Friday, September 24, 2010

Troy's Work


All in all a pretty weak YouTube-amentary. The two pieces of music were bad enough by themselves, but excruciating in sequence. Bandying around the terms Jesuits & Zionists with little thought or care for context or accuracy actually makes this a disinformation piece in itself - whether intentional or otherwise. Maybe Alex Jones commissioned it to discredit his Rome-exposing opposition?! Saying that "the Zionists" control the John Birch Society is complete bull. The JBS President is Jesuit-trained Roman Catholic John F McManus. The JBS has always been a Romish/Masonic lovefest:

Sloppy work like that video does nobody any favours - unless its intentionally sloppy. The text said that it was their first vid. Hopefully they do some serious research & contemplation before spouting off on things which are clearly beyond their grasp as evidenced by such a hodgepodge of incompatible assertions.

Critic's verdict: Dire!

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