Friday, September 24, 2010

Secret Technology

Marley wrote:

You're right. We get secret catalogues from the government that allow us to purchase superior technology before it is available to you people. I had an ipod touch more than 5 years ago and only now did they make the 4G available.

Also the AIDS cure is currently only available for white people. If you people want your own feel free to create it. Nobody is stopping you. We're just looking out for ourselves. Nothing wrong with that.

You are not too bright. Advanced technology is ahead 10-20 years before the masses get to know it. And it becomes mainstream.

The hydraulic car already invention was here in holland during the 50s but the man was killed, surprise?

Computer voice recognition was already during the 60s.

Certain weapons they already had during the 70s which are now known to the public. It was releast by the NATO years ago.

I knew someone in the late 90s who had a computer with already 50 gig of memory which was high end equipment at that time.

I have a magazine right here at home, scooping pc-tables and e-readers, and this mag is ten years old.

Do you think that the r&d department by apple is not working in advancement to stay ahead to other companies? Lol

Go figure.

In Japan 3d tv's already exsisted in the 90s and even models without the 3d glasses. Lol

I was informed that north Korea has biometric motion detection cameras. These cameras are connected to heavy firearms and shoot automatically as soon as they detect something awkward. By the way, most software used by the Chinese is programmed and developed by north Korea.

I can go on and on, you dimwit.

Go figure...
-9th Element

Amsterdam, Netherlands

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