Friday, January 13, 2012

At the end of the Week in Friday, January 13, 2012

The neo-cons are at it again to promoting an Iranian War. These are the same people that persuaded George W. Bush and his allies to invade Iraq in 2003. The drum beats of war against Iran are loud too in 2012. Ironically, many of these war mongers wanting us to fight in Iran are former draft dodgers who wanted other Americans to attack people in Vietnam. All of the Republican candidates (except Ron Paul) are using bellicose language in advocating aggressive action against Iran. They accuse Iran of trying to create nuclear weapons to attack its Middle Eastern neighbors like Israel. The Iranian regime claims that they want to develop nuclear technology for medicine and energy purposes. The IAEA or the International Atomic Energy Authority monitors compliance with the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. Iran belongs to that treaty. The inspection teams of the IAEA said that Iran isn’t on the direct path to create a nuclear weapon for warfare. Some Western and Arabic nations in the Gulf condemned Iran’s alleged nuclear arms quest. Yet, nations globally have nuclear weapons. Israel has about 200 ready nuclear weapons and has refused to sign the non-proliferation treaty (so, Israel can avoid IAEA inspectors). Israelis in the know have much to say about this issue. Defense minister, Ehud Barak, responded to PBS's Charlie Rose's question "If you were Iran wouldn't you want a nuclear weapon?" with these words: "Probably, probably. I don't delude myself that they are doing it just because of Israel. They have their history of 4,000 years. They look around and they see the Indians are nuclear. The Chinese are nuclear; Pakistan is nuclear as well as North Korea, not to mention the Russians." Iran is called the axis of evil by Western imperialists. Iran has a smaller national GDP than Massachusetts. Tehran knows that if it does one slip up, a war could happen. The U.S. overthrew Iran's popular elected Minister Mohammed Mossadegh in 1953. The U.S. then supported the dictatorial Shah that ruled for the next 27 years. Iran today is dealing with cyber sabotage, drone violations of its airspace, the murder of nuclear scientists, the blowing up of its military sites (including a major missile installation) from Western globalists. These cowardly actions are the ways that Western intelligence hides their crimes against Iran. Even Israeli military historian and strategist Martin van Creveld said in 2007 that Israel could learn to live with a nuclear Iran (like living in a nuclear Soviet Union and a nuclear China. He admitted that Israel is getting weapons from the U.S. and Germany). U.S. General John Abizaid is one of numerous military people who say that the world can tolerate a nuclear Iran--which, like other countries, does not wish to commit suicide. Even way back in 1996, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (as opposed to the late peacemaker Shimon Peres) talked about a forthcoming Iranian bomb. An U.S. backed Saddam Hussein invaded Iranian in 1980 causing over 1 million people to die. Iran hasn’t invaded any nation for about 20 years. Even Meir Dagan from Israel in mid 2011 opposed a military attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities, since that will cause a conventional war in the region. He further took the Israeli government to task for failing "to put forth a vision," noting that "Israel must present an initiative to the Palestinians and adopt the 2002 Saudi Arabia peace proposal, reiterated since, that would open full diplomatic relations with some two dozen Arab and Islamic countries in return for an Israeli pullback to the 1967 borders and recognition of a Palestinian state." The war mongers against Iran use distortions and distorted Iranian words as a means to promote war. America even declined help from Iran after 9/11. Flynt L. Leverett listed 3 initiatives from Iran that were rejected by American authorities. Flynt was in the State Department and he was a CIA official before he became a part of the Brookings Institute. Immediately after 9/11, Iran offered to help Washington to overthrow the Taliban. The U.S. declined the offer. Then in the spring of 2003, top Iranian official sent the White House a detailed proposal for comprehensive negotiations to solve questions about its weapons program (including about questions dealing with Iran's relations with Hezbollah and Hamas, and a Palestinian peace agreement with Israel). The U.S. rejected that proposal. In October of 2003, European officials secured an agreement from Iran to suspend Iranian uranium enrichment and to pursue talks that Mr. Leverett said "might lead to an economic, nuclear and strategic deal." The Bush administration "refused to join the European initiative, ensuring that the talks failed," he added. U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta admitted that Iran doesn’t have a bomb. He still claimed that Iran was forming a capability for making nuclear weapons someday. America wants a boycott of Iran’s exports that could harm the world economy and cause people to support the Iranian regime more. The Straits of Hormuz is a huge place where oil flows to the world. Congress has the right to have hearings about Iranian issues. We don’t’ need drums of war though. Some in the propagandized media desire war with Iran after they have influenced the support for the Iraqi invasion in 2003. We should reject blowbacks against U.S. national interests. The American citizenry should wake up and reject this war redux (after Iraq).

The skull and cross bones is found of course in the ancient Skulls and Bones secret society. The Skulls and Bones image has a hidden and secret meaning. Many people call the image as relating to poison or keeping away from something. The skulls and bones's overt meaning deals with people trying to stay away from something. Sometimes, one meaning is used as deception to hide the true meaning about a concept. Some sorcerers used the Skull and cross bones as an old instrument to “summon” spiritual power. In the esoteric world, the skull and cross bones emblem means unimaginable power and spirituality. The elite families that own the largest corporations and run the most heavily armed governments on Earth hide the true meanings of items from the people all of the time. To ancient societies, the skull and crossbones can represent life not just death. This image was used by the Mayans in Mesoamerica, the Etruscans in Europe, etc. In the Middle Ages, the intellectuals of Europe called the skulls and bones image as “memento mori” (or Latin for Remember you are mortal and remember you must die). That simply means that human life is temporarily in its physical nature and we all have the inevitability of death. Death is not the end for our spirits. If we do the right thing, then our soul lives with God forever. Even the Freemasons have used the skull and cross bones. One source says that: “…a symbol of mortality and death. As the means for inciting the mind to contemplation… the skull and the crossbones are used in the Chamber of Reflection …”(Albert Mackey (1807 – 1881), Secretary General of the Supreme Council of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite for the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States). That means the cross and bones image is meant to the Mason to think about death as a means of evaluation your life. To the esoteric, when you reflect in our live, you find the eternal life in our souls. Human beings have a soul. Therefore, death doesn’t mean the end of the soul. Death jsut starts the afterlife simply. As the Bible says you know, the Kingdom of God is within you. Death is not the end for real people at all. The Skulls and cross bones are found in graveyards, catacombs, and crypts to show human mortality. World War Two dealt with occult influences among the Allied and Axis sides. One simple example of this influence is how the Japanese people considered its Emperor as the living sun god on Earth (along with mythological pantheons. Winston Churchill was a Mason and he joined a neo-Druid pagan sect in the UK as a young man. Churchill believed that he was clairvoyant after escaping capture during the Boer War (where innocent Boers were killed, assaulted, and some were placed in concentration camps by imperialists). Of course, the Nazis dealt with magicians, astrologers, and occultists all of the time. Churchill worked with occult experts and mind readers (like Archbishop Cosmo Lang, Lord Dowding, Spy Chief Maxwell Knight, and Propagandist Dennis Wheatley) to determine the course of the war. Archbishop Long was an expert on supernatural issues. He ordered a major academic study of the spiritualist revival of the late 19th and early 20th century. Helen Duncan was one of Churchill’s unofficial psychic advisers. FDR allowed occult themes from Nostradamus related films to predict the rise and downfall of the Axis Empires (of Hitler and Mussolini) back in 1930’s to the 1940’s.

Atlantis is indeed a topic of interests. Stories mention Atlantis all of the time. Manly P. Hall wrote that the new Atlantis has been the goal of the elites to fulfill the agenda of the “Order of the Quest.” Even the Western continent was known by the ancients in the old World. Before Columbus, people from the 4 corners of the Earth either traveled into the ancient Americas or knew about it. There were Africans who came before 1617, there were the Vikings, and there could be the Chinese people traveling into America before the days of Columbus too. The ancient Greeks always wrote of a land with forests, fruits, and looking like a paradise beyond the Western boundaries of the city of Cadiz. This relates to America (or Hesperides). This signifies the unique value of human history. There are maps like the Piri Reis map. It was found in 1929. It shows advanced knowledge of the Earth’s geography. The map was created by the Turkish seafarer and one-time pirate Piri Reis (who was an Ottoman admiral and cartographer) or Admiral Reis from 20 maps dating back to ca. 1513. It shows places of Europe, North Africa, Brazil with great accuracy. Some believe it shows the image of Antarctica as well.  Even Columbus was known to show a Templar flag with a red cross on a white banner as he crossed the ocean blue. According to Manly P. Hall, his signature is shown with a Kabalistic cipher. The essence of the New Atlantis is the creation of the Utopian democratic society. Hall wrote that he wants democratic world state (under the guise of Plato’s commonwealth in the government of the philosopher-king). Secret Societies desire this goal for ages. Even Robert Hieronimus (the U.S. official scholar and a member of numerous Secret societies) admitted that Washington, D.C. was created with esoteric influence. D.C. to occultists is about the dream that America would be the new Atlantis and a global new age would spread worldwide. The design of the streets of America (especially Washington D.C.), the D.C. government buildings, and other images show a Masonic, pagan, and occult patterns.

Spirituality and 2012 are linked. Many people believe that the end of the world will come in December of 2012. This comes from the Mayan calendar as a part of the end of the 12 cycles of time called the b’ak’tun. There has been paranoia and falsehoods about this issue. Yet, you can find that the Scriptures issue a host of accurate prophecies. Many astrologers and soothsayers claim to know the future. Yet, many of them have made obscure and inaccurate prophecies all of the time. Even Israel’s history is shown in Deuteronomy 28-30. It shows that Israel would come up in the ancient times, and they were evicted from their land during the course of human history (until the latter days when Israel is here again). The Old Testament describes much of Jesus’ life like his birthplace and the events of his death on the cross. Even the Psalmist back in ca. 1000 B.C. talked about the piercing of Jesus’ hands and feet. The Psalmist outlined the exact words that he mentioned on the cross (as found in Psalm 22. This verse talked about soldiers gambling for his garment and the offer of vinegar to drink). The prophet Isaiah described Jesus’ unjust trial and his burial in a rich man’s tomb (Isaiah 53). And those are only a few of the Bible’s prophecies of Christ’s First Coming. The prophecies prior to his Second Coming outlines brutality in the world, religious deception, and other occurrences that sounds like a newspaper in 2012. Religious deception or heresies include the following: baptismal regeneration, infant baptism, sacramentalism, Mariolatry, veneration of relics, popery, antinomianism, universalism, contemplative mysticism, etc. It’s interesting to note that the Bible doesn’t give an exact year or date about the end of this age. So, we should know the signs of the time. Although, we can’t use an extreme method of date setting that will not only cause confusion, but place false hope among human beings (about the 2nd coming and the end of the age). We have to be ready at all times for we don’t know when the time of the end shall come. God always have love for sinners and he will save those who repent. Peter is clear and correct to point out the following: “…The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance…” (2 Peter 3:9).

Isn’t it ironic that both parties are the way they are? There are Republican and Democratic operatives trying to tell us that we need to join their system. We have news for them. That news or the good news is that we don’t have ally with their corporate 2 party system. That system has damaged our economic system and permitted record poverty in America. 1 in 3 people in America now are in poverty. Mega corporations have so much power that they can monetary fund campaigns in record levels. Now, we know the Republicans are wildly wrong on numerous issues. That’s documented. The Democrats as brother Malcolm X says are the foxes, while the Republicans are the wolves. This means that we know that the Republicans are an enemy that overtly tells you that I don’t care about you straight up. The Democrats smile in your face, while behind your back promotes the war on terror, unjust anti-civil liberty laws, globalization, and other undercover suppression of human rights. The Republicans have a more in your face hatred of labor, hatred of civil liberties, and a hatred of a peace platform in dealing with foreign policy. At least, Richard Nixon (even though he’s wrong for Watergate and other things) allowed the passage of the EPA, OSHA, and the Clean Air Act. Now, no President can do that today (Republican or Democrat) without being falsely called a socialist. People today support a President using drone attacking, using unconstitutional power to assassinate an Amercian citizen without a trial, agrees with the Patriot Act, and agrees with closet austerity (without massive prosecutions and real accountability toward Wall Street). Today, the reactionaries want radical deregulation of industries and all aspects of society. Even in the Universities, professors promote the Chicago School of Economics and received corporate funds from corporate Foundations. It’s ironic that the left gatekeepers are trying to invoke Dr. Martin Luther King when Dr. King opposed much of the President’s policies in 1968 (when it was not popular or political expedient to do so. Dr. King was criticized by some in his own people for his anti-war stance, but the truth is that Dr. King was right to oppose the war & advocate justice for the poor). The mega churches today in 2012 are readily allies of the Democratic and Republican Parties. The mega churches are one of tools of religious opium to lull folks to sleep. That is why the religious establishment refuses to expose occult history, expose materialism, expose the wicked prosperity gospel, and expose the corruption found in D.C. (the only exceptions are independent, real believers in the Most High God). You don’t worship a President or a corporate fox party that uses trillions of dollars from Wall Street to fund theaters of war (and use money to oppress our brothers and sisters in Africa via Africom). You worship God as God. The Republicans and Democrats in the large extent are nearly identical on corporate issues. They are funded by the same people. Liberty and justice are meant for all people and not for a few in the oligarchy.

By Timothy

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