Friday, August 09, 2013

Tommy Sotomayor Exposed

“No nation can rise higher than its woman.” — the Honorable Elijah Muhammad
“Social progress can be measured by the social position of the female sex.” — Karl Marx
This is something every group of men understand except the american negro male, which is why he continues to struggle and suffer along the bottom of every social and economic demographic in america.

And this lack of understanding that a man can only rise as high as he holds his women
is one of the main reasons it has been SO EASY for white people collectively to keep his foot on the black male’s NECK, because only a psychologically DESTROYED male would trash the place he came from — the women who represent his mothers, grandmothers, sisters, and daughters
while rewarding and praising the same people (racist white man and especailly racist white woman!) who have participated in and benefited from his oppression over the last 500 YEARS. Now, that is a stone cold recipe for SELF-GENOCIDE.
Black males like Sotomayor are playing right into the hands of the white slave-owners and the white supremacy system that destroyed the African male/African female relationship and black family.
I could see this coming years ago, the open warfare between black males and females — most of the GUNFIRE coming from black males — and I have watched the anti-blackness among black people explode in the last 10 to 15 years thanks to the white MEDIA using black “entertainers” to degrade and defile and defame and stereotype other black people — especially black females.
All in the name of “black progress” as more blacks became “black rap music stars” and “black movie stars” and black “comedians” and “black TV stars” who white people paid a LOT of money to degrade and dehumanize other black people.

All of this has been widely successful because the american negro does NOT know who we are (having had our identity stripped from us 500 years ago) we allow our enemies via the media to DEFINE who we are and what we — black male and black female — should be to each other.
And we eagerly accepted the UGLY images of ourselves because we seemed to think a handful of blacks making “big money” was more important than respecting ourselves.
It looks like the white slave-owners and today’s white supremacy system have succeeded beyond their wildest expectation, and to see this SUCCESS all one has to do is to look at the rapid decline of the black family, that heart-breaking despair of black children nationwide, the rising unemployment and homelessness and poverty rates of black people nationwide, the rising rate of incarceration of blacks males and females, the rising suicide and mental illness rate,
and the rising number of blacks being literally PURGED out of the schools, the universities, the workforce and even inner-city urban areas and their homes is a testimony to the success of the destruction of black people in america

while we continue to fuss and fight with each other demonstrating before the entire planet the american negro’s GROSS COLLECTIVE ANTI-BLACKNESS, CONFUSION, INSANITY, AND SELF-HATRED for gleefully participating in our own demise.


Ms. J
The easiest thing Black people can do is to STOP listening to Tommy Sotomayor. I don’t pay him one ounce of attention.
I bet that if he was talking like Mr. Neely Fuller, Dr. Welsing, or other conscious Black scholars, he’d get much less views.
But I will say that I notice this trend of Black people bashing each other via YouTube. I don’t see Whites, Asians, and Hispanics doing this at the same rate that we do, so maybe we need to consider this anti-blackness we have within ourselves. It’s an ugly trait we need to really get rid of.


@ sondis and solesearch
It is the ATTEMPTED SEXISM of some black males who are ATTEMPTING to imitate white male sexism against white females.
I say “ATTEMPTED” because practicing sexism requires POWER and black males collectively do not have POWER in a white supremacy system
They can’t stop black females or anyone else from living, working or playing where they choose to live, work or play
most black females are DOING BETTER than black males when it comes to education and economics
and that is where a lot of this resentment (even hatred) comes from, that the black male has been TAUGHT by example, that a man is supposed to be “above” his woman and the black male has never experienced that due to the white supremacy system
so due to his FEAR of confronting his true oppressors (racist white man and racist white woman) he takes the EASY way out by trying to oppress (control and degrade and belittle) the ONLY PERSON IN AMERICA that he thinks he can control, oppress, and degrade without suffering the WRATH of white supremacy system
the black female
The black male starting with slavery has neve been able to fully function as a man and had to watch the white male rape and abuse and degrade his women and children
and so to salvage his self-esteem and his sanity he decided they weren’t worth protecting or saving. I give this story in the book, “Black Love Is A Revolutionary Act”
and so we are still acting out our SLAVE OPPRESSION some 150 years later, this POISONOUS DYNAMIC of SELF-GENOCIDE on both a psychological and economic and sexual level.
as far as Sotomayor having some “valid” things to say, hell, a white racist can say some “valid” things about black people, and black females could say a hell of a lot of “valid” things about black males
but that is beside the point. The real issue — to me — is do black people want to survive what is coming? Do black people see the need to overcome our manufactured “personal” differences — because NONE OF US are free from defects
It is ridiculous to me for ANYONE to justify the VERBAL DUNG that the Tommy Sotomayors spew into the air just because they have met some black females they “didn’t like’
So what? I’ve met some black males I didn’t like but that would be NO excuse for me to spew filth all over the Internet about ALL black males and the black males who are “kinda” defending Sotomayor, I GUARANTEE you would NOT be defending me
It is SO absurd to me that any black male in america would waste precious time and energy bashing black females when it is white people who are putting him out of work and putting him into prison, and who control a system that would allow white cops to pump 100 bullets into unarmed black males and females while allowing Zimmerman to walk free after murdering Trayvon Martin with a 9mm
and any black male who thinks I’m the biggest problem he has…


@ Solesearch
I have long felt AND long advocated that MORE black males need to SPEAK OUT against the Tommy Sotomayors and Don Imuses of the world
Because DEFENDING and PROTECTING WOMEN is a CORNERSTONE of MANHOOD in every culture on the planet — except the negro culture.
it is why white males made so many movies showing themselves as HEROES and DEFENDERS of white womanhood (even while many were practicing homosexuality)
because the white man KNOWS that the way he PUBLICLY treats his women says EVERYTHING about the kind of MAN he is .
(While he encourages and praises and rewards the negro male for doing the opposite and privately laughs his butt off at the self-destructive and self-disrespecting confused negro male)
come on now, let’s tell the truth here, that’s exactly what is happening.
I would LOVE black males to defend my almost nonexistent honor that has been trashed from the FIRST day I stepped off the slave boats but on the real, but I don’t expect overnight miracles.
What I tell black males is — don’t do it for me. DO IT FOR SELF
I believe PRACTICING the ways of manhood would do WONDERS for the black male’s MANHOOD — that he was robbed of from the first day he stepped off the slave ship.
Instead of ROLLING OVER and laying belly up and demonstrating to their women, children and the rest of the world that the male negro really has been completely destroyed.


@ solesearch
I promised myself that this time I would not try to hog Abagond’s blog so I’ll keep it short.
I agree, they are not powerless. Of course they can CHOOSE to defend us or not. And just as obviously, most have chosen NOT TO.
I also agree that black females have no real power and like you said, make less money and have less power AS women in a male-dominated society. When i spoke of doing better, I meant more black females graduate from college and there are more of us in the workforce.
I don’t agree that my posts “excuse” black males but in fact, hold them accountable for their behavior. I also feel that black males and females should be our allies because that is the only POSSIBLE alliance we could form.
That we haven’t done so is due to the 500 years of brainwashing and gross mistreatment under the system of white supremacy — and I don’t hold us accountable for that. I do hold us accountable for learning our history and trying to overcome it because we DO have the power to educate ourselves and change our own behavior.
I don’t waste any more time trying to get white people to do anything. I think they have demonstrated their unwillingness to “do the noble thing” toward black people. That is not hypocrisy, that to me is LOGICAL.
I hear where you’re coming from and can respect our differences in opinion. Thank u.

@ trojan pam
wow u on a roll Bravo
I agree with u on all that u said. Some black men will just attack black women for everything, like the george zimmerman trial, they blaming rachel jeantel, when in reality she isn’t the one with george’s fate in her hands its white female jurors. They use a black face for things so that we get upset with that other black person when they are the ones pulling the strings and have the final say. it is why they put a black woman in charge of the schools in chicago and closed all those schools with her in the fore front. Why they didn’t do this before is simple they didn’t want a white person over it and black ppl calling them racist. They abhor the word racist it is like calling the devil out and exposing him it takes away some of their power. anyway tommy is lame and i encourage people to stop watching it especially black women. too many of us say we can’t stand shows like basketball wives & love & hip hop because it shows negative stereotypes about black women yet black women still watch it. I notice a lot of black men complain and say black women joined the feminist movement and messed the black community up. Well first off i don’t know anybody in my family that joined the feminist movement they were too busy raising a big family for all that. Second some of the ones that did, did so because the black movement wasn’t looking out as much for black women. Then when some of them joined the feminist movement they found they had to deal with racism, then they made the black feminist movement. Maybe if they were satisfied and felt protected they wouldn’t have left. They had to deal with sexism from the black movement and racism from the feminist movement. Still today we are in limbo and need to have our own organization for us black women, yet at the same time we don’t just abandon the black community either.


If no nation rises higher then their women then what sense does it make for some black men to bash black women? simple, it doesn’t, everybody knows this but some of them.If u stay putting black women down don’t think you will get ahead, then blame black women for your failure. Yes black women have issues but so do black men, and imo nobody wins if we try to see who is worse than who. What do u gain by saying these men/ women are no good and they do xyz. U just made yourself mad and didn’t fix a dang thing. I think a lot are cowards, they’ve been defeated and think if u can’t beat em join em. This is why we have these peter pans going around blaming black women for everything, because they don’t feel like men. They start mimicking their oppressor because they see how successful they are. The native americans did it now black men are doing it. But what they don’t realize is that they are mimicking the oppressor they will probably meet their end the same as the oppressors. It is a double standard with the way some black men act toward black women and other races of women. Black woman gets divorced and gets some child support and alimony everybody calling her gold digger. white woman divorces black man, takes half his money and gets child support that money goes back into white hands thus furthering white supremacy *crickets*. Tim duncan is going to get a divorce and his wife cheated on him, yet i don’t hear people saying oh she is a h____ and gold digger. Yall have been trained to put each other on blast for the little scraps that somebody else gets, but u are silent when a white person walks away with the steak.


Ms. J
@ Trojan Pam
You always tell the truth of the matter, and I absolutely LOVE that.
It’s like what you’ve said on The COWS about the theory of non-participation. Black people have to STOP criticizing and blaming each other for our pain and START doing constructive things to produce change.
I highly doubt that Tommy Sotomayor’s videos are going to help Black men get better employment, lower their imprisonment rate, or improve their educational prospects. In my book, his work is NOT constructive and needs to be avoided because those – and many other problems – hinder Black males and females from having better relationships with each other.
Our people really embody the “Crabs in a barrel” mentality. Rather try to counter our problems and the people who mistreat us directly, we always seem to turn against each other. And that needs to stop.


@ Mstoogood4yall
That is a trick white supremacists have successfully used on the american negro from day one. Pitting field against house slave. Black males against black females. And we still haven’t seen the trick they used, I think, because we don’t want to see it because once we stop blaming each other, we’d have to confront our real enemies and do something about it.
and that SCARES US TO DEATH, especially the black male because he knows from experience that racist white man and racist white woman will put a hurting on a black male.
Daniel Moynihan, a white Senator in the 60s (I think) came out with a “report” that said the black female ‘emasculated’ the black male — putting ALL the blame on the black female for the black male’s “condition” during segregation (????)
and many black males have been riding that TRAIN TO NOWHERE ever since. Holding black females accountable for what white people are doing to them (???) and saying we “conspired” with white females against them in the racist white woman’s liberation movement. I never met a single black female who called herself a “feminist,” — like you said, most were too busy trying to hold down the home front, working a job, cooking, cleaning, AND raising the children.
YET these same “revolutionary” black males who were accusing black females of everything under the sun, never called out the the white female for being a racist
because they were too busy sexing and marrying her to accuse her of anything and I see some are still doing that 30 years later and all I can think is — What kind of utter madness is that?
Over the years, I have heard some absolutely insane things come of black males’ mouths, like, “The only free people in america are the white man and the black woman” and “the white female is just as oppressed as black people”
and that used to TICK ME OFF to no end, black males showing MORE empathy for white females than for the females who RAISED and LOVED and EDUCATED THEM
And I would always challenge that MADNESS because the last time I looked i was still a n**ger and was still being mistreated, stereotyped and sexually and economically exploited and I D sure wasn’t “FREER” than the white female (!)
Then I began to understand WHY so many black males had bought into the LIE:
to make themselves feel better about being oppressed and to hide from their OWN FEAR of challenging their white oppression
Just blame ME — a black female.
Black males like Sotomayor and his “supporters” are like watching a black male in a sinking boat who is just minutes away from drowning, and his only response is trying to hold the head of the black female under the water to make sure she drowns first instead of trying to plug the holes in his own boat then pulling her into the boat to help him plug up the holes
That to me is the best description of the MENTAL ILLNESS that plagues many black males in america today.

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