Friday, July 01, 2011

The Middle of 2011 Part 3

The Prophet Daniel

There were many great prophets throughout the ages, yet Daniel stands out as a preeminent figure. Daniel was a big foundation in the development of prophecies in general. The book of Revelation even have tons of similarities between its words and the prophetic words of the prophet Daniel. Daniel lived in a time when the Hebrews were in exile during the Babylonian exile. During that era of time, the Babylonians conquered the Fertile Crescent (including Israel). So, the first Temple was ruined and the Hebrews were captured, kidnapped, and subsequently sent into Mesopotamia. Then, the King of Babylonia desired Daniel to interpret the dream that he witnessed. All of the astrologers & occultists couldn't formulate the accurate interpretation of the dream. Daniel made known to the King about the complete analysis of his dream. The prophet Daniel was a great prophet like Isaiah (the defender of the poor), Ezekiel, Jeremiah, and other human beings. Daniel wrote that there is a God in heaven who reveals secrets and makes known what shall be in the latter days from Daniel 2:28. There is no question that we live in an unique time in the beginning of the latter days (since there are flying machines, society is changing, Israel is here, the weather patterns are in a strange phrase of existence, etc.). Almost 2,000 years ago, the Apostle John gave a prediction of the end times. It is interesting to note that the prophecies from John are strikingly similar to the prophecies of Daniel. The book of Revelation has intensive information about the last days. The synopsis of the Revelation deals with a global Empire ruled by the Beast (or code name for the Antichrist). The Apostle John classifies the Beast as being a one world ruler that will try to make all peoples carry a mark in their hand or in their forehead (from Revelation 13:4-8, 19:19-20) in order to buy or sell items. The Beast is supported by the False Prophet that tries to make people worship the Beast. This same one world empire was predicted by Daniel. The vision from Nebuchadnezzar was classified by Daniel as describing a huge statue of a man. The statue was divided into 4 types of metal (each metal from top to bottom goes from the metal being worth more to the eyes of man in the top into the metal on the bottom being worth least in the eyes of man. Conversely, the metals from top to bottom represent the power of the Empire from being less powerful in the top to being most powerful in the bottom). Now, the image of the head is made of gold. The Empire either influenced or governs the nation of Israel. The stone destroyed the image according to Daniel. Daniel then said that the stone that destroyed the image became a great mountain and spread across the Earth as found in Daniel 2:31-34. The stone that was cut without hands according to Christian scholars is the stone that the builders refused to support (or Jesus Christ) and the mountain formed is the new & final Kingdom of God the Most High. The first Kingdom of the head of gold is the King of Nebuchadnezzar(of ancient Babylon).

Later, Daniel continues to predict the meanings of the other Empires that came after Babylon. Daniel said that another Kingdom shall come being inferior to him and then another third Kingdom that shall rule over all the Earth being of bronze. The fourth Kingdom according to the prophet Daniel shall be as iron (that breaks things into pieces and subdues all things) as found in Daniel 2:39-40. There are the 10 toes of the Kingdom made of clay and iron mixed (being partly strong and partly weak) and then it will be destroyed by the Kingdom of God. Nebuchadnezzar was prideful and suffered for 7 years until he was returned back to normal. Daniel also predicted in Daniel 5:26-28 that the Babylonian Empire would end and it shall be ruled by the Medes and the Persians. The 2nd Kingdom was the Medo-Persian Empire made up of chest of 2 arms of silver under Cyrus the Great (Cyrus was named by the prophet Isaiah 2 centuries before he was born in Isaiah 45:1-4). In Isaiah 44:28, 45:1, God speaks of Cyrus as rebuilding the previously destroyed Temple. Cyrus allowed the Hebrew Temple to be rebuilt in the city of Jerusalem as fulfilling God's prophecy. Cyrus allowed the Jewish people to return to Israel from their forced exile. The belly and thighs of brass describes the empire of the ancient Greeks. The famous person heading up this Empire was Alexander the Great (He was Macedonian, but he ruled under the Greco culture). Alexander defeated the Medes and the Persians. The Greek Empire is prophesized by Daniel from Daniel 8:1-22. The prophet Daniel said that the goat will smite the ram and broke its 2 horns. The ram with 2 horns are the Medes and the Persians while the goat represents the King of Greece. Daniel specifically mentions this. Daniel 8:8 says that the goat is the first King of the Empire (refers to Alexander the Great). Daniel says that his Kingdom will fall (at the height of his power) and it will be divided into 4 horns from one toward the 4 winds of Heaven. This is all cited in Daniel 8:8. In real life, when Alexander the Great's Empire fell (when he died in 323 B.C. He was born in 356 B.C.), it was divided among the 4 Generals of Alexander (being Cassander, Lysimachus, Ptolemy, and Seleucus).Alexander died. Phillip (his half brother), Alexander II (one of his legitimate son), and Hercules (his illegitimate son) were all killed and Alexander's general took over the power base of the Empire. Antiochus IV Epiphanes would ruthlessly persecute Jewish people took in the 2nd century B.C. Josephus confirmed the prophet Daniel's authorship and wrote about Alexander the Great knowing about the book of Daniel from his Antiquities of the Jews book. Josephus lived in the 1st century. 169 B.C. lost control of ancient Macedonia to the Romans.
Augustus Caesar was the first Emperor of Rome whose reign lasted from 31 B.C. to 14 A.D. The ancient Romans were descendants from Indo-European tribes like the Latins, Sabines, etc. They took influence in the development of their Empire from the ancient non-Indo-European peoples called the Etruscans. The Etruscans had an abundance of civilization from Temples, art, travel, etc. Ancient Rome became from a Republic to an Empire. Ancient Rome was a mighty one. Ancient Rome would be divided as shown in the 2 legs of iron in Daniel's prophecy. The Roman Empire was split in 2 among the Eastern Roman Empire (whose capital was Constantinople or modern day Istanbul) and Western Roman Empire (whose head was Rome). During the Roman Empire, the 2nd Temple was destroyed. The prophet & Messiah Yeshua talked about the destruction of Jerusalem and the scattering of Jewish people worldwide. This is a historical fact that happened in ca. 70 A.D. under the power of Titus Vespasian. This was the beginning of the Diaspora (and the suffering of the Jewish people). The Roman Catholic Church was split into the Catholic Church and the Greek Orthodox Empire. The 10 feet of clay mixed with iron has many interpretations. One is of the 10 European tribes that conquered Rome and others feel it's the final Antichrist Empire with 10 Kings with 10 regions worldwide. There are the 4 beasts shown by Daniel.

One mostly accepted interpretation is that the 4 beast represent 3 ancient Empires and the final Antichrist Empire. Another interpretation is that the 4 beasts represent the modern age Empire and the final beat is the Antichrist Empire. Most religious scholars believe that the non-descript fourth beast outlines an unique worldwide Empire (with the horn outlining the mouth of beast or Antichrist). The prophet Daniel says that in the days of the final 10 kings shall the God of heaven set up a Kingdom that will never be destroyed (in reference to the Millennial reign of Yeshua and the eternal Kingdom of the Most High). The 10 Kings ruling the Earth has been predicted by the Apostle John in the book of Revelations17:12-13. ....

Genghis Khan

In Eurasia, Genghis Khan was a historical icon. He invaded lands, conquered territories, and was feared far plus wide. His reign existed in a temporary time period. His sons ruled his Empire after he had died. His influenced is still felt today in how Central Asia is orientated in its culture. In geography, Central Asia is called the heartland. Genghis Khan was a Mongolian leader and an expert military strategist. Genghis Khan's empire was larger in land than the Roman Empire and Alexander the Great's Empire. The cosmology and history of the Mongols must be explained first before totality of Genghis Khan's Empire ought to be made manifested.
Genghis Khan was an extremely famous historical figure. He lived from May 31, 1162 to August 25, 1227. He was born Borjigin Temujin. His father was named Yesugei or the
leader of the Borjigin. His nephew was Ambaghai and Qutula Khan. Temiujin was related to Kahbul Kahan, Ambaghai, and Qutula Khan to his father's side. He was the founder (like Khan or ruler) and Khagan (or emperor) of the Mongol Empire. He made the largest contiguous empire in history after his death. Contiguous means sharing a common border that touches each other (without a break). He united the many nomadic tribes of northeast Asisa. He founded the Mongol Empire under the unification of nomadic tribes in northeast Asia. He started the Mongol invasions in the name of Genghis Khan. He conquered most of Eurasia. He promoted raids or invasions of the Kara-Khitan Khanate, Caucasus Kharzemid Empire, and Western Xi and Jin dynasties. Some populations in the raids were killed of civilians in a wholesale fashion. This massacre occurred especially in Khwarzemia. Before Genghis Khan died, he assigned Ogedei Khan as his successor and split his empire into khanates among his sons and grandsons. He died in 1227 after defeating the Western Xia. He was buried in an unknown location in Mongolia. His descendants stretched his Empire into China, Korea, the Caucasus, Central Asia, and parts of Western Europe, Russia, and the Middle East. Many of these invasions killed innocent local populations. According to William Bonner and Addison Wiggin, "It has been estimated that his campaigns killed as many as 40 million people based on census data of the times." Genghis Khan did surprising actions in his Empire. He decreed the adoption of the Uyghur script as the Mongol Empire's writing system. He promoted religious tolerance in the Mongol Empire. The present day Mongolians regarded him as the founding father of Mongolia. Genghis Khan unified the people in the Central Asian plateau north of China (made up of the Naimans, Merkits, Uyghurs, Tatars, Mongols, and Keraits).

Genghis Khan's history is long and controversial. Genghis Khan never conquered all of China. Yet, his grandson Kublai Khan completed that conquest. Kublai Khan created the Yuan Dynasty that united China. The Yuan Dynasty contributed greatly to the literature and social structure of China indeed. China's Northern population decreased its population during that era. In other places in the world, Genghis Khan's forces caused an enormous damage and destruction to populations from the Middle East to parts of Europe. Iran's population lost from 10-15 million people and some historians feel that Iran didn't reach its pre-Mongol levels until the mid 1900's. There were invasions of Baghdad, Samarkhan, Urgench, Kiev, Vladimir, and other cities. Some parts of Khuzestan were totally destroyed. It is said that Genghis Khan is credited with bringing the Silk Road into another level in the world. The Silk Road came into one cohesive political environment. This caused more communication and trade between the West, the Middle East, Central Asia, and the rest of Asia. It expanded the horizons of those cultural areas. Some historians believed that Genghis Khan created some meritocracy in his rule, was tolerant of different religion, and explained his policies to all of his soldiers. Yet, these acts will never justify the imperialism and war mongering nature of Genghis Khan at all. People abhorred him in the Middle East and Iran (they considered him a genocidal warlord that killed populations). The Mongol Empire deal with a military code called the Yassa. It was created by Genghis Khan. The Mongol Empire was one of the most ethnically and culturally diverse empires in history because of its size.

By Timothy

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