Sunday, July 24, 2011

Advice and more advice (in late July 2011)

BakkByPopularDemand4 weeks agoin reply to crammasters
OH WOW....You pulled out the stops on this one didn't you! The sad part about it is...Not many blacks will even bother to google/read any of what you just posted for information because of that black FEAR of angering or going against whites.....Blacks have also been CONDITIONED to think black love and TRUTH about whites is 'racist' these days.....

But you keep doing what yo do! For every ill bomb they drop on us, (like THIS article), you come right after and drop a BIGGER ONE! I wanna thank you sir.... ;-)
crammasters4 weeks agoin reply to BakkByPopularDemand
one last thing:

some of the BM on this thread got BLACK DAUGHTERS and some of them (know) they are NOT doing all they can to raise those daughters and be GOOD BLACK MALE ROLE MODELS for those black girls.

I have said it a million times on these threads and I'll say it again: I have NEVER MET a black female who had a good black father she loved and respected

who did not love and respect black men when she became an adult.

Most of the BW I know like this, married good black men and have long, successful marriages Why? Because they knew how to recognize a good man.

Like the Honorable Elijah Muhammad said, our women are our fields and if we want good crops (children) we must take good care of our fields (our women).

If any BM on this thread has a problem with BW, he needs to make damn sure that he is taking good care of his own daughters by being a GOOD BLACK MALE ROLE MODEL.

those who have daughters and are NOT being good role models for them

have NO room to complain about any d____ thing
crammasters4 weeks agoin reply to BakkByPopularDemand
They won't read what's posted because some are too busy throwing rocks LIKE THE SLAVE MASTERS TAUGHT THEM -- including white female SLAVEMASTERS

Sis, there are two reasons some BM blame BW for all their problems and can't resist the opportunity to put BW on "blast":

#1 -- we don't want to look at ourselves and face how WE have failed as MEN.

#2 -- some of us are too TERRIFIED to face our real enemies: racist white people

so, we take the easy way out, AND fight with our women INSTEAD of unifying with them, the same way that Malcolm X spoke about: being house N8groes and loving the white man (and woman) more than we love ourselves and our own women. Then we wonder why we (BM) are behind every other non-white group in the country.

You know why they're ahead? they UNIFY with the women of their race and BUILD BUSINESSES in the BLACK and non-white community.

They don't publicly diss their own mothers, and daughters, and sisters, and wives and women. They don't place other women above their own. And they love themselves MORE than they love white people.

Most of us watch too much TV that shows all this IR coupling/sexing but we never ask ourselves WHY this IR is being shoved down our throats while white people are constantly shown loving each other while BM and BW seldom are shown in this manner

We never ask ourselves if WW love us so much, why are BM falling off the corporate ladder (being pushed off) while WW are climbing higher and higher than anyone else? If she LOVES the BM so much why won't she HIRE US?????

It's sad that after all the DIRT white females have done (AND are still doing) to BM and BW, that a BM would come on this thread to diss BW -- especially when MOST of them were raised by AND many still depend on a BW.

That's a GOT d___ shame.

And when these same BM get into a jam with a white person, who's the FIRST PERSON these N*groes will call on?


sad to say, real manhood is in short supply on this thread

BakkByPopularDemand3 weeks ago
Crammasters is OWNING this forum....

Much love Brother! And for the record, I am a black woman who doesn't believe these inflammatory, divisive, tacky articles at all......These articles are put out here to MAKE black women angry and upset at ALL Black men as if this ONE article speaks for each and every black man on the planet....Not by far....

Y'all need to THINK! WAKE UP! Whites do NOT want the strongest, best and brightest people on the planet UNITED for a reason!

When this shxx hits 'END GAME' you'll all see why......
crammasters4 weeks ago
@ all

Bear with me, this is reprinted from 'Trojan Horse: Death of a Dark Nation' by Anon
MYTH #4: One Beauty Standard (European) Fits All (Races)

False. The physical differences between different ethnic groups are determined by genetics, the environment, and other biological factors. It is illogical (and insane) to judge all human beings by ONE beauty standard, just like it is insane (and illogical) to expect a Rottweiler to look like a Great Dane just because both are DOGS.

MYTH #5: The European Beauty Standard Is A Universal Standard

False. It is ILLOGICAL (and insane) for the white minority (10% of the people on the planet) to be the standard for what is normal or desirable for the other non-white 90%. In fact, today’s (European) beauty standards are the exact opposite of the beauty standards that existed hundreds of years before white supremacy infected the planet:

Pre-Modern Asian Ideas On Race

Standards of beauty in South and Southeast Asia: Marco Polo reports on the Dravidians of South India: “It is a fact that in this country when a child is born they anoint him once a week with oil of sesame, and this makes him grow much darker than when he was born.

In the Chinese record Nan tsi Chou, a Chinese traveler to Southeast Asia wrote of the people: “...they consider black the most beautiful.” Prior to European colonization, the ancient Visayans of the Philippines considered the very opposite of high noses and oval faces handsome.

Old Chinese Views On Caucasians

By traditional Chinese opera conventions, a black face is considered nobler. Actors wear masks that denote the character’s qualities. A predominantly black face indicates courage, righteousness, and incorruptibility.

A predominantly white face indicates craftiness, deceit, and knavery. Ming Dynasty China records even state that Caucasians, especially blondes, are physically unattractive: “Huihui are shaggy with big noses, and Qipchags have light hair and blue eyes. Their appearance is vile and peculiar, so there are those (Chinese) who do not wish to marry them.”

The Character And Beauty Of Ethiopians Admired By Ancient Europeans

“The Ethiopians,” wrote Herodotos, “are said to be the tallest and best-looking
people in the world.” (In ancient Roman/Greek writings, the term “Ethiopian” is loosely used to refer to all black Africans).

Greek writer Diodoros wrote of the Ethiopians: “Their piety has been published abroad among all men, and it is generally held that the sacrifices practiced among the Ethiopians are those which are the most pleasing to heaven.”


Any questions?
swilli623 weeks agoin reply to Harold Session
What type of small things that black women fuss over that white women don't? WW Calm in stressful situations? Oh boy, are you way off. In my experience, WW are the first women to break down and cry and panic under pressure, especially when they get one kink in their prospective hopes or expectations. I remember when I was in medical school and I was the only black female in the class. When the studies and tests started getting difficult and more work was required, ALL the WW women in the program started cracking under pressure; one by one. They were throwing temper tantrums, complaining that they were going to fail, complaining about the teacher, complaining about the lessons being taught (which collectively led them to cheating on assignments), just freaking whining. I was amazed at how childish they were acting. They were complaining for no reason at all. It got so bad, that our instructors (all were WW) had to set aside thirty minutes in an attempt to address their whining and complaining. The main instructor (WW too)
was so upset about the situation that she almost started crying. I have many other examples too.

In my experience, black women tend to be more calmer in high pressured situations. The black woman and man's world is and has always been a pressure cooker. However, we have all learned to deal with it.
crammasters4 weeks agoin reply to Morgoth
you must live in a very small town if all the BM you know are married to WW

AND i bet the same whites you love so much - including white females -- are STILL practicing racism against the same BM who "love" them

What kind of black male excuses the millions of WW who have and still are practicing racism against BM yet bash the same (black) women who raised, fed, clothed and schooled them?

Either you dudes had some rotten mommas or you're so hooked on white supremacy crack you can't think straight -- OR both

Do your thang, bro, no sister needs a black male who hates himself any enough to lump all his women in one pot. The black community is better off without any BM and BW who love their white masters and mistresses so much they forgot that nobody has mistreated black folk worse than white males AND females over the last 500 years


The funny (and not so funny) part is as soon as racist white folks try to step on your neck and break that back -- you'll be the first to come running and crying to that black momma, or the black community, or some black organization, begging them to "Save me from them crazy white folks!"

And when that day comes -- and it will given the failing economy and the rising ant--black racism -- you'll find out (very soon) exactly what I mean
crammasters4 weeks agoin reply to 49spices
Do you think Carmen Electra would have married a broke azz Dennis Rodman? Or Tiger's wife, Elin, would have married Tiger if he had been a caddy boy?

There are plenty of rich and famous folks who couldn't get a date in high school. The difference between US and the ones who aren't black is they STILL MARRIED THEIR OWN KIND AND KEPT THE MONEY (AND WEALTH) IN THEIR OWN KINDS' HANDS

at least now we know why blacks never build any generational wealth,

we're too busy giving it back to the same folks that profited off our slave labor

i guess you could call it generational economic SUICIDE
weeks agoin reply to Nzingha Fulani
Yea, let's keep it real.

Brother, are all BM easy to deal with? Are all of us good men? Men of our word? Taking care of our business? Doing the right thing? Not taking advantage of women? Not living off women (that includes our black mommas?)

If WW are so "easy" why is the WM/WW divorce rate over 50%? And why do most BM/WW marriages end in divorce?

if a BW is a "hoodrat" what does that make your momma (and mine?) What does that make the BM who came from a "hoodrat?"

BOTTOM LINE -- what kind of MEN put their own women (mothers, daughters, and sisters included) down? I'll tell you what kind: the kind of men who have a death wish and want to be the slaves of other men (who know better).

I have never seen so many delusional and white-identified black folks (courtesy of the white folks' TV programming) that they think they can put other black folk down WITHOUT putting themselves down at the same time

No wonder the KKK is having another 'going out of business' sale and dumping those white hoods and robes for business suits and cushy jobs in the "black entertainment" industry...

Carol wrote:

You're such a backwards idiot.
I had good examples and raised in a Christian home so I knew how to deal with my late husband...
Are you saying that women who are raised the same way my husband was raised... can help him when they can't help themselves?
RIIIIIIIIGHT, so now we are getting somewhere, finally!... And if you were a man and found one of these women would you want to settle down with them?...
Carol wrote:

The problem is, black women having babies at a young age and not having a support system in place to point them in the right direction.
Then many are just hard headed.
I'm taking note of your meek "tippy toe approach" to women who need to be put in the right direction before they have these babies, why are they allowing men (who are clearly not looking for a wife or family) to run-up in them without protection?... Why are these things not being addressed?
Carol wrote:

YOU LIE more than you tell the truth...
I am not moved an inch by your useless empty insults, save them for someone who cares!
Carol wrote:

I tell young black women to get themselves together spirit, mind and body...
have that body banging but you can't neglect your spirit and mind. A complete package.
So you see that there is a problem out there with many of our females as-well, but instead of going at them hard like you do BM (by calling BM all kinds of names) you tell black women to get their "mind, body and soul together"....

Why don't you take this approach with men also?...
Carol wrote:

A messed up woman can't help any man and if you had any sense you'd know it.
I certainly do know it, and I have had contact with many women who have destroyed not only themselves and their children's lives but their men's lives also.

Ranting and raving about "men are this and men are that" isn't going to solve s____... Just like if I started ranting and raving about the destructive black women in our communities, it would not solve a damn thing either, those offenders will not care!...

Common sense says we should aim at the good people in our community and call upon them to be an example to the rest, make the positive aspects of our communities shine through, give them the time and effort/ airtime, instead of ranting and raving about bad back people and giving these white morons even more ammunition and reasons to discriminate against black people...Do you not think that these negative aspects of our community get enough exposure as it is?...

Solutions are what is needed now, not more crap talk about what is going on, we all already know what is going on, it is simple, too many of our brothers and sisters have no direction in life and are all over the place, how do we begin to help Both BM/BW who need direction?...

...But your solution is, daily whining about black men this, black men that, which is a useless, one sided act!

-The Revolutionist


Hannibal1985 wrote:

Friend we are talking about shear economics here-not societal norms or anything of that nature. To put it very simply I will say this: We didn't own shit then and we don't own shit now. I will refer you to a book by my kat Dr. Claud Anderson which is called Black Labor, White Wealth. Anderson in that book will answer any question you may have about where black folks was then and where we are now-and also how to get out of this mess.
Are you aware that after emancipation many blacks who were already free men at the time, owned their own land, but laws where passed to stop us owning any land, what little the blacks had was taken away from them as it was now illegal for them to own anything!

Many black areas were popping up throughout America where blacks were becoming economically stable, and the black money circulated black communities for months, do you know what happened to these areas?... Many were destroyed by white racist mobs, companies that were doing ok were "bought" out and moved from within the community, this forced many working black men to face redundancies.

Blacks were once, organising themselves into a "nationalist movement" which promoted black businesses, self reliance and also self governance of their own communities, do you know what happened to the movement?... The CIA/FBI destroyed it and labeled it a threat... They then flooded those areas with drugs to keep them from making any organised demands.

Many of our black leaders who could direct our communities were neutralised (locked-up, discredited or some killed off) by FBI/CIA agents who saw them as a threat, all this is documented!

Most attempts by blacks to build their own economy is usually destroyed very quickly before it gains any momentum, remember "Black wall street"?...
-The Revolutionist


Missforgotmyname wrote:

If you know my posting you would know I am totally against any bigotry meant to harm another. My wish, in these times of uncertainty, is that all good people get together, no matter the shade of skin. Work together to improve life for all. Strong people attract strong people, good people attract good people, positivity attracts ...., and so on and on. On the other hand negativity attracts trouble. The enemy is above us all, our government is being controlled. This group of cabals (the Illuminati) are thought to be evil and ill enough that none of us matter to them. They control and make up the Federal Reserve which is ruining our financial system and we are talking about someones shade of skin. How long are we going to be victims and play the puppet role compiling to their manipulation. I do not think we would hate another for a skin shade or anything else if not for these odd beings. Lets prove them worthless and all do the right thing. I truly believe together we are strong, separated we are doomed just like the Panther and David Koresh of Branch Davidian/Waco, even that awful group... KKK. They fall because they separate themselves and fight along. United the good will WIN.
As brother Malcolm X said, if your people want to work with my people and develop real solutions, then I'm with it. Yet, first my people (or black people) must still get our house in order though. My people have crime, poverty, and other serious complications. I can't be a man unless I handle the affairs in my house and in my people's community. I respect non-racist whites. Yet, I will not bow down nor worship white people. I agree with dissenting with the economic policies of the Federal Reserve and their complicity in the stirring up of depressions (via the manipulation of inflation including other economic indicators). I believe in working together to find solutions. Yet, you omit one thing. It isn't a sin to be thankful for our skin color. I'm not ashamed of my skin color. My skin color doesn't make me better than you. Yet, a man isn't a man if he hates his skin color. Self-hatred is a serious issue in the world including oppression against people of color via militarism, corporate raiding, etc. That is why people like me talk and write about skin color (since numerous people still hate us and are trying to demonize my skin color to promote an fake Eurocentric standard of images. Now, that's real). To fight against oppression is to fight against it on every front. That means, yes we expose the Federal Reserve, we expose Illuminists and we expose other relevant issues pertaining to the components of our society. On the other hand, if we want peace, then we have to talk about race and class in order to get over the hump of self hatred, discrimination, and white supremacy still plauging the West and the world. It's easy to say forget color. It's easy to say be colorblind, but it's truly honorable to respect my color and not to be ashamed of my color. I don't believe in bigotry or the demonization of folks of any specific background though. You are right on that.

Yet, exposing oppression & harboring a hostility toward white supremacy aren't about sponsoring negativity or an evil energy. It's about using light and using insight to get rid of negativity and to adequately transmit real solutions for black people and all people. Blacks being victims of evil is real. That isn't about playing a victim role. It's about recognizing that my people have been victims for centuries and we have the right to fight back to not be victims any longer. The Black Panthers didn't believe in overt racial hatred and they weren't even strongly separatist. David Koresh was a cult leader and isn't equivalent to any real Black Power movement period. The KKK promotes domestic terror, and racial hatred, which is antithetical to real Black people that just desire freedom, justice, and equality for all black people.

-By Timothy


Had to come back Timothy, I did not mean to make a connection between the three groups other than they fell because they separated themselves.

I respect your position and understanding completely.

I tan very well in the summer... however, I will become pale again in the winter. I will be happy if and when science perfect a pill to tan without losing it. Same person... different shade. In other words, I like my shade and who I am, just do not put it above who I am but would wear the tan year round if I had my way. I bet Carol is beautiful year round.(smile)

I do not mean to take away from anyone's struggle. Lord knows I have had my own. My mother's brothers abused me beginning at age two and when I was in the sixth grade an uncle raped me. My tongue was nearly severed and I had speech listens for a year to relearn using it. My mother abused my everyday because of the shame of what her brothers did and for having to put fourth extra work with me. The uncle who raped me went to jail for years, not for what he did to me (that was a family secret) but for killing two men in a robbery.

Hope you, nor anyone else reading this mind my honestly... First time really admitting it here.

I say it to say, we all have our problems. My mother was to fulled of chaos because of the pain of racism her ancestors passed on to her. Even though her father was White, her mother and sibling were shunned "forcing them to go to Black schools at the time." There she was left out as well.

Our ancestors and a lot of her relatives and siblings separated themselves and fell so poor for doing so... It is the sure formula for poverty.

We are such silly people hating one another for these reasons. My personal and socially struggles had taught me a lot. My socially struggles match what you are saying because I am actually Black even if I am not.

I am a little fatigue so as much as I want to continue speaking with you here... I will have to retire.



Are you trying to make your boyfriend docile? Carol is right on one thing. Many WW (or non-BW) go out with some BM in order not to promote some harmonous peaceful dream, but to control the BM culturally (so, the black man doesn't talk about black love, black power, or have any serious discussions to improve the conditions of his own people. The non-BW in some relationships want the BM to be docile, culturally under control, and lack mental strength to oppose the evils in society). This is why some BM and some BW in some IR bite their tongue on controversial issues in the presence of non-blacks.

By Timothy
Blondie wrote:

that's excatly what I was telling him. Forget these ugly heffa's and just upgrade. Gorgeous black men should not waste their time with bitter, angry, attention Wh()ring, bw.
These bw have nothing to offer professional educated good looking bm. This is why most of them are going to other women especially white women.
hope he takes our advice and other bm on here take our advice.
Why are you concern with us brothers' dating choices.

It's time to step one step back. We came from BW, so you obviously disrespect us brothers every thing you slander black women. Also, I know your type. You spit the same lie. You try to divide and conquer the black community covertly (since disrupting BW and BM being unified will damage the overall black community). Also, not all black women are monolithic. Tons of black women (here in the states and abroad) are sweet, nice, have ecceltic taste, respect black men, and are tolerable to deal with. So, brothers like us aren't taking your bait to run out on our people for some fetish. I will never fold. Also, why are you targeting BM? We know the reason. The reason is that you want control.

You want control over us since you're trying to dictate who we BM love. There is a newsflash, you will never control me or the real brothers loving black women. You can never use mental slavery tactics in order to manipulate and lie about Nubian sisters since I know tons of black women (beyond my relatives) that are strong, nice, sensitive, respectable, and possess a huge amount of character. How does it make me look like to demonize women who are a part of mother, relatives, co-workers, and other allies. It doesn't make sense. It does make sense to promote more black families, black babies, and Black Power to overrun white supremacy.

White supremacy is the old enemy that teaches the lie that white women are superior. That is you subtle implication and your subtle view. The truth is that you white women aren't superior to Black Sisters (with their beautiful dark skin complextion and their great stength). A strong man needs a strong woman not some doormat utilized a sexual toy. I don't need some Cinderella sex toy. Tiger, Tommer, and Tiki learned the hard way. I want a real black woman with real independent strength. A real man likes strength and independence in a woman. Black woman exempflies totally those characteristics. Also, more black people are waking up to your mind games. The Black Unity movement is gaining stem in the past 2-3 years. You can't stop that train.

Also, tons of good black men are with good black women without thinking about IR at all. If IR were all that, why are some of these couples constantly trying to validate their social existence in public and on the Net.

Now, that's a real question.
Sometimes, you don't even get the so-called good men. You get the outcast blacks (whether the person is good or bad). I have respect for the outcasts (as all men are created equal and deserve dignity), but I have to keep it real.
By Timothy

Amy wrote:

Typcial black woman with this response. This is why you are old news. Always looking for attention
The reality is that regardless of you, real brothers will still love real sisters. Nothing will change that. The sisters keep it real and honest. I rather deal with someone keeping it real with me than a doormat or someone not being honest with me. ALso, tons of black women have sweet, tolerant dispositions. Your slander about black women collectively don't work anymore. That's played out and more black people are waking up. Black unity and black love are superior to the worship of whiteness in a white supremacist system. Black Love is powerful and that is why you hate a response from a black woman. A racist is always someone that fears a black woman. Also, you can't love a black man by disrespecting black women anyway.

-By Timothy


Brunettie wrote:

BW have the lowest self esteem of any women. They know they are at the bottom of the barrel which is why they are all over hate place trying to court any man that will take them.
See. I couldn't even say it better myself! LMAO
If you hate BW so much, why do you talk about them at all.

Subconsciously, you know that black women are very attractive because of tons of reasons. Your type want us brothers to jump ship, because us real brothers aren't jumping ship for any reason (not for fame, not for money, and not for sick pleasures). Real brothers will fight like a lion for our freedom and we don't worship whiteness since whiteness isn't superior to a real sister that's down for the cause. I'm not getting something new. I'm staying home and allying with my own black sisters to make a difference in the world. It's obviously that black women have tons of confidence. That's proven by the examples of First Lady Michelle Obama, Monica Islip, Laila Ali, Lisa Jackson, and tons of other women. They are not in the bottom of the barrel. You liars are slick, but we black people are stronger than reactionaries and racists. Real black women aren't desperate for romance. Most are realistic. Also, we know who the biggest golddigers in the West are. They aren't sisters indeed.

By Timothy


phazex_female1 year ago
@ Perfect Gentleman:

No 'dis but either you are perfectly content in your ignorance, or are still walking around singing kum baa ya believing that this is a post-racial society. "Not.'

Blacks do not have to "educate" the euro-clowns. For they are masters at manipulation of race relations. Past illustrations of treatment of blacks and jews, for example, are examples of heinous and morally wrong treatment which is why euro-clowns are the most morally bank-rupt group on the planet. No, I do not dislike all euro-peans. I'm just well aware of their heinous history and that they place more VALUE on that all amerikkan government dolla...than they do the life of a human-being. But I'll let you tell it.

Pay attention to the words post-election of Obama. Euro-clowns stating, "I want my country BACK.

his is not a sugar-free or color-blind society. Hella lot of work remains to be done.

And in case you forgot? "Power only respects MORE power." And as black people/ "We ain't there yet.' The Civil Rights era? Blacks paved the way and everyone else AND their Mama rode in on OUR coat-tails. And has taken for granted what Blacks still struggle to maintain today.

Yes, black people endured Jim Crow....but Amerikka is NOT "the better for it" in my opinion. It has been over 400 years since the enslavement of our ancestors. Yet look at the dismal picture of the economic progression and avenues of employment of our of black folks here in Amerikka. Our race is still behind the 8-ball in so many areas! The issues are not about what you perceive as "hatred for the euro-clowns, but rather, recognizing the systems and racist practices.

"...embrace our other half with open and forgiving arms…understanding they won’t be perfect and they are going to make dumb mistakes."

The euro-clowns have been making "mistakes" well past 400 years now.
Look at it this way---if other euro-clowns are not ACTIVELY opposing other euro-clowns, what does this make them?

It makes them a "silent" partner in my opinion. You might want to re-think your position. I pursue peace as well you do. But these euro-clowns NEED confusion and discord to maintain position. (Ever notice that this is what they do in work arenas as well? THINK about it.)
phazex_female1 year ago
"Even Stevie Wonder can see this."

That EVERY Euro-clown (white male) that these morons continue to vote for and elect?

White males have, and will always ensure the economic viability of other white males. The blue-print of this country confirms this. Unfortunately, we no longer have many black males, post the Malcolm and King eras that will step up to the plate and DO what leaders in other races DO: take care of their people--fair means or foul.

When are our people going to learn that these euro-clowns have not and will not EVER care about the plight of black people? Better yet, WHEN will many of our people FINALLY get into consciousness-raising in at least attempting to gain or get a pulse about our culture?

Obama is simply conducting 'business as usual."

He is just one of the pawns that the euro-clowns use to protect their interests. and these cookie-cutter black males only continue in hindering our progression as black people.
SoularFlarez1 year ago
Remeber Sean Bell ???
shot 50 times by the police in Queens NYC, he didnt have a weapon either.

the Cops got off.

remember what your boy Obama said?

“We’re a nation of laws, so we respect the verdict that came down,” (Obama)

Remember Oscar Grant, shot point blank while on the ground handcuffed out in Oakland ???

Any comment Mr Obama ???

NO !?


Obama was SELECTED to put America (mainly Negros) back to SLEEP.

and most of us going for it.

Rome is a snowman, but the sun keep shining :)


Hannibal1985 wrote:

Friend we are talking about shear economics here-not societal norms or anything of that nature. To put it very simply I will say this: We didn't own shit then and we don't own shit now. I will refer you to a book by my kat Dr. Claud Anderson which is called Black Labor, White Wealth. Anderson in that book will answer any question you may have about where black folks was then and where we are now-and also how to get out of this mess.
I hear what you are saying, but remember, white Governments will do, and have done, "EVERYTHING" in their power to stop you from being a self reliant community, so if you are not proud of your people because of economics then white supremacy has killed your spirit!... You are not economically strong in America because "black social mobility" is not welcome there... Don't let that stop you from being proud of your peoples achievements so far!

"Economical prowess" does not make a people great, it makes them wealthy, there is a difference. What makes people great is how they handle adversities, how they pull through, their fight, and spirit not being crushed by their trials and tribulations (strength of character and resilience), "economical power" doesn't last forever, it comes and goes, as with the fall of "Rome" and "Egypt" being good examples...

This is how whites measure success, as far as they are concerned they are the "economical powers" of the world which makes them great, however, unfortunately for them, they had to kill Millions and Millions of people, steal Billions of acres of land, enslave and butcher Millions and Millions of people, become the largest polluters of Earth, they even kill animals for fun, plus, they use many dirty tricks and international "poli-trics" to keep themselves rich...

Would you say the above race sounds great?... Don't judge your success against theirs, they murdered and stole to have their success and will have to pay for it at some point, Karma is a bit*h and none of us can escape it...

Resorting to murder and theft to achieve greatness, is actually the biggest failure of all.
Our race has overcome much more than they ever could, this makes us a strong people!... Economical prowess will come in it's own time!
Hannibal1985 wrote:

Friend we are talking about shear economics here-not societal norms or anything of that nature. To put it very simply I will say this: We didn't own shit then and we don't own shit now. I will refer you to a book by my kat Dr. Claud Anderson which is called Black Labor, White Wealth. Anderson in that book will answer any question you may have about where black folks was then and where we are now-and also how to get out of this mess.
I hear what you are saying, but remember, white Governments will do, and have done, "EVERYTHING" in their power to stop you from being a self reliant community, so if you are not proud of your people because of economics then white supremacy has killed your spirit!... You are not economically strong in America because "black social mobility" is not welcome there... Don't let that stop you from being proud of your peoples achievements so far!

"Economical prowess" does not make a people great, it makes them wealthy, there is a difference. What makes people great is how they handle adversities, how they pull through, their fight, and spirit not being crushed by their trials and tribulations (strength of character and resilience), "economical power" doesn't last forever, it comes and goes, as with the fall of "Rome" and "Egypt" being good examples...

This is how whites measure success, as far as they are concerned they are the "economical powers" of the world which makes them great, however, unfortunately for them, they had to kill Millions and Millions of people, steal Billions of acres of land, enslave and butcher Millions and Millions of people, become the largest polluters of Earth, they even kill animals for fun, plus, they use many dirty tricks and international "poli-trics" to keep themselves rich...

Would you say the above race sounds great?... Don't judge your success against theirs, they murdered and stole to have their success and will have to pay for it at some point, Karma is a bit*h and none of us can escape it...

Resorting to murder and theft to achieve greatness, is actually the biggest failure of all.
Our race has overcome much more than they ever could, this makes us a strong people!... Economical prowess will come in it's own time!
-The Revolutionist


BakkByPopularDemand2 weeks agoin reply to Donovan Kennedy
What makes you think we are 'mad' at this one?

A black man got jilted by a white woman.....Why would WE be mad at that? She just showed him his PLACE in her world, which is, he didn't have one.....his bad..
BakkByPopularDemand2 weeks agoin reply to Donovan Kennedy
Protest what too much?

black men and white women? BOI PLEASE! For the record, when I see a black man with a white woman, I'm thinking to myself..."THANK YOU for taking him off our hands because he's obviously defective now, and look here white girl, when you have used him all up and hes no longer a cute trophy, dont you dare try to give him back! Keep his faulty a___!"

Sooooo yeah, what do we protest again?
soultry-soul2 weeks agoin reply to Donovan Kennedy
You confuse me often...just when I think love Black go and type something that leads me to believe you haven't a care in the world for Black Women.

I don't think Black women are mad at this story. The comments you're reading are eye openers for this lost Brutha that is doing nothing but trying to fit in with what society as deemed acceptable for him. Instead of utilizing his own mind. I'm almost certain that he caught this one without another ever being thrown his way. (What do you think?)
@ tankoflove

and so, sister, BW ALSO have the obligation to recognize and lift up the strong, black-identified, black-loving, and black-self-respecting brothers who often exist in total anonymity, in the shadows,

as we work, volunteer, and raise our children -- in other words, those of us who do WHAT A MAN IS SUPPOSED TO DO -- seldom receive a single bit of praise from anyone..

while flashy brothers who lack substance but have a high and expensive profile aka celebrities and showcase blacks get all the props for literally doing nothing for anyone but themselves....