Sunday, January 15, 2012

Savant on Dr. King

The 99% Movement is a growing popular democratic movement for economic justice. It is a movement opposed to the concentration of wealth of the corporate plutocracy. And it challenges the worship of wealth and the demeaning of people. Moreover, the Movement has remained for the most part markedly a NONVIOLENT MOVEMENT. Is this a Movement such as Dr. King would support were he with us still? Is this movement akin to the Poor Peoples Movement which Dr. King and others were trying to build during the last few months of his life? Has the Occupy Movement itself been influeunced by the legacy of Dr. King and previous NONVIOLENT movements in America? I think this is a movement such as Dr. King would support. I imagine that he and his supporters would be at Occupy demonstrations even if he were in his 80s. I know black conservative Allen West would disagree, but most conservatives (and many liberals) haven't a clue to the vision and the values which motivated King. To my friends in the Occupy Movement: Continue he legacy of King and others. Forward with the NONVIOLENT popular democratic revolution.



Law enforcement agencies repeatedly report that whites use and sell drugs in numbers and PROPORTIONS that equal and excel Black use and sell of drugs. And only a moron believes that Blacks are in control of the international drug trade. If there are more blacks in prison due to violations of drug laws (laws that are irrational anyway), it is not because Blacks use or sell drugs more often than whites. Who goes to jail depends basically on who is in power.



There was no COMMUNIST movement led by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. And despite what the half-literate Joe Jackass might believe, I didn't "point out" nor even suggest any such thing. Those who have taken the trouble to study the works of King knows that King opposed BOTH Stalinist communism (e.g. in USSR & China) and the rapacious capitalism of America and the West. But Dr. King was a progressive, and liberal and democratic socialist in his convictions. Probably anyone who is not racist or a fascist also recognizes that both the Civil Rights Movement and the Women's Movement were PROGRESSIVE Movements which EXPANDED Freedom in America. The claims by Joe Jackass that these movements were destructive have the same merit of Nazi claims that the Resistance was destructive. It's not worthy of rebuttal. Long Live the legacy of Dr. King. Victory to the Movement of the 99%! 



An interesting development now occuring in BAltimore is the renewed activism of some Black churches and black ministers like Rev. Jamal BRyant, who is working with Occupy Baltimore, but specifically with trying to mobilized the very poor in Bmore's Black ghettoes. In fact, there's supposed to be a rally tomorrow in a part of East Baltimore where I grew up. The 99% Movement is NOT going away. And we're going to be organiazing the most dispossessed of the 99%. In Bmore there will be a Occupy rally protest against the building of new prison facilities for you. The political representatives of the 1% tell us they don't have money for schools, jobs, recreation centers for youth, but they have $100 million dollars for PRISONS for our youth? We ain't buying it. Occupy activities will happen throughout the week here in Bmore---NONVIOLENT , but DEFIANT. I will try to avoid arrest. LOL! They rallies are happening in the old hood where I grew up. I guess I can come home again. LOL!

Dr. King would be about 82 years old, and protesting even if he needed a walker or a wheelchair.

MEMPHIS "All labor has dignity. But you're doing another thing. You are reminding not only Memphis, but you are reminding the NATION that it is a CRIME for people to live in this RICH NATION and to receive STARVATION wages." Dr. King addressing striking Memphis workers in Spring of 1968 



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