Monday, January 09, 2012

America’s Unlevel Field


  • Bob

  • Madison, WI

  • NYT Pick
    I just finished proofreading an essay on Teddy Roosevelt that my daughter wrote for her high school government class. It is disheartening to see how far the Republican Party's platform has sunk since Roosevelt's "Square Deal." Biographer Edward Wagenknecht observed that Roosevelt was driven "to champion governmental interference in order to secure justice and equality of opportunity," adding that Roosevelt's purpose was "not to abolish the chances of competition but to make them more even."

    It's unfortunate we cannot impose a fine on any Republican candidate who tries to tie his (now that Ms. Bachman's "sell by" date has expired) philosophy of government to the standard set by TR. Sorry guys, he's out of your league.


  • Garden Man

  • Maine

  • In a recent report on social justice from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Developement, the United States was ranked near the bottom compared to other developed countries regarding equal access to education, equality of opportunity for employment, access to health care, and many other things. Dr. Krugman could have made a much more devasting case for his argument.

    Mr. Romney would have us return to a time of brutal laissez-faire capitalism, where the rule is basically dog eat dog, and throw the weak out with the garbage. His claims of creating jobs are questionable at best. 

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