Sunday, March 06, 2011

Winter 2011 Part 2

The Civil War's 150th Year Anniversary (1861-2011)

So many times and eons passed to make this day a reality. Bloodshed and tons of controversy consume the era of the Civil War. The Civil War in a way was inevitable since there couldn't a means to end slavery except by a huge conflict. There were bigots that wanted to perserve the institution forever basically.
The issue of slavery, trade, and cultural differences were major causes of the Civil War. That is why the Cornerstone Speech and many documents from the states of Texas, Mississippi, Georgia, and South Carolina pretty much admitted that maintaining slavery was one crucial reason for their secessions in the first place. So, it's obvious that slavery, segregration, and Jim Crow oppression are all wrong and all immoral. ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL. The North and South had strong disagreements on how to conduct their standard of living. Token compromises like the Missouri Compromise and the Nebraska/Kansas Act didn't solve the issue of slavery in a real fashion. The European elites and the Papacy saw the divisions in America. They utilized the Civil War in an attempt to divide up America and economically control the North American continent. Even the leadership of the Confederates were supported by the Papacy and the British. Some obsess about states rights. Yet, even states have done immoral act before. States rights can never trump baisc human rights. Some states were wrong to buy, sell, rape, whip, and lynch human beings. Fort Sumter took place even before Abraham Lincoln could take office. The SOUTH attacked Ft Sumter. The SOUTH was and is part of the USA. Lincoln could not have attacked his own country. 7 states that started with South Carolina seceded from the Union before Lincoln took office. This existed beyond a tariff issue as historical revisionist maintain was the biggest cause of the Civil War.

You can't discuss or understand about the Civil War without learning about Secret Societies. Both the Union and the Confederate side of the Civil War were influenced heavily by Freemasonry. For example, the Southern Jurisdiction of the Scottish Rite was based in Charleston, South Carolina. Albert Pike and many Confederate leaders were Masons just like Union Colonel William C. P. Breckingridge of Kentucky. Anton Chaitkin documented a strong Masonry presence in the South as well. John Brown was once a 3rd Degree Freemason. He became anti-Mason (because William Morgan was murdered by Masons in 1826) and turned into an Abolitionist. He wanted to abolish slavery by force. He worked with others to try to seize the government arsenal at Harpers Ferry, VA to cause an insurrection of anti-slavery revolution. The government captured him and his allies. He was convicted of treason and hanged in December 2, 1859. There were the Knights of the Golden Circle and the Young America organization that existed in the antebellum period too. At least 16 Freemasons were appointed by Lincoln during his administration like Edward Bates, Anson Burlingame, William B. Campbell, Edward R. S. Canby, and other people. Confederate Leader Jefferson Davis was not a Freemason. His father Samuel Davis and his brother Joseph E. Davis were indeed members of the Craft. Jefferson Davis wrote that: "...I regard the fraternity with respect and have never felt any disapproval of it other than that which pertains to every secret society. Viewing Freemasonry from a distance, and judging the tree by its fruits. I have believed it to be in itself good." I guess Jefferson Davis omitted about the death oaths, secret rituals, and occult components of the Order of Freemasonry.

Russia came to the aid of the Union in order to protect American forces in New York and San Francisco. Czar Alexander II freed million of Russian serfs and Abraham Lincoln witnessed the freedom of about 3 million slaves. Both men were killed by assassintion. Ironically, after the Civil War, the Papacy have a hatred of Russia. They or the Jesuit-influenced elites would use the Jesuit-influenced puppet Napoleon to ruin the French Republic in order to spread a Crusade against Russia (along with them or the Papacy once supporting Hitler. Hitler's forces used Operation Barbossa in order to harm Russia as well). The Pope once crowned him or Napoleon Bonaparte as Emperor of France when his spiritual adviser was a Jesuit priest named Abbe Emmanuel Sieyes
. He signed a Concordat with the Vatican in 1801, and restored the Jesuits in 1814 after their perpetual ban by Pope Benedict in 1773. Napoleon Bonaparte III was the Emperor of France (from 1852 to 1870) or during the Civil War. He supported the Pope's temporal power and even had 5,000 soldiers garrisoning the Papal States. France temporarily had their puppet named Maximillian von Habsburg running Mexico City. Maximmillian and Carlota wanted more influence in America should the South win the Civil war. Maximilian and Carlota actually condescended to rule Mexico but the cactus throne was to be temporary until they actually became monarchs of the entire New World. Here is a letter from the son of King Leopold I of Belgium to his sister Charlotte:
"Now King Leopold's elder son, Leopold, Duke of Brabant, also took a natural and keen interest in a project which so closely affected his sister, the Archduchess Charlotte. Indeed he was not merely interested, but he enthusiastically approved.
As early as the beginning of November Prince Leopold wrote to Charlotte, declaring that Mexico was 'a magnificent country,' and stating that if he himself had a son of age he would 'attempt to make him King of Mexico.' 'There is much good to be done in America,' he continued, 'and I should like the Coburgs to undertake the task.'
And again, in January, in sending to Maximilian his greetings for the New Year, he expressed a hope that 'at the moment when the enemies of Austria are prophesying her decadence and ruin, you will be able, by your labours for the good of Mexico, to prove to the world that the Habsburgs, in union with the Coburgs, see wider vistas of usefulness opening, and that, animated by a real love of law and order, they can bestow those blessings on the most diverse races.'
Though Mexico was a large country, Prince Leopold felt confident that Maximilian's rule would not be confined to its boundaries. 'Once you are firmly established in Mexico,' he wrote, 'it is probable that a great part of America will place itself under your rule.' No doubt all this was 'difficult and in the future,' but Leopold yet hoped one day to see Maximilian at the head of 'a great neutral American state, closely allied with neutral Belgium.' 'To bring peace, justice and concord to this poor America,' wrote Prince Leopold, 'would be an act not of ambition, but of simple charity.'"(Dawson, The Mexican Adventure, pp. 211-212.)

Britain tried to control America especially when the Trent Affair scandal existed. The Confederacy existed as a means to divide up the United States of America. By 1831, 11 states out of a total of 33 seceded from the Union by 1861. This came after President Abraham Lincoln was elected President in a contentious time. The leader of the Confederacy politically was Jefferson Davis. General Robert E. Lee was the famous Confederate General. Lee joined the Confederacy to submit to the interests of the state of Virginia, yet adherence to oppose the immorality of slavery is a much better calling than just embracing state political alleigances. In other words, he shouldn't of supported the Confederacy even if he respected Virginia. There are numerous complexities about the Civil war that ought to be researched thoroughly. Black abolitionists and leaders fought for black liberation from Harriet Tubman, Frederick Douglas, Sojouner Truth, David Wlaker, Henry Highland Garnet, and tons of other human beings. There were white Southern Abolitionists like Duncan Smith and he served as a spy for the Union. Duncan's son named Phineas and Jeremiah were active Union spies. They've worked in southwest Louisiana during the Civil War. There were others like James G. Taylor, Henry Clay Smith, and L. W. Pennington. After Taylor’s capture at Matagorda for the third time, he was executed by the Confederates, and his probate file at Beaumont verifies the year of his death. On the other hand, the Confederacy was totally in wishing for the institution of slavery to exist in North America.

1861 was a crucial time in the Civil War era. This time included these events:

*President Abraham Lincoln gives his Inaugural Address in March 4, 1861. Abraham Lincoln spoke about slavery as the central theme in the speech. Hannibal Hamblin was the Vice President of America by 1861. Abraham Lincoln once opposed the expansion of slavery into new Territories, but wanted to be allowed in Southern states. It wanted at first for slavery to be incrementally eliminated, but that was a token action. It wouldn't be until 1865, when Lincoln would be 100% against slavery in a sincere fashion. South Carolina and Georgia back in the late 1700's wouldn't go along with the Constitution unless the Constitution didn't ban slavery. The Confederate States was designed by Major Orren Randolph Smith of North Carolina. It adopted at the Convention of Confederate States in Montgomery, Alabama. It soon became popularly known as "the Stars and Bars." The CSA or the Confederate States of America adopted their flag in March 4, 1861 (in Montgomery, Alabama) and forms their Army in March 9, 1961. By March 11, 1861, the Conefederate formed their own Constitution. The national sin of SLAVERY directed caused the Civil War making almost 600,000 people to lose their lives. In our time in 2011, America in some cases are morally worse than decades ago. There is the modern day child murder/sacrifice of ABORTION (the shedding of innocent blood is morally wrong), materialism, strife, extreme selfishness, disrespect, hatred, anger, illegal and immoral war killing people overseas, violations of human liberties, etc. God remembers this stuff and we have to change our lives before we die. I believe fighting against evil and JUSTICE too.

There are tons of other facts in the Civil War. Abraham Lincoln abandoned the colonization plan of black people in his lifetime. The Confederacy wanted some African American troops to fight for them as a part of pure desperation at the end of the war. Many prominent Confederates acknowledged that it went against the core values of the Confederacy. One famously declared that if slaves seem good soldiers, "then our whole theory of slavery is wrong." Thousands of African Americans instead fought for the Union side in order to fight for freedom and emancipation. The North wasn't perfect, but they did peacefully and voluntarily abolished slavery in every one of its states before 1865. The Union wasn't perfect, but the Union offered a much better life for black people than the Confederacy did (especially since the leaders of the Confederacy falsely considered black people to be intellectually inferior to the white race). Even the Confederate war criminals murdered innocent African American soldiers during the Fort Pillow Massacre. Low level Mason Nathan Bedford Forest was involved in the massacre. Forest would be one founder of the Ku Klux Klan (which was heavily made up of Freemasons even in its revitalization during the early 20th century by Royal Arch Freemason Colonel William Joseph Simmons. 33rd Degree Scottish Rite Freemasons Robert C. Byrd and Hugo Black were once Klan members). There was the Lawrence Massacre in August of 1863 too. The Confederacy refused to allow prisoner exchange to include African Americans once Lincoln allowed them to serve as soldiers. Therefore prisoner exchanges were ended and prisons were set up. The Union defeated the Confederates by 1865. Abraham Lincoln reformed a lot of his thinking and admitted that slavery was one big reason for the Civil War. He was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth. Booth made his decision to assassinate Lincoln after he heard Lincoln give a speech advocating rights for freedmen. This set Booth off and he worked in a conspiracy to kill Lincoln. Even haters of conspiracies readily admit that the assassination of the President Abraham Lincoln was a product of a conspiracy.

The Civil War ended and the advancement of human rights continued forth. There was the Emancipation Proclomation (although it only effected states in the Confederacy), the 13th to 15th Amendments, the 1964 Civil Rights Act, and other rules too that promoted human liberties.
There are news about John Wilkes Booth and Jesse James. They have existed in the history of the Civil War and times after it. After the Civil War, racists utilized Black Codes to deny black people their God-given human rights. They have links to the Knights of the Golden Circle that I have known this for years. Booth is said to be a member of the KGC. Some even believe that Booth survived the death in the tobacco barn. One person is called Izola Forrester (or Booth's granddaughter) in her 1937 book called "This One Mad Act." She believed that the KGC aided and abetted Booth's escape from Washington, D.C. The man shot and killed in Garrett’s barn was James Boyd, a former confederate agent working for the War Department. He bore a passing resemblance to Booth aside from his red hair and moustache. Booth’s hair was jet black and he had shaved off his moustache at the home of Dr. Samuel Mudd shortly after escaping from Washington. No friends of Booth were told to witness the body of Booth supposedly. John May said that he had removed a tumor from Booth's neck months before Lincoln was assassination. He saw the corpse and said that corpse wasn't like Booth and he didn't believe that the dead person was Booth. Later, he changed his mind and agreed with the official story of John Wilkes Booth's death. National Detective Police agents Andrew & Luther Potter had been on the trail of Booth from the beginning. They looked at the corpse and said that has a red moustache that is different from the real John Wilkes Booth. It is said that Both was in Texas under the alias of John St. Helen. Jesse James was a Freemason and a suspected member of the Knights of Golden Circle. The KGC promoted the Confederacy and spread all over America. They opposed Lincoln when Lincoln promoted subsidies for mining, Lincoln issued fund for the construction of the transcontinental railroad, and President Lincoln advanced the development of national infrastructure. Abraham Lincoln sold bonds directly to the people while European bankers wanted more centralized control over America.

Popular Culture Part 8
Time is different in our world. Technological and social changes rapidly are interesting and disturbing at the same time. Yet, morality should be cherished. Real principles from equality to individual liberty are loved. A sense of guidance and direction is necessary for moral renewal and spiritual growth. In my life now, I'm entering a new phase. I honor the Lord and I'm not ashamed of it. Spritually, we must grow and not compromise our core precepts. Our ancestors fought for real precepts of mutual concern among humans, common purpose in fighting for the truth, and opposition to moral nihilism. The foreright legacy of truth makes important the need for us to not only expose truth, but to call human beings for repentance. For a change of a person's habits doesn't come unless a person changes their heart critically in having a God-given dedication for spiritual blessings. Recently in late 2010 and early 2011, the popular culture crew (we know their names) have talked about people like us more publicly. People like me expose the corporate empire in the music industry. When you think on a higher level, the corporate popular culture is controlled by the establishment. Those in the elite promote new age principles that run contrary to traditional values. New Ager Bailey in his "The Externalization of the Hierachy" (published by Lucis Publishing Company from 1958 on pg. 278) supported a new era in her own words:
"...the new era is coming; the new ideals, the new civilization, the new modes of life, of education, of religious presentations and of government are slowley preciptiating and nothing can stop them."

Great people have exposed the new world order connections to the music industry from VgilantCitizen to others. Now, we exist in a new era in 2011. Now, this era has the music industry in my opinion using a slick backlash against truthseekers exposing the worldly culture in general. I see this a mile away. Now, some people are really angry that the truth is shown even when people like us show sources, quotes, documents, pictures, and other evidence to prove that the occult & corporate power dominate the entertainment industry today. One tactic that some skeptics use now is that mention that we need to only expose the puppet masters (or the Bilderbergers, Trilateralists, the elite families, etc.) and not the puppets. The reality is that if you want changes in society, if you a more tranquil living, etc. then you have to expose both the puppets and the puppetmasters. This is done not to slander innocent people neither to subscribe to unnecessary gossip. I do believe in exposing the puppet masters much more (since to talk about the people behind the scenes like directors and producers can get into the meat and potatoes on why video exists in the first place), but we have to learn the strategic tactics corportatists use in trying to control society. To show information from the top levels of pyramid to the worker bees in an efficient ways gives credibility to explaining things too. These actions are done to give a just, fair, and comprehensive look in the goings of the world, so people can wake up. In the final analysis:
We should apologize for nothing for telling the truth. We are right. Our words have an impact. We don't just show the reality of worldy culture. We offer solutions for people live their own lives (like moral development, rejecting stereotypes, build up confidence, follow real spirituality, and live our lives with joy & a serious sense of duty or honor). We believe in conspiracy facts not theories. The truth is here:
*All artists shouldn't be blamed collectively for every ill in society. I don't believe that every single artist is a part of the Illuminati or a devilish cult. Yet, the social engineers (with more power than artists) are to be blamed for using deception and engineering a worldly culture consisting of selfishness, materialism, ignorance, and a domesticated mentality of confirmity to the agenda of the establishment. The puppets promoting garbage culture in the popular culture should be exposed as well not just the puppet masters.
*Symbolism in the mainstream music culture have a right to be explained in an accurate, just way. Producers and directors of videos regularly inculcate satanic/occult imagery in videos in order to desensitize people to New Age themes (and garner acceptance from the masses). Secret Societies exist like Freemasonry (even in the Memphis & Misraim high degrees), the Bohemian Grove, etc.
*Issues like police brutality, globalization, the militarization of America, the poverty in America, the wicked economic system today, the prison industrial complex, GMO foods, etc. should be made manifest.
*Music is powerful cultural force and any artist should be accountable for the message that they present. Some musicians are doing the right thing and some aren't. You can't say music don't shape minds when you see the world dictate much of their actions or culture by music. In the final analysis, there is good and evil (like the glamorizing of the occult, torture, promiscuity, etc.). We should promote the essence of righteousness and oppose wickedness. It's as simple as that.
Popular culture is strong in the world. Billy Ray Cyrus made strange words about her daughter. He says that Satan is attacking her family. Billy Ray fears for her daughter. He told these words in GQ. The truth is that many of these stars have made mistakes. Miley Cyrus has been involved in numerous scandals. We would hope that any human being would wake up and better than the past.The scene becomes oddly sexual as Rihanna holds the phallic-shaped perfume bottle while she is blinded by her handlers. This refers to the sexually abusive relationship between mind control slaves and their handlers. Rihanna recently has done a sex-kitten photo shoot. She shows images of leopard skin on her head with a shape of a gun with her fingers. Real people will always wish that Rihanna will live her life in the right way and excommunicate the garbage of the machine from her world. Recently, Nicki Minaj made pictures showing the kitten imagery as well. She is pictured next to a man with tattoes of the All Seeing Eye, Luciano, other mobsters, and other famous people. Nicki in a V magazine photo shoot has animal print and a painting of the One Eye on her body.

Lady Gaga is having her controversy too. Her new video is called "Born that way." In the beginning of the video, she gives a speech or monologue about her belief system. This belief system is old and it's the same old New Age jargon. She wants a new race where there is no prejudice and no judgment. There is nothing wrong with having no unjust prejudice, but a human being having righteous judgment is fine with me. Even Jesus called on people to have righteous judgment as found in John 7:24. Now, some of these artists like Lady Gaga deny moral absolutes since they feel that they can enact almost any action that they desire. Just because you feel like doing something, doesn't mean that you should do it. Humans have to possess some restraint and real balance in order live a more fruitful life. Real righteous people aren't monster, but HUMAN BEINGS CREATED IN THE IMAGE OF GOD. SEE, THE ENEMY SEES HUMANS AS NOTHING MORE THAN MONSTERS OR IGNORANT MASSES. While, the truth is that folks waking up about the world are blessings. Now, "Born that Way" starts with an Unicorn in a Triangle. Lady Gaga extends their arms in the triangle. In the beginning of the video, Lady Gaga talks about the Manifesto of Mother Monster. The video shows a goat. The story of the Mother Monster is very similar to the Gnostic's version of how the Creation occurred. Gnostics and some followers of Mithras believe that creation harbored the dual existence of good and evil. The video continues with Lady Gaga and other dancers dancing. The video is apparent. Lady Gaga believes that all humans are born that way. All human beings all born with unique personalities, unique attractions, and unique qualities that are from God. No real person disagrees with that. Yet, we aren't born to do what we want to do. We humans have that responsibilities to not lie to one's self, but we should have boundaries in our moral conduct. Without some judgment and discernment, society will exist in choas and anarchy.
It is obvious that Lady Gaga is a puppet of that entertainment world. Her videos describe rituals and some of it are similar to mind control (specifically Monarch Programming). Lady Gaga admitted that some of her music is inspired by drugs. She once did cocaine once or twice a year. What she is doing is to try to alter the culture and indoctrinate especially the next generation to accept the New Age values that are supported covertly by the real establishment. This is done by social engineers in the 1960's too. It's similar to the Fabian Socialists trying to use gradual change instead of direct revolution like the Communists desire. It's all about cultural engineering not sincere improvement of humankind. Kids are looking at Lady Gaga doing things that would be considered X-rated in the early 1970's. The Reb’l Fleur perfume ad is very interesting. It showcases the sister Rihanna. Vigilant Citizen believes it shows mind control triggers and monarch programming symbolism. The commercial begins with the good and bad portraits of Rihanna. The flower represents purity and innocence. People know how black is portrayed as good and images of white are portrayed as good. That’s silly since the color black isn’t something evil of course. In commercial uses Rihanna to represent her good and bad persona. She looks in the looking glass as referencing the Alice in Wonderland motif. Bad being called good is common in mainstream popular culture (in mind control, slaves are encourage to promote their bad side in their alter persona to handle their trauma). Rihanna enters the looking glass and walks in a maze filled with fractured mirrors. It doesn’t take a genius to see that shattered mirrors, labyrinths, etc. are found in the occult and mind control triggers (according to Fritz Springemeir. This is a fake world of illusion to mind control victims). 3 handlers blind Rihanna in the commercial.

Rihanna is in controversy all of the time. Rihanna's video called S&M is a mixture of themes. One theme is shows how sadomachism is common in Western society as a sexual fetish. Also, Rihanna used the video to express a satire about the many rumors, interests, and gossip about her (like her being accused of being a puppet of the Illuminati, being a loose women, and being just a controversial female). In the video, Rihanna wears a crown and is carried by people into a room. She has newspaper on her body with words like Barbados, etc. on them (A media person with a notebook writes words on it with Illuminati, Rihanna, etc.). The media in the video ask her questions and she is harrased while conversely Rihanna turns the tables and uses sadomachism on her supposed critics. The people in the video wear strange garb or clothing. Some of the people have objects in their mouths. Rihanna has wrapping on your body. She sings that she wants to be bad and she doesn't want to go back. Rihanna sings that she is bad and is perfectly good at it. You don't call good bad and bad good. The video shows the typical stuff of half naked people and a women rubbing on Rihanna behind. There are Xs in the video. Cameras monitor Rihanna in the video and she whips people tied up (as representative of the media. The media people in her mind are some of her critics). She acts tied up to acting like she enjoys sex, etc. She ties the the media people up and uses tape in their mouth. She does a lap dance on a man and kisses a woman in the mouth with tape in the woman's mouth. I don't believe she is a Princess of the Illuminati, but she's a puppet of that system. Also, the same popular culture system is linked to the evil military industrial complex. That is why these artists go overseas to meet with the troops. Instead of having war killing people of color, we should get the troops home and reform our own nation. Recently, Louis Farrakhan during his Savior Day's speech near Chicago (in February 27, 2011) said that Rihanna uses scantily clad style of dress and sexually suggestive dance moves. He called her as acting filty and called her fans swine. Rihanna responded that Farrakhan is acting as a hypocrite for calling her swine and claiming to be a Minister of God. Louis Farrakhan weirdly praised L. Ron Hubbard for using Scientology to civilize white peopel and he supported Gaddafi, who is a dictator. Farrakhan has have worked with the hip hop community in the past. What is the truth? In circumstances like these, the truth sometimes lies in between the 2 extremes. Rihanna isn't swine neither are all of her fans swine. Rihanna is a young, talented sister that has time to wake up (as I have always mentioned). Now, legitimately criticizing errors made by some artists isn't about unfairly judging people. It's about displaying the human right of discernment. I don't agree with Rihanna on some of her performances and other acts, but I don't believe in calling her swine as a means to make solutions. I wonder if Louis Farrakhan would say similar comments about Madonna (who have done much more controversial performances, videos, and actions than Rihanna). Louis Farrakhan is right that we can't support degeneracy and unrighteousness to impact our culture. Yet, calling a young woman swine is futile since the young woman Rihanna can be encouraged in more positive ways to make a real change in her life. Farrakhan is right that we can't laugh at a filthy joke and then claim to be all spiritual, we can't glamorize sick language, (and we can't support the corporate exploitation of women). L. Ron Hubbard is a cult leader, followed Crowley's philosophies, and is a false prophet. Gaddafi is another dictator. It's like a spiritual war between the truth and evil. People know that some of this popular culture isn't right. Some are afraid to speak out for fear of being labeled a hater or judgmental. Now, it's the time to not care what the world thinks and just speak the truth.
In popular culture, the elite want to promote new trends and new people. Even beyond Beiber and Lady Gaga, one of new people in the world is named Jessie J. She is a very young woman from England that shows pop music. One of her singles are called, "Price Tag." She made other controversial videos too. In the popular culture world, materialism, symbolism, and deeper meanings are common place. Indoctrination beyond just making money are parts of the music industry today. "Price Tag" is one of new songs. Jessie J is a part of the new generation of pop artists. She wrote songs for Miley Cyrus, Justin Timberlake, and Christinia Aguilera. So, she is intelligent. As a performer, her bio describes her as follows: “Mix a bit of Rihanna with Gwen Stefani, add the charisma of Pink, and you will start to get an idea of what kind of girl Jessie J is.” Illuminist, MTV, etc. love people like her. She just follows the world and receives a pay check. Her first single was called, "Do it Like Dude." The song was originally intended for Rihanna. It shows female doing a dance competition and some act like men. There are decadent, lesbianism, bisexuality, female crotch grabbing (promoting the stereotype that real men do these things when real men don't have to do this act to promote manhood. Real manhood and real womanhood is about promoting the fair distribution of wealth, real love among all human beings, standing up for justice, being inspired to follow the truth in deeds, and to believe in the higher synthesis of moral truth including righteousness. A real human being must be spiritually and morally born again), etc. People like Viligant Citizen believes that "Price tag" promotes Illuminati symbolism, MK-Ultra mind control programming, etc. Many of Jesse J's photo show a blank stare with a peace sign net to one eye. She shows the OK sign and wears the Mickey Mouse ears hat. Real research know that Walt Disney covertly promoted mind control and the occult even in his early cartoons. Mickey Mouse is a classic image of mind control programming to the researcher Fritz Springmeier. The video may appear to fight against the love of money in music. Yet, there is cognitive dissonance in the song. One teddy bear with one eye open exists. This represents the loss of innocene and a corrupted childhood. Fritz Springmeier wrote that teddy bears with no limbs represents the helplessness of mind control victims versus their handlers. The video shows Jessie J as a ballerina and pop stars help in a string. It's common knowledge that numerous pop stars in real life are puppets of the corporate establishment. They promote what the elite wants to promote in especially Western society. Jesse J is in a doll house, which is common in mind control. She shows a one eye doll as well. B.o.B. or the famous rapper of the younger generation is featured in the video. The video shows what the mainstream music industry is today. It indoctrinates people. The elite use pop music to mold the minds of the youth to adopt the attitudes and values they believe in. It doesn't matter if record sales are dropping since the establishment owns most of the world's resources. So, we have the right to not be ashamed to exposing the world and being hip to what the game is all about. I don't believe that every musician is a part of the Illuminati (there is nothing wrong with listening to real, uplifting music either), but I do believe that even pop artists are manipulated by those truly in power though. People are talking about and exposing the machine behind the industry using evil tactics. This same machine was involved in the slave trade, the military industrial complex, and other evils. The good news is that more and more people are waking up. The truth can never be suppressed.

Limitless is a 2011 American techno thriller. It was directed by Neil Burger. The stars of the film are Bradley Cooper, Abbie Cornish, and Robert De Niro. It's based on the 2001 novel "The Dark Fields" by Alan Glynn with the screenplay by Leslie Dixon. It will be released in March 18 in America plus Canada. March 23, 2011 is the time when it will be released in the United Kingdom. Eddie Morra (Cooper) is an unemployed writer whose girlfriend (or Cornish) breaks up with him. Eddie believes that he has no future. A friend introduces him to the experimental drug named NZT. Edde later becomes highly focused and highly confient. He is able to recall everything he has read, heard, or seen, and he uses the knowledge to become successful in the financial world. Business mogul Carl Van Loon (De Niro) sees Eddie as a potential tool to make money, but Eddie's success also attracts hitmen who pursue him for the NZT. Eddie's stash dwindles, causing him side effects, as he tries to escape being assassinated. The fictional drug in the film NZT is very similar to the real drug called DMT. DMT is said to give people halluciantions and feelings of euphoria. That is why users of DMT have claimed to see spirits, dreams, or visions. The film Limitless shows a human experiencing new superhuman powers. This goal of man having godlike power is exactly the agenda of transhumanism.
Transhumanism is still a real agenda promoted all over the place. Singularity is about making man a god to be immortal basically (with technological and scientific means). TIME Magazine have an article called "Entitled 2045: The Year Man Becomes Immortal." This cover is found in the February 21 edition. It shows or portrays a human with a shaved head plugged into the Internet literally. On the back of the person's head is the embedded termional plug for the purpose of connecting with the Internet. This is similar to the acts of the character Neo from the Matrix series or anyone of the cyberized characters in "Ghost in the Shell." Raymond Kurzweil have promoted transhumanism heavily in the 21st century. Singularity wants man and machine to merge in order to transform humanity into "godhood." Its proponents want to promote the new man in almost eugenics terms. Kurzweil wants super intelligent computers mixed with human bodies, minds, and civilization to develop society. He wants cyborgs to reign to extend our human physical abilities. This artificial intelligence in his mind can cause human beings to live longer in their life expectancy. Some want IPhones in people's brains. We have television, video games, the Internet, and other technology in the world. We have online communities and social networking sites that use influences to promote futuristic devices. There are brain chips all over the place. It is interesting to note a report by Richard Norton-Taylor entitled Revolution, flashmobs, and brain chips. A grim vision of the future, published in the Guardian in 2007. In this article, Norton-Taylor relays the findings of a 90-page report released by a British Ministry of Defence team tasked with future “strategic context” that the British military might face in the future. Norton-Taylor said that in 2035 an implantable information chip can be wired directly to the brain. The Singularity University promotes such agenda and it's hosted by NASA. It's not a secret that Google is another corporate front for intelligence agencies. It's a founding sponsor of the University as well. Bill Gates said the Kurzweil is the best person to predict the future of artifical intelligence. The future is now. We have nanotechnology, eugenics, the Human Genome Project, and other technological entities. We have Brain Machine Interfacing, Singularity movement, and Cloud Technology. The essence of neo-eugenics is to not improve humanity literally. It's about to create a population that may be strong physically, but docile socially in order to complete an assignment (without having that independent thinking to question authorities that force them to do these jobs). While this is going on, the real elite are trying to have life extension technology with population control tactics in order to have some neo-feudal system. The future is uncertain and might be more strange than now. The Pentagon and British Ministry have drills to prepare for martial law due to economic crisis. There is how the federal government for over 30 years having a secret program to take blood from every newborn to own its DNA. The federal and state governments are losing lawsuits over it.

Charlie Sheen is at it again. He issued a profanity laced tirade once before. He issued another profane tirade in the Alex Jones. Jones supports the man since Jones supports those in that world. Sheen made a subliminal Jewish baiting remark about "Haim." Although, I have no issue with folks exposing the Rothschilds, the ADL, B'nai B'rith and like minded organizations. We know their wicked track record. It's being real to expose the Vatican and their Labor Zionist/pro-Kabbalist allies. They are allies. One simple example is how according to the Jewish Encyclopedia, Lord Nathan Mayer Rothschild became “Guardian of the Papal Treasures” and the Vatican banker in 1823. Thus, the terrible power of money and religion were finally brought together. It is also important to not blame every Jewish person for all evils in the world since if we do that, we are no different than Klanmen or a Neo-Nazi. In the final analysis, we should treat our neighbor as ourselves. On the other hand, loving my neighbor as myself doesn't mean I support Palestinians being treated as 2nd class citizens neither do I believe in the war on terror either. Yet, I don't worship an Arabic person. I worship God alone. I have respect for my own people. Many movements for globalism existed long before modern Zionism and the Rothschilds existed. He also mocked those exposing the Jesuits when he talked about Vatican Assassins too. It's easy to see that Martin Sheen have connections to the Jesuits. Sheen claims to be clean in terms of drug usage, but his actions deemed that he still has an eccentric character to say the least. He has made numerous rants. The show that he's on is called Two and a Half Men. It got shut down for the rest of the season. CBS and Warner Brothers think that his actions were extreme. On the porn stars he lives with now: "What we all have is a marriage of the hearts. And to sully, contaminate, or radically disrespect this unit with a shameful contract is something I'll leave to the amateurs and bible grippers." This is shot at the Bible and people that respect marriage. This is typical of him since the mentality of many people in the hypocritical unHolywood have an anti-God, anti-moral values mentality. In his interview, he makes stereotypes about his critics and other gibberish. He claims to be for 9/11 Truth and opposes the policies of the President Barack Obama. Yet, his actions see that he needs real help to better his own life. He calls the 2 women that he's with as Goddesses. On his own magical powers: "I'm sorry, man, but I've got magic. I've got poetry in my fingertips. Most of the time--and this includes naps --I'm an F-18, bro. And I will destroy you in the air. I will deploy my ordinance to the ground." He calls himself a Vatican assassin and a warlock. This person Sheen is obviously mentally disturbed. His words are a slick shot at Eric Jon Phelps since he wrote the book "Vatican Assassins." The head of the Jesuits is called the Jesuit Superior General. Even today, the bishops from the Church of England are communicating with Rome to see how they can be under the Vatican. Alex Jones (who is an Ecumenical, loves the CNP, and loves the Vatican-funded JBS like a good servant of the John Birch Society. He follows Ron Paul and Paul supports criminal attacks in Afghanistan. Well, that's another story. This is for William Cooper Jones that you slandered in the past. Cooper's excellent legacy still lives on after his death in 2001) talked about the book with him. Ron Paul praised Pope John Paul II when this late Pope blatantly advocated the new world order (as documented by his own words). Ron Paul and his ilk opposes the 14th Amendment since he oppoe birth rights citizenship. Alex Jones refuses to expose the Knights of Malta and the CNP in real terms. The John Birch Society have known links to the CNP, the CFR, the Knights of Malta, the Vaitcan, etc. The Belmont Brotherhood article poves that. I don't agree with Eric on every issue, but if you want to disagree with the man, say his name like a man. A real man don't use subliminal shots or slick terminology in order to criticize another man. I agree with Eric Jon Phelps that there is nothing wrong with a human being sincerely wanting to promote more cultural unity or self-identity among their people. Racial genocide in any form against any people is evil. I agree with Eric in exposing the Papacy and the Jesuit network in the world. I disagree with Eric on his other views on race for I believe that all men are created equal, that all humans can improve their intelligence via strict intervention, that all humans have equal worth and equal value, I believe in egalitarianism and the equality among all peoples (this has nothing to do with red baiting Communism at all. FROM ONE BLOOD, GOD CREATED ALL HUMAN BEINGS. THERE IS GOD'S POWER AND HUMAN POWER), and I believe that people have the right to associate with who they want to irrespective of their background. I've debated people before in the Unhived Mind forum about this issue, so I'm not afraid of debate or saying a person's name like Alex Jones seems to be. Now, the lesson is that for us who are real Anti-Vatican truth sayers is for us to continue to show the truth without fear. You can't claim that a religion is true when they were directly involved in the Inquisition, believe a cookie is God, calls a woman the Mother of God, and uses blatantly pagan components (while hypocritically claiming to be pro-Christian & anti-pagan). Even Frederick Copleston SJ invented a lot of paranoia in the conspiracy world. A hedonist & arrogant profane spitter like Charlie Sheen isn't a role model.

People have talked about the recent Rolling Stone Magazine interview article on Alex Jones. It proves more about his ties to the John Birch Society. The John Birch Society is essentially a controlled opposition front group. Its purpose is to get well meaning conservative folks in order to embrace red baiting propaganda or half truths while ignoring that the establishment funds both communism and laissez faire capitalism in order to divide and conquer citizens (including to strife true reforms or true Nationalism in the world). The phony Cold War caused the military industrial complex to increase while both sides in it were funded by the same banking establishment. The early John Birch Society of course had links to the secret society of the Freemasons. Many of its earlier members have ties to globalist groups like the CRR, the Federal Reserve, and even the IRS. The late author and controversial researcher Eustace Mullins said that the JBS was started with Rockefeller money. Mullins exposed the Federal Reserve. He was right on many issues and was wrong on others. Robert Welch was the main founder of the John Birch Society. He was sympathetic to the National Association of Manufacturers that has been historically promoting fascism. Now, the John Birch Society has attacked 9/11 Truth and promoted many aspects of the phony war on terror (except their opposition to the Patriot Act & other anti-civil liberty policies, which should be noted). Alex Jones admitted that John Birch Society people discussed issues with his family. A John Birch Society supporter Gary Allen wrote the None Dare Call It Conspiracy bestseller in 1971 was read by Alex Jones. The book is mostly accurate though. The Jesuit trained leader of the John Birch Society named John McManus wants to work with Jones in a more political relationship. Alex Jones has been caught putting original video footage from a Council for National Policy meeting in his documentary film Endgame 1.5. The Council for National Policy is a secretive networking group of powerful right wing figures in politics, religion and business that promotes globalist ideologies. Even Charlotte Iserbyt a former Assistant Secretary of Education in the Reagan Administration mentioned on Jones radio show that the Council for National Policy was a globalist organization. Alex Jones recently was on FOX News, MSNBC, and ABC's the View show. Someone is acting Hollywood. I don't need to be Hollywood to appeal to the sensibilities of people.
By Timothy

Stanley Kubrick was a genius in filmaking, so it's reasonable to outline interpreations on his 2 famous works of "2001: A Space Odyssey" and "Clockwork Orange." I've wanted to write about these films for years, but I've only discussed them in limited. Now, it's precisely the time to delve into the essence of this movies to get a picture of our society presently. Before Avatar, before the Matrix, before Blade Runner, and Before Star Wars, there was 2001: A Space Odyssey. It started the neo-science fiction film genre of movie. It was innovation for its tiem when it came out in 1968. The film was produced and directed by Stanley Kubrick. The movie deals with thematic elements of technology, human evolution, extraterrestrial life, artifical intelligence, etc. Its dialogue was minimal, but its impact is monumental. Some have called the film the greatest film ever made. I don't know about that, but it was one of greatest innovations in film history. Kubrick and Clarke wanted to make such a film since 1965. The film deals with man's need to understand space, while maintianing a sense of home or connection with human consciousness. The film deals first with Kubrick's view of the dawn of man. This dawm of man shows ape-like early humans seeing a black monolith image. The apes see it. One of the apes use a bone as a weapon to kill for food and a tool. This ape killed the leader. Later, ape throws the weapon in the air. The object shift into a orbital satellite way into the future. The other scenes of the film deal with TMA-1 (or the Tycho Magnetic Anomaly One) and the Jupiter Mission. De. Heywood R. Floyd is sent to a space station orbiting Earth (in a Pan Am space plane) He gives a videophone call from the station to his daughter (played by Vivian Kubrick). Dr. Floyd mets the Russian scientist Elean and his friend Dr. Symslov. He found the black monolith artifact millions of years ago that was encountered by the apes. A loud radio signal comes from the monolith. Later in 18 months, the American spaceship Discoverty One tries to Jupiter. HAL 9000 or the ship's compputer controls most of the Discovery's operations. The astronaunts Dr. David Bowman and Dr. Frank Poole are in the ship (including 3 other scientists in cryogenic hiberation). HAL asks Bowman's questions and tries to control the ship. Poole is sent out of the ship, but Bowman destroys the memory of HAL since HAL tries to tyrannically control the functions of Discovery One.

At Jupiter, Bowman leaves Discovery One in an EVA pod and finds another monolith in orbit around the planet. Approaching it, the pod is suddenly pulled into a tunnel of colored light, and a disoriented and terrified Bowman finds himself racing at great speed across vast distances of space, viewing bizarre cosmological phenomena and strange alien landscapes of unusual colors. He finds himself, middle-aged and still in his spacesuit, standing in a bedroom containing Louis XVI-style decor. Bowman sees progressively older versions of himself, his point of view switching each time, alternately appearing formally dressed and eating dinner, and finally as a very elderly man lying in a bed. A black monolith appears at the foot of the bed, and as the astronaut reaches for it, he is transformed into a fetus-like being enclosed in a transparent orb of light. The new being floats in space beside the Earth, gazing at it. The technology in the film is similar to the technology that we have in 2011. Kubrick hinted that unseen alien intelligence could exist since time is billions of eons of time. Kubrick used front projection with a retroreflective matting to make the film more futuristic. The "Star Gate" sequence, one of many ground-breaking visual effects. It was primarily for these that Stanley Kubrick won his only personal Oscar award. This was done with slit scan photography of thousands of high contrast images on film (plus opt-art painting, architectural drawings, moire patterns, printed circuits, and crystal structures). There are many meanings for Kubrick's 2001: The Space Odyssey. Some view it as a satire on technology and other view it in more esoteric terms. Even Kubrick wanted us to research his themes in order to articulate our own interpetrations. Now, the film starts with the dawn of civilization in Africa with sun symbolism. The monolith appears to be planted by an extraterrestial. The monolith or the dark image looks like a phallic image. The phallic image is the image of the masculine archetype. The monolith represents the challenge of the ape like creatures to evolve into mankind (the obstacles are fear, and mental limitations. The apes use the stone tool to help them evolve into handling challenges and give them inventive qualities that Kubrick believes would allow them to evolve into mankind). Ironically, Kubrick shows in space, that mankind loses his tools and must learn to walk, and advance just like the ape like creatures did. In space, man faces the unknown while conquering much of what he knows on Earth. Stanley Kubrick back in 1999 showed a lot of information on the secret sex rituals of the real elite in his film "Eyes Wide Shut." Some people believe that he was killed for showing too much information for its time in 1999. "Dr. Strangelove" showed some secrets like the interior of the B-52 and especially the usage of its decryption machine. Some people were quite upset and didn't know back then how Kubrick knew about that.

William Cooper gives an excellent explanation of the symbolism of the 2001: A Space Odyssey movie as well. Cooper believes that the film outlines the Mysteries-followers' interpretation of the history of the human race. To Cooper, the eclipse scene of the sun (The light of sun went into the edge of the moon) taking the shape of the boat of Isis. The sun represents Osiris. Osiris riding the boat of Isis across the heavens is a meaning according to Cooper to. This is the creation of the Universe and the World to the Mysteries.

by Timothy


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