Thursday, September 20, 2012

More on Mitt Romney


Mike SteinModerator2 days ago
Romney must be out of his mind to think as he does.....proof positive he is out of touch. First of all, Romney's family was wealthy, brought him up among rich Mormons, and after he came out of college, he had his father's connections in and out of the Mormon organization, and money, to give him a forceful start in business & politics.
Considering Romney's weaknesses as a politician & man, the way he perceives people and certain groups of people, his constant gaffes, his inability to admit his mistakes or apologize for anything, his lack of character relative to distancing himself from the dirty/cheating tricks of the GOP, and Romney's feeling that people should trust him when he insists on not being transparent about himself.........IT DOES NOT MATTER IF ROMNEY WAS MEXICAN OR ANYTHING ELSE. How can a man get to the right place if they are on the wrong train?
The mere fact that he claims he would be winning if he was Mexican shows that HE thinks of race as a "magic political wand." I do not believe blacks or many Mexicans would vote for a guy like Clarence Thomas, just because he is black.....we are a much more astute people than that.
Personally, I believe Romney will fail this election because him, Ryan, and the GOP are fighting to win based on the wrong strategy & tactics.......Voter disenfranchisement, lies, false mud slinging, obstruction tactics causing gridlock in Washington, a Republican controlled Supreme court launching a cheat plan of eliminating financial transparency relative to campaign funding, a lack of respectful communication & interest in minorities & other groups of taxpayers, using violent rhetoric & symbolism that has caused people to get shot, running a white Nationalist campaign, trying to kill unions that people need, failure to listen & respect the needs of women, reactionary politics, hate, racism, possibly making an anti Islamic movie that has caused death, and placing partisan politics as primary to the needs of the masses of Americans.
Somehow and at some point, all of this HAS TO STING the perpetrators.


Annette GraceModerator1 day agoin reply to Mike Stein
I agee with you 100%. His comments came from his heart. The sad thing Mike is that many people think that he is referring only to a certain segment of society and don't believe that he is talking to them. If you are on welfare: new polls say "White 34%, Black 22%, Latino, 17% unknown 20% he is talking about you. If you are a Veteran, Worker making less than 50,000, Senior Citizen, College Students don't pay taxes according to Mitt, he doesn't care about you. I heard a woman name Madelyn just a few minutes ago on CNN using the word parasites...what is happening here?
Think about it how many businesses get tax cuts/breaks from the government? He's talking about you. What we need to pay attention to is what Mitt Romney is not saying. Thank God for Jimmy Carter's grand son...otherwise we would not have heard at all what Romney thinks. He has a very bad habit of giving out empty messages and avoiding answering question.


Mike SteinModerator1 day agoin reply to Annette Grace
Thank you. Likewise, I agree with you. It is sad that many people work full time for 45 or more years, pay taxes, at retirement when it is time to collect social security and have medicare.......these good productive senior citizens are insulted as if freeloaders, by an arrogant prick like Mitt Romney.


Terry Getright BoltonModerator1 day agoin reply to Mike Stein
Well said. But remember GW Bush stole the election in 2004. And that's been their plan since 2008. The GOP doesn't like mitt, but that's all they have.


Annette GraceModerator1 day agoin reply to Megan-Barry
The president is entitled to his opinion. That does not mean that the entire country takes his position. But the one thing about America, everyone is entitled to their opinion and have the right to speak for or against anything. When that right is taken away, then we are in trouble. The president stands for freedom for all and to exercise their rights. Where as Mitt Romney has made it clear that he is only interested in those who believe in what he believes. He believes that 47% of Americans believe that they are entitled to government help and do not take responsibility for themselves and that this 47% does not pay taxes and consider themselves as victims: workers, veterans, welfare recipient, unemployment, senior citizens the sad thing is that many of those who are in this group don't believe that Mitt is talking about them. Nevertheless, the 47% should know that they are not what Mitt described.


Terry Getright BoltonModerator1 day agoin reply to Annette Grace
I guess mitt was talking about me. Up until 2009 I wasn't 100% disabled due to a stroke caused by a brain aneurysm. Maybe he's talking about my 80yr old mom who worked until she got cancer. And she doesn't smoke or drink.


CourtneyRModerator1 day agoin reply to Terry Getright Bolton
Terry ,bless you. Im leaving for louisiana tomorrow because my dear cousin died this past sat at the age of 33 of a stroke ,brain aneurysm. she was not one of the lucky ones.Glad to see that your still with us. :)


ShanekaModerator1 day ago
His distorted and superiority comments make me think of a quote I heard recently which was "I'm not my brothers keeper, I am my brother." Regardless of race or gender we all have an obligation to each other.


Veronica RobinsonModerator1 day ago
You have to laugh at this poor man because what he'll never be in President of the United States. He talked bad about the Hispanic community and now he's trying to be their friend. He put the Black race down and went to an NAACP meeting and tried to "act" like he wanted to be informed and involved. First of all he's scared to death of Obama because of Obama's education. Our President is extremely educated and Romney can't come close to that!


Marie BanoModerator2 days ago
Most of the poorest, welfare depnedant and less well educated states are Red republican states. Romney does not even know his own base, he is an ignorant fool.
• 11 of the 15 “federal welfare” states, those that get back more than $1.00 for every $1.00 they send to the federal government, are Red States; U.S. Census Bureau and Congressional Budget Office


Marie BanoModerator2 days ago
Romney is a reckless, ignorant fool, he has no interest in poor people. He forgets that the poorest states and most welfare dependant are Red Republican states.
• 11 of the 15 “federal welfare” states, those that get back more than $1.00 for every $1.00 they send to the federal government, are Red States; U.S. Census Bureau and Congressional Budget Office• 9 of the 10 states with the lowest percentages of college graduates are Red States; The Lumina Foundation for Education• 12 of the 15 states with the highest high school drop-out states are Red States; National Center for Education Statistics, and the 7 states with the highest high school drop-out rates are Red States; National Education Association• The 10 poorest states are Red States; Deseret News, Fox News• The 12 states with the highest rates of credit card debt relative to income are Red States; Equifax• 9 of the 10 states with the highest percentage of sex crime offenders per capita are Red States;• 8 of the 10 states with the highest number of internet porn subscribers are Red States; CNBC• 11 of the 15 states with the highest rates of illiteracy are Red States; National Center for Education Statistics • 9 of the 10 states with the highest percentage of citizens without health insurance are Red States; Gallup Poll• 9 of the 10 states with the highest percentage of citizens living in trailers are Red States; U.S. Census Bureau• 9 of the 10 states with the greatest number of persons in criminal custody per 100,000 citizens are Red States; U.S. Census Bureau


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