Wednesday, May 27, 2020

The World's Events.

I certainly believe in mail in voting. The fact that some, in the GOP, desire to sue California for expanding mail in voting shows their desperation. We know what Trump stands for. In the midst of civil liberties, he won't stand up against police brutality or against the harassment of black people in parks, homes, and other locations. In terms of the environment, he has ended the Paris Climate Accords and eliminated legitimate environmental regulations. On the economic front, he passed large tax cuts for wealthy, multinational corporations, while about 40 million Americans are unemployed. Even his opportunity zones only benefit primarily pro-privatization corporations not everyday working class including poor Americans. Even Twitter has criticized Trump on his false claims about mail in voting. In terms of the Trump administration's cabinet, they include many convicted criminals, reactionaries, and other extremists. Trump has notoriously made a mockery of the law, the separation of powers, etc. by rejecting legal subpoenas and having a true fit against anyone who disagrees with his views. Trump's words are not the words of a true role model. They are the words of a racist, narcissistic male who refuses to apologize for his many evils.

We have large lines in foods banks and almost 100,000 victims of the coronavirus in the United States of America alone. Trump has accused one journalist Joe Scarborough of basically murder which is a slander. We certainly recognize the lives lost during the pandemic as mothers, fathers, chefs, political leaders, religious leaders, doctors, nurses, lovers of the arts, and a wide spectrum of some of the greatest human beings in human history. These people are real heroes who worked day in day out in making the lives of us better. Their honor are always appreciated by us. During these extraordinarily times, we will always keep our faith. I have lived on this Earth among 5 decades. I've lived from the 1980's to the 2020's today. I have seen a lot and done a lot of things. Yet, my central faith and hope always remain stridently strong.

Recently, Donald Trump made many offensive tweets. Trump has also promoted posts from a racist Twitter tweet. While almost 100,000 people have died from the coronavirus, Trump has played golf during the Memorial Day weekend. Trump re-posted many tweets from the far right extremist John K. Stahl. Stahl attacked Nancy Pelsoi, Kamala Harris, and the African American political leader Stacey Abrams. John K. Stahl also made racist, sexist comments about MSNBC host Joy Reid. Stahl, Trump, and others make it their business to denigrate women, black people, and other folks who disagree with their abhorrent extremism. Trump is no real man, and he is no role model. Even from the basis of morality, Trump has shown that he is unfit to be President. Trump has accused Joe Scarborough of murdering a former staff member in 2001. We know this to be false. Trump has supported the tweets of the far right Muslim hater and migrant hater Katie Hopkins (who is from Britain) when most people in Britain came from continental Europe plus other places not from the UK originally. Even English is not indigenous to the UK. The language of English came from Germanic Indo-European languages.

As Maya Angelou has said, when someone tells you how they feel the first time, believe them. The xenophobic, deceptive ADOS crowd (who exploits the lives of black Americans in causing division in the black African Diaspora) and the far right Trump supporters omits that Trump has gutted environmental regulations (causing more people to be sick), never made policies to address police brutality federally, desires to end ACA health care protections legally, said slurs about majority black nations, cuts support for prisoner halfway houses for those transitioning back into society, and rolled back guidance on protecting black students from being punished more severely. Trump has shown no real agenda for black Americans and no real tangibles, so he should be voted out office on November of 2020.

Today, the FBI is investigating a case of how a black man died by having neck being pressured for 9 minutes (after the black man said that he couldn't breathe). The man's name is George Floyd. This is similar to the Eric Garner case in NYC where Garner couldn't breathe. The 4 Minnesota officers involved in the incident have been fired. It is a tragedy, and justice ought to exist. This has happened in Minneapolis, throughout America, and all over the world (as massive police against black people in found in Brazil, the UK, France, and even in Canada). The Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey said that, "Being black in America should not be a death sentence." He is right. The fact that we have to warn children about police misconduct tells us that we don't have totally freedom or justice right now. The fact that sick people want to blame the victims of oppression instead of the oppressors organizing injustice outlines that we have a long way to go in seeing the Promised Land. George Floyd lost his life on Monday night after 8 pm. Floyd's request for water as he couldn't breathe and blood came out of his nose. There is absolutely no excuse for the police harming and killing George Floyd. His family are entitled to unconditional justice.

By Timothy