Friday, September 21, 2012

Knight of Malta Pat Buchannan said that the President is a drug dealer of welfare


Wealth has been redistributed upwards, period. he has it backwards. the banks and other financial institutions receive the biggest welfare payouts of all. 

-Farentella Graham


cobaltblu 20 hours ago in reply to jay Pat's been doing this same ole for centuries. Rush is just a has been wannabe. ______________________

John Henry 18 hours ago They only say things so boldly because they created the myth that racism doesn't exist. Young white people believe it, and Some Black people believe the myth too.


1 comment:

Douglas Andrew Willinger said...

Pat Buchannan like many other so called liberals and conservatives are drug dealers insofar as they are guilty of cigarette-pharma mercantilism- protecting more dangerous substances from the safer ones as Opium, MJ and Coca.

Same with so many so called 'Christian' churches as the RCC and Southern baptist.