Monday, December 21, 2009

Pro-Life Apologetics on Population

From This link

"Abortion helps solve the problem of overpopulation and raises the quality of life."


Sterilization and abortion as cures for overpopulation could eventually lead to mandatory sterilization and abortion.

China's one-child policy places extreme pressure on women pregnant with a second child to get abortions. Not only are they punished economically, but in some cases they are physically forced to get abortions.
In 1981 abortion "posses" rounded up expectant mothers and took them to abortion clinics. In a single town, nineteen thousand abortions were performed in fifty days, all in the name of population control.

If anyone imagines this could not happen in America, a closer look at the direction of the prochoice movement should cause us to think again. The president of scientific affiliation looks forward to the day when the government will require "that no parents will in the future have a right to burden society with a malformed or mentally incompetent child." Molly Yard, one of the past presidents of the National Organization for Women (NOW), has said, "We are going to have to face, as China has faced, the policy of controlling the size of families." As George Grant points out, Planned Parenthood has been supportive of China's abortion policy:

The truth is that from its very inception, Planned Parenthood has sought mandatory population control measures---measures carefully designed to deny the freedom to choose. Over the years it has proposed that our government implement such things as "compulsory abortion for out-of-wedlock pregnancies," federal entitlement "payments to encourage abortion," "compulsory sterilization for those who have already had two children," and "tax penalties" for existing large families.

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