Friday, December 11, 2009

The Truth will Still Come Out

Global Warming is being talked about by Al Gore. Gore made the error that the interior of the Earth is millions of degrees. Conan O'Brien didn't say anything to correct Gore's blunder on his late night show. In fact, the Inner Mantle of the earth is 5400 ºF (3000ºC) and the Outer Mantle is 2520 ºF (1400ºC) and 5400 º F (3000ºC). The Core of the earth is between 9032 – 10832 ºF (5000-6000 ºC). These are estimation since no ones kno the exact temperature of the Earth's interior. Yet, this estimation is from theoritical modeling and laboratory experiment. No scientists believes that the Earth's core is millions of degrees. Al Gore is error prone on climate issues indeed. A youth corp of environmental propagandists interrupted Lord Monckton's speech at the Americans for Prosperity event in Copenhagen. The youth wanted to promote the deception that man is totally causing the warming in the Earth Monckton called these young people as crazed Hitler Youth. Yet, suppressing free speech is just as wrong as Hitler suppressing free speech. Even though these young people aren't equivalent to Hitler youth though. These people are representated in groups like the SustainUS, the Sierra Student Coalition, the Cascade Climate Network, and other American youth NGOs, kicked off the protest by holding banners in front of the cameras reading “Climate Disaster Ahead” and “Clean Energy Now.” These activists don't like free speech. They (who were invited to the UN's Copenhagen summit) don't want dissenting opinions on this climate change issue. They wanted to show shogans. They claimed that a majority of Americans support their cause when as the most recent polls show, “Americans who think global warming is caused by human activity, including vehicle and industrial emissions, are now a minority.” Monckon mentioned the fact that these same youth corps had green spray-painted Copenhagen with Orwellian messages in a frightening throwback to the red, white and black swastikas that littered the city during the time when it was occupied by the Nazis. Orwellian suppression of the truth isn't necessarily in this day and age. Another disruptor, Laura Comer, claimed, “We’re representing the majority of Americans on this, particularly young Americans. The real America wants clean energy – not more fossil fuel-funded lies about the science.” She's wrong since the Climategate emails clearly illustrated how the vast majority of big oil money is behind the climate change alarmists, not the skeptics. Indeed, the entire Copenhagen event is sponsored by a consortium of giant corporations that includes British Petroleum and Shell Oil. People that protest green extremism have been treated unfairly. Members of Press for Truth (who sent flyers to disagree with Al Gore) in Toronot were harassed by security guards. They were assaulted, their camera equipment were attacked, and they were almost shoved into the road by though police thugs. The police didn't want them to exist on public areas. In contrast, the green youth corps who hijacked the Monckton event and took over the stage were completely left alone to go about their business. Some We Are Change groups were ejected and harrashed when just asking Al Gore questions about Climategate in real dissent. These climate change policies can kill millions of the Third World, because ethanol is used in record level (depleteing corn crops and causing riots plus starvation in Haiti, etc. This has risen food prices greatly). Having people to kill out folks who disagree with anthropogenic global warming is immoral. These youth corps are a sign that the possibility of such of a corps to banging down your door if you don’t have the right light bulbs installed, smashing up your SUV, or enforcing whatever hellish system of control and regulation is a possibility.

The Chinese delegation is pushing population control at the Copenhagen climate change meeting. They want to push reducing carbon emissions or promoting recycling as a way of protecting the environment. Chinese officials use the lie of overpopulation as an excuse to promote certain environmental policies. China's one-child policy bans couples from having 2 or more children. The Chinese family planning officials have tried to enforce this draconian measures by using forced abortion and involuntarily sterilizations to get women (and couples) to comply with the national law. This is evil of course. Other couples and their families have faced imprisonment, loss of jobs, home detention, forced labor, and other political (economic and other) punishments for not following the pro-abortion policy. According to a China Daily news report, Zhao Baige (who is the vice minister of National Population and Family Planning Commission of China) promoted population in the summit. "Dealing with climate change is not simply an issue of CO2 emission reduction but a comprehensive challenge involving political, economic, social, cultural and ecological issues, and the population concern fits right into the picture," the member of the delegation said. Zhao exploited studies to make his false case that reductions in populations is a way to get his agenda going. A September propaganda study from the London School of Economics believe that people who have children are responsible for destroying the environment. Although the report, entitled Fewer Emitter, Lower Emissions, Less Cost, focuses on "family planning" and contraception, the idea is that fewer children born means the environment will be better off. She made the mistaking of mentioning that the Chinese one child policy was a success when there are great, significant human rights abuses as a product of it. 1.3 billion people in China haven't benefited from exploitation, murder, and dehumanization of that wicked policy at all. This policy is about eugenics and has been supported by the eugenic family of the Rockefellers. The Washington Post reported on October 12, 2000 that the Rockefeller Foundation had donated two million dollars to upgrade a Chinese drug factory that produces the abortion drug RU-486. “RU-486 has been a key ingredient in China’s population control strategy for years. Of the estimated 10 million abortions performed annually in China, about half are carried out with RU-486, said Gao Ersheng, director of the Shanghai Institute of Planned Parenthood Research,” the CIA’s favorite newspaper reported. The globalist United Nations have supported this policy as well (Mao Zedong did a similar population control plan of exterminating human beings. Mao killed more people than Stalin and Hitler. He starved peopel to death. Even his Great Leap Forward program alone killed at least 30 million Chinese people). “Whatever the price of the Chinese Revolution, it has obviously succeeded not only in producing more efficient and dedicated administration, but also in fostering high morale and community of purpose,” a praiseful David Rockefeller has gushed (New York Times, August 10, 1973). “The social experiment in China under Chairman Mao’s leadership is one of the most important and successful in human history.” Zhao's promotion of population control comes at a time when the UN is revising its global population projections -- saying that now it expects 1 billion fewer people globally in 2050 compared with earlier estimates. Even Diane Francis from the Canadian Financial Post wants a world wide one child policy since she falsely believes that the Earth is overpopulated. She wants a planetary law to enforce it, which similar to world government with world law. The same neo-Malthusian extremists like in the Ford and Rockefeller Foundations supporting the overpopulation/one child policy evils are supporting the man-made global warming fantasy as well. Francis is definitely wrong.

NGOs like Common Purpose is a new threat in the world. They have been accused of taking an opposition website taken down. Common Purpose is trying to teach the young generation to promote one world ideas. They have been accused of pushing pressure to the ISP hosting Brian Gerrish's website, resulting in the site being removed from the Internet. Brian Gerrish is a former naval officer and anti-submarine warfare expert who has conduct research into the federalist agenda of the coming totalitarian socialist state in Europe called the European Union. Common Purpose is recruiting and training leaders to be loyal to the objectives of the organization and the European Union and preparing structure for what it calls the post-democratic society after nations are replaced by regions in the European Union according to David Icke. Common Purpose is a slick organization that Brussels funded. It has been used in British society in order to try to make Britain more aligned with the European Union Collective of Communist Purpose (EUCCP) according to an anti-Common Purpose broadsheet. The European Union is a regional model for world government. Even EU President Herman van Rompuy wants said in 2009 that this is the first year of global governance. He said that he wants the climate conference in Copenhagen to be another step to make the global management of our planet (which relates to the new world order). On November 19, Common Purpose sent a letter ( see PDF) to HostGator, an ISP in Houston, Texas, claiming Gerrish’s cpexposed website has violated its copyright under the DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act, implemented under two 1996 treaties of the World Intellectual Property Organization, a United Nations agency). The Cpexposed website is puzzled why this occured since the documentation about the CP has been in the public domain for a while. Still, little is known about the Common Purpose. Global Analysis believe that Common PUrpose supports a Leninist technique in not defining one's terms about its curriculum. “The independent media which presents documents, facts and evidence that reveal the extent of the misinformation of the mainstream corporate media and also of the crimes of the banksters controlling that media is clearly a big threat to them,” remarks The Flu Case, a website dedicated to the H1N1 issue. “When the internet goes silent, it is time for the revolution to start.” The Flu Case website believes that the blog of Joey Ruller of the TN Sons of Liberty was locked as apart of a global crackdown on the Internet since it feature critical swine flu vaccination information. Brian Gerrish believes that Common Purpose wants a Sovietized Britain to merge it with the EU in the new world order (CP is called a "Leadership training organization"). Gerrish is called "Eurosceptic" for his commentaries. In January of 2009, Common Purpose was reported to the Information Commissioner's Office in Britain for alleged breaches of the data protection law in its effort to combat Freedom of Information requests. Numerous FOI requests have come from people concerned that too much public money is being spent on Common Purpose courses for government officials.

Ecumenicalism is still going on in the 21st century. One of the biggest Ecumenicals in the world is Tony Blair including Rick Warren. The Tony Blair Foundation wants to promote charity and have dialogue without changing the fundamentals of anyone's faith. Yet, is this foundation just one keystone toward the creation of an one world religious atmosphere. History proves it. New Age leaders like David Spangler want the new religious age to come under the guise of taking a Luciferic initiation. Even Jesuit priest Theilhard de Chardin wanted the unification for all world religions to herald the coming of his Christ (not the Jesus Christ of the Bible of course). Chardin is considered the father of the New Age movement. His writings were key in the development of Vatican II. Vatican II launched the modern ecumenical movement in the 20th to the 21st century. Tony Blair himself is an Ecumenical and is a recent convert to Roman Catholicism. He had masses and talked with the Pope about globalization including having dialogue with other faiths. Rick Warren supports the Emergent Church movement as well with ties to the Vatican. The Vatican wants globalization as they have been key in developing the infrastructure for the establishment of the European Union (according to Adrian Hitlon's "The Principality and Power of Europe" on pg. 34). The Treaty of Rome was created in 1957 that caused the EEC or the European Economic Community to be formed. It was formed to have economic barriers to decrease in Europe, which lead to the EU. Hitlon believes that the Vatican wants to promote their policies in the so-called Christian Democratic parties. Emergent leader Brian McLaren use Vatican terminology to promote their goals of Ecumenicalism and spiritual apostasy. Salvation is the solution to the Vatican and Ecumenicalism. According to Catholic doctrine, there is NO SALVATION outside the Church of Rome. This is testified to by the most up to date declarations from the Roman Church, which can be found in Vatican Council II. The Vatican believes that without the Pope, the sacrament, the Virgin Mary, and other things, you can't be saved. This isn't true. Jesus said, “I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: and whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die.” (John 11:25-26) With this, Paul wrote: “For by grace are ye saved through faith … not of works, lest any man should boast.” (Ephesians 2:8-9). Anyone can be saved just like Roman Catholics have been saved as well.

Secret Societies are real. Some don't want to trust Dan Brown on issues pertaining to Freemasonry, because they feel that he's taking up for them in his "Lost Symbol" book. The book itself even admitted by the BBC takes up for the Freemasons. The book calls them as benign and misunderstand, which is far from the truth. The truth is that Freemasonry uses the Mysteries and deception in the Blue Lodge as a means to gain new recruits. Freemasons have influence in the development of Washington D.C. as related even to riddles in stone. Freemasons deny being a religion, yet high level Freemasons admit that Masonry is a religious institution. It has altar, it believes in the GOATU or the Great Architect of the Universe as God, and it has some concepts of spirituality in the group. So, Freemasonry acts as a Sycrnetic religion. Ex-Freemason Fred H. Anderson left Freemasonry. He was once a 32nd Degree Freemason. He left, because he said that his actions as a Mason contradicted his Christian faith. He said that Freemasonry does Masonic baptisms and weddings even funderals (which Masonic propagandists like Chirs Hodapp claim are just "rare" occurences and oddities). The praise of Hiram Abiff in the 3rd Degree is strange since they want to imitate him. Hiram Abiff doesn't exist in real life and Masonry denies the unique nature of Jesus Christ. The symbols and allegories of Freemasonry can be confusing at times, yet the simplistic nature of the Scriptures is a sufficient outlay for humans to enrich their spiritual lives. So, it's time to be real with our lives.

By Timothy


Christopher Hodapp said...

Truthseeker24 wrote: "He said that Freemasonry does Masonic baptisms and weddings even funderals [sic] (which Masonic propagandists like Chirs [sic] Hodapp claim are just "rare" occurences [sic] and oddities)."

Masonic baptisms and weddings are almost completely non-existant, especially in North American Freemasonry. They ARE oddities that were created in the 1800s, and have almost never been performed here. Recently a lodge in Colorado performed a "Masonic baptism" which is a ceremony that obligates the members of the lodge to pledge to care for the children of their brethren in case of their death. Its performance was so rare that it made headlines in the Masonic online community, and was not widely accepted as a good idea. It remains very controversial, and is not accepted for use in 99% of the Masonic jurisdictions in North America. That's not a "claim," it is the truth.

I know of no North American jurisdiction that approves of a Masonic wedding ceremony. They have occurred sporadically outside of the US (Turkey, the Netherlands and Puerto Rico are three examples over the years), but the fact that they were reported is a testimony to their rarity. You'll just have to take my word for it that they don't happen in the US.

Masonic funeral services are very common in the US. They are ONLY performed at the request of the family. Overwhelmingly, families find them moving , comforting, and very respectful of the family and the deceased's religious beliefs. Fortunately, most families don't bother to consult hysterical internet anti-Masonic websites on the subject.

Bill A. said...

Well Chris, you said it best. However I would like to add that thank goodness that most anti-masonic websites are so full of hate and bigotry, that most sane people avoid them like the plague.
It seems that no matter how many times you tell these folks that no one man speaks for all Masonry, they just refuse to believe it.
So if someone writes anything derogatory about Freemasonry, they latch onto it like a suckling pig and refuse to let go, even when the teats have gone dry.

Timothy said...

Nice propaganda from people like you. Now, since you claim you to be experts in this affair, I will reluctantly take your word that Masonic baptisms are non existent. I certainly concur with you that Masonic weddings are non-existent. Now, Bill A. is completely false on his assumption on me. I never believed in bigotry. I do believe in dissent. I dissent with murder, abortion, and injustice. Just because a person may dissent vigorously with the Order of Freemasonry in a succint manner, doesn't mean that they have bigotry or harbor unfair generalization against people from the Lodge. I disagree with Masonry profoundly, because their death oaths, their embrace of Universialism, their deception given unto Blue Lodge members, and other things. These things and more have not only been expressed by me faithfully, but by other human beings who used to be Freemasons.

These ex-Masons aren't all liar neither are they are all haters. These people consistent of folks who after profound thought and rational justification decided that the Order of Masonry isn't for me. You Masons certainly are afraid that real, undeterred truth about Masonry is effecting the Internet. You should be, because regardless of the words that you write or the ceremonies that you partipate in, God's Truth will continue to light the Universe forever.

Nothing will change that.

By timothy

Timothy said...

Not all Masons are monolithic in their totality of their views, but Masonry do share common threads in their cosmology of their organizations. People certainly have crucial right to express dissent with Masonry about those parameters indeed.