Monday, October 03, 2011

Occupy Wall Street Protesters Call For Totalitarian Government, Re-Election Of Obama

fauxnews1620 says:
Sounds to me that your trying to rationalize why your such a coward and afraid to stand up for your ideals. Funny how when the Tea Party organizes rallies its an authentic revolution of the people, but when its people that have a different political view from your own its a secret globalist conspiracy?? wtf?? yeah you guys are soo beyond the left right paradigm. I CALL BS!!


fauxnews1620 says:
Its because this site tends to spin news to favor the Koch brothers. Don’t you think its funny this website claims to be for anti-corporatist, but only goes after certain ones. I have never heard Alex say a bad thing about the Koch brothers, and has even defended, and praised some of their deranged ideologies. So its attack Sorros and BuffetT but lets turn a blind eye to the brothers KOCH??

truthserum4u says:
Kucinich has sponsored a bill to end the Fed, and begin printing our own money.
I see Alex took it down from the front page rotation.
We need Election Reform and Lobby reform, that will give the government back to the people.
All other problems will then resolve themselves, once the government is out of the control of the elites.

ittakesavillage says:
This protest is about wall street greed, derivatives gambling, and market manipulation. As these clowns have proven over decades, they CANNOT regulate themselves and be trusted to act in the best interests of anyone but themselves and their own bank accounts.
If that means more government regulation, fantastic.
If you consider that “socialistic”, then maybe you would be happier in a place like Somalia, which has unfettered capitalism for coporations?
If you think this protest is about “the truth movement”, then you are sorely mistaken. It is about people pissed off at corporate greed, and expressing this. It’s very narrow-minded to dismiss this just cause simply because you may have political differences with some of the protesters.


Andrea Muhrrteyn said...

One of the more honest articles I have seen about these pathetic protests. While Jones correctly points to the Fed, as a deeper root cause than Wall Street, the root cause of the problem runs deeper than the Fed. Until the real root cause is addressed, all of this is just more bandaid to braintumours blame game merry go roundabout.

Anonymous said...

Anti nwo movements all over the world should create a "stop working" worldwide movement. That is what will kill them, instead of working for them, start working for the only true G-D. If everyone could do it, stop working and work on prayers from the heart, this would attack them on their very base, money and massive release of real spiritual love from us, claiming for G-D, because G-D is within us, do not search above, search with in, do not use any of the new age meditation technique, this is done to take us further apart from our true and powerful G-D. The Spirit of True that IS in all of us, Spirit of G-D that constantly claims Aba, G-D is PURE LOVE, and "they" can't bear it. Do this and this lower spices would run from the real humans, sons of G-D. Stop working now and collapse their system. Pray and be full of the LOVE of G-D.

It seems a nut idea, in fact it is the most reasonable idea....People all over the world are working for them 24/7. They can't be defeated unless we all stop working for them. It just one simple change, stop working and start praying with all your heart....real people will get together and they will be confused. Something they could never expect. They expect us to fight, to break things, to act with rage. Do exactly the opposite of what they want, stop working peacefully, start praying, get together with people you trust. This would bring their plan to go off track.

Searching for G-D with in US, lies the most powerful source that G-D gave to us. Remember this war is already won, we have to remember that, because G-D is within US. He repeatedly told us that in the Bible. There is nothing to fear, "they" have fear, they are terrified that we remember the power that comes from G-D. Their force is from earth, a carnal force, our power is from G-D. Nothing compares to the power of G-D. They claim that they control the world, but G-D controls everything including controlling them. WAKE UP. STOP WORKING for them. Do not ever fear them.