Saturday, October 01, 2011

More News in October of 2011

The book of Daniel had words that existed in the Book of Revelation as written by the Apostle John. When John wrote the book of Revelation, the beasts, the 3 ½ years timing, God’s throne etc. alluded to Daniel’s great visions. The book of Revelation mentions that there will be the mark of the Beast. The mark comes and the Beast wants everyone to take his mark in their forehead or hand, so they can buy or sell food. Those who refuse to have the mark will be beheaded. Those who take it according to the book of Revelations, God will cast into the lake of fire. The prophecy shown by the apostle John mention that the city of Babylon would be burned and destroyed for being involved in killing innocent human beings and its corruption. The prophecies from Jesus Christ, Paul, Peter, and others mention that the time of Noah would be similar to the time of the end of the age. It isn’t a secret that our times are similar to the times back then. Today, we have families fighting each other, earthquakes in record times (even in Virginia in August 23, 2011. It affected D.C. with its Masonic, phallic, and pagan image of the Washington Monument), we have economic uncertainly, we have hatred, we have materialism, the rich continue to oppress the poor, recreational drug use is here, the glamorization of evil is abound, and we have blasphemers as well like Ricky Gervais. Some Baptist and Protestant Christians in Mexico have been oppressed as well because of their religious beliefs. That’s wrong since I believe in religious freedom. Earlier in the month of September, approximately 70 Evangelical Christians in the village of in the village of San Rafael Tlanalapan, Puebla were expelled from their homes by local authorities after traditionalist Catholics told them that if they remained in their homes past September 12th they would be “crucified or lynched.” Crop levels are doing down in America. The world reaps what it has sown. The New Age is stronger now than even 5 years ago. Just before the arrival of the Beast or Antichrist, these events will come. The Beast will act as a man of peace and try to claim to seek peace. There is good news. The good news is that people can change and accept the grace of God and follow his commandments. Also, scholars have refuted the Zoroaster/Christ link myth completely. No one is too proud for prayer. So, if you going through bad times or good times in your life, there is nothing wrong with prayer to the Lord to help you out in the journey of life.

Al-Qaeda claimed that Iran is wrong believed that 9/11 could have been an inside job. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said publicly that 9/11 was an U.S. government false flag operation. Al-Aaeda said that Ahmadinejad of being a conspiracy theorist or a 9/11 truth. Iran replied accurately that the CIA had involvement with Al-Qaeda for years. This is an example of al-Qaeda being a puppet group. Now, it’s clear that Al-Qaeda has been an instrument of Anglo-American military intelligence since its inception. Al-Qaeda is made up intelligence assets as proven by the literature of Chaim Kupferberg. The intelligence apparatus, the CIA, and its affiliates have orchestrated much of the global war on terrorism from every angle. Western forces and the CIA use Islamic puppet terrorists like the CIA asset Osama bin Laden. ISAI was allied with the CIA even. When Libya is being overthrown and conquered by NATO, it was helped by the CIA allied intelligence branches, and al-Qaeda. Authors like Michel Chossudovsky’s “America’s War on Terror” document information about al-Qaeda and 9/11 for years. The many so-called Al-Qaeda transmissions from the past decade, including many fake Osama bin Laden tapes and other ridiculous products, are marked by idiomatic American linguistics and thought. These include the present case itself. The idea of attacking Ahmadinejad’s credibility by accusing him of being a 9/11 conspiracy truther could only have been hatched by someone out of Langley, VA. The concept of 9/11 as a false flag operation is not a shocking concept for people outside of the US (raising the larger question of what audience is being addressed with this spectacle).  Today, the CIA and its assets influence government, media, and other information worldwide. In the 1970’s, the Church Committee, post Iran Contra show trials, etc. tried to decreased the power of the CIA. Yet, the CIA is still here. DO you think al-Qaeda isn’t known by the CIA? It is. These truths about the CIA using al-Qaeda for geostrategic purposes for years is know transparently known by more people.

Great lessons are learned in life. Being physically healthy is fine, but when you reach your 60’s, you can’t do the things when you are in your 20’s. So, your legacy should deal with your achievements in how you build up your community, how your build up your mind intellectual, and how you build up people socially. That is much more important than athletics, music, fashion, and entertainment. We should be encouraged to own something beyond just players of a team. Anyone can be players of a job or a team, but not everyone can be an owner of a company or business. Also, it’s very hypocritical for the media to yell about black people voting for a particular party when many whites for generations have voted for a particular people as well. That is why I don’t get Herman Cain’s comment. Why should a person like me join the Republicans when they have proven to be untrustworthy on foreign policy and our social safety net? They believe mostly in the neo-conservative philosophy of preemptive military aggressive against nations with a perceived threat to American national security (even when it’s found that these nations attacked are no direct threat to America). Most of their leadership believes in the Patriot Act, torture in the guise of water boarding, and Homeland Security’s war against human civil liberties. Their leadership desire draconian cuts to programs that legitimate help the poor and middle class in the USA. Non-blacks are oppressed in America, but as Savant mentioned, black people are singled out for super exploitation and repressed exceeding that of even poor whites. Even Rand and Ron Paul opposed the Civil Rights of 1964. Many Republicans in public and private say offensive, derogatory comments about people of color, the poor, etc. all of the time. You wonder why people like me don’t support Republicans. I rather be a Third Party type than a reactionary. You will notice that Herman Cain refuse to admit that some Tea Party folks are brainwashed to accept Republican propaganda. Not to mention that Cain campaigned against the minimal wage and health care when he was head of the Restaurant Association. I’m not going to vote for a party that denies people the opportunity to make a living wage or to have good health care at all. He talks about conservative values, but what are they trying to conserve. They aren’t trying to conserve environmental protection, health care rights to the insured and real human civil liberties. I believe in having family ties, respect for our own ethnic background, and respecting all human beings, but I don’t believe in permitting economic inequality in the world. They are trying to “conserve” the old reactionary system & an archaic economic philosophy that oppress people for thousands of years.

People are exposing how police brutality is occurring at the Wall Street protests. The people protesting are a part of many groups like the “Occupy Wall Street” movement. These events have been happening for over 10 days. Most of the mass media ignores this issue and the police brutality going on against the protestors. Ironically, the NYPD received a record donation of 4.6 million dollars from JP Morgan & Chase. This was done to pay for 1,000 new patrol car laptops including security monitoring software in NYPD’s main data center. People are protesting since the government is by and for the people not for the corporations. They are using their free speech and right of assembly rights to disagree with the current economic system that rewards greed and doesn’t try to end poverty in American soil. These protests are a part of the rights as defined by the Constitution and basic human rights. It’s hypocritical to praise protests in Libya and Egypt, but allow a country to suppress protesters’ rights in New York, which is a few miles from the Statue of Liberty. We should be careful about this “Anonymous.” Kelly McGinley wrote about this group years ago. They legitimately disagree with Scientology for its extremists, but Anonymous tried to shut down the Scientology website. I don’t agree with Scientology, but even I believe in the freedom of speech. Suppressing speech doesn’t solve the problems people have with Scientology. We can solve the problem by peacefully asking people to leave Scientology via logical arguments and true testimonies from ex-Scientologists. Anonymous said that they don’t forgive, they are legion. Common sense and even the Scriptures mention that all people are require forgiving even our enemies. So, I will l forgive people Legion is an old term referring to a demon as found in Mark 5:9 and Luke 8:30. In Mythic's Dark Age Of Camelot, Legion is a demon at the end of a dungeon called Darkness Falls. Even back in 2008, Xenu TV wants Anonymous to fight Scientology legally. We can individually help people and help people collectively. The poor outnumber the super rich. So, the in the final analysis, we will win, but it will take some time plus struggle.

One person questioned Newt Gingrich on the Bohemian Grove, Freemasonry, and world government back in May of 2011. Gingrich is running for the Presidency. He spoke in that time in Southern California at Claremont College. He is 66 years old now. He denied being involved in Freemasonry or the Bohemian Grove. He may not be involved in Freemasonry, but his name appears in the official Annuals of the Bohemian Club for years. He is featured in a National Review column about the Grove back in 1995. The article, written by William F. Buckley, Jr. and coincidentally dated September 11, 1995, was entitled ”Newt draws fire- Newt Gingrich and the Bohemian Grove.” Claremont is 30 miles east of Los Angeles. Other folks asked him about taxation, the Tea Party movement, women in politics, health care legislation, and other issues. He denied promoting the idea of being a citizen of the world. He denies the world government, but many people have advocated it via globalization. Quotes of all around of folks advocating world government. Gingrich says that he is a member of the CFR, but this group has members that promote the new world order and global government. He claims that he’s in it to deal with foreign policy issues, but this group has powerful members that want globalization and new world system as CFR head Richard Haas promotes all of the time. Gingrich admitted that the victory of Republican Scott Brown for the U.S. Seante seat in Massachusetts was influenced by the Tea Party movement. Now, Gingrich back in 2007 that the U.S. government involvement of 9/11 is a belief that is insane. He supports the existence of climate change. Climate change is real in the sense of the evolution of climate being warmer or cooler throughout the Earth’s existence. It’s just that some folks use climate change as an excuse to promote extremist policies. Also in 2008, in one of his more outrageous statements regarding terrorism, Gingrich suggested the government should allow attacks to occur by saying “…it’s almost like they should every once in a while have allowed an attack to get through just to remind us.”

By Timothy

1 comment:

Andrea Muhrrteyn said...

And your thoughts on this:

Influence of Zoroastrianism on Judaism and Christianity