Wednesday, July 03, 2013

The Egyptian Revolution 2.0

Another uprising is happening in Egypt again. The military recently ousted Morsi from power in Egypt. Nearly 2 and one half years ago, the longtime dictator Hosni Mubarak was ousted from power. Back then, human beings took to the streets in mass protests and demanded the ouster of Mubarak and the Mubarak. Today, huge demonstrations are transpiring in Egypt again. During late June of 2013, as large as 17 million protesters took to the streets and squares as a means to protest. This was during the first anniversary of Morsi's inauguration. The reactionary Muslim Brotherhood has been exposed to the world indeed. Morsi is not perfect, but there are facts that should be expressed here. Some parts of the constitution in Egypt is anti-neoliberal. The powers that be in the Western elite do not like that at all. That constitution was approved by the people in a referendum. Also, some of the protesters now are not all legitimate folks expressing real grievances. Some are terrorists and mercenaries trying to use mercenary violence as a means to overthrow the Egyptian government (and institute some theocratic state). Some of these protesters have shot windows with shotguns and threw Molotov cocktails and rocks at buildings. This doesn't mean that the Muslim Brotherhood is off the hook since many of them believe in the U.S. imperialist funding of terrorists in Syria. Still, the current constitution of Egypt deal with unions, a living wage, and public property can never be privatized. This is not even found in the American Constitution, so the Egyptian Constitution is more progressive than what others say. Now, the controversy in this revolution is that some of the protesters follow the Tamardo platform. These folks include remnants of the Mubarak regime, Islamists, etc. It is supported by Mohamed ElBaradei’s National Salvation Front, the Islamist Strong Egypt Party, and including Ahmed Shafiq or the last prime Minister under the Mubarak dictatorship. The US funded Egyptian military is not repressing the protests right now. Many protesters want the nullification of the ratified constitution when the people voted for it. An ex-Mubarak man named Ahmed Shafiq makes some in this revolution automatically suspect. Shafiq fled to the UAE right after Morsi was announced president. He hasn’t returned since. The terrorist group called Al-Jihad is backing Shafiq. Democratic Jihad Party is part of the National Groups Coalition. Islamic Jihad also backed Shafiq during the runoff elections and several members of Islamic Jihad are taking part in the regime change efforts in Egypt today. Nabil Naem, a former leader of the Egyptian Islamic Jihad movement is working in the protests against now ousted President Morsi. The Freedom and Justice Party won the elections. The constitution was written by a coalition of parties, including the FJP but certainly not limited to it, but certain factions want that gone. There has been pro government rallied in Egypt as well. A mob attacked the Freedom and Justice Party's headquarters. The main opposition parties in Egypt stood with the FJP at first and with the elected government. They even helped write the constitution and backed its approval in the referendum. But since then things have gotten a bit strained and many are siding with the pro-Mubarak faction of the “revolution” thanks in large part to a well-financed group called the Egyptian Patriots Movement. Morsi rejected austerity measures in exchange for the IMF loan (that can put folks in debt servitude for years) So, many extremists want a Mubarak style dictator back in power with some of the progressive parts of the new Egyptian Constitution eliminated. Many of the protesters are sincere and some aren't. That is just a fact. Many of these Salafits and Mubarak supporting goons (who call themselves falsely "revolutionists") have raped and sexual harassed women in Egypt too. These same Salafist related characters are trying to destabilize Libya and Syria as well. Mohamed ElBaradei, linked to the Carnegie Foundation, the Ford Foundation, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, as well as George Soros’ Open Society Institute via his role on the Board of Trustees for the International Crisis Group, has been picked to be the chief negotiator and architect of the transitional Egyptian government by the June 30 Front. This front is the newest name for the collection of Jihadists and Salafists rampaging in the streets of Egypt. Once you see the dots shown, the truth becomes apparent. Much of this current uprising is fake or funded by our real enemies. Other protesters in Egypt are for real (since even Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood are not gods either. Some of their policies have continued the economic crisis in Egypt. This doesn't justify the anti-Morsi thugs raping women though at all under the guise of falsely calling themselves revolutionaries). Egyptians should continue to fight to further independence since the Muslim Brotherhood, Salafists, “Tamarod” (“rebel”) factions, and the pro-Mubarak forces are not executing true comprehensive, progressive, and revolutionary deeds in the nation.  The protesters have inspired the military to organize a coup as a means to overthrow Morsi. The head of the Muslim Brotherhood's political party is now arrested in July 3, 2013. Folks are celebrating in the streets. Egypt has the right to be fully free independently.


There is a new Chinese law that came about in early July of 2013. It said that children must visit their parents. The law said that grown children in China must visit their parents or potentially face fines or jail. The law is called "Elderly Rights Law." There is a growing elderly population inside of China. Many of the elderly in China are lonely human beings. The law mentioned that adults should care about their parents' spiritual needs and never neglect or snub elderly people. This law is controversial for numerous reasons. The elderly should be helped and assisted, but human beings should not be fined or risk jail time for refusing to do so. They can be verbally criticized for it, but not placed into jail if someone refused to visit the elderly. Also, this law is very authoritarian and violates human individual liberties. Chinese web users have criticized the law. Some Chinese human beings said that the law will be very difficult to enforce, because it doesn't spell out a detailed schedule showing the frequency with which children should make parental house calls. "Those who live far away from parents should go home often," it says. Lawsuits can come about with the law as well.  Zhang Yan Feng, a lawyer with Beijing's King & Capital Law Firm, said that the law will be difficult to enforce. He also said the following words on this issue: "...If a case is brought to court on the basis of this law, I think it'll probably end up in a peaceful settlement. But if no settlement is reached, technically speaking, court rulings can force the person to visit home certain times a month...If this person disobeys court rulings, he could be fined or detained..." The elderly population in China is rapidly growing indeed. Chinese government statistics show that more than 178 million human beings in China were 60 years or older in 2010. By 2030, that figure of the elderly will double. The Chinese media have shown stories of neglected old human beings. There is the story of a 91 year old grandmother. She was beaten and forced out of her home in China's southern Jiangsu province after she asked her daughter in law for a bowl of rice porridge. There are similar stories of these tragic occurrences. There is one that deals with farmers in the same province. This family allowed their 100 year old matriarch to sleep in a pig sty and sharing close quarters with a pungent pig. These acts are wrong and immoral, because an elderly human being ought to be treated with profound dignity and respect. Yet, this still doesn't signify the elderly law in China. Also, many Americans are hypocritical in criticizing China on this issue, but refuse to expose the evil War on Drugs and the health care problems harming the elderly in the States.



Canada pays taxes for universal healthcare and now they are richer than us in many arenas. There is a battle going on between the Governor of Maine and the Maine Legislature over the opportunity offered by the federal Affordable Care Act (to expand the MaineCare program). The proponents of the expansion of MaineCare are justified in their arguments on both moral and economic grounds. The expansion will give health care coverage for almost 70,000 low income Mainers who will otherwise receive no assistance from the ACA. More coverage would cause better management of the huge, burgeoning level of chronic illness as the population ages. This reality will drive down the use of expensive crisis oriented emergency services as well as the illness inducing stress produced by out of control health care bills in low income patients (already afflicted by poor health). 100 percent of the costs of the proposed expansion will be borne by the federal government for at least the first three years of the program (gradually reduced to 90 percent by 2020). That means that MaineCare expansion under the ACA can give significant economic benefits to Maine via federal dollars. Jobs can be created by this situation too. There is a new study released recently by the Maine Center for Economic Policy and Maine Equal Justice Partners. It found that if MaineCare expanded under the terms of the ACA, it would stimulate more than $350 million in economic activity, lead to the creation of 3,100 new jobs, and will result in the generation of up to $18 million in state and local taxes. The Legislature has refused to override the governor's veto of the expansion. Therefore, these federal dollars (including those originating from Maine taxpayers) and their associated benefits will go to other states that accept deal. Some opponents of the expansion made the silly argument that the feds will not keep their word even if it is now written into the law. They claim that folks won't be able to get rid of the extra costs should they renege on their commitment. Others are philosophically opposed to bigger government even if it can help the general welfare of humankind. Some disagree with MaineCare out of spite, which is a disgrace. The PL 90 health insurance reform law was passed by the Republican legislature in 2011. Now, there are older, rural Mainers pitted against younger, urban ones. This discrimination is the basis of the insurance business. Some reactionaries hate Medicaid. In Canada, their tax dollars pay for their health care to those who can't afford it on their own. Health care is a human right. In some nations, they finance their publicly administered systems through broad-based taxes or a simplified system of tax-like, highly regulated premiums. Participation is mandatory and universal. Taxes advance the general welfare of society. Oliver Wendell Holmes once said, “Taxes are what we pay for a civilized society.” The wealthy pay more because they have benefited more. Most folks in Canada love their health care system and now the average Canadian is wealthier than the average American. The Canadian Parliament is not opposing the Canadian health care system at all. Universal health care is still the goal at the end of the day.


One of the greatest heroes of South African history was Lillian Masediba Ngoyi. She was a known South African anti-apartheid activist. The Sister Lillian lived from September 25, 1911 to March 13, 1980. She was born to six children in Pretoria. She was the first woman elected to the executive committee of the African National Congress. She was arrested for trying to use post office facilities that were reserved for whites. This was part of the 1952 Defiance Campaign, which was about activists opposing publicly the evil system of apartheid.  She helped to launch the Federation of South African Women. She joined the ANC Women's League in 1952. She was at that stage a widow with 2 children and an elderly mother to support. She worked as a seamstress. A year later, she was elected as President of the Women's League. On August 9, 1956, Ngoyi led a march along with Helen Joseph, Albertina Sisulu, and Sophia Williams-De Bruyn of 20,000 women to the Union Buildings of Pretoria in protest against the apartheid government requiring women to carry passbooks as part of the pass laws. She was internationally known globally as a human being who struggled against apartheid and sought the emancipation of black women. She traveled to Lausanne, Switzerland in 1955 to participate in the World Congress of Mothers. This was audacious and highly illegal, but she was courageous. The Congress was held by the WIDF or the Women's International Democratic Federation. She came there with her fellow activist Dora Tamana as an official delegate of FEDSAW. She traveled out of the country with Tamara. She visited England, Germany, Switzerland, Romania, China, and Russia. She meet with women leaders who were involved in progressive politics. She was a wanted woman when she arrived back into South Africa. Ngoyi was a strong orator and inspired many of her colleagues in the ANC. She was arrested in 1956, spent 71 days in solitary confinement, and was for a period of 11 years placed under severe bans and restrictions that often confined to her home in Orlando, Soweto. There is a community health center in Soweto that is named in her honor. An environmental patrol vessel was named Lillian Ngoyi in her honor (in November 16, 2004 via the South African Ministry of the Environment). By August 9, 2006, there was the 50th anniversary of the march on Pretoria, Strijidom Square from which the women marched. It was renamed Lilian Ngoyi Square and August 9 is commemorated in South Africa as Women's Day. One of the reasons why I want writing about this issue is because of the documentary about Venus Williams in the IX for IX series which is being shown now in ESPN. Venus Williams led an effort to allow women to be paid the same amount of money as men when they perform in Wimbledon. This never occurred until as late as in the 21st century. Venus Williams organized with tennis players and other leaders as a means to make equal pay a reality. A young woman from Compton showed the world that human beings from across socioeconomic backgrounds can make a huge difference in the world society via positive efforts. So, it showed the truth that many women contributed a lot to not only gender equality and equal pay movement, but the overall human rights movement in general.


 It is easy to see that the Western Empire is being exposed for harboring imperialism and other nefarious evils in the world. We have witnessed NATO puppets and other agents of Empire harming the world for almost six decades. The UK, Germany, and even France have been in league with the agendas of Western imperialists. Washington sends money to these various nations as a means to advance the war on terror. The rich are getting richer. In a world in which every member of the Forbes Four Hundred is a billionaire plus or multi-billionaire, $35,000,000 just doesn’t cut it. In 2006 the manager of one hedge fund was paid $1,700,000,000 for one year’s thieving. Another 25 were paid $575,000,000 for their skills in front-running trades. $35 million is probably the annual budget for their household servants. Even decades ago, Charles DeGaulle refused to join NATO. Recent news are coming that Washington spies even in Germany and the EU. Some authorities in Germany, France, and other EU governments are upset at the news. These nations being subservient to Washington have not protected them and their citizens from being spied upon at all. Many of these European nations have sent their troops and armaments into Afghanistan as a means to be militarily involved against the Taliban (and Washington is being found to spy on the personal lives of the citizens of Europe). The Merkel government feels embarrassed about the news. Some reports said that a spokesman for the German Federal Prosecutor said that the office is preparing to bring charges against the UK and US intelligence services. The Snowden affair is still occurring. There could be the extradition of NSA and UK spy operatives who have violated the law and the trust among nation-states. The German Justice Minister, Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenburger, demanded an “immediate explanation” why Washington was applying to Germany policies “reminiscent of the actions against enemies during the Cold War.” France wants no cooperation with America on any issue unless Washington gives them full assurances that Washington will stop spying on France. The president of the European Parliament, Martin Schulz, and the EU Commissioner for Justice, Viviane Reding, demand Washington’s answer to Snowden’s revelations that Washington has betrayed its own allies. The reality is that the European leaders know that the Western empire have lied in the Tonkin Gulf incident, the Iraqi weapons of mass destruction, about Iranian nukes, about Assad's sarin gas attack, and many of the FBI evils in the world. We know about not only the threats from neoconservative war mongers like William Kristol. We have neoliberal agents as well from the Secretary of State John Kerry to the National Security Advisor Susan Rice. It has been the European elites that have worked in the military industrial complex as well. Even after the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, NATO still exists 22 years later. NATO has grown in Eastern Europe. Now, we see some in NATO wanting Georgia a new member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. If that would happen, then Georgia would be a treaty protectorate of Washington and its NATO puppets. China is surrounded with Western military exercise and new naval, air, and troop bases. These bases are in the Pacific and South China Sea. The truth remains. Justice may be a long journey, but justice will occur at the end of the day.


By Timothy


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