The influence of STEM is hugely widespread. From riding a car to creating complex computer programs, STEM fields are everywhere in our society. The paradox of STEM in our modern age is that most STEM jobs are in high demand, but many people struggle to get them because tons of STEM jobs require a significant amount of training and certifications. The good news is that the Internet and new educational opportunities alone have allowed many human beings of every background to get the wisdom and education necessary to gain a foothold in STEM careers. Medicine relating to natural, physical, and life sciences all help with fighting disease, improving longevity among human beings, and describing the nature of genetics in general. To know about the human body and life, you have to understand about atoms and molecules. Multiple atoms will make up molecules. The human body is made up of many chemical elements. To start, the human body is made up of atoms and molecules. These particles develop into cells. These cells are the major building blocks of organ systems (as cells come together to form many organs of the human body. The human body is a complex, multi layered system). You need to know about chemistry to know our body too. We are made up of many elements found around the Universe. Hydrogen and helium are elements needed in the Universe. That is why atoms, molecules, and elements help to produce life. The human body has oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, sulfur, potassium, magnesium, sodium, and chlorine, including iron (many of these elements are necessary to develop proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. Calcium in the body is needed for bone strength, blood clotting, and helping the nerves including the muscles. So, in essence, human beings are made from the star dust or elements from the Universe itself). Also, there is physiology or how organs function. Computer technology doesn't just deal with cell phones and laptops. It relates to digital phones, HD TVs with high-definition graphics, and the way on how people create algorithms. Not to mention that when you deal with engineering, it can relate to 3-D printing, CAD, and new advanced technologies developing all of the time in the 21st century. Mathematics is found in human beings, nature, and around the Universe. Mathematical laws and formulas are known more now about the orbits of planets, the rising of tides, Phi, and how DNA flows among the human race. DNA is heavily filled with biology and mathematics.
One of the most important, popular engineering feats have been the growth of advanced jet packs. By March 2017, Richard Browning founded the pioneering Aeronautical Innovation company called Gravity Industries. This company have promoted the right of human beings to experience flight with an advanced machine. The Gravity Jet Suit uses over 10000 bhp of Jet Engine power combined with natural human balance to have a thrilling experience. The Gravity team is based in the UK. It has delivered over 100 flights and speaking events across 30 countries. It has been to 5 TED talks too. Gravity Industries tested their Jet Suit many times from being in mountains and in other environments. We have Adam Savage building a suit looking like an Iron Man suit that flies too. There is the recent story of Chucky Wright using his paramotor flying device to fly 17,500 ft. above the Earth's surface which is incredible. The atmosphere is made up of different parts. The troposphere or the lowest layer of the atmosphere is about 6.2 miles or about 33,000 ft. Most clouds appear here, mainly because 99% of the water vapor in the atmosphere is found in the troposphere. Air pressure drops, and temperatures get colder, as you climb higher in the troposphere. Then, above that is the stratosphere being 31 miles above the ground. This is where the ozone layer is located. Ozone molecules in this layer absorb high-energy ultraviolet (UV) light from the Sun, converting the UV energy into heat. Unlike the troposphere, the stratosphere actually gets warmer the higher you go! That trend of rising temperatures with altitude means that air in the stratosphere lacks the turbulence and updrafts of the troposphere beneath. Commercial passenger jets fly in the lower stratosphere, partly because this less-turbulent layer provides a smoother ride. The jet stream flows near the border between the troposphere and the stratosphere. Above that is the mesophere. It is 53 miles above the planet. This is where meteors burn up at. Temperatures get colder the higher you go. It can be as cold as -130 degrees F. Air is too thin to breathe. The thermosphere is the layer of rare air. High-energy X-rays and UV radiation from the Sun are absorbed in the thermosphere, raising its temperature to hundreds or at times thousands of degrees. However, the air in this layer is so thin that it would feel freezing cold to us. It's similar to outerspace with satellites in this region. It can be 311 to 621 miles above the ground. The aurora or the Northern Lights and the Southern Lights are in this region. Temperature can be 932 degrees or higher. Above this level is the exosphere that goes into space. It is about 62,000 miles or higher above the surface of the Earth. The ionosphere is a series of regions in parts of the mesosphere and thermosphere where high-energy radiation from the Sun has knocked electrons loose from their parent atoms and molecules. The exosphere is where the Space Shuttle can be found.
Today, 3-D printing have been involved in creating homes for years. The technology continues to evolve. The question is how can the price of these homes can decrease. 3D Printing uses concrete and engineers use electricity and other components like lights, etc. in order to make the process exist in total fruition. 3D Concrete Printing Autonomous Robotic Construction System made by SQ4D, can be set up at a build site and can print a 1900 square foot home in under 48 hours. The printer lays concrete layer by layer, creating the foundation and the interior and exterior walls of the house. The 3D-printed house comes with three bedrooms, two full bathrooms, and an open floor plan, and because it is printed from concrete it’s strength and durability exceeds that of conventional wood-frame house constructions, while utilizing a more sustainable and cheaper building process. Plus the concrete that is used to print with, is 2-3x stronger than most brick and block homes, and the houses can be printed anywhere on any block of land, even with elevations. This technology is in its infancy (as you have to deal with electrical wiring, outer isolation, security, building regulation rules, and other issues), but it will certainly get better as time goes on in the 21st century. Sterling Backus created a Lamborghini using 3-D printing in Colorado. The car has been on display at the Denver Auto show in 2021. Backus has driven the car before.
High speed trains systems have increased in their power in our modern day world. The Superconducting Maglev (SCMAGLEV) is the latest advancement in the world of high-speed ground transportation. It's found in Japan. High speed rail has transformed rail. This train can travel almost 400 mph. On April 21, 2015, a manned seven-car L0 Series SCMaglev train reached a speed of 603 km/h (375 mph), less than a week after the same train clocked 590 km/h (370 mph), breaking the previous land speed record for rail vehicles of 581 km/h (361 mph) set by a JR Central MLX01 maglev train in December 2003. This technology has been tested in Australia, America, and all over the world. In 2016, the Federal Railroad Administration awarded $27.8 million to the Maryland Department of Transportation to prepare preliminary engineering and NEPA analysis for an SCMaglev train between Baltimore, MD, and Washington, DC. In 2009, Japan's Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism decided that the SCMaglev system was ready for commercial operation. In 2011, the ministry gave JR Central permission to operate the SCMaglev system on their planned Chūō Shinkansen linking Tokyo and Nagoya by 2027, and to Osaka by 2037. Construction is currently underway. Many high speed trains don't use convention steel wheels that increase friction and can limit speed. So, engineers started to develop magnetic systems that eliminate friction, have no wheels, and use magnetic force on a guide way. This technology was modernized during the 1960's. The Shanghai Maglev transportation system was very fast, and it changed everything in 2004. Maglev are heavily expensive, even today. So, we have high speed rail lines growing in the world. The Japanese want Maglev lines to travel from Tokyo to Osaka in just 67 minutes. Upgrades of technologies certainly are needed in a changing world. SC Maglev cools the magnets and uses superconductivity to increase magnetic force. That makes the Maglev travel more efficiently.
The rules and regulations of mixed martial arts are rather straight forward. It has changed since the days of vale tudo, Japanese shoot wrestling, pankration, and UFC 1. In mixed martial arts, there are divisions in weight classes. There are nine weight classes in the Unified Rules of Mixed Martial Arts. Their names are: flyweight (up to 125 lb / 56.7 kg), bantamweight (up to 135 lb / 61.2 kg), featherweight (up to 145 lb / 65.8 kg), lightweight (up to 155 lb / 70.3 kg), welterweight (up to 170 lb / 77.1 kg), middleweight (up to 185 lb / 83.9 kg), light heavyweight (up to 205 lb / 93.0 kg), heavyweight (up to 265 lb / 120.2 kg), and super heavyweight with no upper weight limit. Gloves are small and opened fingered to protect fists. It can reduce cuts and use striking in more creative ways. The Japan's Shooto promotion first required gloves. Gloves can be from 4 to 6 ounces in weight. Most MMA fighters are short with 3 five minute rounds. Championship fights are usually five 5 minute rounds. Boxing commissions and state athletic commissions helped to introduce more rules in MMA. Previously, Japan-based organization Pride Fighting Championships held an opening 10-minute round followed by two five-minute rounds. Stomps, soccer kicks and knees to the head of a grounded opponent are legal, but elbow strikes to the head are not. This rule set is more predominant in the Asian-based organizations as opposed to European and American rules. More recently, Singapore-based organization ONE Championship allows soccer kicks and knees to the head of a grounded opponent as well as elbow strikes to the head, but does not allow head stomps. In 2016, ONE later banned soccer kicks. However, they still allow knees to the head of a grounded opponent.
To have a victory in a MMA match, the judge or referee must declare a winner. It can be stopped by the referee due to submission, stoppage by the referee, and a competitor's cornerman throwing in the towel or by knockout. Fighters can have victory by a physical tap out by an opponent, verbal tapping, TKO, and technical submission too. A victory can come by decision, forfeit, disqualification, no contest, and technical decision. MMA Fighters are ranked by many leagues based on their performances and outcome of their fights including the level of competition that they have faced. Sherdog ranks the 10 fighters worldwide only for current available UFC divisions being used by ESPN. Fight Matrix ranks up to 250-500 fighter worldwide for every possible division among men and women. Sports Illustrated ranks the top 10 fighters worldwide for current UFC available divisions. Mixed martial arts promotions typically require that male fighters wear shorts in addition to being bare-chested, thus precluding the use of gi or fighting kimono to inhibit or assist submission holds. Male fighters are required by most athletic commissions to wear groin protectors underneath their trunks. Female fighters wear short shorts and sports bras or other similarly snug-fitting tops. Both male and female fighters are required to wear a mouthguard.
The need for flexibility in the legs combined with durability prompted the creation of various fighting shorts brands, which then spawned a range of mixed martial arts clothing and casual wear available to the public. MMA fighters are in a ring or fenced area. There is the octagon and large arenas in our time that houses the fight competitors. MMA fighters regularly know about boxing, kickboxing muay thai, judo, wresting, judo, luta livre, capoeira, wushu, Taekwondo, and other fighting styles (or stand up, clinch, and ground disciplines).
Now, my generation is Millennials or Generation Y. My generation are people born from 1981 to 1996. Most of us are children of Baby Boomers and Early Generation Xers. Millennials are often parents of the Generation Alpha. Millennials live in a time of declining fertility rates globally, and many Millennials get married later in life. Some people are having fewer children than their predecessors. Many Millennials are less religious but more spiritual. We are the first generation that grew up in the total Internet Age globally. We saw the end of the old school era and the start of the new school era of culture. We saw the elevated usage of mobile devices and social media. Millennials experienced massive economic disruptions from wars and recessions. We lived through crisis after crisis like 9/11, the war on Terror, the Great Recession, COVID-19, and another recession in 2020 (as a product of the COVID-19 pandemic). Millennials exists as the oldest of this generation became adults around the turn of the millennium. I was 18 in 2001.
Authors William Strauss and Neil Howe, known for creating the Strauss–Howe generational theory, are widely credited with naming the millennials. They coined the term in 1987, around the time children born in 1982 were entering kindergarten, and the media were first identifying their prospective link to the impending new millennium as the high school graduating class of 2000. They wrote about the cohort in their books Generations: The History of America's Future, 1584 to 2069 (1991) and Millennials Rising: The Next Great Generation (2000). The Millennials are also called Generation Y. From the early 1980's to the mid 1990's, there was an increase of birth rates in America. Some people call this generation Generation Me, Generation Next, and Generation 9/11. American sociologist Kathleen Shaputis labeled millennials as the Boomerang Generation or Peter Pan Generation because of the members' perceived tendency for delaying some rites of passage into adulthood for longer periods than most generations before them. These labels were also a reference to a trend toward members living with their parents for longer periods than previous generations. Kimberly Palmer regards the high cost of housing and higher education, and the relative affluence of older generations, as among the factors driving the trend.
Millennials saw 9/11, the 2003 invasion of Iraq, the Great Recession, the election of President Barack Obama in 2008, and the Internet explosion. The cohorts born during the cusp years before and after millennials have been identified as "microgenerations" with characteristics of both generations. Names given to these cuspers include Xennials, Generation Catalano, the Oregon Trail Generation; Zennials and Zillennials, respectively. Many scholars define Millennials with the traits of confidence, tolerance, a sense of entitlement, and other characteristics. Millennials are not narcissistic, but we just feel that human beings are entitled to justice by birthright.
Psychologists Jean Twenge, W. Keith Campbell, and Ryne A. Sherman analyzed vocabulary test scores on the U.S. General Social Survey ({\displaystyle n=29,912}{\displaystyle n=29,912}) and found that after correcting for education, the use of sophisticated vocabulary has declined between the mid-1970s and the mid-2010s across all levels of education, from below high school to graduate school. Those with at least a bachelor's degree saw the steepest decline. Hence, the gap between people who never received a high-school diploma and a university graduate has shrunk from an average of 3.4 correct answers in the mid- to late-1970s to 2.9 in the early- to mid-2010s. Higher education offers little to no benefits to verbal ability. Because those with only a moderate level of vocabulary were more likely to be admitted to university than in the past, the average for degree holders declined. There are various explanations for this. Back in the day, tons of people used very eloquent vocabulary. A 2007 report by the National Endowment of the Arts stated that as a group, American adults were reading for pleasure less often than before. In particular, Americans aged 15 to 24 spent an average of two hours watching television and only seven minutes on reading. In 2002, only 52% of Americans between the ages of 18 and 24 voluntarily read books, down from 59% in 1992. Reading comprehension skills of American adults of all levels of education deteriorated between the early 1990s and the early 2000s, especially among those with advanced degrees. According to employers, almost three quarters of university graduates were "deficient" in English writing skills. Meanwhile, the reading scores of American tenth-graders proved mediocre, in fifteenth place out of 31 industrialized nations, and the number of twelfth-graders who had never read for pleasure doubled to 19%. The lesson here is that you have to read to gain cognitive abilities period. Reading a book or literature for at least 15-30 minutes every day benefits you. That's common sense.
Despite having the reputation for "killing" many things of value to the older generations, millennials and Generation Z are nostalgically preserving Polaroid cameras, vinyl records, needlepoint, and home gardening, to name just some. In fact, Millennials are a key cohort behind the vinyl revival. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic in the early 2020s, certain items whose futures were in doubt due to a general lack of interest by millennials appear to be reviving with stronger sales than in previous years, such as canned food. Many artists and other famous human beings of the Millennial generation are Beyonce, Taylor Swift, Rihanna, Serena Williams, Amandla Stenberg, Lebron James, John David Washington, Michael B. Jordan, Rihanna, Britney Spears, Nicki Minaj, Meghan Merkle, and other human beings. More Millennials have selected more than one racial group in abundance in the 2000 U.S. Census plus beyond. Political scientist Shirley Le Penne argues that for Millennials "pursuing a sense of belonging becomes a means of achieving a sense of being needed... Millennials experience belonging by seeking to impact the world." Educational psychologist Elza Venter believes Millennials are digital natives because they have grown up experiencing digital technology and have known it all their lives. Prensky coined the concept ‘digital natives’ because the members of the generation are ‘native speakers of the digital language of computers, video games and the internet’. This generation's older members use a combination of face-to-face communication and computer mediated communication, while its younger members use mainly electronic and digital technologies for interpersonal communication. Fertility rates have declined in Asia and other parts of the world. This trend is in Europe too.
Millennial population size varies, depending on the definition used. Using its own definition, the Pew Research Center estimated that millennials comprised 27% of the U.S. population in 2014. In the same year, using dates ranging from 1982 to 2004, Neil Howe revised the number to over 95 million people in the U.S. In a 2012 Time magazine article, it was estimated that there were approximately 80 million U.S. millennials. The United States Census Bureau, using birth dates ranging from 1982 to 2000, stated the estimated number of U.S. millennials in 2015 was 83.1 million people. In 2017, fewer than 56% millennial were non-Hispanic whites, compared with more than 84% of Americans in their 70s and 80s, 57% had never been married, and 67% lived in a metropolitan area. According to the Brookings Institution, millennials are the “demographic bridge between the largely white older generations (pre-millennials) and much more racially diverse younger generations (post-millennials)."
In fact, millennials have benefited the least from the economic recovery following the Great Recession, as average incomes for this generation have fallen at twice the general adult population's total drop and are likely to be on a path toward lower incomes for at least another decade. According to a Bloomberg L.P., "Three and a half years after the worst recession since the Great Depression, the earnings and employment gap between those in the under-35 population and their parents and grandparents threatens to unravel the American dream of each generation doing better than the last. The nation's younger workers have benefited least from an economic recovery that has been the most uneven in recent history." Millennials are the most highly educated and culturally diverse group of all generations, and have been regarded as hard to please when it comes to employers. To address these new challenges, many large firms are currently studying the social and behavioral patterns of millennials and are trying to devise programs that decrease intergenerational estrangement, and increase relationships of reciprocal understanding between older employees and millennials. The UK's Institute of Leadership & Management researched the gap in understanding between millennial recruits and their managers in collaboration with Ashridge Business School. Also, many Millennials face strokes, heart disease, and diabetes as younger ages. MMA, boxing, the NBA, soccer, and football are popular among millennials.
2018 surveys of American teenagers 13 to 17 and adults aged 18 or over conducted by the Pew Research Center found that millennials and Generation Z held similar views on various political and social issues. More specifically, 56% of millennials believed that climate change is real and is due to human activities while only 8% reject the scientific consensus on climate change. 64% wanted the government to play a more active role in solving their problems. 65% were indifferent towards pre-nuptial cohabitation. 48% considered single motherhood to be neither a positive or a negative for society. 61% saw increased ethnic or racial diversity as good for society. 47% did the same for same-sex marriage, and 53% interracial marriage. In most cases, millennials tended hold quite different views from the Silent Generation, with the Baby Boomers and Generation X in between. In the case of financial responsibility in a two-parent household, though, majorities from across the generations answered that it should be shared, with 58% for the Silent Generation, 73% for the Baby Boomers, 78% for Generation X, and 79% for both the millennials and Generation Z. Across all the generations surveyed, at least 84% thought that both parents ought to be responsible for rearing children. Very few thought that fathers should be the ones mainly responsible for taking care of children. Millennials are more willing to vote than previous generations when they were at the same age. With voter rates being just below 50% for the four presidential cycles before 2017, they have already surpassed members of Generation X of the same age who were at just 36%. Millennials helped Barack Obama to be President of America. Digital technology has been used heavily by Millennials too. Millennials are conscious, educated, adventurous, ambitious, and love travel too.
Generation Z or Zoomers are born from 1997 to 2012. They were raised completely on social media like Tik Tok. Most of them are children of Generation X. They are the first social generation to have grown up with access to the Internet and portable digital technology. Generation Z include very progressive people. Many of them have lower rates of teenage pregnancies, consumer alcohol less, and less likely to use psychoactive drugs. Generation Z view academic performance as very important along with job prospects. They delay marriage. Generation Z young adults and adolescents have higher rates of allergies, a higher awareness and diagnoses of mental health issues, and more likely to be sleep deprived. They are the iGeneration being raised on iPods, iPhones, and iPads. The Economist has described Generation Z as a more educated, well-behaved, stressed and depressed generation in comparison to previous generations. In 2016, the Varkey Foundation and Populus conducted an international study examining the attitudes of over 20,000 people aged 15 to 21 in twenty countries: Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Israel, Italy, Japan, New Zealand, Nigeria, Russia, South Africa, South Korea, Turkey, the United Kingdom, and the United States. They found that Gen Z youth were happy overall with the states of affairs in their personal lives (59%). Most Generation Z people get along with their families, teachers, and other people in their communities. Generation Z loves to research issues of nostalgia in the past from music to cars. Vintage fashion is heavily popular among Millennials and Generation Z.
Generation Z have a love affair with fan fiction, writing, comics, and pop culture themes like K-pop, amine, Star Trek, Marvel movies, etc. A survey by the National Literacy Trust from 2019 showed that only 26% of people below the age of 18 spent at least some time each day reading, the lowest level since records began in 2005. Interest in reading for pleasure declined with age, with five- to eight-year-olds being twice as likely to say they enjoyed reading compared to fourteen- to sixteen-year-olds. There was a significant gender gap in voluntary reading, with only 47% of boys compared to 60% of girls said they read for pleasure. One in three children reported having trouble finding something interesting to read. Generation Z are heavily found in Africa, Latin America, Asia, and other places of the world. Generation Z is a very large population with over 2.47 billion people while Millennials have 2.43 billion people. Generation Z make up the majority of the population of Africa. Over 1 billion people living in Africa are younger than 25 years old. Many have a increase of nearsightedness. Food allergies are more common among Generation Z than previous generations.
One possible explanation, supported by the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, is that parents keep their children "too clean for their own good". They recommend exposing newborn babies to a variety of potentially allergenic foods, such as peanut butter before they reach the age of six months. According to this "hygiene hypothesis", such exposures give the infant's immune system some exercise, making it less likely to overreact. Evidence for this includes the fact that children living on a farm are consistently less likely to be allergic than their counterparts who are raised in the city, and that children born in a developed country to parents who immigrated from developing nations are more likely to be allergic than their parents are.
Generation Z are more progressive than previous generations. They want change to fight climate change. Religion in Western countries are declining while the rest of the world, religion has been increasing. Generation Z are less likely to use marijuana than older generation when the legalization of marijuana is increasing in many states of America. Zommers have strong computer literacy. Also, cyberbullying is more common now than among Millennials. Many girls suffer cyberbullying constantly. Famous Generation Z members are people like Great Thunberg, X Gonzalez, Paige Layle, Nadya Okamoto, Genesis Butler, Maya Penn, and other human beings. Generation Z are filled with influencers, entrepreneurs, and some of the most creative young people of any generation in human history.
Since 1965, massive changes have existed in HBCUs. There was the reauthorization of the Higher Education Act of 1965. It made a program to direct federal grants to HBCUs, to support their academic, financial, and administrative capabilities. Part B was made for formula based grants, calculated based on each institutions' Pell Grant eligible enrollment, graduation rate, and percentage of graduates who continue post-baccalaureate education in fields where African Americans are underrepresented. Some colleges with a predominantly black student body are not classified as HBCUs because they were founded (or opened their doors to African Americans) after the implementation of the Sweatt v. Painter (1950) and Brown v. Board of Education (1954) rulings by the U.S. Supreme Court (the court decisions which outlawed racial segregation of public education facilities) and the Higher Education Act of 1965. In 1980, Jimmy Carter signed an executive order to distribute adequate resources and funds to strengthen the nation's public and private HBCUs. His executive order created the White House Initiative on historically black colleges and universities (WHIHBCU), which is a federally funded program that operates within the U.S. Department of Education. In 1989, George H. W. Bush continued Carter's pioneering spirit by signing Executive Order 12677, which created the presidential advisory board on HBCUs, to counsel the government and the secretary on the future development of these organizations.
Starting in 2001, directors of libraries of several HBCUs began discussions about ways to pool their resources and work collaboratively. In 2003, this partnership was formalized as the HBCU Library Alliance, "a consortium that supports the collaboration of information professionals dedicated to providing an array of resources designed to strengthen historically black colleges and Universities and their constituents." In 2015, the Bipartisan Congressional Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) Caucus was established by U.S. Representatives Alma S. Adams and Bradley Byrne. The caucus advocates for HBCUs on Capitol Hill. As of September 2019, there are 94 elected politicians who are members of the caucus. In January and February 2022, several HBCUs received bomb threats which disrupted academic operations. At least 18 were threatened on January 31 or February 1. At least 8 were threatened on January 4 or 5, 2022. Some reported callers to 911 identified themselves as a "neo-Nazi." In response, the FBI launched a hate crime investigation. Now, Alabama has the most active HBCUs with 12 universities. Because of desegregation, rising incomes, and increased access to financial aid, the share of black students attending HBCUs have dropped form 17 percent in 1980 to 9 percent in 2015. A large percentage of black people with bachelor and master's degrees are awarded at HBCUs. The number of total students enrolled at an HBCU rose by 32 percent from 1976 to 2015 being from 223,000 to 293,000. HBCUs have been more diverse over time as America is changing to be more diverse. HBCUs have black people, white people, Native Americans, Asians, Pacific Islanders, Hispanic people, and other human beings. Non-black people make up 22 percent of total enrollment at HBCUs. HBCUs help to improve the economy in many ways.
Historically Black Colleges and Universities are always tied into Blackness forever. In black culture, hardwork and education are always preeminent precepts embraced by us. For over 100 years, they have given the world many legends of business, law, science, education, military service, entertainment, art, and sports. Our people have shown excellence since the dawn of human history, as black people are the first human beings in human history. I have been to an HBCU before as many of my relatives graduated from HBCUs in real life. These colleges and universities give people a true sense of community and belonging among their own daily lives. The wisdom of Chadwick Boseman, the talent of Anika Noni Rose, the intellect of Katherine Johnson, the eloquence of Nikki Giovanni, and the genius of Spike Lee all encompass HBCU culture. In HBCUs, you see diverse backgrounds, personalities, and nationalities come together to advance the cause of education, justice, and happiness. In life, people do desire joy and peace. One way to advance those legitimate ideals is to have camaraderie with family and friends.
Augusta Savage was born in Green Cove Springs (near Jacksonville), Florida on February 29, 1892. His parents are Edward Fells (a Methodist minister) and Cornelia Murphy. As a child, she made figures mostly small animals out of natural red clay of her hometown, which is Green Cove Springs, Florida.