Thursday, October 18, 2012

Romney’s Son Said He Wanted To ‘Take A Swing’ At Obama During Debate [AUDIO]


courtneyrRModerator5 hours ago
boy those romneys are a violent bunch to be like father,like son I guess.even his wife comes across the same way. little by little, the real romney is being exposed. win at all cost. smh.
funny how the black man in office doesnt portray violence(the angry so called black man syndrome and black woman syndrome)
but those romneys, never fail to show how entitled they believe they are and how nasty and down right angry they are about getting beat at their own game and politics by a black man. Its pretty comical to watch actually. Romney is so beside himself that he cant contain what comes out of his mouth.nor his children. you see, they conquered everything else humanly possible through wealth but this one thing. they have been in control their entire lives,drunk with power and entitlement.The only thing thats left is,becoming president. it has nothing to do with the actual job itself. this is about proving something to himself.Its the only reason why he comes across as not giving a flying F about anyone else but those with the same entitlements. Its the only reason why he doesnt denounce those in his party that make racial remarks against blacks and other minorities.At least McCain was decent enough to put the old lady that called obama an Arab in her place.He stood up to her and told her and everyone else that Obama was a decent man.Thats what a real man does.The fact that Romney has flipped flopped about what he stands for is very troubling.
I 100 percent understand that in the long run, they are all apart of the same game.but, their are those people in the world who have decency and compassion in them and those that do not. Its very easy to see through this man.if you dont have that in your spirit, theirs nothing you can offer anyone else because you are in essence, blinded by greed.
great debate.
great debate.


Well what's new about that? White men have a long history of disrepect for Black men as being men. Seeing them as childern or three-fifths of a man.


Candy NevilleModerator8 hours ago
Disrespectful to the nation, the office of President and to his father who is trying to convince us he isn't the bully he was in his youth. So much for that.


TatumMossModerator10 minutes ago
Let us not forget that the Mormon church believed African-Americans were inferior and cursed by God. This was their doctrine until 1978. They only changed because they didn't want to lose their Federal Tax Exempt Status. Mitt was 30 years old at that time. One would have to suspend common sense to believe that these doctrines didn't impact his views on African Americans. Romney's son didn't hide his complete disdain in these comments. We already knew this...he just put it into words.
*I tried to post this previously, along with excerpts from their theology about our people. Newsone flagged that comment. Information is power but, that information will probably not be posted.


Candis MooreModerator56 minutes ago
I do agree with you @courtneyrR Everything you said was on point.Now back to the debate tuesday night Romney is a very disrespectful man like you said and I am so glad President Barack Obama has enough morals about himself to not stoop to mitt level, all the lies that were coming out of his mouth really im so glad the Potus called him out mitt whole dimeanor was rude towards the president if anyone needed to take a swing it should of been me on mitt, I do not condone violence but what your not going to do is disrespect my president



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