Pro-God, Pro-Human Life, anti-New World Order, Anti-Nefarious Secret Societies, Pro-Civil Liberties, anti-Torture, anti-National ID Card, Pro-Family, Anti-Neo Conservativism, Pro-Net Neutrality, Pro-Home Schooling, Anti-Voting Fraud, Pro-Good Israelis & Pro-Good Palestinians, Anti-Human Trafficking, Pro-Health Freedom, Anti-Codex Alimentarius, Pro-Action, Anti-Bigotry, Pro-9/11 Justice, Anti-Genocide, and Pro-Gun Control. My name is Timothy and I'm from the state of Virginia.
Monday, December 09, 2013
Nelson Mandela Research
Nixakliel on said:
- Andrea Muhrrteyn said...
Lara on December 9, 2013 at 2:57 pm said:
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“the threat of protracted violence & bloodshed had to be on the table [which apparently Mandela & others understandably wanted to avoid]”
The ANC considered violence as their primary motivational factor to mobilized poor blacks. [Wikileaks: CableGate: ANC avoid defining "one-man one vote"; & need direct confrontation to mobilize their followers - Reference ID: 90CAPETOWN97].
The ANC could have ended apartheid nonviolent, long before sharpeville or Mandela chose to opt for a military struggle, by engaging with the Apartheid government to address the breeding and consumption war root causes of organized violence. They may have failed in such negotations, but if they had tried, they would have had the moral high ground [Letter to EU Anti-Apartheid Org's: Could the ANC have won liberation struggle Honourably and Non-violently; by ending their Swart Gevaar Breeding War?]
The assassination of Chris Hani, was ‘organized’ by the SA Communist Party, who contracted the job out to the ‘right wing’.
Neither Hani, nor Mandela or the ANC care one fig about the poor black people; all they cared about was their own ego’s and financial self enrichment.
The Freedom Charter is nothing more than the ANC’s version of Jim Jones Koolaid, and like ecological and egological illiterate zombies, the ANC and liberals blindly continue to drink it, believing that the earth is flat, they can breed and consume like rabbits on viagra, and resources are infinite; while their KoolAid cult leaders lead them like rats to drown in their greed. [New evidence in Hani death plot, January 31, 1997; Mail & Guardian]
“After getting a ‘pass’ by the so-called ‘Truth and Reconciliation {c}Omission’,”
The organization who benefited the most from the TRC Fraud, was the ANC who covered up (a) their Camp Quatro Terror camps where they tortured and murdered their own ANC members for years; not to mention Mandelas involvement in the assassination of Quatro whistleblowers [Mbokodo Quatro Uncensored]; (b) ANC’s ‘operation production’ policy which allowed its male ANC cadres ‘free sex’ to rape and gangrape female ANC members, forcing them to be ‘brood sows’ to breed cannon fodder for the ANC. Any female who refused to be raped, or was found using contraceptives was accused of being an ‘apartheid spy’; given a people’s court trial, and necklaced, where broken bottles were shoved up her vagina, as a ‘terror warning’ to any other black women who refused to be the ANC’s cannon fodder brood sows; etc. [Letter to EU Anti-Apartheid Org's: Could the ANC have won liberation struggle Honourably and Non-violently; by ending their Swart Gevaar Breeding War?] For the past ten years Mandela and the ANC have refused to support an impartial Truth Commission to address the root breeding war and consumption war causes of Apartheid violence. [Concourt: Alien on Pale Blue Dot v. Afriforum et al]
- Andrea Muhrrteyn said...
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- Andrea Muhrrteyn said...
Transparency IFreakUN TrunkQuill Hello Kennedy Truthseeker: Nelson Mandela Research of RH-MI response to BlackScholar at IMixWhatILike:
on December 29, 2013 at 12:27 pm said:
LOL. You are quiet entitled to your opinion.
If sincere, please clarify, do your black scholar ‘studies’ teach your black sheep how to develop nightvision sympathy; for useful idiots who don’t know how to (1) differentiate between an honourable tough love pink person, and parasite pink persons simply using you as useful idiot welfare vote farm sperm donors and brood sow cannon fodder on their welfare vote farm plantations (If not, he may be able to help); (2) or how to responsibly regulate their genital boxes, to avoid conflict about where to drill the village well. -
Then w the break-up of the USSR & Russia turning from Marxist-Leninism & toward capitalism, many 3rd World socialist movements IE: the ANC’s allies S.Africa’s Communist Party & Labor Unions- became somewhat disoriented & misguided- ultimately allying w more ‘Centrists Reformist {neo}Liberal’ elements from the US & EU.
- In order for the white power elites to fully maneuver Mandela & the ANC into their ‘trap’ 3 things had to happen- the threat of protracted violence & bloodshed had to be on the table [which apparently Mandela & others understandably wanted to avoid], & also the removal from the scene of 2 key players- which at the time I for one failed to fully understand all of the implications. Thus we saw: 1} the break-up of Mandela’s marriage to Winnie [who’s barely even been mentioned by the lame-stream & even alternative media as they commemorate Mandela] & 2} the assassination of Chris Hani.
These 2 figures were both more ‘radical’ & grass-roots oriented than Mandela & had enough stature & influence w the S.African masses to check any move by the ANC to abandon its commitment to the ‘Freedom Charter’. Of course Winnie [once called the 'Mother of the Nation'] as Mandela’s wife [18 yrs his junior] could have definitely influenced him to adhere to the principals of the Freedom Charter. Thus reactionary elements linked to the Apartheid Regime- apparently in cahoots w elements within the ANC- hyped a scenario to tarnish Winnie’s rep [including alleged adultery] & break-up her marriage to Mandela [curiously though 'accused' of accessory to murder- she never went jail].
Contrast that w those convicted of Hani’s murder, stating that they were acting under orders by the Apartheid regime linked ‘Conservative Party’- allegations that were effectively white-washed & swept under the rug. After getting a ‘pass’ by the so-called ‘Truth and Reconciliation {c}Omission’, The Conservative Party remained active till 2003 when it formed Freedom Front Plus party in the ‘new’ S.Africa.
Nixakliel on said:
White people NEVER seem to either forget or forgive their alleged Black & Brown enemies. Did they forgive H Rap Brown, Mumia Abu Jamal, Assata Shakur, Geronimo Pratt, Leonard Peltier, Herman Wallace [who after releasing him from 40 straight yrs of solitary confinement, literally while on his point death-bed, the persecutor's office re-indicted him]- Khadaffi, Fidel, Chavez, Mugabe, etc,…??? Answer HELL NO!!!