Monday, January 09, 2012

Politics, the Mysteries, and Life in early January 2012

Now, there were 2 New Hampshire Republican debates. The first one was held on ABC. The people in that debate acted more cordial. The second one on NBC was filled of more fireworks. The second debate caused many of the candidates to attack Mitt Romney on his political record. Huntsman in the second debate said that he wants a more unified nation without partisan politics. Rick Santorum and Mitt Romney disagreed with each other on their respective records on economics. Newt Gingrich expressed the most disagreements with Mitt Romney during the NBC Meet the Press debate. Gingrich called Romney as a moderate politician attempting to re-brand himself as a conservative man. He said that Romney was in politics to support his own political aspirations. Mitt Romney was attacked heavily in the debates, because he is the front runner in the New Hampshire and South Carolina races. Ron Paul spoke against the Patriot Act and the costly American Empire, which I have no problems with at all. I disagree with Ron Paul on the social safety net issue (among other topics). Ron Paul is certainly more pro-civil liberties than the rest of the Republican candidates. The old reactionaries are still here in 2012. Likewise, their doctrine has been discredited by real research and history. Once, these reactionaries opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Barry Goldwater wasn’t a racist and he opposed the Civil Rights Act for libertarian reasons. He was still wrong since human liberty can be protected federally and even private restaurants can’t do what they want. In other words, private businesses can’t enact fraud, murder, torture, and other crimes against humanity. Human rights will always trump private property rights. Many racists and reactionaries came into the Republican side because of the Civil Rights Act.  Unfortunately, some white supremacists voted for Goldwater, because of his opposition to the federal promotion of civil rights. Soon, the Southern strategy came about and Ronald Reagan appealed to racist sentiments during his 1980 campaign. The Republicans blew it. Even in the late 1960’s, Republicans were capable of winning 20-30 percent of the Black vote when many of the GOPers were left of center. Most African Americans have a cultural conservative base, but we are very progressive on some political & economic philosophies (for the most part). Places like Scandinavia have a higher quality of life, higher levels of education, and better health care on average than America. That is why we should have universal health care and other policies to enrich America. We shouldn’t be exactly like Europe, but we should use some European nations’ policies as a model to help America. Some poor and middle class folks vote against their economic interests. For example, some of them voted for Scott Walker in Wisconsin when he abolished collective bargaining rights. The people rose up and protested against the attack on labor rights. When you think about the big picture, both the Democratic and the Republican parties are in favor of: big business, the defense of corporate interests, and worldwide Western imperialism (either acting as a Good Cop via the Democrats or playing Bad Cop via the Republicans). Every single Presidential candidate from the Republican side believe in the slashing taxes on the super wealthy, the deregulation of businesses, and radical austerity measures against the social safety net. None of them supports a public works program to create jobs. Some of them like Santorum want public funds for religious schools, which is a violation of the establishment clause of the Constitution.

To understand information about symbolism and the New Atlantis, you have to know about Nicholas Roerich. Roerich was one man that influenced the placement of the Great Seal on the One Dollar Bill. One poster of the Official Inaugural Program of the FDR administration listed a Baconian ship and and an eagle in the form of symbolism. The poster showed the images of Freemasons Roosevelt and Wallace setting America on its course for the New Atlantis. Franklin Roosevelt would set in motion the placement of the Great Seal on the U.S. one dollar bill. Yet, it was Henry Wallace who brought the seal’s significance to Roosevelt. FDR wanted the Great Seal to represent his New Deal.  According to Wallace, the All Seeing Eye to Roosevelt outlined the Masonic Great Architect of the Universe. The GAOTU to the Mason is the Creator of the Universe. Roosevelt loved the 1776 designation below the top of the pyramid. FDR’s goal was supported by the Freemason Secretary of Treasury and the Roman Catholic James Farley (who was the Postmaster General). The eagle on the Great Seal is important. The eagle outlines the strength of America. The Phoenix image was once considered before the eagle as the creature to be placed inside of the Great Seal. The Phoenix is a mythical bird that burns every 1,000 years. The Phoenix relates to resurrection and rebirth. The eagle has 32 features on the right wing and 33 on the left. Some Masonic writers and scholars believe that these numbers signify the 32 and 33rd degrees of Freemasonry. Henry Wallace was not only a 33rd Degree Freemason. He was a mystic. Wallace believed that in the future, when the capstone falls on the pyramid, the Great Architect will return to set up the new world order system. In Henry Wallace the Man and the Myth, Dwight MacDonald pointed out: “Just as Wallace thinks of America as the nation destined by God to lead the world, so Wallace thinks of himself as a Messiah, an instrument through whom God will guide America onward and upward.” This new order of the ages has been supported by elites for millennia. Occultists believe that the capstone is missing from the Great Seal since the Great Plan of the new order of the ages hasn’t been completed yet (and when the capstone touches the top of the pyramid, then the new age will come). Nicholas Roerich was a Rosicrucian and once supported Wallace plus vice versa. Roerich wanted remnants of a Christ figure for the new age to come. He traveled all across Asia to find parts of the New Age Christ. He also traveled into Central Asia in order for him to collect drought resistant grasses. Roerich was interested in the Chintamani Stone or the Treasure of the World. This stone to the occult world relates to a belief. This belief is about a stone mysterious traveled from Sirius or the Heavens to Earth. Sirius to Freemasonry is the Blazing Star of Horus. This stone, according to occultists, had mystical powers and goes by numerous names (like the Stone of Destiny, the Philosophers Stone, etc.). The esoteric crowd believes that this stone can cause people to see the past and the future and evolve into an immortal human being (or have world dominion). This is strange, but some esoteric people believe in this stuff for real. Investigative mythologist William Henry says this letter from Wallace made it clear that Roosevelt, Nicholas Roerich and Henry Wallace “were in search of this Divine Child… [and that] they awaited… in the ‘New Country’ [America as the New Atlantis].” The Divine Child is the New Age Messiah. This child is formed by the union of the Father and the Mother (or the Goddess). Today, some New Agers believe that the Christ figure Maitreya can help all of humanity. Roerich knew Manly P. Hall personally, so the Masonic, occult link is very transparently real. Manly P. Hall was probably the most famous occult Masonic scholar in the 20th century. He wrote tons of books and spoke at numerous lectures on the occult, Freemasonry, history, philosophy, etc. He was a 33rd Degree Freemason and a high level Illuminist. So, Manly P. Hall knew about the knowledge traditions. Ironically, Wallace rejected the Theosophist Nicholas Roerich because he accused Roerich of financially exploiting his wealth for mystical purposes. Roerich promoted world peace. He was a famous painter and his works still exists in New York City (and other museums in the world).

There is nothing new under the sun. So, the ancient descriptions of Atlantis look very similar to the modern society of 2012 (especially in the United States of America). Long before our time and before the Great Flood, Atlantis (or the Pre-Flood) existed with advanced human civilization including unique characteristics. Plato called Atlantis the Island of Atlas. Some esoteric believe that Atlantis had a greater influence on modern society than people assume. Many of the myths, legends, and stories from the ancient stories among the four corners of the Earth talk either of Atlantis (or information that similar to the story of Atlantis). Many of these same ancient cultures talk about some ancient sun god giving humans knowledge. Some of the buildings and societal structures of 2012 is similar to the ancient stories of Atlantis. In ancient Atlantis, rulers were worshipped as gods by mankind. Today, the modern day rulers of the Earth (like the Pilgrims, elite bloodlines, Vatican/Jesuit network, the top members of Secret Societies, etc.) readily want to be followed. Some of them even want society to believe in human godhood. The modern New Age Movement desires mere men to be worshipped or praised as gods. The New Age readily teachings that man can be equate or above God, which will never happen. God is all Powerful of course. The OT and NT are clear that man can never become a god or is God. God is the one and only Creator of the Universe that sent forth his Son to save souls. Ancient Atlantis (or the pre-Flood world) had many folks worshipping false religions and followed a hatred of those following the one true God. Today, we have folks who hate people who worship the one true God. Historically, persecutions religious people in huge levels have existed (in Africa, Europe, Asia, and yes in some parts of the Americas. This is still going on today in 2012. Some Christians are told to leave places since they refuse to follow the Babylonian Romanist religion).  The towers of Atlantis is said to be very tall. The New Atlantis of America has huge skyscrapers and these tall buildings exist worldwide. Plato wrote that Atlantis was made of a core of 10 rulers in its government that govern the world (not just an island). Today, the Club of Rome and elitists want 10 regions to govern society. Also, America has been manipulated to be some World policeman. Ancient Atlantean stories talked about Atlantis having a military system as well. Atlantis was destroyed in its peak. The United States is still here. Yet, Dr. King is right to say that if America refuses to morally handle poverty & reject militarism, then America’s backbone of its power could disintegrate in an instance. All Empires throughout human history fell either via peaceful means or violent means.

Pastor Joe Schimmel is correct to point that out Emergent Movement is one of the biggest threats to authentic Christianity. There is nothing wrong with love and tolerance. Yet, true love would mean that we have to posses moral boundary lines. Not all actions are legitimate to follow. Moral absolutes are a reality in the Universe. It is not wrong to promote moral absolutes like don’t lie, don’t steal, don’t commit adultery, and don’t perform injustice against other human beings. The Emergent Church is a recent movement.  For the past 25 plus years, this movement desires Christians to compromise their core beliefs (in order for these Emergent people to achieve popularity among worldly society). That’s the Emergent Church’s game plan plainly speaking. The Emergent Church is very slick indeed. The New Testament is clear to say to us that we ought to trust false prophets (that act as ferocious wolves). Rick Warren is one of the famous members of this Emergent Movement. That movement refuses to judge evil and sin in society. Yet, Jesus is clear that we should “Judge righteous judgment” as found in John 7:24. Rick Warren is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and once supported the dictatorship of Syria. He once said that: “…The biggest mistake the churches make is we think that sermons will produce spiritual maturity…” Spiritual maturity can increase with sermons and spiritual truth presented by real churches all of the time. Other leaders of this movement include Brian McLaren, Tony Campolo, Rob Bell, Dallas Willard (who believes in Universalism or anyone can be saved no matter what they do. Does this mean that Satanists and atheists can be saved before they die? The answer is of course No). Doug Pagitt, Tony Jones, Bono (who is praised by Tony Campolo. Bono does some legitimate actions, but he acts like the world in other ways like drinking recreational alcohol, cursing, being lustful toward young girls, etc. in recent years), and others. Emergent theology is nothing more than New Age ideology mixed with Christian phraseology. It’s interesting to note that prophecy predicted this distorted theology. The New Testament is clear is that in the latter days, many folks will listen to doctrines of devils departing from the faith. Rob Bell said that the human breath is divine, which is a heresy. Some of them deny the existence of Heaven and Hell.  Tony Jones questions the existence of God by saying that: “…God is not a provable commodity. All the evidence in the world does not prove God.” If he questions the existence of God in this instance, why is he a Christian? For all monotheistic religions is made up of people worshipping and believing in the existence of one supreme God. It’s easy to see that Ephesians 5:11 mentions that right of believers in God to expose the works of darkness (or criticize false doctrines and heresies in a peaceful, strong fashion). People have talked about Masonry, Islam, Mormonism, and other religious groups, but the Emergent Church is slicker. Rob Bell questions the existence of Heaven and Hell. The reason is that the Emergent Church uses the mainstream media and popular culture as a means to promote their views (while claiming to be the real Christians). God is filled of love and peace. Likewise, God is also a God of Judgment and strength. Now, this doesn’t mean we express unjust hatred or deviousness toward human beings that disagree with us. We just show the truth in a logical, faith, and spiritually enriching fashion. Also, we should speak up and continue to live our lives in a just fashion. Pastor Joe Schimmel has a DVD on this issue entitled, “The Submerging Church: How the Emerging Church is Drawing Multitudes Awa from Biblical Christianity.” It’s a 2 Disc set filled with 180 minutes of information. In 2012, we have many challenges. It’s a great time to be alive, but we can’t be naïve about religious snakes that use worldly culture as an excuse to promote a soft version of real Christianity.

Virginian History from the end of World War Two to the present is just as important as Virginian history from thousands of years B.C. to 1945. The history of Virginia is world history and it’s a part of American history too. For better or for worse, Woodrow Wilson and George C. Wilson are famous Virginians. They are well known in our national and international affairs. Wilson was President of the United States and he supported Jim Crow segregation. He was wrong to support Jim Crow. He promoted his failed League of Nations plan. The League of Nations was an attempt to create an alliance of nations in order for the world to embrace world peace and reject wars (like WWI). The League of Nations failed since it wasn’t really powerful and it was very short lived. George C. Marshall promoted the Marshall Plan in Post-War Europe. The Marshall Plan was about the USA and Western nations to send funds and loans to European nations that were ravished by WWII. These loans helped to rebuild the damaged areas of continental Europe plus the UK. The Marshall Plan worked, because the plan was comprehensive and the plan was well received by European nations. After WWII in Virginia, segregation still existed. Therefore, African Americans demanded equal treatment and equal rights in America. The Civil Rights Movement in Virginia and in the nation was strong. Still, the status quo still oppressed the rights of human beings (after WWII). Civil rights workers wanted integration or the full equality of people of every race in the use of public facilities and services. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in its 1954 Brown v. Board of Education decision that separate but equal public schools were unconstitutional. All public schools in Virginia were ordered to desegregate. Virginia used the policy of Massive Resistance (led by controversial reactionaries like Harry F. Byrd Sr. The Byrd political machine is famous in Virginia) to resist the court ordered integration of public schools. Some schools were closed down, because many prejudiced and racist folks wanted to avoid integration. The Virginia public schools were finally integrated by the 1960’s and the early 1970’s. Therefore, the policy of Massive Resistance failed. To understand Virginian history, you have to learn about historical figures from the twentieth to twenty first centuries. Maggie L. Walker was the first African American woman in America to establish a bank (and become bank President). A lot of folks realize the history of Harry F. Byrd Sr. He was the governor of Virginia and was known for a “Pay As You Go” policy. He wanted this policy to create road improvements and he modernized the Virginia state government. Oliver W. Hall was a lawyer and civil rights leader. He worked for equal rights of African Americans and all Americans. His power was an influence in the Brown V. Board of Education decision. Arthur R. Ashe, Jr. was the first African American winner of a major men’s tennis singles championship. He became an author and was an eloquent spokesperson for social change. He died of AIDS and inspired numerous folks to promote treatment and solution to the HIV/AIDS illness in the world. In Virginia, we hear stories about Arthur Ashe all of the time. A. Linwood Holton Jr. was the governor of Virginia that promoted racial equality. He appointed more African Americans and women to positions in state government than previous governors. Of course, L. Douglas Wilder was the first African American to be elected governor of a state in America. It was a historic time. I remember vividly when he was governor of Virginia. Wilder back then and now is a very popular politican. He’s a great role model for not only African Americans, but for all people. Soon, he became mayor of Richmond, Virginia, which is where some of my relatives live & work at.

By Timothy

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