Thursday, November 25, 2021

Thanksgiving 2021: Part 2





STEM Part 2: Innovations in the Modern Age (from 1500 A.D. to the Present). 


STEM Fields remain a major lifeblood of modern-day society. From driving vehicles to going out to studying the weather (which deals with radar systems, mathematics, and an understanding of science in an in-depth way), you have to respect STEM subjects all of the time. On this Thanksgiving of 2021, it is certainly time to write about this subject some more in this multi-part series. By the year of 1600, there was the stocking frame. With the Industrial Revolution and the steam engine, more inventions grew rapidly in constructing buildings and having more transportation from trains to large factory machines. Around this time, there was the evil Maafa and the international slave trade that ruin millions of innocent human lives. In fact, the blood of black people helped to build America and much of the modern Western world as we know it. That is why reparations for black Americans is a necessity. Advances in math, science, engineering, and technology increased in the 18th century, the 19th century, the 20th century (with the modern airplane and car vehicles), and in the 21st century. The time after World War II (which was the most destructive war in human history) saw a tremendous number of inventions in the modern world. In that era alone, we saw the computer chip, international air travel, the Internet, video games, and I Phones. It is also important to note that there is a digital gap where oppressed communities don't receive the same opportunities as more affluent communities in terms of access to STEM technologies. That should end completely. STEM is a lifelong reality. I do believe that black people, other people of color, women, and other minorities including the rest of the human race should have the right and the opportunity to pursue STEM fields. When we get older, we need medical devices to monitor our health, we need transportation to move around, and we have access to security systems to protect our homes. That is why people worldwide should live in a world filled with justice and liberation. Empowerment relates to eliminating structures of oppression and creating a system of justice in its place. STEM has great power, and we have to harness that power in constructive ways (from establishing clean energy to deal with climate change to expanding futuristic high speed rail systems). 



Transportation Expands


By the 1600's, massive developments came about. The modern-day telescope existed in 1608. There was a patent applied for by Hans Lippershey in the Netherlands. The telescope can allow people to see the Moon and other planets. Now, NASA have devices that can see other galaxies constantly. The mechanical calculator was created by Blaise Pascal in 1642. The barometer was created by Evangelista Teorricelli. The first piano was created by Bartolomeo Cristofoi in 1709. The artificial refrigeration machine was created by William Cullen in 1755.  1769 was the year when Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot invents the first steam-powered vehicle capable of carrying passengers, an early car. 1776 was when John Wilkinson invented a mechanical air compressor that would become the prototype for all later mechanical compressors. 1783 was when Joseph-Ralf and Jacques-Étienne Montgolfier build the first manned hot air balloon. Samuel Bentham created plywood in 1797. By 1799, the first paper machine was created by Louis-Nicolas Robert. By the end of the 1700's and the early 1800's, the world has gone through huge revolutions like the Haitian Revolution, the American Revolution, and the French Revolution. The world was rapidly turning away from monarchies, and a new era of human history was born. 



Scientific Knowledge Increased


By the 1800's, STEM inventions and discoveries flourished among the human race. By 1802, Jean-Baptiste Lamarck researched teleological issues. The atomic theory was created in chemistry by John Dalton in 1806. By 1807, Nicéphore Niépce invented the first internal combustion engine capable of doing useful work. Hans Christian Ørsted discovers that a current passed through a wire will deflect the needle of a compass, establishing a deep relationship between electricity and magnetism (electromagnetism) in 1820. By 1820, Michael Faraday and James Stoddart discovered alloying iron with chromium produces a stainless-steel resistant to oxidising elements (rust).  Thomas Johann Seebeck is the first to observe a property of semiconductors in 1821. Anselme Payen isolated the first enzyme, diastase in 1833. In 1838, Matthias Schleiden proved that all plants are made of cells. By 1842, Christian Doppler discovered the Doppler effect. Louis Pasteur formed the germ theory in 1861. Gregor Mendel established the Mendel's laws of inheritance, basis for genetics in 1865. Dmitri Ivanovsky discovered viruses in 1892.  Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen discovers x-rays in 1895. Henri Becquerel discovered radioactivity in 1896.  Marie Curie discovered radium and polonium in 1898. Marie Curie lived from November 7, 1867 to July 4, 1934. She was born in Poland, and she passed away in France. Curie earned the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1903, the Davy Medal in 1903, the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1911, the Willard Gibbs Award in 1921, and the Cameron Prize for Therapeutics of the University of Edinburgh in 1931. During her life, she developed mobile radiography units to provide X-ray services to field hospitals. She helped to break down barriers involving physics and chemistry. Her husband was French physicist Pierre Curie (1859-1906). 



20th Century Monumental Developments


The 20th century saw a monumental amount of STEM developments found in inventions and discoveries. In 1900, Theodor Kober designed the first Zeppelin. In 1903, we saw the first manually controlled fixed wing, motorized aircraft. It was flown at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina by Orville and Wilbur Wright. Boston saw the creation of the first use of articulated trams in the Boston Elevated Railway in 1912. By 1915, the first operational military tanks are designed, in Great Britain and France. They are used in battle from 1916 and 1917 respectively. In Britain the designers are Walter Wilson and William Tritton; in France, Eugène Brillié. (Although it is known that vehicles incorporating at least some of the features of the tank were designed in a number of countries from 1903 onward, none reached a practical form). In 1926, the Yagi-Uda Antenna or simply Yagi Antenna is invented by Shintaro Uda of Tohoku Imperial University, Japan, assisted by his colleague Hidetsugu Yagi. The Yagi Antenna was widely used by the US, British, and Germans during World War II. After the war they saw extensive development as home television antennas. In the same year, Robert H. Goddard launched his first liquid fueled rocket. In 1928, Philo Farnsworth demonstrates the first practical electronic television to the press. The Supersonic combusting ramjet was created in 1930 by Frank Whittle. In 1935, Nylon (or the first fully synthetic fiber) was produced by Wallace Carothers while working at DuPont. By February of 1940, Pu-239 isotope (isotope of plutonium) a form of matter existing with the capacity for use as a destructive element (because the isotope has an exponentially increasing spontaneous fissile decay) within nuclear devices was researched by Glenn Seaborg. The V-2 rocket was formed in 1942 by Wernher von Braun. On July 1945, the atomic bomb is first successfully developed by the United States, the United Kingdom and Canada as a part of the Manhattan Project and swiftly deployed in August 1945 in the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, effectively terminating World War II.



On December 20, 1951, there was the first use of nuclear power to produce electricity for households in Arco, Idaho. The hard disk drive was invented by IBM in 1956. I remember when I was a young person using a disk drive with a floppy disk during the 1990's and early 2000's to complete numerous assignments. The first functioning laser is invented by Theodore Maiman by 1960. The origin of the Internet called ARPANET was first deployed by UCLA, SRI, UCSB, and the University of Utah in 1969. Japan saw the invention of the pocket calculator in 1970. Email was invented by Ray Tomlinson in 1971. In 1971, the first single-chip microprocessor, the Intel 4004, is invented. Its development was led by Federico Faggin, using his silicon-gate MOS technology. This led to the personal computer (PC) revolution. In the same year, the first space station, Salyut 1 is launched by the Soviet Union. By 1972, the first video game console, used primarily for playing video games on a TV, is the Magnavox Odyssey. From 1973-1974, the Internet protocol suite (TCP/IP) is proposed by Vinton Cerf and Robert E. Kahn for the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) ARPANET, creating the basis for the modern Internet. The microcomputer revolution grew in the 1970's. In 1978, the Global Positioning System (GPS) enters service. While not the first Satellite navigation system, it is the first to enter widespread civilian use. In 1981, the first reusable spacecraft, the Space Shuttle undergoes test flights ahead of full operation in 1982. 

By 1982, the first laptop computer was launched. It was the 8/16 bit Epson HX-20. The lithium-ion battery is invented by John B. Goodenough, Rachid Yazami and Akira Yoshino. It has impacted modern consumer electronics and electric vehicles in 1985. The World Wide Web was first  first introduced to the public by English engineer and computer scientist Sir Tim Berners-Lee in 1991 (it was invented in 1989 by the same person at CERN). IBM Simon was the world's first smart phone developed by IBM in 1994. By 1995, the  DVD is an optical disc storage format, invented and developed by Philips, Sony, Toshiba, and Panasonic in 1995. DVDs offer higher storage capacity than Compact Discs while having the same dimensions. In 1998, the portable MP3 player is released by SaeHan Information Systems. 



21st Century Advancements


During the 21st century, STEM inventions and discoveries in general grew into new heights of magnificence. In the year of 2000, Sony developed the first prototypes for the Blu-ray optical disc format. The first prototype player was released in 2004. In 2001, there was the first draft of the Human Genome Project being published. The Human Genome Project is the international scientific project that identify the base pairs of human DNA (and map all of the genes of the human genome from a physical and functional standpoint. It was the world's largest collaborative project). It lasted from 1990 to April 14, 2003. Level "complete genome" was done by May of 2021. It was funded via the National Institute of Health plus many groups globally.  Grid cells in the brain are discovered by Edvard Moser and May-Britt Moser. 

By 2007, it was a year when history changed forever. I remember using cell phones before 2007, but the cell phones now are more advanced than computers from the 90s times 10. The year of 2007 is when Apple released the original iPhone. It was the brainchild of Steve Jobs, one of the innovator technology leaders of all time. The iPhone wasn't the first smartphone, but it was the first smartphone that popularized the touchscreen focused format. June 29, 2007 was when it was first released. It has a 3 axis acceleromter, proximity sensors, ambient light sensor, microphone, and headset controls. It completely changed the game. Time magazine named the IPhone as the Invention of the Year in 2007. In 2008, Satoshi Nakamoto developed the first blockchain that helps with economic development. In 2010, the first solar sail-based spacecraft called IKAROS was launched by Japan. In 2010, there was the first synthetic organism (or Mycoplasma Laboratorium being created by the J. Craig Venter Institute). Also in 2010, ASML released its first prototype of an extreme ultraviolet lithography machine. In 2019, IBM launched IBM Q System One or the first integrated quantum computing system for commercial use. By 2019, there are the first ever image of a black hole being captured. It used eight different telescopes taking simultaneous pictures, time with extremely precise atomic clocks.  In 2020, the first RNA vaccine was approved by the FDA. It was co-developed by Pfizer and BioNTeach for COVID-19. In 2020, NASA and SOFIA (the Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy) found about 12 oz. of surface water in one of the moon's largest visible craters. We will continue see more discoveries and inventions along the way. 





STEM has always been part of everyday human life for thousands of years. From the Sumerians creating the wheel to the many African American inventors of the modern age, STEM has changed the world in a myriad of ways. The way we turn on a vehicle with our keys, the way that electricity flows in a home, and the way how space travel is possible deal with discoveries and inventions. Back to basics, human history is filled with developing more simplistic tools to advanced computerized systems. One of the most important technological inventions are the computer and the iPhone that have changed the whole world for years. In the time frame of the thousands of years of human history, a diverse assortment of events happened. During ancient times, after the Ice Age, there was the Neolithic agricultural revolutions causing crops being domesticated. Later, there was the Bronze and Iron Ages that saw the Great Pyramids of ancient Egypt, other architectural marvels, and the growth of modern medicine that has helped human lives. During the centuries after the birth of Jesus Christ, there has been even more mathematical, engineering, science, and other technological discoveries like the finding of DNA to the mapping of the whole human genetic code. One of the most unsung scientists was George Washington Carver. He was a great scientist who aided in nutrition of farm families. He developed many recipes dealing with peanuts, etc. Another chemist named Percy Lavon Julian made chemical synthesis of medicinal drugs from plants. Lonnie George Johnson is an engineer who invented the Super Soaker water gun. One of the greatest STEM leaders of all time was the late Dr. Annie J. Easley (1933-2011). She was a computer scientist, mathematician, and rocket scientist. She worked for the Glenn Research Center of NASA, and she was one of the first African Americans to work at NASA. Birmingham, Alabama was the place of her birth, and she was an expert in computer engineering. She loved to ski too. So, we remember the past, so the present and the future can be better. That's our creed in living our lives. 



Appendix A: Celebrating Catherine Johnson 


In the realm of STEM films, you have to celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. Katherine Johnson. She was not only a history maker. She was one of the greatest mathematicians in human history. She lived from August 26, 1918 to February 24, 2020. Her parents were Joylette Roberta (Lowe) and Joshua McKinley Coleman. She was also the youngest of four children. Ever since she was young, she always had the gift to excel at mathematical abilities. She helped NASA to find the calculations of orbital mechanics. Her story is found in the movie Hidden Figures starring Taraji P. Henson, Janelle Monae, Octavia Spencer, Mahershala Ali, Kevin Parsons, Jim Parsons, and other actors and actresses. Dr. Johnson's worked help to make U.S. complex spaceflights very successful. She worked for NASA for 33 years, and she could master complex manual calculations. As one of the first African American women to work as a NASA scientist, she was an icon. She was born in White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia, and she lived in Newport News, Virginia before her transition. Newport News is in the 757 at Hampton Roads, Virginia. I'm from the 757 too. Johnson's work included calculating trajectories, launch windows, and emergency return paths for Project Mercury spaceflights, including those for astronauts Alan Shepard, the first American in space, and John Glenn, the first American in orbit, and rendezvous paths for the Apollo Lunar Module and command module on flights to the Moon. Her calculations were also essential to the beginning of the Space Shuttle program, and she worked on plans for a mission to Mars. In 2015, President Barack Obama awarded Johnson the Presidential Medal of Freedom. In 2016, she was presented with the Silver Snoopy Award by NASA astronaut Leland D. Melvin and a NASA Group Achievement Award. In 2019, Johnson was awarded the Congressional Gold Medal by the United States Congress. In 2021, she was inducted into the National Women's Hall of Fame posthumously.




The Mysteries of Life Part 6: Political Groups


In life, mysteries are being revealed all of the time. One of the truths coming about is that there is supranational politics. There are high level political and economic groups with disproportionate power in the world who control the majority of the Earth's wealth. These organizations, with their actions and policies, heavily contribute to the massive economic inequality and other socio-economic problems that we witness today in 2021. One example is a recent report about how some of the super wealthy use their resources to try to escape paying their fair share of taxation. Many of the same hypocritical xenophobes who complain about immigrants and migrants ignore how colonialism, anti-immigrant bigotry, and imperialism have harmed many people of the world (and that Europe and America have always had people of diverse ethnicities living in both places for a long time. Diversity is strength). Not to mention that Western imperialism has contributed to the migrant crisis. For decades, heroic scholars and authors have written on this subject. Some folks have been slandered as "theories" or "extremists" for bringing up the fact that some want a new world order or global government on Earth, but we should never apologize for having the right to develop independent inquiry or investigations of any topic under the sun. That is part of our freedom as independently thinking human beings.  The censorship agenda is ever real. In real life, I many of my comments were deleted by Youtube for making normal, non-profane words about various issues. Sometimes, I had to repeat my words more than 5 times in order for my commentaries to be seen in Youtube. That is why this censorship agenda is real, and the corporate media doesn't report on this on large measure. The reason is that some of them have a vested interest in keeping the public not knowing about real issues from oppression involving the people in Nicaragua to the real history of America (why do you think far right extremists are trying to unjustly ban books in schools and libraries). Why do you think very few people know about MK Ultra, the extent of NSA spying on the world's population, the existence of Operation Mockingbird (when the CIA used agents to infiltrate the mainstream media decades ago), and the NSM Memo (that overtly wants depopulation against black people and other people of color in the world as supported by Henry Kissinger). 


Like any group, the establishment is divided up into many factions. There are liberal, conservative, and other establishment type of figures. The corporate, moderate Democrats are funded by the same people as the corporate Republicans. The leaders of both major political parties have been complicit in the mass incarceration state, the Iraq War, the imperialism plus war crimes overseas, and other evils. History is unique plus nuisance, and we know many parts of history.  Why do you think neo-cons like Nicole Wallace (who worked for the Bush/Cheney war crime machine, and she supported Sarah Palin), Ana Navarro (his father was one leader of the Contra guerilla death squads in Nicaragua who was funded by the CIA), Joe Scarborough (who glorifies the atomic bomb dropper Harry Truman), and others are paid greatly by corporate media outlets? They may legitimately criticize Trump and his extremists, but they refuse to call for revolutionary change involving healthcare, education, and other issues (they certainly aren't advocating reparations for African Americans). The reason is that they are not independent progressive people. Many media corporate spokespersons are former FBI, former CIA, former NSA, and former Wall Street agents. That signifies a pattern that the establishment owns and controls the corporate, mainstream media. We know that neoliberals and neo-cons work together, and many multinational corporations contribute to economic inequality in the first place. As we know, the covert parts of history are still suppressed by many folks from Operation Mockingbird to the secret MK Ultra programs that modern day history books in large measure refuse to show to the general public. One example is how John Loftus said that much of the real history is suppressed, and he had high security clearances in the U.S. and NATO. In politics, we have governmental bodies and international institutions like the U.N, the E.U, NATO, and even G8 meetings. Also, there are economic powerbases like the World Bank, the IMF, the OECD, and the WTO that deal with political, military, and economic issues globally. Subsequently, there are shady things done by groups like the BCCI bank, the CIA, the MI6, the Mossad, and other organizations. The establishment had infiltrated many people who are Democrats (with foundation influence, Eastern Establishment money fund them in the billions of dollars) and Republicans (with high corporate interests funding them). In fact, it's a documented fact that Big Pharma and Big Oil fund the leaders of both the GOP and the Democrats. 


That is why in the corporate media, they may allow you to talk about some issues. Yet, when you talk about comprehensive issues like having class struggle (among the working class and the poor of every background worldwide), advocating universal health care, critiquing capitalism, promoting liberation for black people including all oppressed people, universal education, job security, and an end to imperialism, then that same corporate media (even some in CNN) would show hostility to you. We know that FOX News is a far-right propaganda network. That's self-evident and easy to see. Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson have shown themselves to be disgraceful individuals. I don't trust FOX's lies on progressive people. The corporate establishment is neoliberal in its orientation; therefore, they may give people token reformism but not revolutionary change. That point must always be emphasized. In other words, you have to talk about Wall Street, class issues, and racial justice issues in getting a comprehensive look on how the world works (and create solutions in changing the world for the better). For example, if you want to eliminate racism in society, you need more than just laws passed, though progressive laws must be passed. You have to eliminate economic oppression (and fight poverty), end structures of racial oppression, educate people on the beauty of Blackness, and address other class issues. It's time to show more of the truth. I feel like old times again, since I have been doing this for over 15 years old. The power structure at the top has a superclass of people (in the liberal establishment, conservative establishment, the Vatican network, the Middle East establishment, etc.), then international political groups, then multinational corporations, and then they control the masses of the people. So, we have the right to expose how a select group of mostly men have inordinate control over the majority of the Earth's resources. The following information is what many in the corporate media won't present, but the truth will always be shown here 100 percent. Now, let's go and explore these vital issues. 



The Pilgrim Society


The Pilgrim Society has been around since 1902. I have heard of this group for a long time. Even Fritz Springmeier have written about this organization. They are one of the most powerful political organizations in the world now. They have influences in corporations, businesses, and other aspects of this modern-day society. John T. Whiteford said that the Pilgrim Society have ties to John D. Rockefeller, J.P. Morgan, Thomas W. Lamont, and other people of the House of Morgan. The Pilgrim Society is about uniting Americans and British elites in forming a large powerbase of influence in world society. Many of the robber barons back in the 19th and 20th centuries (some of them are part of the Pilgrim Society) had ancestors from the UK. We know the robber barons back in the day used monopolies, bad working conditions, and financial corruption to advance massive profits. Nothing is new under the sun. The Pilgrim Society is part of the international banking system too. Professor Carroll Quigley's Tragedy and Hope book on page 324 admitted that this is the aim of international bankers: "...[The aim of the international bankers was] nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences." The Eastern Establishment (made up heavily of people from the Northeast with positive links to the British aristocracy and private clubs) wanted European history to be used as inspiration of foreign policy, but the new school establishment types or neo-cons wanted America to be on a messianic missionary mission to spread democracy worldwide, even by force. The Pilgrim Society is an Anglo-American powerful group.  


The Pilgrim Society wanted to have more ties among America and the UK. The St. George's Society of NYC and the American Society of London worked together in this endeavor too. The early Pilgrim Society members had meetings at hotels like the Victoria, the Waldorf, the Astoria, the Carlton Ritz, and the Savoy. Lindsay Russell, General Roberts, and Sir Harry Brittain had their first meeting in the UK at the Carlton Hotel on July 11, 1902. The Pilgrims in America and Britain have links to many families like the Warburgs, the Harcourts, the Rothschilds, etc. They have links to JPMorgan Chase and other international banking interests. The Pilgrims are the WASP elitists and other groups of people. From law firms to insurance companies including media companies (i.e. Pilgrim Society member Henry Luce founded Time Magazine in 1923), the Pilgrim Society has influence on these entities. New York and London banks have members from the Pilgrim Society. The Pilgrim Society are some of the leaders of the global elite. David Rockefeller, Kissinger, and other people are known people of the Pilgrim group. The Pilgrims worked with many Catholic leaders in order to explain diplomatic relationships with the Vatican. Many of them have ties to the Knights of the Garter, the Knights of the Thistle, Freemasonry, and the Order of St. John of Jerusalem. A large number of Pilgrims are CFR members, CFR executives, part of the Federal Reserve, etc. Pilgrim Society members work both with Zionists and Saudi wealthy elites too. Back in the 1950's, the Pilgrim Society member Sir Eric Drake wanted the coup in 1953 against Iranian Mohammed Mossadeq over Iran's nationalizing the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company (AIOC). It is no secret that many Pilgrim Society families like Morgans, Rockefellers, Carnegies, Osborns, Harrimans, etc. promoted eugenics movements of the early 20th century. Eugenics is the evil, racist philosophy that a person who is different is merited no dignity, sterilization, and treated as inferior. The truth is that all human beings are created equal from God, and they are entitled to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness period. Many Western banking interests aided the Nazi Empire originally via IBM, etc. For example, Thomas Watson was the leader of IBM during WWII. He was a 33rd Degree Freemason and he was a member of the Bohemian Grove. Watson didn't do anything when IBM's German subsidiary supplied the Nazis with punch card computer technology that contributed to extension of the Holocaust (i.e. Shoah). This has been documented in Edwin Black's book entitled, "IBM and the Holocaust: The Strategic Alliance between Nazi Germany and America's Most Powerful Corporation." It is no secret that many Wall Street bankers, industrialists, etc. support fascist movements in Europe. In America, fascist groups existed during the 1930's and the 1940's like the American Liberty League and the National Association of Manufacturers. These groups hated President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, because FDR advanced many progressive policies. Some British aristocrats supported Hitler and the Nazis. That is why Hitler, at a time, wanted an English/German alliance. Hitler was inspired to carry out his evils by the racist Westerners in America who promoted eugenics, Native American genocide, slavery, and other evils. The modern eugenics movement was supported by Sir Francis Galton or Darwin's cousin. Madison Grant was one of the most racist men in history. He was the chairman of the Zoological Society. Madison was not only a eugenicist. He wrote a book called The Passing Of the Great Race that promoted the myth of white racial supremacy and eugenics overtly. The co-author of the book was fellow eugenicist Henry F. Osborn. 

In 1933, he became involved in a controversy known as the Business Plot, when he told a congressional committee that a group of wealthy industrialists were planning a military coup to overthrow President Franklin D. Roosevelt, with Butler selected to lead a march of veterans to become dictator, similar to fascist regimes at that time. The individuals involved all denied the existence of a plot, and the media ridiculed the allegations, but a final report by a special House of Representatives Committee confirmed some of Butler's testimony.

Many Pilgrims opposed FDR's New Deal policies of stopping stock speculation, using watch dog agencies for banks, and having large scale construction projects for the unemployed. Social security, helping the homeless, and promoting a national minimum wage existed before Truman. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt was not perfect, but he was right to use many progressive policies to advance the general welfare of society. That is why you already know that I'm progressive on economic issues now and forever.  

Pilgrim Allen Dulles was once head of the CIA, and we know that Dulles was one of the biggest imperialists in American society. Dulles worked with General Walter Bedell Smith to promote the 1954 Guatemalan coup. In 1960, Dulles and Eisenhower promoted the unjust killing of nationalist leader Patrice Lumumba. Today, the Pilgrim Society is still in existence now. Pilgrim Conrad Black is a neo-con. Pilgrim General David Petraeus was an Army commander in Afghanistan and in Iraq. He was a CIA director under President Barack Obama. Historically, many families involved in the Pilgrim Society or Wall Street interests are Ford, du Pont, Rockefeller, Dulles, Harriman, Dillon, Mellon, McCormick, Hartford, Harkness, Duke, Pew, Pitcairn, Clark, Reynolds, Kress, Morgan Aldrich, Rothschild, Dulles, etc. 


The RIIA and the CFR

The Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA) came from the Round Table groups. The Round Table groups was the ideological ancestor of the RIIA. Cecil Rhodes was the racist UK industrialist and South African financier who wanted to make the British Empire to rule the world in making the "Anglo-Saxon race' control the whole world. That was from his own words. Rhodes wanted British imperialism to dominate Africa from Cairo to Cape Town. He wanted to have a monopoly of diamond mines in South Africa. Rhodes sent money to elitists via his will. The Rhodes Scholarship Fund promoted globalism ever since the early 20th century. The Council on Foreign Relations was formed in 1921. The CFR is a council of many elitists and political leaders with the goal of globalization, dealing with international issues, and debate certain issues. The CFR is a think tank that heavily deals with foreign policy issues. They have advised Presidents for decades from Woodrow Wilson to Joseph Biden. Its membership, which numbers 5,103, has included senior politicians, more than a dozen secretaries of state, CIA directors, bankers, lawyers, professors, and senior media figures. 

CFR meetings convene government officials, global business leaders and prominent members of the intelligence and foreign-policy community to discuss international issues. CFR has published the bi-monthly journal Foreign Affairs since 1922, and runs the David Rockefeller Studies Program, which influences foreign policy by making recommendations to the presidential administration and diplomatic community, testifying before Congress, interacting with the media, and publishing on foreign policy issues. The CFR was created after the end of WWI. In the late 1930s, the Ford Foundation and Rockefeller Foundation began contributing large amounts of money to the Council.  In 1938, they created various Committees on Foreign Relations, which later became governed by the American Committees on Foreign Relations in Washington, D.C., throughout the country, funded by a grant from the Carnegie Corporation. Influential men were to be chosen in a number of cities, and would then be brought together for discussions in their own communities as well as participating in an annual conference in New York. These local committees served to influence local leaders and shape public opinion to build support for the Council's policies, while also acting as "useful listening posts" through which the Council and U.S. government could "sense the mood of the country." The Council on Foreign Relations have had a huge role in the creation of the United Nations. The CFR has promoted containment, arms control, climate, and other issues in the 21st century. To put it on a scale, the CFR is mostly neoliberal (or moderate) in their political outlook. 



On page 405 of his Memoirs, David Rockefeller wrote:

“Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”

The Bilderberg Group 


The Bilderberg Group is one of the most famous, powerful political group in the world today. It was created by Dr. Joseph Rettinger (1888-1960) who was an economist, political philosopher, and political leader. The Bilderberg Group have annual meetings in places worldwide. They promote free market Western capitalism, neoliberalism, and other like minded interests globally. This proves that the real global elites are not some socialists but neoliberal capitalists. The group's founding place was at the Bilderberg Hotel in the Netherlands. The Bilderberg Group was created in 1954, and it is a group that wanted more dialogue among Europe and North America. Probably the greatest scholar of the Bilderberg Group is author Daniel Eustlin. Participants include political leaders, experts from industry, finance, academia, and the media, numbering between 120 and 150. Attendees are entitled to use information gained at meetings, but not attribute it to a named speaker. This is to encourage candid debate, while maintaining privacy. Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands have chaired its meetings until 1976. The current Chairman is Henri de Castries. Rettinger wanted to stop anti-Americanism in Western Europe. Retinger approached Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands who agreed to promote the idea, together with former Belgian prime minister Paul van Zeeland, and the then head of Unilever, Paul Rijkens. Bernhard in turn contacted Walter Bedell Smith, the then head of the CIA, who asked Eisenhower adviser Charles Douglas Jackson to deal with the suggestion.  The guest list was to be drawn up by inviting two attendees from each nation, one of each to represent "conservative" and "liberal" points of view.  Fifty delegates from 11 countries in Western Europe attended the first conference, along with 11 Americans. People from politics, economics, industry, finance, academia, and the media attend. About 120-150 people are there. About two thirds of the participants come from Europe and North America. Leaders of  IBM, Xerox, Royal Dutch Shell, Nokia and Daimler. Heads of state, including former King Juan Carlos I of Spain and former Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, have attended meetings.  A source connected to the group told The Daily Telegraph in 2013 that other individuals, whose names are not publicly issued, sometimes turn up "just for the day" at the group's meetings. In 2001, Denis Healey, a Bilderberg group founder and a steering committee member for 30 years, said, "To say we were striving for a one-world government is exaggerated, but not wholly unfair. Those of us in Bilderberg felt we couldn't go on forever fighting one another for nothing and killing people and rendering millions homeless. So we felt that a single community throughout the world would be a good thing."


According to the web page of the group, the meetings are conducted under the Chatham House Rule, allowing the participants to use any information they gained during the meeting, but not to disclose the names of the speakers or any other participants. According to former chairman Étienne Davignon in 2011, a major attraction of Bilderberg group meetings is that they provide an opportunity for participants to speak and debate candidly and to find out what major figures really think, without the risk of off-the-cuff comments becoming fodder for controversy in the media. It is no secret that the agenda of the European Union has been promoted by the Bilderberg Group. In Alden Hatch's biography of Bernhard, he said that the Bilderberg Group gave birth to the European Community which would later be the European Union. We know that the European Union has increased its political power since its founding. Ian Richardson sees Bilderberg as the transnational power elite, "an integral, and to some extent critical, part of the existing system of global governance", that is "not acting in the interests of the whole." An article in The Guardian in June 2017 criticized the world view expressed in an agenda published by the Bilderberg group.


Trilateralist Zbigniew Brzezinski (TC’s co-founder) wrote in his Between Two Ages – America’s Role in the Technotronic Era: “people, governments and economies of all nations must serve the needs of multinational banks and corporations. (The Constitution is) inadequate...the old framework of international politics, with their sphere of influence...the fiction of clearly no longer compatible with reality...”


The Trilateral Commission  

The Trilateral Commission's origin and goals are self explanatory. The Trilateral Commission is a non governmental discussion group. It was created by David Rockefeller in July 1973 in order to promote more cooperation between Japan, Western Europe, and North America. They have headquarters in Tokyo for the Asia Pacific branch, Paris for the European branch, and Washington, D.C. for the American branch. It has over 390 members and the chair people are Akihiko Tanaka, Jean-Claude Trichet, and Meghan O'Sullivan. The group wanted to end discords among regions of the world. One famous founder of the group was Zbigniew Brezezinksi, a Rockefeller advisor. Brezeinski also worked in the Carter administration and invested in the mujahideen to fight the Soviets during the late 1970's. He was Carter's National Security Advisor from 1977 to 1981. He worked at Columbia University too.  Famous members are Caroline Daniel, Walter Mondale, Joseph Nye, Robert R. Bowie, William Scranton, and other human beings. Social critic and academic Noam Chomsky has criticized the commission as undemocratic, pointing to its publication The Crisis of Democracy, which describes the strong popular interest in politics during the 1970s as an "excess of democracy." The Trilateral Commission had a huge influence on the foreign policy of the Carter administration. 

Ironically, President Jimmy Carter would be much progressive after his Presidency was over. In his 1980 book With No Apologies, Republican Senator Barry Goldwater suggested that the discussion group was "a skillful, coordinated effort to seize control and consolidate the four centers of power: political, monetary, intellectual, and ecclesiastical... [in] the creation of a worldwide economic power superior to the political governments of the nation-states involved." David Rockefeller was a Director of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and leading member of the CFR. He was one major founder of the Trilateral Commission. Brzezenski wrote many books detailing his agenda. One early one was "Between Two Ages: America's Role in the Technetronic Era." It was published in 1970. In it, he called for a new international monetary system. He wrote that, "Marxism represents a further vital and creative stage in the maturing of man's universal vision...The nation state is gradually yielding its sovereignty...More intensive efforts to shape a new world monetary structure will have to be undertaken." He called for a world government in pg. 308 in that book. His other book, The Grand Chessboard called for America to have more of an involvement in Central Asia and Eurasia to gain resources. How much more blatant can you get. Many multinational corporation leaders are members of the Trilateral Commission too. 



The Club of Rome

The Club of Rome was created at the Accademia dei Lincei in Rome, Italy, the Club of Rome consists of one hundred full members selected from current and former heads of state and government, UN administrators, high-level politicians and government officials, diplomats, scientists, economists, and business leaders from around the globe. It stimulated considerable public attention in 1972 with the first report to the Club of Rome, The Limits to Growth. Since  July 1, 2008 the organization has been based in Winterthur, Switzerland. The Club of Rome was formed in April 1968 by Italian industrialist Aurelio Peccei and Alexander King, a Scottish scientist.  It was formed when a small international group of people from the fields of academia, civil society, diplomacy, and industry met at Villa Farnesina in Rome, hence the name. The group deals with environmental and population issues. The club also has honorary members. Notable honorary members include Princess Beatrix of the Netherlands, Orio Giarini, Fernando Henrique Cardoso, Mikhail Gorbachev, King Juan Carlos I of Spain, Horst Köhler, and Manmohan Singh. Their report of Limits to Growth. It states that human beings are depleting the resources of the globe. Their 1991 publication of The First Global Revolution called the real enemy of the world itself humanity because of climate change and water shortages plus other issues. The truth is that humanity itself collectively is not the real enemy. The real enemy is a system of oppression causing these things to exist in the first place. The Club of Rome omits that world population growth will level and decline by 2050. Many, who advance the catastrophic population growth myth (like Henry Kissinger), have been advocates of massive, evil depopulation efforts in Africa, Latin America, and South Carolina (where black people and other people of color live at). The Club of Rome has promoted literature to advance the goal of a new international order. 

Carrol J. Quigley - Professor of International Affairs at Georgetown University, Bill Clinton's mentor.  The Ango-American Establishment:

"There is... an inner core of intimate associates who unquestionably knew that they were members of a group devoted to a common purpose and an outer circle of a larger number on whom the inner circle acted by personal persuasion, patronage distribution, and social pressure. It is probable that most members of the outer circle were not conscious that they were being used by a secret society."


Other Political Organizations


There are many secret political groups that few people know about. One is the Multinational Chairman's Group. The Multinational Chairman's Committee have members meet in private with the prime minister of England. They have meetings with other members of government that they want to speak to in private. Famous members of the Multinational Chairman's Group include Lord John Brown, Niall Fitzgerald, Sir John Bond, Sir Christopher Hogg, and Martin Broughton. The group of Le Cercle is one of the most secretive groups in the world. It is also known as Cercle Pinay by its original French founder. Jean Violet helped to organize it. Famous Le Cercle members were Otto Von Habsburg, Antoine Pinay, Jean Monnet, Konrad Adenauer, and Giulio Andreotti. They had links to the European Union, the European Coal and Steel Community of France, Germany, and Italy. Jean Monnet worked with leaders of the Chinese Green Gang Triad like Tse-Ven Soong or Chiang Kai-shek. In a speech before the elitist Council On Foreign Relations organization in New York earlier in 2010, President of the European Central Bank Jean-Claude Trichet called for the imposition of global governance to be bossed by the G20 and the Bank of International Settlements in the name of safeguarding the global economy. Many groups are influenced by the occult teachings. Alice Bailey, a leading spokesperson of the occultic Theosophical Society and member of Co-Masonry confirmed what Freemasonry is all about. She stated that, "The Masonic Movement is the custodian of the Law, the holder of the Mysteries, and the seat of initiation… a far more occult organization than can be realized… intended to be the training school for coming advanced occultists." (SOURCE: "President Clinton Will Continue The New World Order"; Dennis L. Cuddy, RESEARCH MANUAL: AMERICA 2000/GOALS 2000, MOVING THE NATION EDUCATIONALLY TO A "NEW WORLD ORDER" Editor: James R. Patrick Citizens for Academic Excellence, 1994, 28-48).  In his book, Morals and Dogma, Pike states: “Every lodge is a temple of religion, and its teaching instruction in religion... Masonry is the successor to the Mysteries.”


Activism for Justice

After these long years, we still advocate for justice. Since the attacks on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon on 9/11, we have lived on a new era of our time. Later, we saw a seemingly, never ending continually War on Terror on multiple continents. We have seen this war on terror contribute to economic and social problems along with massive police state like spy programs worldwide, even in America. The Patriot Act has policies in it that blatantly violate human constitutional and human rights. We know facts. It is a fact that the CIA and the MI6 have been involved in coups, supporting military dictatorships overseas, and other nefarious actions. It is a fact that there is a supranational network of hundreds of elitists and thousands of political organizations along with NGOs with huge influence in Western political life. The only solution is really independent, progressive solutions. Strong labor unions are part of human existence that should exist. We should have a living wage, fair working hours, the abolishment of child labor, pensions, and watchdog groups to monitor banks and corporations. There must be a strong social safety net like Social Security. Education should be accessible by any human being. There should be taxation on the super wealthy which is fair. Also, economic justice won't exist without racial justice. We are clear that any human being of any color should be treated with dignity and with respect. A vital commandment is to treat our neighbors as ourselves. That means immigrants and migrants too. Black liberation is a legitimate goal that I subscribe to as a black human being. After these decades of me living on this Earth, I have maintained my core convictions. I have never given up, and I believe in justice and equality for all. I will mention more information on this Mysteries of Life series as well. 

 By Timothy


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