Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Kurt Nimmo red baiting

ladymichele says:
Lies, lies, and more lies. I thought this was a “truth” site? So, the enemy is no longer the jihadists. It’s now the socialists and marxist? Just how many AMERICANS do you think is a socialist or marxist, Mr. Nimmo?


ittakesavillage says:
This is not a truth site. It is actually designed to sell advertising. Everything Infowars is designed to maximize profits.
Demonize something>tell people that they are in danger>offer a solution, at a price.
It’s the age-old snake oil salesmen business model. It works quite well.
Even when there is ample space to investigate serious civil liberties/social issues, it invariably denegrates into a politically ideological editorial slant to push an agenda.


ittakesavillage says:
LOL yeah Fox news and conservapedia are the two main “sources” for this editorial.
People will still fall for it. Every time.
Because there is a war on for your money


ittakesavillage says:
Infowars is spreading propaganda that somehow communists and socialists have taken over.
But Nimmo and Alex conveniently fail to point ou that the VAST majority of Americans (including even republicans) want to increase taxes on the wealthy. This isn’t a communist-driven agenda. This is an American agenda.
Are people here really that easily duped by awful hyperbole?


ittakesavillage says:
“If this was a true move against the FEDSTERS and BANKSTERS the kill teams would have already been sent in to mop up.”
— Kinda hard to get any real traction when so many Americans such as yourself are denigrating the movement. Throwing out hyperbole like “communism” deosn’t help either.
It’s one thing for someone like AJ to do it. hat’s expected. It’s more of a disappointment that so many people allow themselves to be amanipulated.


ittakesavillage says:
“OWS are owls, as in Moloch worshippers”
— Wow. pretty dumb.
“The top 20% of income earners pay 86% of the income tax.
The bottom 47% of income earners pay no income tax.”
— The bottom 47% may have paid no FEDERAL income tax, but they still pay state/ocal taxes, excise taxes, and payroll taxes.
The bottom 47% also have a greater percentage of their income go to state/local taxes than the wealthy because it costs the same for a refrigerator for the top 20% as it does the bottom 47%. 8% sales tax hits a low income harder than a high income.
You can throw around your right-wing talking points (what? i thought Infowarriors were against the left-right paradigm! ha ha), but in the end, everyone pays taxes.


ittakesavillage says:
You’re right, the rich elitists have no culpability in crashing the economy, moving jobs overseas, gambling with derivatives, financing politcial campaings…
Thanks for opening my eyes! Now I can see that the wealthy are just misunderstood, oppressed, punching bags.


ladymichele says:
We’re not attacking every day rich people, syzygy. We are pointing at the top of the pyramid!
However, it’s not just the federal reserve. Remember, this is a conspiracy. I work for a guy that just paid me for a month of protesting, because he’s 70ish, and go out himself. He is very well off, and knew that I wanted to protest, and knew that I was currently in-between clients.
However, it is a small cabal.
Abraham Lincoln, Hoover, and Kennedy all touched on the topic of the small cabal.
What most don’t understand is that victory is at our fingertips against the “Evil Axis”.
If enough Americans would close their bank accounts, file for bankruptcy, and send letters to all their credits to go screw themselves, WE would have them on their knees surrendering in minutes.
Yes, we do need to end the fed, but we also need a “LIVING WAGE” How many do you know that can pay their bills, afford, healthcare (with or without insurance), take a really nice family vacation every year, and most importantly, still save for their kids college education, and retirement (with or with out getting into the crook market)?
You see, this is almost am enigma. The puzzle only makes sense as a whole, just one piece means nothing?

1 comment:

Andrea Muhrrteyn said...
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