Thursday, October 04, 2012

Presidential Debate: Mitt Romney Shines By Pushing Lies, Obama Misses Mark By Not Calling Him Out


edud01 Moderator 1 hour ago

President Obama's mistake was allowing Gov. Romney to get away with his lies out of fear of appearing "angry"(a game used to keep Blacks under control). Sen. John Kerry, IMHO, is the absolute WRONG person to "play" Romney as they are TOO much alike. And in their "financial world", they view things pretty much the same. President Obama MUST be aware that he is not just fighting someone who wants the job because they really love the country, but someone who genuinely FEELS ENTITLED to the presidency as a final prize. As such, the president cannot under estimate Romney, nor can he get caught in the trap of the "angry" Black man game. He should be angry that Romney is flip-flopping and lying to him and the American people.



egmarsh1 2 hours ago Lets consider this fact, President Obama is not a foolish man; he came into this debate eyes open. He has to think about his image and what is going to be said after this debate. Therefore, is it better to allow Romney to seem like the bully, so in the next debate, when The President lowers the boom on Romney, those people.... will not be able to use the bully defense against the President. In-so-much as, the President has lived every fact and figure for the past four years; he spoke from experience, whereas Ex-Govenor Romney, was very rehearsed and practiced. He flip flopped on every principle that he stated in the past six months; if he said he was against it.... He was for it last night, and visa-versa.


Mike Stein 7 hours ago Obama went into this debate with nothing to prove, a passive-aggressive strategy, and while Romney was the aggressor, he has cut his own throat. Every word of the debate will be analyzed and over the next week everyone will learn about Romney's lies and flip flops. Romney already has a credibility problem due to his gaffes, his two faced speeches, his lack of transparency, dedication to the 1%, and his general "out of touch" nature, so his mouthing off tonight will eventually catch up to him. I think president Obama counted on this - for Romney to "over sport his mouth" , just like he and his pal Newt Gingrich always does. The campaigns have gone on for months now and everyone knows who they like at this point. This race is a fight to the finish.


Rashad Abdul-Azeem 6 hours ago Indeed on the surface, Romney won, but what did he give up or reveal to win? If one really thinks about it, he hung himself, with the continuing perception and narrative that he is an arrogant, boastful, rich man, who is out of touch with the common person. Yeah, 'dressing down' the President, calling the President a 'boy', kinda close, but his performance only solidified his negative persona. . If the press, examines his claims and I hope they will , then people will see what they have always seen, a man who is 'all over the map', trying to make something 'stick' to gain a edge. Relax, these debates will not be a game changer.


Katy M. · Top Commenter
willard did not "win"... he LIED, he CHEATED, he BULLDOSED AND BULLIED.
but I understand the righties are fans of that kind of thing...
he could be a coach, but not a statesman...
Jo Ann Simon · Top Commenter · Norwalk Community College
Romney's lies were incredible. This breakdown of his untruths needs to be published everywhere--not something the MSM gasbags are likely to do. I'm disgusted.


 It was the rope-a-dope. Mitt Romney made a bad move because he lied about pretty much every position he's taken. Obama let Romney nail himself down with the issues, and he will regret making such a drastic change so early in the debates, because now Obama can 1) cream him in the next debates, when he will come out swinging, and/or  2) cream him in ads showing that he has flip-flopped on pretty much EVERYTHING. People may think Romney has won, but the truth is, we didn't see the Romney that we have seen for the past few months. We saw a centrist Romney pandering to the moderates who tuned into the elections to figure out who they would vote for. Therefore, Romney has to be ready to come hard, because everyone knows he was lying.


EVERLASTING_1Moderator7 hours agoin reply to TatumMoss
He "won" the debate because of Obama's perceived passivity. But as I maintaned, Romney did not lay the case for himself to be President. Romney did NOT come across as being Presidential. He came across as bullying, testy, and even disrespectful. I did not see in Romney, a man that had the bearing of that of a President. In fact, I saw an undercurrent to this guy that suggest that he could become unhinged. I saw a man that was desparate.It's almost funny. If you look at Romney, it's clear that he didn't expect this from Obama---NONE OF US expected this from Obama, and it slightly threw Romney off a bit. And now he's confident---maybe overconfident. If in the past 4 years with Obama, you need to know that you LAWAYS have to look beneath the surface with him. Obama is up to something and it's eery. You got to admire in the face of such an lying onslaught from Romney, that he was able to maintain his composure and poker face.


TatumMossModerator6 hours agoin reply to EVERLASTING_1
Yeah, you're on point here. I didn't expect Obama to not counter Romney like he did last night. I saw his jaw-bone flexing at different times, but he stayed composed. I, too, think that Obama's style was done by choice. He's never been one to take cheap shots. He's not for the "one-liners." And to your point, yup, Romney is the perceived victor. He was the aggressor... but I was put off by him for that reason. Just as it was with his running mate--- aggressive lying doesn't make you a winner in my book(but they think so). Nowadays, having poise and decorum is perceived as being weak. You hit the nail on the head when you said, "look beneath the surface" with Obama. He's a thinker. Romney is a reactor. He moves like a puppet for Rush Limbaugh and that FRINGE on the right. So, when somebody really doesn't stand for know the rest. :)


Marie BanoModerator16 hours ago
How can Romney have won a debate when everything he said was lie. The press will now have to fact check everything and show all his contardictions and lies. Obama was not great but it is good he let Mitt say things that only a week ago he flip flopped about. Mitt is not presidential just full of hot air.


Middle Molly Reply
October 3rd, 2012 at 10:12 pm
Here’s another lie:
Debate fact checking……
Startups… down to a 30 year low?
In January 2009, we had 8.9 million establishments (businesses), now we have 9.2 million establishments. Where does Romney come up with this “30 year low” business?
From the BLS.


October 4th, 2012 at 12:52 am
Edward A. Hara – The president does not vote on policy- he either signs or vetos bills that congress passes. So Obama couldn’t have voted to extend bush tax cuts. As for death panels ,the law states that the advisory panel has no power to effect anyone’s eligibility. “The board – known as the Independent Payment Advisory Board – was set up to recommend ways to reduce Medicare spending if it increases too rapidly.
The panel of independent experts is empowered to suggest cuts to how much the federal government pays healthcare providers. These cuts would go into effect unless Congress votes to overturn them.
But the panel is explicitly prohibited from cutting benefits for people on Medicare.
And there is no provision in the law that empowers the advisory board to make any decisions about what treatments doctors may provide for their patients.”…


MelindaMModerator5 hours agoin reply to Tom
I'm tired of the argument from You People that Blacks only voted for Obama because he is black. If you people are so concerned about who is the best candidate, how did we end up with Bush for 2 terms? The same argument can be made that You People will vote for Romney because he is white.


TatumMossModerator2 hours agoin reply to EVERLASTING_1
Oh yeah, to compare a GROWN 50 YEAR OLD MAN to your children...Romney knew what he was doing! Obama has such a challenging roll to play. On one hand, he's a human being who, I'M SURE, has wanted to raise up and check MANY! On the other hand, he's walking the tight-rope of Race Relations in America(and keenly aware of the "angry black man" stereotype). But he has to understand that he can call these people out!!! He doesn't have to take the low road to do that, but he does have to start tackling before Romney takes it to the house!! Pun intended :)


PB ShortModerator5 hours ago
Mitt is a bully...he was very disrespectful of the moderator, as the President allowed the moderator to do his job...
Mitt did not run for re-election as governor of Massachusetts because he knew the Fed's were investigating him...,"As Governor of the state of Mass., Romney headed up the disastrous Big Dig of the tunnel in Boston’s Fort Point Channel. The major capital overruns in the expenditures of this project indicates Mitt Romney’s lack of judgment and his careless misplaced leadership skills as an intelligent businessman."
The President handle the debate as expected with respect towards the moderator and the questions being ask...
Mitt, on the other hand, came out swinging, as mentioned by others here on this post "he laid all of his cards on the table" before being ask to show them...he did not answer the questions, and at times talked off subject...
This debate was suppose to be about specific questions, a tune-up match between the two...but the next two debates will be an all out fight...
Everything Mitt said in this debate will be used against him in the next two debates...
His affiliation with Bain Capitol, and his management of the BIG DIG will come out along with all the other lies he has told...



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