Saturday, June 01, 2013

Study On Women Breadwinners Ignites Verbal Brawl On Fox News [VIDEO]


How many times have we seen white middle-aged to senior citizen males reminiscing about the 1950's? Well, most of their views are based on fantasies. It was the sitcoms of the 1950's and 1960's that created this illusion. The male as breadwinner is a fairly new concept that emerge mainly after the second world war. All of this stuff about the traditional American family is frankly, bull-s#*$. Shows like Leave It to Beaver and Ozzie and Harriet were instrumental in projecting thisimage. It was fake. The truth is throughout American history women worked. So did children. Not only was America a country of slave labor and genocide, we used to have child labor. And it wasn't that long ago.
The American Family is, and has always been dysfunctional. White America loves to scandalize black people about their high rate of out of wedlock births, and their single parent families. However, America has always had an high amount of children born to unmarried parents. It was also an acceptable practice for married men to have mistresses and to frequent prostitutes. There were certainly so called illegitimate births from these unions. There was also an epidemic of venereal disease throughout America and Europe because of it. At the end of 1890, for example, urban areas were littered with cocaine vials. Middle class house wives were prone to drug addiction. There were 12 year old prostitutes, 11 year old gang members and 16 year old killers. And we are not talking about black people here.
You can read about this in a book called, "The Way We Never Were". Its author is Stephanie Coontz, and was referenced by the late, great African American psychologist, Amos Wilson. In an online article titled "The American Family," Ms. Coontz reveals the following about the 1950's,
"Rates of unwed childbearing tripled between 1940 and 1958, but most Americans didn't notice because unwed mothers generally left town, gave their babies up for adoption and returned home as if nothing had happened. Troubled youths were encouraged to drop out of high school. Mentally handicapped children were warehoused in institutions like the Home for idiotic and Imbecilic Children in Kansas, where a woman whose sister had lived there for most of the 1950s once took me."
"Wives routinely told pollsters that being disparaged or ignored by their husbands was a normal part of a happier-than-average marriage. Denial extended to other areas of life as well. In the early 1900s doctors refused to believe that the cases of gonorrhea and
syphilis they saw in young girls could have been caused by sexual abuse. Instead, they reasoned, girls could get these diseases from toilet seats, a myth that terrified generations of mothers and daughters. In the 1950s, psychiatrists dismissed incest reports as Oedipal fantasies on the part of children. Spousal rape was legal throughout the period, and wife beating was not taken seriously by authorities."
"Much of what we now label child abuse was accepted as a normal part of parental discipline. Physicians saw no reason to question parents who claimed that their child's broken bones had been caused by a fall from a tree. Thingsmom
worse at the turn at the Last century than they are today. Most workers labored 10 hours a day, six days a week, leaving little time for family life".
Most of what the average American knows about history is based on Hollywood movies. John Wayne, whose real name was Marion Morrison was a draft dodger and a janitor. His entire persona was a creation of Hollywood. The Whole Hollywood version of a cowboy is a lie. As most of you know 1/3 of all cowboys were black and Mexican. Most of what is declared as truth in mass media is a lie. Certainly we of all people should know this.


Anonymous said...

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Andrea Muhrrteyn said...

Excellent post.

Pity white america will not listen; think the earth is flat, resources are infinite; and refuse to support alternative lifestyles; like for example the sustainable matriarchal Mosuo culture in china, who have no rape, no murder, happy relationships, live in harmony with nature.

How many post depression Americans know that it takes 500 years for nature to create one inch of topsoil.

How many know that one teaspoon of oil = 1 day's labour. One tank of gas = 2 years of manpower.

The EIA says Americans used 6.87 billion barrels of oil in 2011; about 22% of world oil production (used by 5% of worlds population).

1 barrel Oil (bbl - bl) Equals: 31,797.46 teaspoons (metric).

6.87 billion barrels of oil amount to 218448.55 billion energy slaves that worked for Americans in 2011.