Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Issues, Culture, and the Truth


People are discussing about the Stacey Dash and Mitt Romney controversy. Why is this important for me to discuss? The reason is that Stacey Dash represents the issue of dissent, culture, political correctness, and a lot of issues in the world. I made my views known on many of occasions. Stacey Dash expressed her support for Mitt Romney. I believe that she has a constitutional right to vote who she wants to vote for. That doesn't mean that she hates her people or is a traitor to black people. I believe that she is wrong, because Mitt Romney is wrong on promoting states’ rights above human rights, which is federally expressed in our federal legal system. Mitt Romney is wrong is refusing to end the War on drugs and end the prison industrial complex. Romney is wrong to promote war mongering words against Iran as a means to promote tensions in the region (and possibly, he can agitate war against Iran. These anti-human sanctions have been harmful to the civilian population of Iran). Romney's foreign policy advisers are known neo-conservatives and war mongers. Romney wants those who can't afford to get into a public college to borrow their parent's money. That's silliness, because some parents can't afford to pay their children's tuition. Public assistance can help the poorest among us to achieve a college education. Paul Ryan's budget will radically cut Pell Grants, which is necessary for the poor. Romney said that he wants to cut funding to PBS when PBS is a very small portion of the federal budget. Even the mother of one Navy Seal, who died, doesn't want Mitt Romney to talk about her son. Our foreign policy should be about people, negotiation, trade, reconciliation and real dealings with other nations. He recently shifted positions on political matters in the matter of weeks from abortion to economics. Stacey Dash said that she decided her choice based on the content of the person's character not on the color of the person's skin, but Romney believes that some people who disagree with him want free stuff (which is a judgment on Romney's part other than human character). Paul Ryan said that people in the urban areas needs discipline and great character to fight crime when urban communities have people with great discipline. Crime is heavily a product a socioeconomic reasons, so resources and a shift of the power structure is necessary to fight crime in any place. Most Americans live in urban areas. She was on Piers Morgan to respond to the criticism that came to her. I don't believe in some of the slurs that she was called, because personal attacks against her (via an unfair fashion) are of course wrong. She said that she wanted America to be united. The question is that united under whom? I don't want to be united under the false flag of a Pax Americana, extra tax cuts for the super wealthy, and white supremacy. Stacey Dash is wrong to assume that people like us want to demonize the rich or successful. We want to expose corporate corruption not to demonize "successful people." As of the dream, I believe in the dream. Yet, in order to achieve the dream, then we should eliminate all forms of discrimination, injustice, and white supremacy from the Universe. The poor need opportunities and compassion, not scapegoating like the Tea Party types believe in. The free market and private charity can't solve all problems, but public intervention is sometimes necessary to promote the general welfare of society. I will unite under the concepts of peace, progressive thinking, and human rights for all.

Affirmative action is an important issue. It has been supported by some in the military, businesses, and tons of people in the world. Affirmative action promotes diversity, innovation, and other benefits to society. The Supreme Court will take up a case that deals with the issue of affirmative action. This case will perserve or destroy affirmative action as we know it. There are economic or class disparities in education, so such programs are necessary to bridge the achievement gap in Western society. The ironic thing is that the Texas University is presenting a holistic or limited affirmative action, yet one student still think that it goes too far in handling educational matters. The Fisher v. Univeristy of Texas case is a historic case. The women involved in the case hating affirmative is named Abigail Noel Fisher when white women benefit from affirmative action more than any other demographic in America. She didn't qualify for the Texas Top Ten Percent plan. This plan automatically allows the top ten percent of every high school class in Texas into the University of Texas. Ms. Fisher still feels that she was denied Fourteenth Amendment protection and was discriminated against because of her race. More than 80 percent of UT students are admitted under the Top Ten Percent Plan. Others are admitted based on talent, leadership skills, and family circumstances including race. This seems to meet the Grutter v. Bollinger standard that race may be one, but not the only, factor in determining college admissions. Still, Fisher wants affirmative action to be eliminated in the Earth. She had mediocre academic performance, but wants to blame others for why she wasn't allowed into UT. She is scheduled to graduate from Louisiana State University this year. Lower courts have found in favor of the University of Texas, though the Firth Circuit decision not to review the case was decided narrowly, at 9-7. Many people of color still face educational opportunity problems. Demographically, we will be a majority minority nation by 2040. The average age of a white American is 42, the average age for an African American is 31, and the average age of a Latino-American is 25.  We need diversity to enrich our economic, social, and cultural parts of American society.  We need more people who are physicians, nurses, computer programmers, professors, etc. Some reactionaries want admissions to be based solely on merit, but they omit the legacy clauses, wealth clauses, and althetes going to colleges beyond just merit. There is talk of affirmative action for men in some colleges since women make up the majority of people in college now. The hypocrites who oppose affirmative action will not oppose all athletic scholarships for althetes. Some of them refuse to expose the corporate subsidies and the corporate welfare that is common in Western society too. Affirmative action was meant to level the playing field after 400 years of oppression against black people (and others). Some say judge a person as an individual. I agree, but life isn't just individual. Life is also social. When oppression is in the world, sometimes you need to deal with social and collective efforts in solving problems (not just individual efforts). We are individuals, but we are social beings as well. Real affirmative action programs ought to be maintained in order to give minorities a chance at great social opportunities. So, we don't need gentrification, the prison industrial complex, and the existence of an unaccountable political class in America. We need to fight the Empire overseas and disagree with austerity at home.

There is an EU-funded group outlines draconian population control scenarios for the next 40 years. This EU funded think tank project is called OPEN:EU (or One Planet Economy Network). They created a document in 2011. Mainstream and some alternative media outlets didn't report on this document. It's title is entitled, "Scenarios towards a One Planet Economy in Europe." This agenda is funded by the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme and the World Wildlife Fund. Their agenda is pro-Agenda 21. The document describes words like sustainability and ecological footprint. The author of the document believes that there are four different paths to a one planet economy. The beginning of the report shows the following information: "...There are four narratives that provide alternative, albeit not necessarily ideal, visions of the transition toward a One Planet Economy in Europe by 2050. They present both an illustration of life in Europe in 2050 and the policy settings that are necessary to support the transition to this common end point under different assumptions about the future..." The document describes four narratives being Clever and Caring, Fast Forward, Breaking Point, and Slow Motion. The gist of this issue is that some people want to limit population growth in Europe when certain parts of Europe have record low population growth ironically enough. Technologically is increasing and the document details the global shortages (of fossil fuels and agricultural land). The document wants in 2012 and beyond to phase out child benefits for multi-children families in Europe. They want benefits to provide benefits for a maximum of 2 children in 2020. This is nothing more than neo-eugenics. The people who support this agenda want more population control measures. Now, the UN and the World Bank want to use neo-colonial policies against sovereign nations as an excuse to promote global population reduction plans. Some folks use trade as a means in getting this plan started. In a 2007 World Bank “discussion paper” the role of the Bank in regards to such requirements is explained in some detail: “The Bank has a potential comparative advantage to address these issues at the highest levels of country policy setting, not only with ministry of health counterparts, but also with officials from finance and planning. This is important given the increasing recognition that political economy is a critical factor in the implementation of population and reproductive health programs, particularly in high-fertility countries.” The World Bank wants to use "reproductive health" and claims of high fertility rates as a means to try to lower the population rate of the human race. The 2011 document stresses that “trade has been limited with countries with no population control measures.” The 2011 document wants Europe to have bans on on-essential individual long distance travel. electricity to be monitored, and the state controlling forms of media (including education, etc.), and other restrictions by 2050. In the final analysis, the document talks about technocratic goals, Agenda 21 like plans, and the promotion of an one planet economy. They believe that the European Central Bank and the National Banks as a means to steer the European economy to an one planet economy.

There are more health news in the world. Korean scientists have successfully kill cancer with magnets. The scientists in South Korea used a magnetic field to get cancer cells to self destruct. This is about the body removing old, defective, and infected cells via the action of PCD (or programmed cell death) or apoptosis. When you have apoptosis, the rejected cell responds to certain signals sent by the body by fragmenting. Immune cells then consume these fragments. The magnets help trigger apoptosis. When apoptosis doesn't work, the rejected cells divide uncontrollably causing tumors. Professor Jinwoo Cheon of Yonsei University in Seoul and a team of scientists conducted experiments on certain cancer cells. They used magnetic fields to induce apoptis. They attached nanoparticles to antibodies, which bind the "receptor" molecules on tumor cells. The molecules cluster when the magnetic field is applied, triggering the "self-destruct" signal and thereby apoptosis. In the experiment, over half of the bowel cancer cells were destroyed when the signal for apoptoic clustering came into effect. Untreated cells remained unaffected and unharmed. There is another experiment where scientists performed the same therapy on zebra fish, which caused them to grow unusual tails. More trials are in the works. The scientists have made the apoptosis to be turned on in tritro via the laboratory and in a zebra fish in vivo (living) model using a magnetic switch. The magnetic switch may be broadly applicable to any type of survae membrane receptors that exhibit cellular functions on clustering. The study will be published in the Jounral "Nature Materials." Big Pharma will not focus on this development. Big Pharma promotes traditional medicine not much of alternative medicine. Drug manufacturers regularly benefit financially from sickness of people to be quite blunk. Some cancer drugs have worsen tumors and build up other problems. We know that foods that can fight cancer are many like turmeric, of course ginger, garlic, papaya leaf extract, berries, etc. The pharmaceutical industry and the establishment are linked to each other in more ways than one.  
The legacy of black activism existed centuries ago and even today in 2012. We should be thankful of that legacy, but we even in the younger generation should perform activism as well. Also, there is an issue with activism. I guess you know what I getting with this. Some folks in the younger generation (not all) obsess with fame and fortune, while ignoring their duty to speak out on important issues. A generation ago, brothers and sisters like Muhammad Ali, Jim Brown, Curt Flood, Roberto Clemente, Shirley Chisholm, Gloria Richardson, Fannie Lou Hamer, and others striked, protested, spoke out, and exhibited strong emotional & intellectual strength against oppression. Today, we live in a more complex world. There are not only issues of race and class. There are issues of bioethics, foreign policy matters, economic issues, technological issues, education debates, and various social issues. Still, we should maintain our inspiration and intention to speak out against evils in the world. People like Paul Robeson picketed even outside the mansions of Governors and Presidents. Today, some celebrities want to speak reactionary slogans of "less government," and "I don't want to demonize the rich" as an excuse to promote the same privilege among the super rich (this evil system oppresses the same celebrities that attempt to support ironically). See, making the world better isn't by trying to give money to the people and then make music that promotes the same materialism, disrespect, and conformity to the elite (which is the opposite of your alms giving). Big Business is making big money off the backs of the oppressed globally. That is why many of these so-called celebrities refuse to expose the war on terror, refuse to expose economic injustice, refuse to expose materialism, and they refuse to expose all forms of oppression in the globe. That's the point. Justice is ntw trying to promote slogans of the super rich and the privileged (who dominated the government today for a long time). Justice is wanting real, genuine change to uplift the world from the bottom up. Also, the older generation has some responsibility to, because they raised this generation. It isn't just the Republicans involved in corruption. Both parties are. It is wrong to witness drone attacks in sovereign nations (which have killed innocent civilians on numerous occasions), it's wrong to have neo-liberalism in the world, etc. That is why I am a political independent. I am not ashamed of being an Independent thinking black man too. There are tons of us independent brothers and sisters living in the world today. Although, President Barack Obama isn't to be blamed for all of the problems in America. I have some disagreements with the brother, but it's a fact that some Republican obstructionism and other problems in the system are responsible for our economic stagnation & political gridlock. I will never be like a reactionary and express irrational hatred to the President. I will express respect for the things that I agree with the President. Likewise, I will use my free speech rights on expressing disagreements with the President on some issues too. There should be an end to the laissez faire capitalist system and the institution of a fairer system where opportunities not obscene white supremacist privilege is the order of the day. The good news is that many young people see the handwriting on the wall and are helping out their own communities day in and day out. There are many young people that are fighting for fair, affordable, and quality housing, for freedom, against Empire, and for other legitimate activism in society.

By Timothy

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