Wednesday, October 05, 2011

MSNBC’s Dylan Ratigan on The Federal Reserve, Media Censorship, Bilderberg at OccupyWallstreet

1 comment:

Andrea Muhrrteyn said...

All fair and well.

Big red flag for me regarding his credibility.

In my opinion the best investigative journalist in America is Michael Ruppert. I have had my disagreements with him, but he is simply the best; with the resources he had at his disposal.

Ratigan knows who Mike Ruppert is: why does Ratigan silence and censor a man like Ruppert?

I suspect, cause its not about the truth. Its not about recognizing those who have shown real leadership walking the highway path as Michael did; it is all about Dylan Ratigan and his own little megalamania show.

Ratigan says sweet fuck all about Peak Oil or the Tragedy of the Commons aspect about human nature; as if those realities (and huge factors they are in the current fuck up) don't exist.

Thats like saying yeast and the temperature of the oven are irrelevant in the investigation of why a loaf of bread is burnt and never rose. Its just more bandaid to braintumour bullshit.