Saturday, July 06, 2013

Revolution and History

There is the military coup in Egypt that ousted President Mohamed Mursi. The future is uncertain for Egypt. The rights of the working class and the poor ought to be protected in Egypt. There was an opposition to Mursi's Islamist regime. Millions of folks participated, but be careful what you wish for (because you just might get it). There are 4 militant attacks on the Egyptian army in Sinai. Crowds have flooded the streets. Austerity and economic trouble influenced the large crowd. Some of the protesters are for real and others are linked with terrorist, extremist organizations even. Egyptians are trying to solve the issues of social inequality, poverty, war, and the breakdown of democracy. Yet, human beings have not overthrown the military, which has huge power in Egypt still. There are still some token parties that want to advance IMF policies, U.S. imperialism, and other reactionary actions too. The events in Tahrir Square represented the end of the rule of Egypt by the Muslim Brotherhood. Washington gave the green light to the coup d'état, because it was inevitable. The coup was an expression of a continuity of power changes.  Some demonstrators denounced the President Barack Obama and his pro-Muslim Brotherhood Cairo Ambassador Anne Patterson. We know that the Muslim Brotherhood collaborated with British Intelligence and the CIA as a means to try to overthrow Nasser (since he was a nationalist and wanted independent policies that were outside the confines of the establishment). Some of the mass movement in Egypt has been infiltrated by the NED or the National Endowment for Democracy and Freedom House. The Kifaya civil society movement is supported by the U.S. based International Center for Non-Violent Conflict. Defense Minister General Abdul Fatah Al-Sisi was one of the military leaders who instigated the coup d'état directed against President Morsi. He was a graduate of the U.S. War College in Carlisle, Pennsylvania. General Al Sisi was in permanent liaison by telephone with US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel (right together with Al Sisi) from the very outset of the protest movement. Press reports confirm that he consulted him several times in the days leading up to the Coup d’état.  It is highly unlikely that General Al Sisi would have acted without a ‘green light” from the Pentagon. General Martin Dempsey or the chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff was in permanent contact with his counterpart General Sedki Sobhi. General Sobhi is the chief of staff of Egypt's Supreme Council of the Armed Forces or the SCAF. According to, Hagel and Dempsey “were walking a fine line" “...expressing concern while attempting to avoid the impression that the U.S. was manipulating events behind the scenes.” Egypt is the largest recipient of US military aid after Israel. The Egyptian military is therefore controlled by the Pentagon. In the words of General Anthony Zinni, former Commander of US Central Command (CENTCOM): “Egypt is the most important country in my area of responsibility because of the access it gives me to the region.” We know from the RT that troops have used open fire with live rounds into crowds of pro-Morsi demonstrators. Reuters have confirmed the story and at least 3 are dead from the terrible, unjustified incident. These demonstrators were marching on the Republican Guard Headquarters located in Cairo. These included thousands of Morsi supporters that have taken marches also in the northern cities of Alexandria, Beheira including the Upper Egyptian city of Minya after Friday afternoon prayers. The military have deployed tanks outside the Presidential palace in Cairo as a means to keep the pro-Morsi demonstrators at bay. Morsi is not perfect, but even these demonstrators have the right to express their views. So, real revolutionary solutions are needed in Egypt without military domination of the nation or IMF control of the economy either.

There are documents that expose predator drones spying extensively in America. These predator drones used by multiple agencies in domestic airspace could be armed. U.S. Customs and Border Protection is now lending Predator drones to a wide range of federal, state, and local agencies for domestic surveillance and possible "non-lethal" strikes according to federal documents released by the Electronic Frontier Foundation. The FBI, the U.S. Marshals, and even the Texas Department of Public Safety have used CBP Predator drones in U.S. airspace. In 2010, CBP reported that future drone payloads could include "non-lethal weapons designed to immobilize targets of interest." Last month, FBI Director Robert Mueller admitted that the FBI has used drones domestically. The new documents expose the wide extent of domestic drone use. The EFF released the documents after a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit. CBP drone use by other agencies has increased over eight times from 2010 to 2012. By 2016, CBP wants airborne drones in domestic airspace 24 hours a day, seven days a week to insure a "layered security strategy." Predator drone mission data can be fused into an information sharing center for federal, state, and local agencies across the nation. The drone data center could operate like the current Homeland Security fusion centers that have violated American civil liberties and privacy according to a two year Senate investigation. The General Atomics MQ-1 Predator drone, perhaps the most well-known unmanned aerial vehicle, is extensively used overseas by the U.S. Air Force and the CIA for armed drone strikes. Policymic mentioned, in a four year study that drone strikes have killed at least 800 innocent people in addiction to 22 suspected terrorism. This is a civilian kill ratio of at least 36 to 1. Pakistani sources have claimed that an even higher civilian kill ratio of 50 to 1 is a reality. In June, Brandon Bryant revealed his former career as an Air Force drone operator. Bryant saw drone strikes kill people through a computer screen half way across the Earth. These deaths are wrong and dehumanizing. It pictures men, women, and children as pixelated targets for drone operations. Bryant caused over 1,600 deaths via murder.  Bryant said he can still see the blood and gore when he closes his eyes. Doctors have diagnosed him with post-traumatic stress disorder. They have not used predator drones to kill Americans on U.S. soil yet. We still are fighting for the truth and we should continue to oppose the system of imperialism in the globe as well. There are even some young South African leaders protesting the errors of the current White House as it pertains to its domestic including foreign policy actions. There are other African leaders doing something about it like the three Zimbabweans — Sydney Chisi, Simba Nyamanhindi and Cleopatra Ndlovu. Therefore, we know what we have to do. We have to take risks, do the right thing, and actively assist or help our own communities as men and as women.

There is a report about 2 men now HIV free after treatment with adult stem cells. Scientists are talking about this issue. Dr. Daniel Kuritzkes of Brigham and Women's Hospital spoke at an AIDS research conference. He and his team announced details about two cancer patients whose treatment appears to have eradicated their HIV infections. A NBC report describes the story as well. The 2 men received grueling bone marrow treatments for cancer. They appear to be free from the AIDS virus according to researchers. Doctors are not calling it a cure yet. Yet, they say that the men have stopped taking HIV drugs and have remained free of the virus for almost four months in one case and almost two months in another. “While these results are exciting, they do not yet indicate that the men have been cured,” says Dr. Timothy Henrich of Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School in Boston. The two men do not want their names to be released. This information was first reported at an international AIDS conference in Washington at last July. Henrich, Dr. Danie Kuritzkes, and other colleagues have actively looked for HIV patients with leukemia or lymphoma who had received bone marrow stem cell transplants. They wanted to repeat or replicate the case of Timothy Brown. He is known as the Berlin patient. He was treated for leukemia with a bone marrow transplant that happened to come from a donor with a genetic mutation that makes immune cells resist HIV infection. The transplant replaced his own infected cells with healthy, AIDS-resistant cells, and he remains free of the virus more than five years later. The doctors found three patients. They remained on HIV regimens while undergoing bone marrow transplants, which are designed to destroy the cancer and replace diseased blood and immune systems with healthy ones from donors. The doctors destroyed the patients' own bone marrow. This was done with usually chemotherapy or radiation. They are replaced with a tissue matched transplant from a donor. Henrich said that at the time, the AIDS cocktails likely protected the new transplanted bone marrow form infection. One patient is HIV free nearly three years later. The other person has been HIV free for more than four years. Each made the choice to discontinue his AIDS drugs a few weeks ago. The Timothy Brown case is the most famous probably of the AIDS treatment cases using stem cells. The story is very captivating since Brown has experienced a functional cure of his AIDS due to a targeted adult stem cell transplant. So, we know what works and what doesn't. We know that human beings have the right to advance the cause peacefully for the sanctity of human life. When some abortionists use racist justifications as a means to love abortion, then that is wrong. When criminals kill women because women refuse to have an abortion, then that is wrong. When some like Peter Singer want to have infanticide, then this refutes the argument that no one is for the evil act of infanticide. When some want to justify forced abortions in various countries of the world, then that is still abhorrent, immoral, and wrong. You don't need to look at the Holy Grail or the Magna Carta to figure that out. That is why adult stem cells and other real scientific research can enhance human beings' lives all throughout the world. This doesn't mean that we should be reactionaries or theocrats. There should be respect for human beings, respect for the rights of women, and respect for human sexuality. There should not be unjust, invasive procedures against human beings, but we should have a culture where human life is respected in this society. The truth means that we need better healthcare, better education, better housing, and better infrastructure in general in the world.



We have a long way to go in having true independence in America including the world. We know about the war on terror since 9/11 came about. I was not even 18 (I was 17 close to being 18) when 9/11 occurred, but I remembered it like yesterday. It is similar to the Baby Boomers' feelings about the Vietnam War. The Bush wars still influence our culture today. Even now, Washington still outlines deception, manipulation, denial, and distortion all of the time. That is why resisting tyranny is an universal right of any human being. True freedom ought to be made. We have to have a noncooperation with evil. Even after July 4, 1776 when America gained independence from Britain, new oppressors came when the old ones were defeated. This new oppressors were the banks, merchants, ship owners, slave owners, politicians, speculators, and other pieces of work back then. Back then, only certain white, male property owners had the majority of the rights in early America. That is why human beings from across America had to organize, protest, and fight for human rights. The oligarchs in America back then wanted all of the power and believed that property rights are superior to human rights (of humans of color, women, etc.). John Jay (America’s first chief Supreme Court Justice) said America should be run by men who own it. John Adams reflected the same sentiment. He wanted it run by “the rich, the well born, and the able.” They had others like themselves in mind. This is contrary to the more accurate ideal that the government should be of and for the people. Egalitarianism is superior to the concept of oligarchy. In early America, ordinary folks were exploited. The Constitution was created by the Framers as a means to invest in the bourgeoisie not all of the people. The genocide of Native Americans and the crime of the Maafa including slavery are sins that America has not totally accounted for to this day. There is not even a formal apology made by the federal government about these crimes now. Zinn called American slavery “the most cruel form in history: the frenzy for limitless profit that comes from capitalistic agriculture; the reduction of the slave to less than human status by the use of racial hatred, with that relentless clarity based on color, where white was master, black was slave.” When we understand this, we see July 4 in a whole new context. Frederick Douglass expressed these views about America's evil side and others presently. Douglass made his famous speech about Independence Day in that he mourned during the day (because of the injustice inflicted by America on black human beings. He talked about the hypocrisy and evils existing in the United States in honest, cogent, strong, and courageous tones). Now, this doesn't mean that real folks are lacking in America. There are millions of Americans now that are real. They want to do the right thing. They are organizing charities, they are in real organizations dedicated for change, and they are sincere. Their actions ought to be acknowledged by us and at the same time; the crimes of the American oligarchy ought not to be omitted as well. Television has done a great job in suppressing the truth and leaving some of the public ignorant of reality. We have homeland repression of our rights via fusion centers, a class war, and a race to the bottom in our educational policy. There is poverty that is unconscionable. We have unemployment, hunger, homelessness, and some despair. That is still why we should have hope. We should oppose wars of aggression and fight for our civil liberties.


As years go by, we see more truth about the mainstream popular culture industry. You know me. I always respond back to them (or the establishment including the skeptics. That is my job). That is my style and my steelo. We have made some impact, because many of these corporate executives and even some artists have made records talking about people like us. If what we were saying were just complete nonsense, why do they talk about us constantly in their records? Why are they so sensitive about us? Their sensitivity to our concerns outline their guilt about the actions that they have done and the agenda that they subscribe to. My response to them is that the secret is out. Pandora Box's is open. The truth is that materialism, mocking the poor, disrespecting women, glamorizing recreational drug usage in a fowl way, and glamorizing corporate exploitation are wicked avenues to pursue in records or in real life actions. We know the truth and we will continue to show the truth (since we can't stop, because we won't stop). We are of the light. We are the light showers amidst deception. Now, we have a lot of information about this industry including about the Rocafellla duo of Jay Z and Kanye West. They are popular in the world. Jay Z said only God can judge him, but we have the free speech right to critique in society. Arrogance, excessive profanity, and trying to justify the N word with an a on it (for the sake of reclaiming power) are the themes of some folks. I don't get down like that. Judging righteous judgment is part of the First Amendment. This is not an authoritarian state where divergent views on issues are omitted from the equation. Kanye's album called Yeezus is a play on Jesus. The album outlines the view that humanity can achieve godhood or be a god. Manly P. Hall believes that wisdom can cause man to experience the realm of godhood. This is one of the strongest tenets of the Mystery School or the Wisdom tradition. By naming one of his songs “I am a god”, Kanye couldn’t make this concept clearer for his fans. Others try to justify this concept by citing Psalm 82:6. Yet, when you look at the whole chapter of 82, God is saying that these folks are judges trying to act as gods, but they are not at all. Folks use a single verse as an excuse to claim that humans can be gods, but humans are not supernatural in an intergalactic sense. Humans are humans with great intrinsic value no doubt. Monotheistic religions and the Mysteries are in conflict because of the God issue for the reason of the Mysteries believing that humans can be gods. The album cover of Yeezus is a distorted, melted, and deformed face of a Jesus piece. Many entertainment figures wear the Eurocentric Jesus piece chain since that is what is fashionable now. When I started to research New Slaves, it seems to be rant mixing some truth with errors. The rant (which signifies his anger and hurt) mocks those that research the new world order agenda as confusion. Yet, the truth is that many world leaders have talked about wanting to create the new world order for decades. If this was nonsense, why do world leaders publicly advocate it and neoliberal globalization? The truth is that we should not paranoid about such things, but we have every right to expose the new world order, the CIA, the NSA, and any relevant issues of the human race (in a progressive, accurate fashion). Elite organizations are clearly pushing for a more globalized, integrated society in economics, politics, etc. Kanye is right that folks should expose the privately owned prisons that destroy the lives of families and humans. That agenda is related to the evil War on Drugs indeed. Yet, these corporations running these prisons actively work with Homeland Security (like Geo Group) and they are in league with Western international elites (that desire globalization). If we want change, we must expose the whole, huge system of white supremacy doing it not just the evils found in the prison industrial complex. When you rant about consumerism, but you benefit from consumerism, then it is confusing to say the least. Much of the public are treated as slaves by corporations indeed though. Magna Carta, Holy Grail from Jay Z tries to use legitimate skepticism about mainstream religion as an excuse to mock anyone talking about the Illuminati (without separating those who call any musician as Illuminati members, which is silly with those who show legitimate history including research about the Illuminati. Jay Z makes this error in his song called Heaven). Propaganda is found in many genres of music too. Bigots try to obsess with one genre of music like hip hop as a means to downplay the genius of black human beings. Just because a brother or a sister is rich or have made great contributions in society, doesn't that person is a member of the Illuminati or is found in the occult Secret Societies (that have influenced world history then and now). Humans are dynamic and can make great contributions irrespective of the color of one's skin. If a black person is doing the right thing (regardless if he or she is rich, middle class, homeless, or poor), helping out their community, and fighting for real change, then that human being ought to be respected. Our legacy is a great legacy. African civilization and culture is the origin of Western civilization. Africa is beautiful. Mark Dice is truly disgraceful by calling some African Americans using "typical tribalism" for using their constitutional right of voting (and using other race baiting rhetoric when African Americans are very intelligent, sophisticated human beings. There are many factors on why citizens vote and Romney has expressed hatred against 47 percent of all Americans). Dice lost his credibility by his racist language. He uses other profane words too to describe other artists, which no true follower of God would do at all. Folks like me will continue to use accurate analysis and real information instead. Now, this doesn't mean that evil should be omitted from being exposed though. Evil should be exposed, artists who degrade their own people ought to be called out, and the truth ought to be expressed thoroughly in the world with courage & strength.


By Timothy


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