Monday, October 01, 2012

On the eve of the Debate

The election of 2012 has exposed Mitt Romney. Romney allies with the Tea Party to gain votes. The Tea Party promotes the lie that nearly all of the Framers opposed a strong central government when the truth is the opposite. Also, Romney is a man of the 1 percent. He seems to be disconnected with the common people with his comments on the poor and 47 percent of all Americans. Even when asked on 60 Minutes about his specifics of his tax plan, Mitt Romney refuses to give a comprehensive answer to the question. He just gives the bland answer of the devil is in the details. He doesn't have a real, cogent plan on bring America to work except for tax cuts and the failed system of trickled down economics. People understand Romney's tax strategy. He wants to have a 20 percent income in tax rates and this can raise the deficit, which he claims that he doesn't want to do. He wants to eliminate or greatly curtail the mortgage interest deduction. This deduction is a tax break for home ownership. If the deduction is removed or phased out, there would be a decline in home prices. Some Americans will suffer bad in their home equity and harm the U.S. economy. It can reduce the spendable income of many middle class American homeowners that need goods and services. It can cause fewer goods and services is the deduction is slashed, which will remain less jobs and more layoffs. If more foreclosures and short sales exist, then millions of jobs could be threaten in the housing industry. Not to mention that there are independent studies that conclude that Romney’s 20 percent tax cut would so reduce tax payments from the rich that his only alternative would be raise taxes on the middle class through elimination of more tax deductions. Mitt Romney wants more freedom in the American economy via less government intrusion. His version of freedom is pretty much to allow corporations to do almost anything they want in a spree market system. His version of freedom is to make Wall Street free from any form of government regulation, allow health insurance companies to continued to shed sick people form coverage via privatization, weaken labor union, end many environmental rules that oil companies must follow, and allow wealthy investors to pay lower taxes than the middle class and poor Americans. Mitt Romney is allied with the Tea Party movement, but Romney used stylistic changes from the Tea Party That means that Romney tries to make his words sound appealing to independents while the Tea Party revel in overtly presenting their reactionary, extreme rhetoric. Corporations aren't people regardless of what Mitt Romney proclaims. Romney accepts Mormonism unequivocally and that influences his thinking. Freedom to Palin, Romney, and Limbaugh means freedom from the federal government. Romney's suspicions of the government may relate to his grandfather's flight to Mexico during the 1800's (and the Fed's crackdown on Mormon polygamy and theocratic rule in then Utah territory). Romney abhors the actions of securities regulators. The Tea Party legitimately expose some governmental corruption, but they take it too the extreme in viewing any government intervention from the federal sector as being detrimental to a human society. The Tea Party accept a historical revisionist view of American history. They are right to believe that the Revolutionary War was about the colonists to end the tyranny from the British Empire. Yet, they believe that the Framers uniformly wanted some impotent state governments acting as 13 nations (via the Articles of Confederation). The reality is that the Constitution clearly outlined the authority of the central government. The Founding Fathers wanted the federal government to be an engine for national progress not just sending rights to the states. Even George Washington and James Madison wanted the government to exist beyond state sovereignty. Washington supported the Constitution Convention to form the Constitution. Madison respected a strong central government and the federal Bill of Rights (which has superior political authority than states' rights). The narrative of all Founders believing in some states rights love is popularized by Glenn Beck and the Tea party. Ayn Rand's unbridled selfishness and magical markets have been refuted as well. We don't need states to act tyrannically or corporations to have person hood rights. The Constitution isn't perfect, but it was a framework with rules to address the needs of diverse and growing nation. Even the Tea Party's hero Thomas Jefferson organized the federal government purchase of the Louisiana Territories. During that time, the Secretary of State was James Madison. Alexander Hamilton wanted to promote his controversial national bank. Using federal authority to promote the general welfare of society is not only legal, but moral. These moral acts include the trust busting policies of Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin Delano's New Deal, Medicare, civil rights legislation, etc. The current President has passed laws that deal with the power of the federal government to attempt to help Americans (whether you agree with these policies or not) like the Affordable Care Act, the economic stimulus bill, the auto bailout and new Wall Street regulations. The liberty promoted by Mitt Romney is the denial of much of the social safety net among the many and the enshrinement of more tax cuts for the few. He wants corporations and the super rich to do almost anything they want while allowing the states to dominate national governance (since even states can act tyrannical). He wants to defer to the states on national major problems like health care. The government can be corrupt at times, but We the people as found in the preamble outlines the right of the people to use the government in making the nation work. The Framers weren't perfect as many of them were slave owners who didn't want unrestrained democracy. Yet, Madison is right to allow checks and balances in order for society to prevent oligarchy. He is right to create the commerce clause where the federal government can regulate national commerce. George Washington and others wanted to use the federal government to fund the construction of roads and canals. So, we should promote freedom for human beings not give unlimited powers for corporations. Freedom should exist among all peoples in the world. Although, the current President isn't perfect and still fears losing the white male vote. That is why he or President Barack Obama proclaims centrist words during his First Term. The President's great intellectual genius doesn't justify his imperial foreign policy, his policies on civil liberties being similar to George W. Bush, and his slick quasi-austerity goals that he seeks to engineer during his 2nd Term (if he is re-election). You can't claim to love real laws when you circumvent international law and the sovereignty of nation.. Mitt Romney is just more blatant in his abhorrence of some features of the social safety net. When a man like Mitt Romney says that I am not concerned about the poor, you know what time it is. Yet, freedom isn't about war mongering or brutal austerity at all.

There is a lot of information found out about Malcolm X. Malcolm X wasn't an establishment Democrat (the Mississippi Freedom Summer of 1964 exposed the hypocrisy of the establishment part of that Party. Kwame Ture and Fannie Lou Hammer spoke about this issue) or an establishment Republican. He was an independent black revolutionary person. His revolutionary nationalist politics influence all black movements for justice and liberation to this very day in 2012. The current wealthy monopoly capitalist system was heavily exposed and rejected by Malcolm X. Malcolm X was ever evolving in his views, but he never was someone's puppet. All human beings have the right to fight for the oppressed and fight against injustice. Being meek has nothing to do with being naive or weak about our troubles. Being meek represents our actions at it should be, but we can be active in resisting evil too. The FBI had their agents to monitor Malcolm X all of the time. Malcolm X admitted to this and FBI documents confirmed that they illegal surveilled Malcolm X at numerous locations. Malcolm X is right that there is nothing wrong with black self-organization and black self activity, which is one of his great legacies. So, it's obvious that Malcolm X was a Pan-Africanist. Fundamentally, collectively, we are a United Black people worldwide. He was not a Communist. After his Hajj, he saw the weaknesses of the current capitalist system and he used that as a means to promote de-colonization and independence among African nations. He wanted black people to lead their own revolution (via Black Nationalism & Pan-Africanism). Not only the reactionaries, but even so-called leftists and communist don't like the idea of Black people controlling their own destiny and affairs without them. Sometimes, the racist isn't just the bigot living in the trailer park. It's includes also the one that may smile in your face and try to shake your hand (wearing suits and ties), but behind your back promotes the same evil system which restricts housing, economic, health, and legal rights from black people. The black man and the black woman equally have the right to have proficient, apparent educational opportunities and real career advancement (along with entrepreneurial actions). Malcolm X created Muslim Mosque Inc. and the Organization of Afro-American Unity to help black people in the world over. The truth is that Black People have every right to control their own destinies, control their own businesses, and have leadership positions in controlling their own Power base for real. His anti-imperialism and grassroots organization plans sill impact us today. We have a choice. Either we support the handpicked establishment Negro or real Africans (both real African brothers and real African sisters) fighting for justice & for our liberty. We know about white supremacy and its instruments. White supremacy utilize corrupt institutions to harm the world society. For example, urban communities and rural areas readily experience (via the corporate, monopoly capitalist power structure) pollution, lax water systems, corrupt education, and other privatized systems. We know that the ruling class wants to promote greed and evils in trying to harm black culture. Therefore we do need a cultural revolution where we should blatantly reject lyrics that disrespect brothers and especially sisters. We can't glamorize violence since violence is an archaic, fruitless behavior. We have to unite with our people in promoting our own self image without the mainstream media promoting negative stereotypes against our people. Blackness is great and there is nothing truly black about ultra violence, using our sisters as sex objects, pimping, and an anti-intellectual, dumbed down philosophy shoved down the throats of our youth. The truth is that the vast majority of black people aren't nihilists, murderers, nor degenerates. Only a small minority is and degeneracy has nothing to do with black culture at all. Therefore, it is a necessity for us to constantly praise Black, conscious, upright, and moral brothers and sisters doing the right thing. It's our job to love each other and promote Black Love in public and in private. It's our job to be men and to be women. Our black culture has to be defended by us since we are black and we love our people. We can be active in learning our history, teaching our people, fighting for justice, and work in programs to fight for solutions. There are tons of black people doing the right thing as well. Many white people (not all of them) in mainstream society want us to hold Dr. King with more esteem than Malcolm X, but I won't do that. I hold Malcolm X in the same esteem as Dr. Martin Luther King.

We know about our economic reality in the world. The global elite has plundered the world's resources for a long term. They have destroyed people via unending war, eugenics, population control, and other nefarious methods. The establishment in the late nineteenth and the early part of the twentieth century had done massive evils. These criminal globalists harmed the Cubans, Africans, Germans, Japanese, Soviets, and other human beings via war and other sophisticated conflicts. In the early part of the 21st century, the internationalists are targeting America and the world still. Economic collapse is a response to the old policies of neo-liberalism. Cultural devastation is the fruit of materialism, economic exploitation, and the corporate corruption. There has been the mortgage settlement scam, the weakening of the dollar, and a violation of human rights. Many folks suffer foreclosure, have evictions, and risk being thrown into prison. Many companies used predatory financing where people buy into a home and their values rises indefinitely (then people can afford to buy these items back). Unpayed mortgages have increased. Wall Street has never been full prosecuted for these acts. The firms of Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, etc. are forced to pay 5 billion dollars in cash to the states and 20 billion more by the federal government in handling the homeowners economic crisis. The catch is that not a single family whose home was seized will get a new home. Instead, an estimated 750,000 foreclosed homeowners will receive a check for $1,500 to $2,000, if they can show that they were improperly evicted. This derisory sum--assuming it is ever paid out--provides a measure of the contempt of the banks and the government for working people. The Federal Reserve System was created in 1913 and this system has seized huge control of American financial powers. The FED can handle interest rates and they can execute other powers. The reality is that our society has shifted into a more technocratic, globalized system. Even in a time in the 20th century, our wage levels were high, we trained workers to compete with other nations, there are tons of people back then (among every race and background) speaking supremely articulately, and workers receive a higher sense of equitable compensation. Today, our cherished civil rights have been violated by reactionaries. We have a workforce in America that have their benefits stripped and jobs shipped overseas. There is a strong anti-intellectualism in modern culture. Many of the super rich don't care and many of the poor go into desperate situations in order to make ends meet. Many of folks in this generation obsess with greed, violence, ignorance, and egoism. Globalization of the exploitation of cheap foreign labor and the war on terror (which allows imperialism to kill people and destroy infrastructure as a means for industry to benefit financially) are huge threats to a progressive society. We can do something about this situation. There must be a national program for real to address poverty in America. We can forms programs to help out our local communities. We can unite in independent organizations that are genuinely dedicated to promote truth and justice. We can expose the criminals who are harming our nation and the world. We should try our best to free ourselves from any unnecessary debt, make no non-essential purchases, and help our neighbors if they legitimately need real assistance. We should learn from the mistakes of the past and work on solutions for the future. Fundamentally, freedom is won by the dedicated efforts of human beings with their human endeavors.

There is value in philosophy. Philosophy is the use of the human mind in describing concepts, realities, and other concepts of the Universe. Using philosophy enhances human power of discernment. The reason is that true philosophy that understand concept beyond what is evident to the average mind and to use practical judgment in defining what is tangible in human existence. We should be careful not to accept false philosophies of men since even humans can outline fallible displays of information. Philosophy can aide in our human thinking and grow our logic skills precipitously. Logic is interrelated to philosophy. Logic is how a person infers information. Logic is a way on how people can think about subjects conclusively and get proper conclusions. The law of identity proves what something is and what it isn't. For example, the sky is a sky and it is not a lion. The law of non-contradiction is something can't be both true and false at the same time and in the same way. That means that two contradictory statements can't both be true. There is the law of excluded middle. This means that a statement is either true of false. People live on planet Earth is a true statement and the lake is in my pocket is not a true statement. Some people that believe in God use logic as a means to prove his existence. People who believe in God view the Universe as having a beginning. Something before the universe and greater than the universe had to bring the Universe into existence (because the Universe has an origin). That something before the Universe that caused the Universe (with physical laws, fractals, mathematics, the process and movements of planets including stars, DNA, etc.) and it is God according to believers in God's existence. Logic isn't enough to solve all problems and to define all of reality, but logic is a great way in how humans can define concepts. Reality is much more complex than what is taught by the establishment. Cause and effect is a normal function of the Universe. That is why as humans, we should expand and grow our intellectual, mental, and spiritual developments. We must make decisions by making careful intellectual processes without an one dimensional reactionary response to every situation that we encounter. So, it's fine to perform alms giving and helping your neighbor, but if a person doesn't love their neighbor, then our works mean nothing. Our works alone can't save us, but only God can. We should do works, but we shouldn't possess arrogance nor ego when we perform good works. When public power is immorally shifted into select private interests, then our democratic principles are threaten. All people must be free until we are all free. The good news is that more and more people are waking up. More folks are doing charities and having a love with instrumental, constructive improvements among the human race. So, I have hope, humor, and inspiration to carry forward with justice & truth.

Hollywood and the industry is something else. Many artists know what the real truth, but some of them go with the flow in order to receive profit and fame. Others don't realize the connection between the military industrial complex and the corporate entertainment industry world. Also, the military industrial complex greatly benefits from the prison industrial complex (in causing profits to grow at the expense of the suffering of the people). Privatized prisons even fund corporations and these special interests promote the current War on Drugs' oppressive system. Corrections Corporation of America, the nation’s largest operator of for-profit prisons, is sending letters to 48 state and wants to buy up more prisons in America. It's as simple as if more people are into prison, the more profit the prison system makes. More morality in society equals into more social tranquility and less folks in the prison system. Not to mention that millions of innocent human beings are in the world's prisons. Not everyone in prison are guilty of horrendous criminal activities. With the recent events in the world, we can see that the mainstream, corporate-sponsored industry seeks to disrespect and desecrate humanity in general. That is why they promote the denigration of males and especially females (since females give birth to life and represents a great representation of beauty. We should support the women fighting against females being trafficked in abuse and sexual abuse too. We can't be progressive unless males and females have total equal rights period without exception). Today, occult symbolism and programming is common place in the Hollywood/entertainment world. Even famous entertainment director Jonas Akerlund once wore a Baphomet T-shirt when directing the Lady Gaga video "Paparazzi." Many folks have written on this issue. One of the greatest strategists on how the establishment control society is how they control mainstream religion. Mainstream religion is heavily influenced by the occult and oligarchy. Mormonism [which saw black people as sub humans just decades ago. Mormonism is blatantly a religious with Masonic/occult ties], the Jehovah Witness, Christian Science, Scientology, and other creeds were influenced either by Freemasonry, the occult, blatantly false doctrines, or by corporate interests. This is why some deluded religious leaders advocate the prosperity gospel, the war on terror, and neo-liberal economic falsehoods. These items are goals and agendas of the elite completely. That is why we should reject the fear of man and promote the understanding of God and his will. A person can easily go into a non-denominational religious church or religious group to find true spirituality without influence from secret societies and false doctrines.The mainstream industry is influenced by big time moguls too (many of these moguls aren't just Americans, but they are Europeans, Canadians, and folks throughout the Earth). You can't get good fruit from a rotten tree. The industry not only in America, but worldwide haven't bore positive fruit massively at all. Not everyone in the world is down with the get down, but we should be wise to the ways of the world (and just not follow the ways of the wicked side of the world). Another lesson is that we should never be paranoid. We shouldn't be like McCarthayites and classify every musician and everybody in the music industry as some Devil worshipping, evil, degenerate, occultic extremists. The truth must be placed into perspective. We should expose evil, but we should eliminate unnecessary gossip and false speculation from our vocabulary. Yet, the industry commonly have record companies to control numerous artists' music, style, and their creative control over their musical displays. Our war is not only spiritual and mental, it's psychological too. That means we have to promote love for our people and reject self hated at every turn. We should fight against eugenics, forced population control, HIV/AIDS, and any other diseases or dangerous ideologies plaguing our people. Now, there is nothing wrong for the masses of the people that seek to demand power. If you want freedom, you have to struggle and fight for it. You definitely need to fight for power.

By Timothy

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