Thursday, October 04, 2012

Mitt Romney's other lies during the Debate


1 hour ago ( 6:07 PM)
MEDICARE: Romney made numerous false claims about Medicare, but two stand out:
•The oft-repeated false allegation that Obama harmed seniors by cutting $716 BILLION from Medicare. As we’ve often discussed in this space, the savings Obamacare achieves through cracking down on fraud and abuse and ending overpayments to insurance companies and providers has no impact on beneficiaries. Indeed, Obamacare provides Medicare beneficiaries with new no-cost preventive care, is already saving seniors billions on prescription drugs, and will eventually completely close the notorious prescription drug donut hole. Finally, the savings achieved by Obamacare actually extend the solvency of Medicare by 8 years, while Romney’s plan to put the waste back in will actually bring the date of the Medicare trust fund’s insolvency ahead to 2016 — just four years from now.
56 minutes ago ( 6:22 PM)
•Romney also claimed that his plan to end the Medicare guarantee and turn it into a voucher plan would not hurt current seniors. A senior who is age 64 today would face increased costs of at least $11,100 and, eventually, traditional Medicare would collapse entirely and force all seniors into the hands of private insurance companies.
1 hour ago ( 6:06 PM)
Romney also said, “My view is that we ought to provide tax relief to people in the middle class. But I’m not going to reduce the share of taxes paid by high-income people.” This is of course completely untrue, but also directly at odds with what Romney was claiming during the GOP primary. During a February debate with his Republican primary rivals, Romney proclaimed:
“We’re going to cut taxes on everyone across the country by 20 percent, including the top 1 Percent.”
1 hour ago ( 6:05 PM)
“I don’t have a $5 trillion tax cut. I don’t have a tax cut of a scale that you’re talking about,” said Romney. A Tax Policy Center analysis of Romney’s proposal for a 20 percent across-the-board tax cut in all federal income tax rates, eliminating the Alternative Minimum Tax, eliminating the estate tax and other tax reductions, would reduce federal revenue $480 billion in 2015. This amount to $5 trillion over the decade.
1 hour ago ( 6:06 PM)
Romney also said, “My view is that we ought to provide tax relief to people in the middle class. But I’m not going to reduce the share of taxes paid by high-income people.” This is of course completely untrue, but also directly at odds with what Romney was claiming during the GOP primary. During a February debate with his Republican primary rivals, Romney proclaimed:
“We’re going to cut taxes on everyone across the country by 20 percent, including the top 1 Percent.”
2 hours ago ( 5:22 PM)
The Republicans are happy with Mitt Romney's lies, he can stand before the American People, tell numerous lies and is praised and loved by the right, This is the nature of the Republican Party, they only apply a policy when it suits their agenda, and Mitt has proven to be the leader of the party of liars, This should not come as a surprise, George Bush started a War based on a Lie, close to 4 trillion and almost 5000 american lives later, the Republicans are again desperate to secure the Presidency, So, whatever it takes, Lie, Cheat, Steal, this is what they do, there is nothing you can believe from the Republicans that is actually true!!
Retired RN
2 hours ago ( 5:21 PM)
We have reached Mitt's Etch-A-Sketch moment. He denied his tax cuts plans would raise taxes on the middle class. His plan just doesn't observe the math rules. His plan will either explode the deficit or cause taxes to be raised on the middle class. His solution for Obamacare is the same sorry excuse for a plan the GOP has always endorsed. Health Savings Account (good for the wealthy and healthy), buy insurance across states lines (how's that going to help state control) and Tort reform. This will not solve the problem for 46 million uninsured. Oh yea Mitt says he'll eliminate the pre-existing conditons restriction as long as people maintain continuous coverage- this does nothing for those with pre-existing conditons who have never been able to get healthcare coverage. So he aggressively and obnoxiously lied about what he supports. Yep it Etch-A-Sketch time!


You know, I've always wondered why some poor and rural whites would vote against their own economic interests. In this case, I know that race is a key (if not primary) factor, but it perplexes me. And yeah, the next debate has to be different. It's supposed to be a Town hall Meeting style debate. I just had a flashback of all those town halls where folk went to shout each other down, and show their behinds.
I agree with you 100% that Obama has to challenge Romney on the fact that the man REALLY HAS NO PLAN. How can you run for president on a mysterious platform? How can folk support him WITHOUT ONE!!!??? ..And he has to challenge the lies(like you said). Plain and simple.


Good points. But if you argue Earth is really Mars, most people would not believe it. However, in a CLOSE decision SOME might believe you, especially if you were not challenged. Romney just wanted to convince SOME independents that really want to vote for him anyway to do so. Poor and  rural whites who often vote against their own economic self-interest to support Republicans, might have been skeptical of Romney at first, but NOW may feel justified in voting for him based on his lies regarding the poor. In a close election like this one, president Obama cannot afford to let Gov. Romney go unchallenged on his lies and "game".


 It was the rope-a-dope. Mitt Romney made a bad move because he lied about pretty much every position he's taken. Obama let Romney nail himself down with the issues, and he will regret making such a drastic change so early in the debates, because now Obama can 1) cream him in the next debates, when he will come out swinging, and/or  2) cream him in ads showing that he has flip-flopped on pretty much EVERYTHING. People may think Romney has won, but the truth is, we didn't see the Romney that we have seen for the past few months. We saw a centrist Romney pandering to the moderates who tuned into the elections to figure out who they would vote for. Therefore, Romney has to be ready to come hard, because everyone knows he was lying.


I couldn’t have said it better, ole Mitt just kept spitting lies on top of lies without divulging a plan. As people can see our President didn’t stop him or interrupt this fool from running his mouth. He just nodded his head & thought to himself “boy this guy is really an idiot”. President Obama already has his people dissecting all of Mitt’s BS he told in this first debate & will call him on it. As M. Jordan use to tell the guy guarding him “you reach I’ll teach”. Mitt reach into a bag of lies now he’s going to have to explain just how, when & where is this plan of his. News Flash for Mitt supporters THERE IS NO PLAN…….  His plan is to move every American job he can get his hands on overseas & the federal government workers he mention to cut back on along with the middle class workers will all be in the streets. Anytime a guy as filthy rich as Mitt starts saying he was talking with a person out of work & he doesn’t offer a little of that Boston made cash to help I have a problem believing he has my best interest at hand.


Lets consider this fact, President Obama is not a foolish man; he came into this debate eyes open.  He has to think about his image and what is going to be said after this debate.  Therefore, is it better to allow Romney to seem like the bully, so in the next debate, when The President lowers the boom on Romney, those people.... will not be able to use the bully defense against the President.  In-so-much as, the President has lived every fact and figure for the past four years; he spoke from experience, whereas Ex-Govenor Romney, was very rehearsed and practiced.  He flip flopped on every principle that he stated in the past six months; if he said he was against it.... He was for it last night, and visa-versa.


He "won" the debate because of Obama's perceived passivity. But as I maintaned, Romney did not lay the case for himself to be President. Romney did NOT come across as being Presidential. He came across as bullying, testy, and even disrespectful. I did not see in Romney, a man that had the bearing of that of a President. In fact, I saw an undercurrent to this guy that suggest that he could become unhinged. I saw a man that was desparate.It's almost funny. If you look at Romney, it's clear that he didn't expect this from Obama---NONE OF US expected this from Obama, and it slightly threw Romney off a bit. And now he's confident---maybe overconfident. If in the past 4 years with Obama, you need to know that you LAWAYS have to look beneath the surface with him. Obama is up to something and it's eery. You got to admire in the face of such an lying onslaught from Romney, that he was able to maintain his composure and poker face.


Yeah, you're on point here. I didn't expect Obama to not counter Romney like he did last night. I saw his jaw-bone flexing at different times, but he stayed composed. I, too, think that Obama's style was done by choice. He's never been one to take cheap shots. He's not for the "one-liners." And to your point, yup, Romney is the perceived victor. He was the aggressor... but I was put off by him for that reason. Just as it was with his running mate--- aggressive lying doesn't make you a winner in my book(but they think so). Nowadays, having poise and decorum is perceived as being weak. You hit the nail on the head when you said, "look beneath the surface" with Obama. He's a thinker. Romney is a reactor. He moves like a puppet for Rush Limbaugh and that FRINGE on the right. So, when somebody really doesn't stand for know the rest. :)


You are correct that you saw signs of him becoming unhinged. Even his wife said she would worry about his mental health if he got elected.


Here is one article on Mitt as governor and as a businessman while is a report that most people outside of Massachusetts do not know about, and I am sure the President will use al of this against Mitt in the next debate...


Mitt is a bully...he was very disrespectful of the moderator, as the President allowed the moderator to do his job...
Mitt did not run for re-election as governor of Massachusetts because he knew the Fed's were investigating him...,"As Governor of the state of Mass., Romney headed up the disastrous Big Dig of the tunnel in Boston’s Fort Point Channel. The major capital overruns in the expenditures of this project indicates Mitt Romney’s lack of judgment and his careless misplaced leadership skills as an intelligent businessman."
The President handle the debate as expected with respect towards the moderator and the questions being ask...
Mitt, on the other hand, came out swinging, as mentioned by others here on this post "he laid all of his cards on the table" before being ask to show them...he did not answer the questions, and at times talked off subject...
This debate was suppose to be about specific questions, a tune-up match between the two...but the next two debates will be an all out fight...
Everything Mitt said in this debate will be used against him in the next two debates...
His affiliation with Bain Capitol, and his management of the BIG DIG will come out along with all the other lies he has told...


I'm tired of the argument from You People that Blacks only voted for Obama because he is black. If you people are so concerned about who is the best candidate, how did we end up with Bush for 2 terms? The same argument can be made that You People will vote for Romney because he is white.


Farntella Graham i smh to everything u just sad ;1) if THEY(i don't know who they are) wanted "Robme" Romney to win then don' t you think They would have put himin office they frist time he ran not (im guessing) not the6th time 2) every president has at 1 tme or another did something to go against congress and they all lived 3)the hope and change is real we as americans must do are part for it to work 5) the media i believe you keep lookin at is fox & they are the ones that say "biased liberal media" (yes i watch all news channels)  mayb you should too 6) the real reason why mitt is looked at negativly is because almost every red state tried to chnge voting rights so that hewould win &(as you say) how dare they 7) the 47% comment mitt made can cost him the elecion he needs to be honest wih himself and admit that was rascist and if he were to become president were would the 47% go? wouldn't they be his problem since he isin charge or would he peffer (& i believe 47% is a lie because walmart pays their empolyees low wages so that they would hve to get gov assistance while they keep ther porfits high & pay less taxes) they ask their parnets for money
 your comment is why people need to be informed before open their mouths i say if you don't like the govnt & what their doing then VOTE.......


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