Saturday, July 06, 2013

African Union Condemns Military Coup in Egypt, Withdraws Support for Junta


Note by Me: I don't agree with Bruce with the final words since I edited them out. Women should be spoken to with respect no matter what. Women are our allies in this fight for liberation and they should never be cursed out by anyone. The rest of his words are accurate.

By Timothy (Me)

We're not "liberals" here, we are leftists.

There's a big difference my friend.  "Liberals" are frequently pro-imperialist --- there were liberals for the Vietnam war, for instance, and for the invasion of Iraq.  Leftists are never for these things.  "Liberals" gave us NAFTA, leftists opposed it, and on and on.
We've never been liberals, and if you feel deceived on that score, you managed to fool yourself.
Are we "black run"?  Do you need to see my family pictures or something?  Look me up on Facebook or something.  You've got my name.  



Either you are a troll or you are so full of yourself. No, it is not a liberal page because liberals are hypocrites. Tony Blair is an acclaimed liberal; so are Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, and Diane Feinstein. Apart from their pontificating innocuos challenges to the assault on the working class, they hardly flinch at the sight of the planning boards detailing their gory conquests of the non-white peoples of this world. As long as they can forge a specious front of willing elites across racial and gender lines, they spew platitudes such as democracy, equality, justice and human rights while their true intentions are to amass and preserve mammon at whatever human costs. We don't want to be liberals.


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