The United Nations defends the genocide in Syria if it is done by the rebels. Numerous sincere individuals are included in the UN, but it was created ultimately by the establishment for the establishment. The reason is that they deceitfully label the atrocities made by the rebels as "reprisals." As early as 2007, it has been reported that the U.S., Israel, and Saudi Arabia worked together as a means to organize, fund, train, and arm militants to target Syria. Many of these militants are directly linked to Al-Qaeda. As we know, the father of Al-Qaeda worked with the West back in the late 1970’s as a way to repeal the Soviets from the nation of Afghanistan. This funding can trigger an unprecedented "cataclysmic conflict" driven by sectarian extremism. This sectarian violence can lead into a redrawing of the Middle East. This redrawing will benefit select and favored Western corporate financier plus geopolitical interests while the Middle Eastern region is weaken, divided, and continues in problematic infighting. The UN is ignoring the overt sectarian nature of the FSA or the Free Syrian Army and their so-called rebellion. Many communities of minorities like Christians, Shias, Druze, etc. face extermination by extremists. UN special adviser on the prevention of genocide named Adama Dieng said about the impact this situation will have on public opinion that: "...I am deeply concerned that entire communities risk paying the price for crimes committed by the Syrian government.” The UN anti-genocide envoy said that Syrian minorities face reprisal attacks when it is NATO and its allies' armies and funding these terrorists destroying the infrastructure of the nation of Syria. What Reuters doesn’t report is that US, Saudi and Lebanese officials had for years warned that US foreign policy, started under Bush and continued in earnest under Obama, would trigger this very sort of sectarian violence – driven by Al Qaeda-style fanaticism, not “reprisals.” Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Seymour Hersh documented in the New Yorker back in his 2007 article entitled, "The Redirection: Is the Administration's new policy benefitting our enemies in the war on terrorism?" that the West wanted to play Sunnis and Shias against each other as a means to handle the mostly Shiite nation of Iran. Seymour wrote back in 2007 that Washington approved of allowing the Saudi government to give funds and logistical aid to weaken the government of President Bashir Assad of Syria. Even former CIA agent in Lebanon Robert Bear is concerned that Christian minorities in Syria might be harmed by Sunni radicals. So, the campaign to dismantle and rule Syria by the West has been mapped out for long years, even during the Bush administration. Even the Brookings Institution's "Middle East Memo #21: Saving Syria: Assessing Options for Regime Change" admitted that the USA could bleed Syria purposely as a means to end the Assad Presidency. Such documents prove that the attack against Syria is not about humanitarian justifications or promoting democracy in the world. It is about using violence by the rebels as a means to overthrow the Assad government. This has been a serious part of Western foreign policy since at least 2007. The sectarian violence utilized by the rebels is excused by the United Nations indeed.
It is common sense to keep our bodies alkaline for our human body healing. The human body should have a diet mostly being alkaline rather than mostly acidic. This policy can led into a much healthier alternative and add years to human life. "The human body goes to great lengths to maintain a slightly alkaline PH of 7.35, but poor diet and stress can change the PH to an acidic one in which disease can thrive," says Raw Food Health. You can help your body out tremendously just by adjusting your eating habits. "Unfortunately many people don't pay much attention to their diet until they experience a major health scare and then, they do so in a desperate attempt to regain their health," adds food lifestyle educator Carol Galanty. "Thankfully, many are able to do so, but it would be so much better all-around if diet were treated as a means of preventive medicine before signs of imbalance start to occur." There are many reasons for human beings to incorporate an alkaline food diet. This diet can boost energy dramatically. Millions of Americans everyday use energy drinks even in the gallon each week. There are dangers to some of these products. An Alkaline diet can boost energy levels naturally. Some of these alkaline forming foods that can help with energy include figs, molasses, greens, leafy veggies, almonds, beets, dates, celery, cantaloupe, and parsley. "In addition to eating these foods, taking one teaspoon of a greens powder every morning mixed into juice or a smoothie can also raise energy" levels, says guide Cathy Wong, a licensed naturopathic doctor and an American College of Nutrition-certified nutrition specialist. That is why an alkaline diet will help a person to have a better night's sleep and one that is infinitely more restful. This action can help our keep energy levels high throughout the day. Alkaline foods can keep the body functioning at its optimal levels. When the human body is performing optimally, this transpires in an alkaline state. The majority of the foods that Americans eat are acidic like tea, alcohol, nicotine, processed foods, etc. Too much acidic food consumption can cause imbalance and eventually disease. Some nutrition experts want folks to have humans to have an alkaline diet of 70-80 percent. This can cause glowing skin, which I do have on occasion when I eat healthy, being alert, and persist with a focused mind. An alkaline diet can slow down the aging process while an acidic diet can take a toll on bones and muscles. "As we age, there is a loss of muscle mass, which may predispose to falls and fractures," says an analysis by the National Institutes of Health. "A three-year study looking at a diet rich in potassium, such as fruits and vegetables, as well as a reduced acid load, resulted in preservation of muscle mass in older men and women." "Conditions such as chronic renal failure that result in chronic metabolic acidosis result in accelerated breakdown in skeletal muscle," the NIH analysis continued. "Correction of acidosis may preserve muscle mass in conditions where muscle wasting is common such as diabetic ketosis, trauma, sepsis, chronic obstructive lung disease, and renal failure." An alkaline diet can lower human risk for cancer and it can naturally shed weight. Kris Carr said that a plant based diet and being pH balanced made her health to be good. Back in 2003, she was diagnosed with stage four pithelioid hemangioendothelioma, a rare cancer found in the liver and lungs' blood vessel linings. Dr. Lindsey Duncan believes that an alkaline diet can grow immunity, have disease prevention, and weight loss not the acidic diet. Alkaline foods include all vegetables, some fruits, nuts, seeds, legumes, oils, and grains. Although, there is great value is fish, seafood, grains, green tea, and other foods like that. So, I want to make that perfectly clear. Not all acidic foods are bad for you. So, some acidic foods can be good for you.
There is a strong black African tie to Christianity indeed. Origen (or the old early Christian writer & scholar) wrote long ago that it doesn't make a difference if a person was born Hebrew, Greek, Ethiopian, Scythian, or Taurian, all human beings are created equal and alike (as being created from God). Philip the Evangelist baptized the minister of the Ethiopian Queen. In the early church, black people were treated equally in many places until later on. The infiltrators and other evil individuals distorted original Christianity and spirituality in general as a means to promote discrimination and bigotry. We should be better than that and advance equality, justice, and spiritual growth for the human race. According to Dr. John Mbiti's book entitled, "The Early Church in Africa," the message of Jesus Christ penetrated Africa before it ever reached into Europe. Even Jesus was in Africa for a temporary period of time before he came into Israel for long years. In fact the conversion of the Ethiopian man as described in the Book of Acts predates the apostle Paul's first missionary journey into Europe by a couple of years. Christianity has over a million Christians by the year of 300 A.D. inside of Egypt. The Nubian Kingdoms accepted Christianity heavily before Islam came on the scene. The Egyptian Coptic Church in the Sudan and the Ethiopian Orthodox Church still exist today. Though persecuted, their presence is testimony to the historicity of Christianity in Africa. King Azana made Christianity the official religion of the Kingdom of Aksum. As we know, the Kingdom of Aksum was in a region where there were major international trade routes through the Red Sea between India, the rest of Africa, the Arabian Peninsula, and the ancient Roman Empire. There is growing evidence that the long-standing presence of Christianity in the Nile Valley and in present-day Ethiopia provided a base for the introduction of Christianity in Southern and Western Africa. The oppressor uses Christianity as a means to dominate human beings in an evil fashion. More progressive or an African centered reading of Christianity is utilized as a means to uplift those of black African descent and the entire human race in general. Jesus Christ was a revolutionary since he disagreed with many of the dictates of the Roman Empire. He called on a rich man to give up all of their wealth to help the poor. He talked about peacemaking. He disagreed with the nefarious, strident religious elite of his day. These actions are revolutionary for that time period. I don't believe that Jesus today would be driving the latest Lexus or Maybach. He wouldn't support the war on terror or the invasion of Libya including the exploitation of the Congo by the Western powers at all. He would be opposed to the agenda of the oligarchy. One reason is that the oligarchy has been linked to harming the poor and the dispossessed along life’s road. Therefore, Christian heritage in Africa goes back to the days of the Scriptures itself. Many folks like Nat Turner, Denmark Vessey, and Gabriel Prosser were professing Christians. Now, the big picture is that only Africans can develop Africa period. So, there is no need to hate all Christians or hate all Muslims. We should believe in a pan Africanism that allows religious freedom. The reason is that Africa is a multifaith filled continent. We don't have to agree on every theological point as a prerequisite to peaceful coexistence. Yet, we should respect the essence of our black African culture and the essence of true justice for all. Fundamentally, we should use religion as a means to live righteously, care for the sick, help the poor, stand up against oppression, promote equality, believe in truth, and treat all human beings with dignity and with respect. There ought to be a defeat of economic inequality, the growth of real businesses, and the love for humanity in general irrespective of background. Wisdom and truth reign supremely in the Universe. So, spirituality is a great thing when it is expressed in a cogently beautiful fashion.
Before the unjust internment of Japanese Americans, there was anti-Japanese agitation in America. It was very racist agitation indeed. Back in the early 20th century, California passed a law that forbids Japanese Americans from leasing agricultural land. This was the Anti-Alien Initiative Measure. This harmed Asian American citizenship rights. Even in 1922, the U.S. Supreme Court via Ozawa v. United States reaffirmed that Asian immigrants were ineligible to become naturalized citizens. This was wrong period. The law effected Chinese, Indian, and Korean immigrant farmers in California as well. It was invalidated by 1950 since it was overtly against the 14th Amendment. The anti-Japanese law was influenced by even the populist Progressive Party Governor of California Hiram Johnson. Governor Johnson was a known racist. He had attended and publicly endorsed the D.W. Griffith film The Clansman or later called The Birth of a Nation. D.W. Griffith was a Freemason by the way. He called the film a wonderful moving picture after the Birth of a Nation's premier in February 15, 1914 in Los Angeles. That movie was a filled with slander, lies, deception, and it harmed racial relations in America possibly for decades. Even the NAACP had to protest “Birth of a Nation.” Before that time, Congress had passed the Chinese Exclusionary Act of 1882. This act was wrong and immoral as well. It suspended the immigration of Chinese laborers in the U.S. for ten years. More Japanese Americans came into the Pacific after the 1868 Meiji Restoration of Japan. This policy allowed more immigration of Japanese human beings into the Pacific coast of North America. The internment was very unnecessary. Even a November 1941 report sent by Special Representative of the State Department, Curtis B. Munson, sent to FDR admitted that the Japanese people are a loyal ethnic group. The report found that there is no Japanese insurrection problem in America at all. The most racist anti-Japanese organizations back then were the Joint Immigration Committee, Oriental Exclusion League, the American Legion, and the Native Sons and Daughters of the Golden West. Anti-immigration hysteria spread during the WWII era. The radio commentator for the Mutual Broadcasting Company in Los Angeles John B. Hughes was one of the first people that called for the evil internment of Japanese Americans. That hysteria was so bigoted that Congressman John Rankin of Mississippi back then said that he wants all Japanese human beings in America to be placed into concentration camps and to get rid of them now. This is demonic rhetoric from a devilish individual. This action is similar to the targeting of American Muslims by John Ashcroft immediately after 9/11 when many innocent Muslims were falsely imprisoned. Even today, some innocent Americans are on the no fly list that deals with airplane flying. Colonel Karl Bendetsen was put in charge of the evacuation of Japanese Americans. He once conferred with General Douglas MacArthur and Admiral Husband E. Kimmel including others about prisoner of war issues. It is a historical fact that numerous Japanese Americans served heroically in World War II. There were Japanese American infantrymen of the 442nd Regiment fighting the German attack in Italy.
Malcolm X was murdered on February 21, 1965. He was about to give an address to a rally in Harlem about the OAAU or the Organization for Afro-American Unity. The establishment was threatened of his views. He was under surveillance by the FBI and the CIA. His revolutionary views certainly inspire those of us of every background, because it is right to be militant not passive toward any evil or injustice that plagues world society. His assassination inspired Bobby Seale to co-establish the Black Panther Party for Self Defense with Huey Newton. Malcolm X and other male and female leaders represented the social and intellectual voice of the black liberation struggle. Internationally, human beings all over the world fought against police brutality, poverty, and prejudice. The reactionaries hated Malcolm X, but one of Malcolm X's greatest gifts was that he disagreed with the reformist Democratic Party. The reason is that the Democrats try to act liberal on a lot of occasions, but they still are of the system. They still activate the interests of big business to put it in laymen terms. For example, The Democrats instituted welfare reform, Bush-lite foreign policy, and NAFTA. They are just as wrong as the Republicans are on some issues. That is why I am not a Republican or a Democrat. I am an Independent from a political standpoint. Revolutionary ideologies not token efforts are necessary in an imperfect land. Malcolm X understood that the current system had to be overthrown in order for the oppressed to end the rule of the oppressor. Malcolm X was a pan African nationalist, but he didn't accept capitalism. Even today, many sincere black nationalists want to worship capitalism, but no economic philosophy is perfect. An economic system that says that top wealthiest should own almost half of the world’s wealth is wrong. As Malcolm X said, Africans must use an economic system beneficial to Africans. Malcolm X wanted more conscious action, especially political action as a means to meet the needs of black African Americans. For example, grassroots voter drives, community development programs, fights against poverty, centers to teach real African culture including African history, etc. are superior methods of solving problems than just a speech. Although, there is nothing wrong with giving an excellent, inspiring speech to the people, so I want to make that perfectly clear. That is why Malcolm X said the following words: "…separation back to Africa is a long term program and while it is yet to materialize 22 million of our people who are still here in America need better food, clothing, housing and jobs right now...Now that I have more independence of action, I intend to use a more flexible approach toward working with others to get a solution to this problem." Malcolm X later wanted to work with any civil rights organization that was genuinely dedicated to establish concrete results to assist the human race in general. The civil rights movement is still here in the 21st century. It still continues after the era of the 1950's to the early 1970's.
By Timothy
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