A lot of news is coming out. Russian attacks are increasing in Ukraine. One of Putin's chief propagandists has threatened to send nuclear weapons to the UK after comments from a UK leader. Russian state TV simulated how Putin would launch a nuclear strike on Berlin, Paris, and London. Ex-NATO chief Richard Sherriff warned that the West must prepare for a worst-case scenario involving Russia's war against Ukraine. Russian nationalist Rodina party member Aleksey Zhuravlyov wondered if a Sarmat missile would hit the British Isles. The warmonger Putin has tested its Sarmat missiles which are nicknamed Satan II. Tensions between the UK and Russia intensify. Putin's chief propagandist wants Putin to use nuclear weapons in the UK. Dmitry Kiselyov (or the propagandist) said that the Poseidon would sink Britain into the depths of the ocean. Kiselyov also desired if a nuclear Poseidon missile would hit the shores of the UK causing a nuclear tsunami to ruin the nation. The UK warns of Russian agents trying to infiltrate the UK. It is clear that the Russian illegal, immoral invasion of Ukraine must be condemned 100 percent.
Oliver Stone recently made an appearance to talk about President Kennedy's views on the Vietnam War. JFK was not perfect, and we know of his imperfections. Yet, President Kennedy did more for civil rights in less than 3 years than Presidents Roosevelt, Truman, and Eisenhower combined. President Kennedy wanted African Americans in the Coast Guard parade during his inauguration. President Kennedy signed 2 affirmative action orders within one year. This order fought discrimination in the federal government. The Kennedy administration supported the Brown V. Board decision. JFK funded voting drives in America. We have more than enough evidence to prove that President Kennedy wanted 1,000 troops withdrawn from Vietnam in 1963 and all U.S. troops gone by 1965. JFK submitted his omnibus civil rights bill to Congress in February 1963. Kennedy supported nationalist movements in Africa, and he supported the nationalist leader of Indonesia as proven in the book of JFK vs. Allen Dulles: Battleground Indonesia. That book was published in 2020. So, President John F. Kennedy was not perfect, but he did many progressive actions when he was President.
People know that the Supreme Court has confirmed the leak of the abortion draft opinion. The draft opinion is about the Supreme Court in a majority of its members wanting to end Roe V. Wade as we know it. Years ago, many people didn't envision them, but now this is a real possibility. This is why elections matter. Many protesters and Senators have reacted to this situation. In November 2022, we are going to witness a massive turnout in voting for Congress. Those who are pro-life and pro-choice are certainly gathering their grassroots people to protest now at the Supreme Court. If Roe is overturned, then about 26 states would likely ban abortion in America. There are protests all over America from New York City to Washington, D.C. In America, we have no federal paid maternity leave, no federal universal health care, massive voting restriction laws in various states, and no universal Medicaid. Therefore, we live in troubling times in America.
The common lie promoted by the far-right and some media pundits is that Democrats have gone too far left. This lie has been promoted by Elon Musk. The truth is that the grassroots progressives have always been progressive. The Democratic establishment leaders have moved to the right in recent decades. Back in the 1970's, there was talk of massive economic benefits for workers. There was talk of the Second Bill of Rights back in the 1940's too. Now, the DLC and other moderate groups have held real legislation hostage. Most Americans are progressive. 88 percent of all Americans want lower drug prices. 84 percent of Americans want to expand Medicare. 73 percent of all Americans support paid family leave. The vast majority of Americans want the super-wealthy to pay their fair share of taxation. These are all common-sense policies that the vast majority of Americans subscribe to. It is common sense to advocate for a living wage, climate justice, universal healthcare, public colleges, and police demilitarization. The far-right believe in glorifying Putin, have billionaire tax cuts, support bans on books that promote equality, and some advance the lie that the 2020 election was stolen.
Yesterday was the Birthday of the late Brother Sugar Ray Robinson. He is known as the greatest boxer in human history. He was in the Boxing Hall of Fame in 1990. With his combination of speed, power, and agility, he changed boxing forever. How people box in our time and move certainly was inspired by him. He was born in Ailey, Georgia. He fought in 4 weight classes being lightweight, welterweight, middleweight, and light heavyweight. He fought boxing in the professional match as early as the late 1930's. He won the New York Golden Gloves in 1939 and 1940. He had a 91-fight unbeaten streak from 1943 to 1951. Sugar Ray Robinson helped to modernize the entourage found in modern sports. He modernized the style of the modern boxer with rhythm. A great fighter uses not only technique in offense and defense. He or she must use rhythm in creating the mechanism for the greatest form of expression. Sugar Robinson could brawl and use old-school boxing tactics. Before Floyd Mayweather's creative fashion and flashy style, Sugar Ray Robinson did it first. He loved his wife and children.
Rest in Power Brother Sugar Ray Robinson.
By Timothy