Nixakliel on said:
Then w the break-up of the USSR & Russia turning from Marxist-Leninism & toward capitalism, many 3rd World socialist movements IE: the ANC’s allies S.Africa’s Communist Party & Labor Unions- became somewhat disoriented & misguided- ultimately allying w more ‘Centrists Reformist {neo}Liberal’ elements from the US & EU.
- In order for the white power elites to fully maneuver Mandela & the ANC into their ‘trap’ 3 things had to happen- the threat of protracted violence & bloodshed had to be on the table [which apparently Mandela & others understandably wanted to avoid], & also the removal from the scene of 2 key players- which at the time I for one failed to fully understand all of the implications. Thus we saw: 1} the break-up of Mandela’s marriage to Winnie [who’s barely even been mentioned by the lame-stream & even alternative media as they commemorate Mandela] & 2} the assassination of Chris Hani.
These 2 figures were both more ‘radical’ & grass-roots oriented than Mandela & had enough stature & influence w the S.African masses to check any move by the ANC to abandon its commitment to the ‘Freedom Charter’. Of course Winnie [once called the 'Mother of the Nation'] as Mandela’s wife [18 yrs his junior] could have definitely influenced him to adhere to the principals of the Freedom Charter. Thus reactionary elements linked to the Apartheid Regime- apparently in cahoots w elements within the ANC- hyped a scenario to tarnish Winnie’s rep [including alleged adultery] & break-up her marriage to Mandela [curiously though 'accused' of accessory to murder- she never went jail].
Contrast that w those convicted of Hani’s murder, stating that they were acting under orders by the Apartheid regime linked ‘Conservative Party’- allegations that were effectively white-washed & swept under the rug. After getting a ‘pass’ by the so-called ‘Truth and Reconciliation {c}Omission’, The Conservative Party remained active till 2003 when it formed Freedom Front Plus party in the ‘new’ S.Africa.
Nixakliel on said:
White people NEVER seem to either forget or forgive their alleged Black & Brown enemies. Did they forgive H Rap Brown, Mumia Abu Jamal, Assata Shakur, Geronimo Pratt, Leonard Peltier, Herman Wallace [who after releasing him from 40 straight yrs of solitary confinement, literally while on his point death-bed, the persecutor's office re-indicted him]- Khadaffi, Fidel, Chavez, Mugabe, etc,…??? Answer HELL NO!!!