Friday, August 09, 2013

More Truth From Trojan Pam

@ Ms J
who said, “I highly doubt that Tommy Sotomayor’s videos are going to help Black men get better employment, lower their imprisonment rate, or improve their educational prospects.”
Now, ain’t that the TRUTH?!??
The not so funny part is the WHITE FEMALE is rising the FASTEST up the corporate ladder while the black male is falling off the FASTEST and from what I can see, the white female ain’t holding out a helping hand to him…
It is utter insanity that bashing black females would be given any amount of time or energy or credibility from black males who are in a sinking ship (and so are we with them by default)
the irony is the more black males divide themselves from black females and bash us, telling themselves the LIE that we are the problem, the worst things seem to be getting for them.
The overall condition of black males where I live (in the Chicago area) is heartbreaking when it comes to mental illness, homelessness, suicide, homicide, criminality, homosexuality, fatherlessness, pants hanging off the azz-itis, unemployment OFF THE CHAIN, incarceration and police brutality OFF THE CHAIN, locking black males up for any and everything, expelling them from schools for any and everything,
and more and more and more black males (in my city) are standing on the corner and outside liquor stores at EIGHT IN THE MORNING drinking out of brown paper bags or stopping you on the street either asking for a handout OR trying to sell me a “loose square” (a single cigarette)
while black females are standing at the bus stop going to work at mostly low-paying jobs
It is really bad here in Chicago for black people, so bad that the imagery of the past — before so-called integration and during segregation — are now haunting the streets of Chicago with a distinct flavor and it’s called
It’s so thick among the 30 PERCENT (!) of black males that are UNEMPLOYED in my city that you can CUT IT WITH A KNIFE.
That’s why I’m AMAZED that ANY black male would spend any amount of time bashing black females. OR bashing the young black female on the witness stand in the Trayvon Martin
INSTEAD of blaming the white prosecutor who allowed a jury with NO black people on it and who obviously DID NOT prep Rachel Jeantel BEFORE she testified and if Zimmerman walks, some of us will be blaming HER for no other reason than she’s a “mean and evil” dark-skinned black female.
sad, sick, and self-genocidal behavior, that’s the only way I can describe it.


@ all black males
If I may add one more thing (and please forgive me for posting so much but some of Abagond’s topics really hit HOME with me)
Please, please consider what I’m about to say;
Black females are the MOTHERS of the next black generation and if they are constantly and relentlessly DEGRADED they cannot properly raise OR civilize their black children.
For a woman to be ABLE to CIVILIZE her children, she must be treated in a CIVIL MANNER. So, the way that black male REFER to black females is SUPER IMPORTANT in how the black female SEES herself and HOW civilized she behaves and what kind of MOTHER she will become.
That’s why the Honorable Elijah Muhammad (and Muhammed Ali) spoke about this so often. Because he was a black man who came out of the most brutal racist era and he knew what the dangers were of degrading your OWN women.
There is NO WAY black people can civilize our black girls who will one day become black WOMEN when they see black males calling them foul names and/or degrading them
and most of the black females today under the age of 40 have grown up hearing the LANGUAGE of rappers about black females and have SEEN the imagery of so many famous black males choosing anything but a black or black-looking female
(and I don’t mention white people in this because they have ALWAYS degraded us AND if black people DEFENDED each other, I personally could care LESS what white people said)
One last thing to consider:
These degraded black MOTHERS are raising the NEXT GENERATION OF BLACK BOYS and if YOU teach them to HATE black males because they believe you are DEGRADING them instead of protecting and DEFENDING them
these DEGRADED black females may ONE DAY take out their HURT FEELINGS on their BLACK SONS
(Unfortunately, I have SEEN this happen)
Hurt people hurt people.


@ Mstoogood4yall
Most black people grew up with the IMAGE of a WHITE JESUS – which ALSO means GOD MUST BE WHITE and by default more people, especially the white male become GOD-LIKE
which is why they FORCED Christianity down the throats of African slaves AFTER they took away our TRUE RELIGION — and why non-white people all over the planet were attacked by white “missionaries” holding the BIble in one hand and a stick in the other
How can you be a white racist slave trader or owner and a Christian at the same time? We NEVER asked that most important question
White people represent GOD to the former slaves so for some of us criticizing whites is NOT only dangerous it goes against our “slave religion”
Add to that the RELENTLESS PROGRAMMING in the white media, news and entertainment programming black people to be MORE empathetic toward whites saving and rescuing and assisting white females, white little girls, and white humanity in general
like Denzel and Morgan Freeman movies and Halle Berry’s movie
“The Call”) now saying that BLACK WOMEN are supposed to be MAN-LIKE, risking our lives to save the white damsel in distress ???
It’s no wonder we don’t criticize white people.
They are GOD-LIKE in our confused black eyes.


@ satanforce
Only addressing your last response to me
If some black mothers are already doing this (and maybe his was one of them) WHY are they doing this?
That’s the real issue. But to blame a DEGRADED PERSON for acting in a DEGRADED MANNER while you are STILL DEGRADING doesn’t make them the problem, it makes the people who STARTED the degradation
the real problem
and my advice to ALL the Sotomayors out there is this:
The next time there’s a Jena Six (where a BLACK FEMALE started a petition and the movement to bring justice to SIX BLACK BOYS being railroaded by white males and females into prison for a simple schoolyard fight)
ask the white and Asian and Hispanic females to support you and take that long 11 hour bus ride to Jena, Lousiana
The next time you get into trouble DO NOT CALL your black mother, grandmother, auntie, sister, or friend to BAIL YOU OUT
the next time you lose your JOB, DO NOT CALL your black mother, grandmother, auntie, sister, or friend to HELP YOU OUT or give you a place to stay or feed oyou
the next time you are sitting up in a JAIL CELL, DO NOT CALL your black mother, grandmother, auntie, sister, or friend to take the six-hour bus ride to PRISON or to put any MONEY on your “book”
the next time you need a college education or school supplies DO NOT CALL your black mother, grandmother, auntie, sister, or friend to do ONE D thing for you
the next time you open a business DO NOT CALL your black mother, grandmother, auntie, sister, or friend or black females in general to support you or your business
ask the Hispanic, white, and Asian female to bail you out, to march for you, to protest on your behalf, to visit you in prison and put money on your books, to raise you, educate you, support you, or do any of the MILLION THINGS


Honestly I hate Tommy Selloutayor! I hate the way he puts down Black women and lumps Black women into a mole that we are all ghetto, ratchet, weave looking b_____. We constantly refers to Black women as h_____ and b____ in his videos. I am sick of Black men like him putting Black women down on Youtube, online and in public.
I am nothing like that at all and I am a Black woman.


(continued — accidentally hit the ENTER key)
that black females do for black males.
because I didn’t see ANY Hispanic females on that BUS to Jena, LA
I didn’t see any Asian females marching up and down to protest the killing of black male youth
and have NEVER, EVER seen a white female working two or three jobs to put their black sons through college
But I have seen black MOTHERS make HUGE sacrifices for their male and female children
and I have seen black FEMALES standing up and STARTING ORGANIZATIONS to defend and protect black boys even while black girls are seldom given the same in return by black males
It is DISGUSTING, DISTASTEFUL, DISHONORABLE, and frankly, UNGRATEFUL for black males FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER to bash black females as a group when the DEBT OWED is so HUGE
and I suspect, that, too, is part of the reason for so much black female bashing by some (not all) black males
The secret SHAME at needing so much AND giving back SO LITTLE


@ Ms J
to respond to your direct post to me
I doubt you’ll get a response because I suspect most of us already know the answer. My main point is NOT to change the minds of Sotomayors but to EXPOSE it
Even the most virulent white racist can tell partial truths about black people but the important thing is the overall message AND intent
for example, he could say “black males overall commit a lot of crimes”
most black males would not sit there and nod their heads and say, “You know, he’s right” —
they would discard his entire message as “racist” even though some of what he said might be true about some of them. that’s why I doubt black males would be so “objective” if a black female “Sotomayor” posted nasty things about black males.
They wouldn’t even THINK of picking out the good parts and discarding the rest, they would trash her entire message and would throw her into the pit as a mean, angry, black male hating black female
And this is what ATTEMPTED SEXISM and BLACK MISOGYNY looks like
a HUGE DOUBLE STANDARD laced with a big dose of DENIAL
Black males will vigorously object to being stereotyped by anyone but seem to have no problem ignoring it when it happens to us (black females)
that is very unfortunate and now i will take a break from this

@ SugarKiss
who said: “Why can’t we just smother this dude with black love?? Black folk need to purge ourselves of the need for conflict and drama.”
How powerful would that be? Black people either putting him on ignore OR lavishing “love” on Sotomayor and all the wrong headed entertainers who spread poison among an already struggling people.
People who feed on conflict and hate SHRIVEL UP when their hate is not returned or fed into
Your post shows how advanced your thinking is and I admit I’m not there yet — maybe I never will be but what you wrote is certainly something to think about
especially when this is EXACTLY what the white supremacists WANT us to do
bicker with each other and at the end of the day, no matter which side we’re on, we ALL LOSE because we haven’t solved a SINGLE PROBLEM but have wasted a TON of energy and time
In spite of all, I know the ONLY way black people in america will survive is coming together as much as possible despite our differences and learning to treat each other with RESPECT even when we don’t know how to LOVE
The handwriting is ON THE WALL, the way we play the next hand we’re dealt will be entirely up to us
(hope you’ll check out my blogs!)


@ SugarKiss
In all honesty, after reading my last post, I had to keep it real
I don’t think I could smother Sotomayor with “love” but I could smother him with a pillow (just joking, kind of)
What I CAN do is NOT feed into it, and that might be as good as it gets for me.
Perhaps another way to “love” a Sotomayor type is to NOT focus on him but treat him like the CAR and not the DRIVER. He’s just a VEHICLE that has been PROGRAMMED by the white supremacy drivers
and instead of falling into the DIVIDE and CONQUER the BLACK MALE AND FEMALE TRAP
I would suggest focusing our attention on all the black males we know who are nothing like him. Most black males I know are NOTHING like this, despite any faults they may have.
To the ladies — try to think about the black males who have cared for you and (hopefully) have raised you, and helped you and the ones you admire
to the men — try to think about the black females who have cared for you, raised you, loved you and helped you and the ones you admire
It’s really our choice as to how we CHOOSE to SEE other black people and that doesn’t mean we have to like or love every black person,
but at least creating some emotional firewalls to keep us from falling into the Sotomayor trap of hating other black people and ultimately hating ourselves
Because, at the end of the day, do any of us really want to be like Tommy?


@ Mstoogood4yall
I thought the same thing when I watched a TV show about Justin Timberfake (I like that!) and he had to learn how to “move” and “sing” from black males who are probably broke while Timberfake has become a household name
black people give away our talent and creativity all the time trying to “help” white people get “soul” who then PRETEND that they created the music and dance instead of black people.
I don’t know if black people “step” where you’re from but stepping is a HUGE deal among blacks in Chicago and now white people are easing on in, trying to learn about it and within a decade
they will be the CREATORS of “stepping” and call it something else, like Saturday Night Fever pretended that John Travolta could dance better than black people
(gimme a break)
Look at black music and how white people would win on American Idol imitating black people
that’s like me entering a Chinese cooking contest and I beat out the same Chinese people that taught me the recipes
Only in amerikkka!


“The most disrespected person in America is the Black woman, the most unprotected person in America is the Black woman, the most neglected person in America is the Black woman.”
— Malcolm X
Black racist misogynists like Tommy Sotomayor are severely damaged individuals. Their words and actions are a virus that bring nothing but pain and dysfunction to the Black race.
These people are the ones who degrade and disrespect their mother; the black woman while protecting and uplifting the white man’s mother.
I love this blog; I read every post but I’m disappointed by this one.

Thanks for the information AND for providing a more SOMBER look at the dangers of the Sotomayors of the world AND why I feel that this kind of public sewage masquerading as “advice” and “intellectual food for thought” is one of the MOST DANGEROUS things black people could be doing in a (white) nation that is moving against us in every way imaginable.
I used to spend a good deal of time reading BlackPlanet and posts and was ASTOUNDED by the level of sheer HATRED being spewed by some black males AGAINST black females, at the point of being IRRATIONAL.
So i decided to compare the posts and threads created by black females with the ones created by black males
and came to the unfortunate conclusion that black males were functioning in an OFFENSE/ATTACK posture while black females were functioning in a SELF-DEFENSIVE posture
which was very similar to the way whites and blacks interacted on the internet, with whites in the ATTACK/OFFENSIVE mode and blacks were in the SELF-DEFENSE mode.
It seemed that the black females were DEFENDING THEMSELVES after being attacked. Black males were NOT DEFENDING THEMSELVES from attacks by white males and females but were ATTACKING black females.
I was stunned, angered and frightened because I couldn’t help but remember all the times as a young black female that I had been put in this position in real life — by both black male acquaintances AND by strangers who were taking out their fear and frustration on me.
I have been cursed at, threatened, hit, kicked, defamed, disrespected more times than I can count JUST for being black and female and being on a public street or riding public transportation. I’m not sharing this as a toe of WOE (oh, poor me) I’m making a POINT.
Due to the severe psychological MALFUNCTION of the black personality after 400 years of chattel slavery and 150 years of racist oppression that the MONSTROSITY that was created has become a distinctly anti-black AND anti-black-female PERSONALITY
A friend of mine had a blog on BlackPlanet, he is a very pro-black, counter-racist, protect-the-black-female and child at all costs blogger (crammasters) who got into this HUGE conflict with a black male poster who claimed to be “pro-black” but was actually very ANTI-BLACK-FEMALE and felt that black males should only talk to other black males to “solve” the problem of racism.
This poster, I’ll call him Mr. Z, became INFURIATED when crammasters posted a video by a black female who did a short film on black females being harassed in the street (which is very common in Chicago) and Crammasters added that rape against black females (which is at an EPIDEMIC level in Chicago) was something that should concern black males because these are our mothers, sisters, daughters, etc.
Mr. Z. (who lived in Chicago) went ballistic and said black females weren’t S anyway and didn’t deserve to be protected, and blah, blah, blah — and he started posting long posts on crammasters blog that were totally incomprehensible until crammasters had him blocked.
My point is this black male (Mr. Z) and Sotomayor are the MONSTROSITIES that Mr. Neely Fuller, Jr. talks about,. that white supremacy has created MONSTERS (white people) and MONSTROSITIES (black people) which = malformed personalities.
(I have a ton of Mr.Fuller sound clips on If you haven’t listened to Mr. Fuller, you are missing out on a GREAT deal of clarity about the system of white supremacy)
(continued on next post)

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