Sunday, March 06, 2011

Winter 2011

Winter 2011

The truth and wisdom will never stop. Life continues on. Now, it's the Winter of 2011. Transfixed in my mind is renewal and a keen sense of power to continue forward in a rapidly changing world. I do believe in spirituality not mainstream religion. People nowadays realize that mainstream religion is used by the establishment as a control mechanism to control human beings in the realm of agitation, fear of their neigbhors (instead of a true fear of God), and a sense of economic materialism. One example proving this truth is how CNN and other networks praise prosperity gospel preachers while real preachers telling the real truth about the cirumstances in the world (from the new world order, FEMA trying to influence preachers to be pro-establishment, and to evil GMO crops) are either shunned or ridiculed by the world. The essence of spirituality is the worship of God, the rejection of unjust wars, and the fight against injustice throughout the whole world. It was the work of William Tyndale that inspired religious works like the Bible to be formed in numerous language without theocratic presecution. It was the acts of Dr. Martin Luther King and Malcolm X that inspired a lot of strength and confidence among black people. Now, our concern for equality and justice shoud additionally be meant for all peoples for all people are human beings. Love is needed in the world and healing is needed in the world for numerous people have been hurt. As I get older, I do feel empathy for my fellow man more. So, it's certainly reasonable to use our time in the world to be compassionate toward people, to be politically incorrect in the midst of turmoil, and to have focused insight toward developing a better society than we live now. The sickness of violence, bigotry, materialism, and the promotion of unjust treatment against a human that differs from you ought to be completed confronted and rejected. We should have cooperation with each other in order to maintian the mastery against nepotism. With the mistakes in America, that isn't a means to retreat from tyranny. It's all the more reason to fight for liberty,fight for the guiding light of peace, and believe in the tremedous love of national purpose. The calls for liberty in the Middle East against autocratic regimes ought to be respected. Yet, NGOs and Western influence ought not to direct real revolutions for changes. Revolutions for change ought to independent, strident, and free from corporate tentacles.
George McGovern has been bloodied and arrested at the place where the Secretary of State Hillary Clinton gave a speech. This took place at the George Washington University. She condemned governments arresting protesters, but she didn't allow free expression around her vicinity. Ray McGovern is 71 years old. He was grabbed from the audience in plain view of her by the police and an unidentified official in plain clothes. He was brutalized and left bleeding in jail. She never paused speaking. When Secretary Clinton began her speech, Mr. McGovern remained standing silently in the audience and turned his back. He was a veteran of the Army and worked as a CIA analyst for 27 years. He also wore a Veterans for Peace T-Shirt. Later, security officers pounced upon him. Mr. McGovern remarked, as he was hauled out the door, “So this is America?” Mr. McGovern is covered with bruises, lacerations and contusions inflicted in the assault. McGovern is being represented by the Partnership for Civil Justice Fund (or the PCJG). “It is the ultimate definition of lip service that Secretary of State Clinton would be trumpeting the U.S. government’s supposed concerns for free speech rights and this man would be simultaneously brutalized and arrested for engaging in a peaceful act of dissent at her speech,” stated attorney Mara Verheyden-Hilliard of the PCJF. Mr. McGovern now works for Tell the Word, a publishing arm of the ecumenical Church of the Saviour in the Adams Morgan neighborhood of Washington, D.C. There are protests for liberation in Lybia, Bahrain, Jordan, Iran, Yemen, and all over the Middle East. I don't agree with George McGovern being Jesuit trained, so I want that to make that clear. The important issue here is that America has a suppression of civil liberties. There are tons of examples of this. One is how checkpoints check people randomnly in numerous cities nationwide including NYC. There are RFID chips in all passports. The Patriot Act still exist that violate parts of the Fourth and First Amendments (like roving wiretaps). There are VIPER Teams and militarized police working in civilian areas nationwide. There is still police brutality and a political correctness that prevents authentic free thinking. We have that right to express pure thinking and have that freedom of conscience to contain a sense of realness in our minds plus heart. The list goes on about other evils in the world including corporate corruption, unjust environmental pollution in the West, and the surveillance of even innocent Americans (like fusion centers).
Radical spending cutting now will do nothing to solve our problem since we still live in a recession. We should get out of the economy out of the recession with some spending. Later, you then can handle the deficit long term (so you can have enough money to handle the debt). The economy must be in full employment.

Occult Symbolism Part 4
The essence of human history is complex. Yet, one crucial portion of it is discovery. We humans are inventors and discoverers. We humans love a journey and love the truth. Now, occult symbolism is more than a pristine pastime in our world. Learning about specialized symbolism allows us a glimpse into the mindstate of the elite. It gives us an open look within the parameters of the corporate power structure, so we won't ignorant about how the world functions. The global elite is found in a myriad of secret societies, bloodlines, and high level political groups. Occult symbolism can be simple as the Washington Monument (outlining the image of the phallic image that comes from the sun god or Baal) to the complex images of the mandala or the labyrinth. In our day and age, we witness the massive usage of occult symbolism in the entertainment world, corporate logos, buildings, architecture of locations, and even on tons of clothing. An occultic magical symbol is defined as " image which hides an inner meaning. This meaning is usually cunningly hidden behind a form..." (Frederick Goodman, Magic Symbols, Brian Trodd Publishing House, Ltd., London, 1989, page 6). That means that many symbols overtly show a meaning, but have covertly outline numerous other meanings as well. Symbols reveal and they conceal secrets according to New Ager Robert Hieronimus. Robert was a member of numerous Secret Societies. He admitted that those in the occult place a special interest in Sirius since some of them believe that the power of the spirit world proceed heavily from the Dog Star Sirius. The essence of this work here is never to ascribe to paranoia. The purpose of this work is to learn about the active events of human beings in order to call for radical solutions in the world that is his rapidly changing. The world so much more transient than when I was young. Therefore, adjustments are a prerequisite in order to compensate the changing times. Yet, my core convictions in dealing with truth, love, and justice are still firm and fixed in our core consciousness.

The V logo has been an occult logo for thousands of years. I realize that resistors of the Nazis during WWII in France have shown the V. Yet, this isn't about them. This is about the V in occult circles. Some use the V for Victory in a meaning. The pro-JBS person Alex Jones is trying to use the V symbol in trying to protest the policies of the Department of Homeland Security. History, the V symbol dealt with the occult and evil. During WWII, former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill showed the V symbol for Victory. Yet, many people don't realize something. Winston Churchill was a Freemason and was a member of the Order of the Druids. According to the book Perdurabo: The Life of Aleister Crowley by Richard Kaczynski, the V symbol that was used by Churchill actually originated from the famous occultist Aleister Crowley. Crowley decided it would be best to use the V symbol as an occult means to counter the Nazi swastika because in Hebrew it means "nail" which he felt would serve as a representation of "nails' in the coffin for Adolf Hilter and the Nazis. Aleister Crowley believed in his "The Book of Toth" that the V symbol represented the ancient false deities of Apophis and Typhon. Apophis is known as Apep (or the evil god of chaos and darkness). Apophis is associated with the underworld and as an eater of souls. The V symbol has many other meanings, but this information alone proves that this is certainly no some wholesome patriotic symbol. The V image is found in the movie V for Vendetta (it's a film with occult symbols). V for Vendetta sympathatizes with the Jesuit Gunpowder plot that deals with violent revolution, mind control, Christian bashing, etc. The film was based on the the comic series by the same name by the occultist & magician Alan Moore. Moore is a Gnostic and claimed that a false god Glycon. Moore created another comic named "The Watchmen," which was turned into a movie that contains tons of occult symbolism and teachings. The V system is promoted in the View and in the V TV series from ABC (that deals with reptilian like aliens invading the planet). This image is related to the occult, evil, or a special occasion. Even stranger is that one of the V poster submissions that has since been published and described as an excellent entry on the InfoWars web site contains the very suspicious phrase "We Are Legion". This is a bizarre term considering that there is a little known Catholic based organization called "The Legion of Christ." Legion is found in the New Testament of a group of demons. The Legion of Christ is a Catholic group that its founder Marcial Maciel was proved to be involved in sexual molestation and other immoral behavior. Legion also relates to a Roman military unit. Alex Jones knows this history and still uses the symbol. We don't need flames of a potential new civil war in America. Using the V symbol doesn't prove our dissent when we can use tons of other alternatives to promote dissent to the nefarious tactics of Homeland Security. The Law of Fives is one interpretation of the V hand sign as well.

Occult symbols are found in the murals of the Bank of America. These murals are found in Charlotte, North Carolina. These images look strange. Some either predict in the not so distant future or present the goal of many globalists of a radical world change. The new world order has been a real goal of Utopians spanning thousands of years. These paintings were done by Benjamin Long. They are said to deal with making/building, chaos/creativity, and planning/knowledge in a dealing with abstract art, and realism. The Charlotte Corporate Bank of America center has the 3 frescoes ruling over the lobby of the building. Some find clues in the paintings form right to life. In other words, the frescoes go from the planning stage in the right to the completion of the artistic alchemical process to the left. The fresco in the right is called planning/knowledge. It shows a Masonic red and white checkered floor pattern. Thre are business people, stairs, the burning tree, and a pyramid. The burning tree is similar to the occultic tree of life archetype. The Masonic checkered board pattern is used in the Masonic initiation ritual (where the boy's feet is placed at 90 degrees in an angle). The boy wears business suit and looks like he a part of the new generation. The blond boy is similar to the blond boy of one of the murals in the Denver International Airport (the blond boy in the DIA image has a plowshare and wearing a traditional Bavarian custume. Some allude this to the Bavarian Illuminati). The burning bush is similar to the burning bush of the OT. In Masonic rituals, members are considered to be near the Burning Bush like in the 33rd Degree. The Pyramid is obvious a symbol of the mysteries. A woman trapped inside of a transparent cube hanging from threads coming from the sky. She could be representative of a person stuck in the mateiral world (or the cube) being manipulated by forces. The stars are similar to Jacob's ladder to Heaven. There is a black sun in the mural. In Masonry, ladders are shown to represents mankind's ascendance into enlightenment or godhood. There is Illumination as promoted by Masons. The Masons believe in the 7 arts of human growth (like grammar, rhetoric, logic, arithemic, geometry, music, and astronomy). The black sun is percieved as the material world while the invsible sun is made of pure philosophical gold (in Hermetic tradition). The black sun or sol niger in Latin is the first stage of the Opus Magnum. This means that there is a blackening of crude metals first before transmutation takes place to create pure gold. The black sun is related to the Temple of Set and Nazi occult groups. The Black sun is found in the Bracken House in London (with the signs of the Zodaic as well). The black sun moving in front of the golden sun is found in the design of the DIA. The right fresco deals with the first step of the Great Work that must be done. Men dressed in suits to describe the new generation of people in the elite system. The middle fresco is a transitional period of choas. There is fighting war, disease, military people, protests, etc. worldwide. There are barb wires, nets, and soldiers to see this oppressed. A nun isn't pleased in the mural. A mural with someone with a biohazard suit describes a scenario of chemcial warfare. The DIA mural has a militaristic figure with a gas mask as well. There is a vortex mural of naked bodies in fire (or whitening in the alchemical work. Jung compared this step with daybreak, the preparation for the next and final stage, which is the sunrise, characterized by the color red. Which is, of course, the most prominent color of the left fresco).
The left fresco is heavily red. It shows working using shovel to build a new world or society. Red is related to the final step of the alchemical Magnum Opus or the Rubedo (the Red Work). In real life, the occult elite want to transform society to be a new world order (as a part of the Great Work. In alchemy, material metals are changed into pure gold. In a spiritual sense, occultists believe that the profane man becomes a regenerated man via alchemical transformation). The mural shows a man sleeping in the Earth, which similar to a little boy sleeping in the DIA mural. The Knights of Malta and the elite control the Bank of America being the largest bank in America. The frescoes outline 3 stages of world transformation into the new age. These stages are planning, chaos, and achievement. There are color coded and some of the murals' images look similar to the murals of the Denver International Airport. Some symbols are related to Masonry and the Mystery schools. Those in the know realize a lot of the murals' meanings. The second fresco has unrest in order to achieve the mission. These frescoes show the elite's agenda that is hidden in plain sight. Symbols have many levels of meaning as Dr. Robert Heirmonous says, but we can know a lot about these occurences. Alice Bailey also reveals that Freemasonry is meant to produce advanced occultists and is in accord with the Theosophical goals:

“The Masonic Movement when it can be divorced from politics and social end and from its present paralyzing condition of inertia, will meet the need of those who can, and should, wield power. It is the custodian of the law; it is the home of the Mysteries and the seat of initiation. It holds in its symbolism the ritual of Deity, and the way of salvation is pictorially preserved in its work. The methods of Deity are demonstrated in its Temples, and under the All-seeing Eye the work can go forward. It is a far more occult organization than can be realised, and is intended to be the training school for the coming advanced occultists.” (Alice Bailey, The Externalization of the Hierarchy, [Lucis Trust Publishing], p. 511)

The statue above is dated in 1837. This statue of a woman carrying water in a vase (and holding the hand of a child) surmounts an old drinking fountain in the market place of Kingston-upon-Thames in Surrey, UK. The whole edifice commemorates a former Justice of the Peace from early Victorian times. This statue is very similar to the symbol of Aquarius. Aquarius has a long history not only as it pertains to astrology, but among the rest of the occult world as well. Who is Aquarius? Aquarius in mythology is the water pourer. CNP member D. James Kennedy falsely equated the Age of Aquarius as a pro-Christian rendition of peace, harmony, and joy. Aquarius is solely a function of the New Age Movement that seeks to replace Judeo-Christian values with a moral relativism, malleable perspective on how the Universe functions. The 1968 musical Hair popularize the concept of the "Age of Aquarius." Some view Ganymede as similar to Aquarius as Zeus' cup bearer. Zeus was omni-sexual and he loved Ganymede (who is a boy. This is sick pedophilia indeed. They myth mentioned that Zeus raped Ganymede, yet a statue of Zeus is found in the USA Capitol city in Washington, D.C.). As this source from Encyclopedia Mythica (in a piece entitled, "Ganymede" by Mia Gibason) says: "...'Upon hearing that Ganymede was to be cup bearer (male lover) as well as Zeus' lover, the infinitely jealous Hera was outraged. Therefore Zeus set Ganymede's image among the stars as the constellation Aquarius, the water carrier. Aquarius was originally the Egyptian god over the Nile. The Egyptian god poured water not wine from a flagon..." Now, let's show more information on this subject. The Age of Aquarius is code name for the new age of the world or the new world order. New Agers believe that times are changing to replace existing conventions to form a new age of the world or an Utopian society. The Utopian vision has been promoted by Freemasons, Sir Francis Baon, and other Utopians for centuries & even thousands of years. Theosophists especially believed that the Age of Aquarius comes after our Age of Pisces in order to end the Christian age. The New Age is definitely inheritely anti-Christ in its cosmology.

By Timothy

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