a recent invention created by occultists like HP Blavastsky (including Gerald Massey. Massey was a high Cheif Druid and he was contributor to Blavastsky's Lucifer Magazine. Zeitgeist followed the works of Freemasons Albert Churchward, James Churchward, Druid and Mason Geoffrey Higgins, and Michael Baigent as well) and some Freemasons. The Wake Up Project promotes lies into their religious beliefs. As early as 1889, Blavastky had told a group of Theosophical students that the real purpose of establishing the Society was to prepare humanity of the World Teacher when he appeared again on Earth. The World Teacher has been promoted by esoterics, but this is a slick deciever. Zeitgeist is promoting the occult/Masonic views on history. The Wake Up Project uses Catholic sun symbolism and Saturnalia date of Decemeber 25 as an excuse to falsely tie Biblical Christianity to apostacy. The Bible doesn't teach the date of Jesus Christ's birth at all. Romanism added paganism to appease pagans. That is why Romanism tried to ban the common man to own the Bible in his or her own tongue. The symbolism of the new world order has an Eye of Horus. The new world order is trying to use the choas in the world as an excuse to promote their Utopia. In other words, the new world order crowd is trying to pose as our Saviours (which they aren't) as a means to con people to accept their agenda. Alice Bailey admitted that: "...The new world order must be appropriate to a world which has passed through a destructive crisis and to a humanity which is badly shattered by the experience. The new world order must lay the foundation for a future world order which will be possible only after a time of recovery, of reconstruction, and of rebuilding..." The old world in Bailey's mind must be destroyed in order to create the new world order. The Wake Up Project supports the Madhi as the Messiah, when there is no Scriptural verse to support the Madhi as the Messiah. The Bible says that the Antichrist will come first then the 2nd arrival of Jesus Christ.

By Timothy


Arlo Hemphill said...

McAleer is being booted not because of a conspiracy, but because of his poor journalism practices. He is shameless self promoter and distorter of truth. Here is the full version of what happened at the Schneider briefing:

Timothy said...

I will look at both sides to make a clear judgment of the situation. One thing is true though. Climategate is real and many eco-extremists are distorting or ignoring data that refutes anthropogenic global warming. That can never be refuted and you can't refute that at all..

I will never back down from that point.

By Timothy

Timothy said...

Also, many journalists from We Are Change have been harrased and assaulted by eco extremists.

You haven't refuted that.

By Timothy

Timothy said...

Also, here's another incident of

a protester being assaulted by a man-made global warming extremist:

Timothy said...

You haven't refuted that new story either

By Timothy