Tuesday, July 02, 2013

George Zimmerman's Research



John Henry                                                                                                         

John Good never mentioned that Trayvon mounted Zimmerman "MMA Style" and performed a "Ground and Pound" in his initial interviews. When challenged about this on the witness stand, he choked up. Especially when they fact checked against his initial statements. Judging by the standard that you just set, this was a lie. His excuse for this lie was that he was never asked for detail, and he just gave a quick summary at first. Later he elaborated.
George Zimmerman by video recorded testimony stated that he was on top of Trayvon when the man with the flash light came out. He asked the man for help, and the man refused. So It got out of control and he had to shoot Trayvon. He contradicted his own statement. Not mention that at least 2 witness stated that the man with the flash light came out after the gun shot. George Zimmerman gave 2 different stories and contradicts the witness account. George Zimmerman is a liar. George Zimmerman also lied about having 2 passports, plus he lied about his financial status to get a lower bail. George Zimmerman has lied to the court on multiple accounts. They are still playing George Z Videos today, so his liar list will grow by the end of today. So by your standards, if Rachel lied a little, George Zimmerman lied like the Devil he is.



Typical white supremacist LIES. Genetically FLAWED creatures would be funny if they were NOT so DEADLY serious. According to YOUR logic and statements, those who disagree with YOUR facts "just want to blame Zimmerman for murder...". It IS CLEAR that YOU WANT him to get away with MURDERING an INNOCENT Black in order to satisfy YOU genetic THIRST for Black blood.
According to YOU, it's "all good" for Zimmerman witness to LIE as long as the MAIN facts remain the same. Rachel Jeantel's CORE statements REMAINED the same also. She NEVER waivered on Trayvon being FOLLOWED by Zimmerman. Her addition makes her a liar, but John Good's "add-on" irrelevent. Again, typical white LIES and "spin".
a lot of inconsistencies in murdermans initial statements to the police. we will find out more tomorrow. in the reenactment, why did murderman say that he didnt know the address in his so called re enactment claiming he didn't know the street ,because he's in in the back of the house but he's standing outside a house with the address 1211?

Agreed...a lot of inconsistencies in what I watched and heard today.
I believe this fool planned this murder in order to be praised as "top-flight" night watchmen and to be accepted into the Police Dept. The statement he made about could not see addresses - or the biggest one was not sure where he was at - he thought the Police was so focused on him this info would be missed.
As a night community watchman it is his responsibility to know every inch of the ground he was securing.

and wouldn't he have a degree of knowledge of how to cover his tracks, or attempt to cover his tracks , if he was seeking a degree in criminology at one point? the medical examiner said his so called head injury was consistent with one hit to the head possibly on the concrete and his injuries were INSIGNIFICANT to life threatening injuries.T wo band aides.?This would make sense and speak to the fact that TRAYVOn was fighting for his LIFE. This murderman is LYING. HE SAID he jumped out of the bushes and ambushed him but murdermans friend on the stand today didnt say that he said that. He said that trayvon supposedly walked towards him and said ," do you have a problem" I swear the writing is on the wall .This monster murdered Trayvon.

Sure it does!!! AFTER the shot, Zimmerman said he spread Trayvon's arms out to "restrain" him, yet his arms were found to be UNDER his body. But according to YOU, that's NO big deal.


You HAVE to end comments BECAUSE you can't REFUTE TRUTH!!! Does that SAME presumption of innocence extend to Trayvon? If it did, we wouldn't be having this discussion. But the ROOT of this case, according to white ideology, is Trayvon had NO rights or presumption of innocence WHILE walking home with candy and a cell phone. Make NO mistake. Under white supremacist "systems" if a Black man had MURDERED a white teen under the EXACT same circumstances and "claims", whites would be OUTRAGED. The presumption of innocence "game" and splitting legal "hairs" would be out the window from day ONE. Your supremacist ideology then would have been the Innocent white teen walking and talking to his friend and a BLACK MAN followed him AFTER police told him not to. No splitting of "legal hairs" over legality of dispatch "orders". Because under white supremacist ideology, a Black man would have NO right to stop, follow, or question a white teen for ANY reason. Yet the opposet is true when it comes to Blacks. You genetic creatures are TOO funny to be HUMAN!!!
John Henry                                                                                                         

Hi Courtney. I'm trying to play catch up. Watching today, it seems that all of the blood on Trayvon (besides the obvious bullet hole blood) was from Zimmerman. The only blood from Trayvon found on Zimmerman's Jacket was on Zimmermans back shoulders (as if Zimmerman put it there when he was rubbing his head). All of the blood on Zimmerman's shirt was from Zimmerman, none from Trayvon. The blood somehow passed through Zimms jacket and got to his shirt.
There was also no DNA from Zimmerman on Trayvon's sleeves (i.e if Zimmerman was holding Trayvon's arms or spreading them out, there is no DNA evidence of it).



HI john. yes Im watching a bit on HLN news and the DNA expert is testifying.. This is problematic for murderman Zimmerman and I believe its huge for the prosecution.If they were fighting the way murdrerman zimmerman said, why isn't there any DNA?



Trayvon had nothing more than two marks on his hand and the gunshot wound. All of that fighting and that was it?
It's been a minute since I hit someone, but if I recall correctly, I busted up my knuckles pretty good.


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