Monday, July 01, 2013

Jewels of Wisdom and Advice

Police are the enforcers of white supremacist "systems" and you EXPECT Blacks to rely on YOUR racist data? You have got to be kidding!!! That's akin to a rape victim relaying on the evil rapist to tell the story to the police. But using YOUR same logic and statistics, whites out number ALL races when it comes to MURDERING Blacks for FUN. Thus, again, it would be REASONABLE for Blacks to profile EVERY white and analyze their EVERY movement, and take ACTION if they FEEL their life COULD be in danger. But YOU continue to IGNORE that.
If I were in-charge of protecting Black communities I would START with the TRUTH of white supremacy and white supremacist "systems". Is that HONEST enough for YOU??? As for YOUR supremacist behavior and genetic THIRST for Black blood, I will ALWAYS address TRUTH even though YOU HATE it to the CORE of YOUR being. And YOUR HATE of Blacks will do NOTHING to aid your genetic demise.


Paul H. :                                                                                                                                  
You're right, it's not healthy to be overweight but there have been medical
studies that show black females can be healthy at higher weights than white
My comments have nothing to do with whether anyone finds Rachel attractive,
what I have a problem with is anyone bashing this young female's looks while a
racist white defense attorney bashes her on the witness stand.
I'm talking about black people and our anti-blackness and how we focus on
the wrong things instead of supporting other black people. I could give a d__
if any male on this thread wants to sex this 19 year old girl/woman.
But it speaks volumes about any black male who is so mentally sick that he
would do a Don Imus on a black female who is putting herself at risk for
ridicule and possible targeting by a criminal justice system to get justice for
a dead black male
And if black males can't support her for that, then somebody cut off our b**lls a long time ago and we better get them back


Paul H.:                                                                                                                                   
have to disagree. The Vietnamese are providing slave labor in their country for white corporations. The Japanese are still colonized by the U.S. which is why the Japanese cannot force the U.S. to remove their military bases. (remember, Japan lost the war)
The Chinese will probably go to war with the U.S. in the near future over broken agreements and a broken economy caused by the same people who broke ours.
All non-white nations are under attack by the white supremacists, from the Middle East, to Latin America, to Syria, to Iraq, to Africa, to even parts of Europe where lower-caste Europeans reside (like Greece and Turkey) where the people are rioting because of high unemployment and the looting of their economy by the same people who looted ours.
No one has overcome white supremacy. No group of people is not under the economic pressures of the white supremacists.
Don't be fooled by the hype.
Also, it is futile to compare people from sovereign nations with intact cultures with the descendants of slaves who had everything taken from us and who do not know who we are.
You can't rob a people of their identity and give them a new degraded one (the american negro), give them a false slave religion (white christianity), false white beauty standards and rob them of knowledge of self and expect them to heal without getting out of the same system that is still crippling us.
All of us on this thread who descended from slaves, who call ourselves African-Americans and blacks have not overcome our own oppression so we shouldn't throw stones at those who have had a much harder time
we are all in this together.



Yeah, let's break it down. In short, you are attempting to JUSTIFY murdering an unarmed teen BECAUSE of his COLOR. No, Zimmerman didn't RANDOMLY decide to "target" Trayvon, it was PLANNED AFTER his friend Frank Taffee's house was broken into by a Black guy. Both Taffee and GZ stated that GZ FIRST spotted Trayvon that night walking across Taffee's lawn. GZ, along with his friend Frank, and his judge father, decided to TEACH Blacks a lesson about being in THEIR area and get away with the PERFECT crime. Of course it would be logical to call police NON emergency number, give "stereotypical" discriptions and behaviors, including an IMPLIED threat("He's starring at me. Yeah, he's COMING to check me out")and committ MURDER on tape with dispatch as ear WITNESS. BEFORE GZ gets out of the car he tell police, "He's running". This FACT is an indication that Trayvon was AFRAID of Zimmerman, NOT the other way around. Did Zimmerman DISPLAY the gun causing Trayvon to RUN AWAY??? In addition, GZ is either a LIAR or a poor "watchman" if he can't remember THREE streets in a neighborhood he both lives and has friends. And WHY is it STRANGE for a teenager at home alone(without an ADULT) with a young friend to NOT run to his house with a STRANGER following him, but ACCEPTABLE for a GROWN man NOT to give police HIS address BECAUSE, in his words, "I don't know where this guy is". Unless you are implying there is a DIFFERENT standard for Blacks. And WHY is the words, "CREEPY asscracka" FOCUSED on but NOT the N-word used to discribe GZ as well??? And YOU PRETENDING "crazy racist psycho" MURDERERS of Blacks are rare or unheard of is a GAME within itself!!! GZ supporters like YOU, are want and NEED him to get away with MURDERING an UNARMED teen so YOU understand the BOUNDRIES YOU can operate in when it comes to KILLING Blacks.


Paul H. replied to Spellchecker
of course it does. Black people do not come out the womb thinking whiteness is more desirable than blackness. Everything we learn about beauty is under the system of white supremacy and for a black male to degrade a black female for no good reason is the best example possible of anti-blackness.
Don't understand why did you took my post personally and think I want to "revoke your black card" Never said anything like that. Moving on...
There are a ton (literally) of overweight white females -- in fact, there are more overweight white females in America than black ones (because there are more white people) but you don't see them as much because the white media does not plaster images of fat white women on TV and in movies like they do with dark-skinned black females.
Never said weight is not an issue, I said according to several medical studies, black females are able to be healthier at larger weight than white females. That doesn't mean I condone obesity.
What I disagree with is you automatically attributing obesity to "laziness." I know black females who are overweight who are very active, who work multiple jobs and have side businesses but who were heavy during childhood and once you grow up eating unhealthy foods, your destiny as an overweight adult is difficult to overcome. Does that mean they're lazy? I don't agree.
There are people who have alcohol addictions, drug addictions, anorexia, spending addictions and sticking one's foot in one's mouth addictions, but that doesn't mean they're lazy. Food is an addiction just like all the above, and stem many times from unresolved and unaddressed emotional issues.
That doesn't mean they're lazy.
I look at all the factors: poverty (poor white females are often obese because lack of money often means filling up on cheap, filling foods) the abundance of fast foods in poor communities, the lack of grocery stores that sell fresh produce, the deliberate introduction of growth hormones in food for black people especially, that's why so many black girls are developing breasts and having menustral periods at nine years old and often become overweight for the same reason cows and chickens fed growth hormones become super sized.
Is that laziness?
Growing up in dangerous neighborhoods many black children don't rip and run the streets (like previous generations) because it is too dangerous. Many are told to stay in the house to keep them out of harm's way and wind up eating and watching TV and playing video games or surfing the net. I know for a fact that in some neighborhoods, taking a walk or a bicycle ride can result in a violent sexual assault or robbery or murder.
Rather than throwing all obese black females into one condemning pail, there many reasons for obesity. What disturbs me is how quickly we judge other black people (via our white brain computer) even though most of us are so flawed ourselves
But all that is beside the point. If you or anyone else doesn't find Rachel Jeantel attractive, why talk about it at all? Why not focus on the real issues? The trial. That's what is puzzling and mean-spirited to me is constantly trashing her because "black folks ain't keeping it real."
Personally, I think MIchelle Obama is more attractive than Beyonce, and looks like a natural black woman, not a blonde, glammed up pseudo white female. Not trashing Beyonce, she's cute but she is not my standard of black beauty. I don't want a black female that "almost" looks white. If I wanted that, I'd get a real white female.
Like I said earlier, if Rachel Jeantel looked "more white" aka more acceptable and made black folks "look good" to white folks this blog probably wouldn't exist because no one would be trashing a near-white black female.
And that is the epitome of anti-blackness



You are correct. I believe the parents are down playing race at the advice of their attorneys, but they DO understand the REAL deal here. As the parents of Trayvon, they have to do what they believe will bring justice to their son. However, "I" would have put white supremacist ideology ITSELF on trial. Whites love it when we make excuses or downplay their behavior as it makes their satanic behavior easier to get away with. And when it's over, they often USE Blacks words AGAINST them to PROVE they(whites)are not racist. It is next to IMPOSSIBLE to "switch" and address whites behavior as racist AFTER saying they are not. In these situations, whites often get Blacks to say their behavior is NOT racist WHILE they are in the MIDDLE of racist acts. While we are told to be quite about race, the defense was/is practicing supremacist "tacts" all along.


 John Henry                                                                                                         

John Good never mentioned that Trayvon mounted Zimmerman "MMA Style" and performed a "Ground and Pound" in his initial interviews. When challenged about this on the witness stand, he choked up. Especially when they fact checked against his initial statements. Judging by the standard that you just set, this was a lie. His excuse for this lie was that he was never asked for detail, and he just gave a quick summary at first. Later he elaborated.
George Zimmerman by video recorded testimony stated that he was on top of Trayvon when the man with the flash light came out. He asked the man for help, and the man refused. So It got out of control and he had to shoot Trayvon. He contradicted his own statement. Not mention that at least 2 witness stated that the man with the flash light came out after the gun shot. George Zimmerman gave 2 different stories and contradicts the witness account. George Zimmerman is a liar. George Zimmerman also lied about having 2 passports, plus he lied about his financial status to get a lower bail. George Zimmerman has lied to the court on multiple accounts. They are still playing George Z Videos today, so his liar list will grow by the end of today. So by your standards, if Rachel lied a little, George Zimmerman lied like the Devil he is.


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